New Year, New Possibilities
This time of year, many of us are excitedly planning for the new year.
Maybe you are setting your New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe, like me, you realize that those resolutions never seem to last further than February, so you are looking to set smaller goals towards those eventual goals.
On Thursday, I talked about the “One Small Change” Challenge. Basically, instead of setting major, vague goals, try taking baby steps toward the accomplishment of those goals (*Check out that post, “One Big Dream-One Small Change,” with suggestions on small change ideas, here.)
Whatever your plans (or lack of plans) for the new year, we all have a carried sense of areas of our life that could use improvement, am I right? I know that I recognize so many in my own life right now, for sure!
And above all, the greatest improvement we can make is to know & love our God more with each passing day, week, month, & year. (*Check out “The Greatest Prayer-To Know & Love God” post, here.)
The Tricky Subject
But wait a minute. This can be a pretty tricky subject.
I am sure, if you are like me, you may have heard many a sermon on “10 Ways to be a Better Christian.”
And maybe, if you’re also like me, you probably had already recognized many of those weaknesses within yourself & upon the sermon’s close, are now riddled with a sense of even greater disappointment & burden.
Sometimes, no matter how much you know you should change or how much you wish to change, you just don’t know HOW to be better, or where to start, or how to change… because your efforts always seem to fall flat.
The Solution We Need
Well, have no fear, because I have found a solution that will ease those fears, shame & worries away, while also bringing about those changes that you see are needed!
God makes it happen-Not you.
Let me explain….
The Book That Unveiled Truth
I read a book a couple years ago, written by Andrew Murray (translated into English), called “Andrew Murray on Prayer”, a collection of his works.
His words of wisdom changed the ENTIRE course of my life when it comes to failing at change.
Mind you, it wasn’t HIS wisdom, but rather his teaching on GOD’S wisdom that forever changed me.
Here’s the magic key. (*Please read his collection for yourself, because he speaks much more eloquently & succinctly than I do!) The magic key is God.
Not on Our Own
Now wait a minute!! We are supposed to be doing these things FOR God… To be BETTER for God…. So how is HE the key to make that happen?
You see, God gave grace for free. We are not asked to now pay off our debt. (*Hint: We can’t!) We are all limited, finite, & prone to weakness & mistakes.
We CAN’T change ourselves on our own.
Only God can.
For God, By God, Through God
Andrew Murray’s writings helped me to see that every time God asks something of us, He includes, “by faith”, “through faith”, “by God”, or “through God,” with His request.
The pattern? When He asks something of us, He doesn’t expect us to measure up to be good enough or strong enough or wise enough or diligent enough to complete the tasks.
He simply asks us to trust HIS “enoughness” to make them happen!
He asks. He provides everything we need to fulfill those requests. And we just do. We let Him be the power, wisdom, & strength behind everything & we just do.
Lay It All Down
So, listen to me with this… Take all of that burden from your tired, aching shoulders, & place it on His.
REST in Him. Choose what is “BETTER“.
The Key–Strive to Know & Love God More & Trust HIM
Remember how I brought up the “Greatest Prayer”—to know & love God?
THAT is the key.
THAT is the key to EVERYTHING.
You see, God doesn’t ask us to take our yoke & then ask Him to help us carry it, with our plans & attempts to be better & good & everything else.
He asks us to take up HIS yoke. His plans, His ways, His goals for us, His path. Not ours.
“Come unto me, all you that labor & are heavy laden, & I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you, & learn of me; for I am meek & lowly in heart: & you shall find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy, & my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
We may mean well & want to please Him, which is an AWESOME thing to desire, but we must learn to desire HIM first & to learn to bow everything else before Him, trusting Him to shape us, guide us, & grow us in His timing, His ways, His wisdom, & HIS POWER.
Be Everything VS Trust God in Everything
I heard a friend share about the Proverbs 31 Woman. (*Some of you are eye-rolling right now, feeling completely lacking compared to this woman we all marvel at, but hear me out.) My friend shared a unique angle I had never heard taught before.
She shared the qualities of the Proverbs 31 Woman in clear detail, covering all of her amazing qualities & characteristics to a group of high school girls.
She finished this discussion with a list of all of them, bulleted plainly, to show all of them.
The girls began furiously taking notes, knowing that they should or wanted to be this type of woman for God.
