We Interrupt This Program to Bring You…
Okay, so this isn’t normally how I run my blog, but I feel like it needs to be said now, today.
Today, we deviate from the pivots (those will probably resume next week).
Today, we let God take over for a message that I need reminding of every single day (added during editing… you’ll see why that’s important later).
God’s plans aren’t our plans.
Just Everyday Life
When the Bible says repeatedly, “And the people did what was right in their own eyes,” we often & easily think of it as revelry & outright sin.
But hold up, when you actually look up those references, where that phrase is written (go ahead & do a search online), sometimes it literally means just that, “the people did what was right in their own eyes,” when referring to just everyday life… No outright sin involved.
Even Well-Intentioned Christians… Like Me
So, do we do that, too? Do we live according to “what seems right in our own eyes”?
I would say a GIANT “yes” to that question.
EVEN, (now hear me on this), EVEN well-intentioned CHRISTIANS.
Even… ME (yes, I admit it).
Now, before you go thinking, “now wait just a cotton picking minute!” (where did that phrase even come from? haha)… but before you write me off, stick with me a minute & you’ll see what I mean.
But Wait! I Think I Know This One!
We, as humans, tend to take what we know & run with it, substituting a relationship with God, through the Holy Spirit, with our OWN knowledge of Scripture.
Now, don’t get me wrong, we need to study up on the Word of God, aka the BIBLE, because it is God’s Word to us. It is how He shows us who He is… His character, His will, His love, His GRACE.
BUT, we cannot study up & neglect a daily relationship with God, through prayer. Mostly because we will NEVER know it all. We are NOT God.
Satan Tries to Trick by Twisting Truth
Do you remember when, in Matthew 4 (I had to look up the reference) Satan tried to use Scripture to tempt Jesus, but because Jesus was God & also had a relationship with God the Father, He knew better & saw right through Satan’s manipulation & distortion of Truth?
Would you recognize it as a trick as easily as Jesus did?
We often think we do/will.
That Pesky Little “Lean Not on Your Own Understanding”
We tend to learn a whole lot & then proceed to lean on our OWN understanding (the exact OPPOSITE of what God tells us to do, in Proverbs 3 (again, Google is my friend).
Or, we tend to think KNOWING the Scripture (Bible) is the SAME as knowing how God wants to APPLY it at any given moment.
ESPECIALLY if one specific way worked for someone else, in accordance with God’s will… like, “oh okay, well we have THAT one figured out. No need to ask for God’s guidance & will for this situation because we already know!”
Some Things Are Solid
Now, yes, if it is “thou shalt not murder” (Exodus 20:13) or some other direct command, we don’t have to question God’s Word… but if it’s in applying a passage to our lives, God is a living, breathing God who is infinitely creative… In other words, it might be best to always be leaning into Him for His direction with HIS Word.
Abide in HIM
The vine & branches parable in the Bible (John 15) has been taking on fresh meaning to me lately as I realize just how EASY it is to rely on “doing what seems right in my own eyes.”
Unless we are ABIDING in Christ (there are about 30 references to that, in the Bible, according to my search), we are attempting to be a branch that is disconnected from the Vine (God), who just happens to be a branch that knows a whole lot ABOUT the Vine.
Fighting Back from What Seems Natural for the MORE That God Offers
I get it, we will never get it right 100% of the time, because acting based on what we think we see right in front of us seems SO EASY & SO NATURAL.
But God didn’t send us His Word so that we could read it & then go rogue.
God wants a relationship.
He wants to interact, guide, comfort, teach, grow, heal, & love us through this life.
He wants to do the heavy lifting while we dedicate our entire being to trusting our entire being to Him, His lead, His will, & His Vine-ness.
I Think I’m Okay, Though…
So, if you’re sitting there thinking, “I try very hard to please God & do good for Him, so I don’t think this message applies to me…” STOP.
Ask God to reveal to you the areas where you ARE clinging to control (or “what seems right in your own eyes”), where you are relying on your “wisdom” instead of His… your perspective, instead of His… your way, instead of HIS.
Because I guarantee you this, there is AT LEAST one part where you have been fooled into thinking, “because I know this much, I am capable of doing this one on my own.”
Don’t let Satan keep you on the hamster wheel of false belief… false trust.
Run into Jesus’ welcoming, loving, COMPLETELY capable arms.
And STRIVE to live according to what IS right, in HIS eyes, through letting HIM take the lead of your life… through growing your relationship with Him, versus merely growing your knowledge base.
God Had Other Plans… & I Had No Idea
Today, this wasn’t my planned topic. I already wrote today’s blog (about “doing everything as if unto the Lord”), but I guess that topic will have to wait for next week.
At the beginning of this post, I said, “Okay, so this isn’t normally how I run my blog, but I feel like it needs to be said now, today.”
Honesty moment? I didn’t even know what “needed to be said” until the words fell out on the screen as I typed.
Scrap It & Walk Blind?
I felt a nudge, a wall, a hesitancy to continue my path, so I stopped & asked God why, so to speak.
And all I felt was that I should scrap that whole direction for today… all of the work I had already done… & just let Him talk. So, I erased my post & just starting typing what popped in my head, not knowing where it was headed.
Sometimes you have to let God interrupt your “regularly scheduled program” to let Him do what He wants instead.
In fact, every day of life should be about us stepping aside to let Him work His will through us… & we won’t know how to recognize the difference unless we stop to ask Him.
So ask Him.
Ask Him HOW
And if you have ZERO clue how to have that relationship with Him that I mentioned, start there. Ask Him to show you how to do it.
He is capable.
No one… I repeat… NO ONE is perfect at this… but “God gives grace to the humble” (written MANY times in the Bible!) & He “is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3).
So, ask Him.
Doing Pretty Good? Ask Him Anyway.
And if you think your relationship with Him is already pretty good… remember that EVERYONE is imperfect… EVERYONE has space to grow… EVERYONE relies on themselves at least sometimes.
So, ask Him.
Shine Hope by growing a living relationship with a living God & letting Him be the boss, always.
Coming Next Week
This week, on Thursday, is our monthly Special Feature Post, so stay tuned!
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement, & to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
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A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Iris Earrings

Iridescent pink crystal beads sway on these golden teardrop hoops.
Artisan Information:
In Peru, rural citizens have been affected by extreme poverty & guerrilla warfare. Women are affected the worst as their husbands generally leave them in search of work. Many are unable to get the basic needs of food, shelter, & clothing. But with every purchase of this product, women are finding hope & an income by hand making this beautiful product. Because of you, these family businesses are now empowering the next generation!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Peru!
(*Also Pictured: Worthy Necklace from India!*)
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!