A Love Story
On this journey of pivotal moments in my life, where God helped me do a one hundred eighty degree turn around from my personal wisdom to trusting His, I cannot neglect talking about finding my husband God’s way.
I wrote about our love story in a two-part short story, so if you like reading love stories, check those out, by clicking each of the two links for A Love Story & A Love Story-Part 2.
Answered Prayers
But today, I want to talk to you about how God answered many prayers of mine along the path of meeting the man I now call my husband.
I am like many who will read this, I prayed for a good husband—someone who would love me forever & be loyal & be an understanding listener—but I just sort of expected to make my own decision, know immediately, fall in love, & get married.
But God doesn’t always work like that. Our understanding is limited, His is limitless. Sometimes (it should be always), we have to hold on in faith through the journey.
Scared of the Unknown
After falling in love out of high school, & then having to break his heart & my own to walk away, I was quite wary of the idea of believing in love again.
I didn’t want to let myself fall, only to have my heart or his broken.
I didn’t want to trust in a happily ever after that never came.
I didn’t want to trust in love, only to have that love walk out the door.
I didn’t want to wake up someday, only to be dreaming of some other man as the, “if only I had waited, & then I could have married this dream boat.”
I didn’t want a husband who had that happen to him.
I didn’t want depression or injury to push him into the arms of another woman.
Wrestling Insecurities
I also had my internal wheel of insecurities to wrestle with, still:
“I am too fat & ugly to maintain a loyal, loving man.”
“I talk too much & once a guy sees that, he will be looking for an out.”
“I struggle with depression at times, & that makes me less desirable.”
And the list went on.
In other words, I was scared to let myself love anyone. The cost seemed too high & the risk too great.
I Do… But I Don’t…
So, when I prayed, after losing my first love, my prayers were more like “Lord, I really want to fall in love & get married, but at the same time, I really, really don’t.”
So, I rested from dating, still praying for God’s wisdom & guidance (& healing of my broken heart).
I also read “When God Writes Your Love Story,” by Eric & Leslie Ludy, a book my Mom had gifted me as a teenager, at which I had rolled my eyes & shoved on a shelf, to be ignored every day since. But now, it seemed like a beacon of hope.
His Way Now
I no longer wanted relationships based on how much flirting I could do or how perfect I could make myself seem—a perfect listener, ALWAYS there for ANYTHING, always charming & flirtatious & trying eternally to be simply perfect in every way.
I was tired of the charade.
I was tired of heartbreak.
I was tired of all the fears.
I was ready to try GOD’S WAY because MY WAY was certainly NOT WORKING.
And so, I prayed, A LOT… & I read that book, inspired to try God’s way now.
Baby Steps… No Flirting (or Hinting) Allowed
The journey of trusting God instead of me, when it came to relationships, began to take a step in the right direction when I made a male friend at college, a couple years later.
You see, we started out as friends, but as it seems typical with friends of the opposite sex, one of us developed feelings for the other (hint, it was me).
But I wanted God’s way. I wanted to look back in marriage & KNOW that I didn’t manipulate the results & thus worry whether if I failed to keep up the charade, he would lose interest & leave me. I wanted God’s way instead.
So, I prayed instead of flirting.
Clinging to Prayer Versus Manipulation of Results
I stepped away from trying to impress a guy enough or be likeable or flirtatious enough to get noticed, & I started praying instead.
I asked God that if it was His will to be with this guy, that the guy would make the first move instead of me.
I didn’t flirt.
I didn’t hint at anything.
I didn’t talk about it in such a way that he might THINK I was interested, without actually SAYING I’m interested, so that he would be nudged to think it was possible if he would just get the guts to ask me already! (We girls NEVER do that, right? Cough cough.)
No, I kept it as friends & never assumed it would ever change & I never implied to him that I wanted anything different, EVER.
And when I wanted DESPERATELY to help things along, I cried out of frustration & just prayed, A LOT for the discipline to keep my big mouth SHUT.
And I prayed for God’s will over my own. (I also prayed to remember that God’s will was better than my own & to trust that when I wanted to cave & run into my friend’s arms for a Michelle Written Love Story!)
Nothing… & Still I Trusted in God Over Myself… For Once in Relationships
And guess what… the friend NEVER ONCE made a move… & I managed (through God’s power alone), to keep my big mouth shut.
And we stayed friends… & he since got married… & I adore his now wife.
I am SO GRATEFUL that we both clung to God instead of each other, because we can stay friends with no awkward past!
God ALWAYS knows best, even when we are absolutely convinced that we do!
But that also left me single.
Meeting an Encourager
So, I kept praying & I had the chance to meet with my Aunt, who had lost her love many years ago & who had run into the arms of Jesus as a result of her deep hurt.
She encouraged me so much, just seeing the peace & assurance that flowed through her words & her life. She had such inner strength, that you could tell flowed from her deep trust in God over herself or her circumstances.
She traveled the world, as a summer missionary to several locations, from which she would rotate each summer.
She inspired me. She showed me what I life of single-hood could offer—a life so in love & so in touch with God’s guidance, peace, strength, & wisdom that seemed to flow through every aspect of her personality & life & encouraged everyone around her.
A Holy Distraction
I decided then that a speaker I had heard at Liberty University was right, “Marriage is a holy distraction. Yes, it is a blessing ordained by God, but He also says that if we can manage it, a life devoted to God is so much more fulfilling. With a family, you are distracted often from deepening your own knowledge of & relationship with God because you are hopefully dedicated to encouraging those things in your family & expending your energy & focus on them instead of God quite frequently. Not bad, but still, “a holy distraction.””
I no longer rolled my eyes at or recoiled at the idea of singlehood.
I actually wanted it!
So, then came the next step in trusting God with relationships—giving up that idea of singleness… but that will have to wait for next week.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement, & to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
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A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Change Earrings

Silver hammered hoops feature coral and turquoise-toned beads wrapped in a fun color-blocked pattern. Crafted in Pakistan.
Artisan Information:
In this area of Pakistan, women are often sold as bond slaves due to family debt. Education & work opportunities are limited for women in this country, as their lives are oppressed because of their gender. Through your purchase, these women are being freed from bondage. They can now make a self-reliant income, while also receiving reading & writing classes. You can bring hope to women in Pakistan!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Pakistan!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!