But then, my friend did something that struck me so powerfully that it has stuck clearly in my heart to this day. She put a giant X through the list & told the class not to write a single word of it down.
Of course, we all, including myself, looked around, confused. We wanted to please God like that woman! We wanted to prove our dedication & love to Him by learning to emulate the Proverbs 31 Woman. We wanted to be enough for God! We wanted to be good enough.
But then, she followed with words similar to these, “Don’t write down that list. Imagine that list as a bunch of spinning plates. You are trying to balance each plate as it spins, focusing & stressing to keep those plates steady & spinning, all simultaneously. You drop one, two, five. They break.
You feel panicked, trying to measure up, trying to keep going. Trying to be good enough for God. But you keep failing. You are growing more weary. More dejected.
Instead, spin ONE plate—learning to know & love God more every day. Girls, as you strive to do that, God will guide you through everything else.
God doesn’t expect perfection upon salvation. He expects our love & trust in His ability to change & shape us into that woman in His timing. Give yourself grace & trust fully in GOD’S GRACE. He. Is. ENOUGH.”
(*And now you know the story that inspired “The Greatest Prayer-To Know & Love God” post.)
The Common Thread
You see, the common thread between Andrew Murray’s writings & my friend’s Bible lesson is letting God be the orchestrator of change in your life.
Don’t strain to be good enough for God. Rest in the fact that God is good enough for you—more than GOOD enough.
Rest in Him. Get to know Him. Learn to love Him more each passing day.
Cross It Out, Lay It Down, Lean into God
So, take your list & cross it out. Or rather, lay it at God’s feet.
Tell Him, “Lord, Father, Almighty God… These are things I know I want to improve, but You know me. You know me better than I know myself. You, God, know how best to lead me. Guide me where YOU want ME to change. And give me wisdom on HOW to change, on steps to take, on where to learn modeled behavior that honors you for THAT area. Give me YOUR strength to make it happen. Give me YOUR power to see it through. You are enough & I trust Your guidance & growth in me, so help me see it through Your way, Your timing, & Your will. AMEN.”
He Is Faithful
One of my goals, for many years, was to read my Bible consistently & not just rely on “tweetable” verses or chapters used in studies I was going through. I knew God was pressing on me to improve in this, but I wasn’t trusting Him with the change or the how.
And today, I will be finishing my last two chapters in Revelation to complete my read through of the Bible for the second time!! And this time, diligently within the year of 2018!
I didn’t read every day & I allowed myself grace. But also, on days where I had a headache or was sick or distracted or busy, where I felt I just couldn’t read that day, I would stop & pray & ask God to give me clarity of thought from distractions or haziness from headaches/colds & ask God to give me strength to stay awake & alert enough to read before bed.
I wouldn’t give up if I didn’t feel His help right away, but would wait & rest in Him, knowing that He would give me the strength & clarity I needed to complete a task which honors Him—knowing Him more.
He always provided. He was faithful to help me make it happen 100% of the time, without fail.
He Provides His
God doesn’t ask us to honor Him with our time & efforts on our OWN strength, power, or wisdom. He provides His.
So, if you have something that you know you need to do that would honor Him, ask for His help in doing it. Don’t exhaust yourself doing it on your own.
He doesn’t ask us to prove our love to Him through tasks. He loves us & because God loves us, when we submit to Him, He offers His power & His wisdom to accomplish what He asks.
Not your ability, but His.
Trust Him. It’s definitely worth it, 100% of the time!!
Let Him be God.
Don’t think about all of the things you should be willing to give up. Think of all the ways He provides: peace, strength, contentment, rest, joy, love, etc.
He. Is. Enough. 100% & beyond.
Through God. By God. For God.
Trust His “enoughness.” Trust His plan. Trust His know-how. Trust His love for you.
Trust His everything.
Coming Next Week
Join me next week, on Monday EST, for some more encouragement!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Truth Earrings

These incredibly light earrings are made with genuine local capiz shell.
Artisan Information:
In the Philippines, finding employment as a woman in poverty can be extremely difficult. Poor working conditions, lack of job security, & unfair pay are often the realities. Through your purchase, these women are receiving an income, health care, & social development programs. This allows these women to realize their potential & pursue their dreams in a safe environment. You have the opportunity to change lives!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in the Philippines!
Shop Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!