Can Reading the Whole Bible Really Benefit Me That Much?
So, we have been talking about doubts lately, but today I am going to take a quick detour down one specific doubt I had about whether or not I could ever be “good at” reading my Bible.
I grew up hearing about our need to “be in God’s Word” (the Bible) & to pray, but every time I tried to read my Bible, I felt bored or I just felt like it was outdated & unimportant to my life.
I Thought I Knew Better Than God…
I began to doubt God’s wisdom in Joshua 1:8 & Psalm 1:1-3, for example, to be meditating on His Word “day & night” because it just didn’t seem relevant to me, except for some key verses or concepts that spoke into specific things I was dealing with… but that was about it for me—a sort of grab “what you need” & leave the rest.
I wasn’t trying to be lazy or rebellious, I just was bored & it didn’t feel like it mattered all that much, except to make sure I wasn’t going against God’s will with specific sins or in knowing how to face certain trials, but otherwise I felt I was okay without it.
Basically, I thought I knew better than God. Ouch.
Even the Boring Parts?
Now, I want to confess here that I did have days that it definitely was about rebellion, & I struggle that way some days even now (although a lot less often), but most days I just didn’t feel like doing it because I didn’t get it.
I mean, all the genealogies & old laws & tabernacle design & all of the other boring in-betweens… who cares, right?
But yet, it always nagged me in the back of my mind that I was just finding any excuses I needed to back out of doing something that I knew God asked of me because it was less interesting & captivating than other ways I could be spending my time.
But, So Many Obstacles Always Get in My Way!
But still, even when I would admit that to myself & recommit to it, I would inevitably reach one of countless obstacles that just seemed too much for me to overcome: a headache, a cold, exhaustion, distractions, forgetfulness, busy schedule, losing track of time, impromptu plans, etc. I never could seem to get past the countless stream of obstacles that seemed to meet me at my already lack of desire to do it… so I would give up my commitment again & again because failing each time got old.
It seemed impossible, really.
I wasn’t trying to be rebellious, but life kept happening & Bible reading just didn’t fit.
Defeat Led to Defeat, Which Led to Giving Up
I felt defeated so many times. I would try to recommit out of guilt, or maybe a hint of a desire to see whether it really was as fulfilling as some people told me it was, but an obstacle would hit & I would be done. Again.
So, I read my Bible regularly now… & I actually enjoy it... & I don’t let anything stop me (although there’s always room for grace)… so HOW did I do it?
Here’s the backstory:
I didn’t wake up one day & decide to be great at consistent time reading my Bible (well, I did, but deciding & doing are different things, can anyone relate??) & then also running a blog with a Facebook Community.
I wasn’t always good at reading my Bible (I hardly ever read it beyond quick quotes that seemed to encourage me) & maybe you aren’t good at it either & maybe you see me & think to yourself, “Well, this is just something that she’s better at than me because I have tried it & I am AWFUL at keeping at it!”
So here is my timeline, my backstory (summarized) in hopes of helping you see the potential for a richer, fuller life & a better understanding of who God is & HOW MUCH He LOVES you!
Meeting Christ Young, Intermittent Reading, & Then, the ANSWER That Changed Everything
5 Years Old—Trusted Jesus to rescue me from my sin
Childhood–Read my Children’s Bible sometimes, but not regularly
Middle School—Began doubting God & my salvation & God’s Word & everything (it was a choppy time in my life because of this!)
High School—Went through depression & started asking God to show me I could count on Him when I couldn’t count on anything else (HE DID!)
Young Adulthood—Read books ABOUT God & attended Bible Studies, but didn’t really know how to separate opinion from Truth, or which books I could rely on to know… I tried to commit to Bible reading many times but always gave up.
Several Years Ago–Still had never read my whole Bible, (had begun but kept forgetting or rebelling & stopped many times), usually only bits & pieces here & there in quotable verses or in studies/sermons I attended….
BUT, I then read “Andrew Murray on Prayer” & my eyes were opened to the fact that in all my FAILURES to stay consistent & all my LACK OF UNDERSTANDING of what I was reading… dun dun dun… I could ask for God’s help in ALL OF IT!!
Wow! Total game changer because up until then, I had always beat myself up that I just wasn’t a strong enough Christian to do it & that “maybe someday…” but now I understood that I didn’t have to rely on MY willpower to overcome my constant obstacles because I could ASK GOD FOR HELP every step!
3 Years Ago—I determined to ASK GOD FOR HELP whenever I went to read….
- I asked for His help to understand.
- I asked for His help to concentrate.
- I asked for His help with clarity when I felt foggy or tired.
- I asked for His help to even WANT to read it MANY times when I felt stubborn, with an “I really don’t care right now” attitude.
- I asked for His help to overcome my bad attitude of “I don’t feel like its.”
- I asked for His help on the WHEN.
- I began asking for His help with ANYTHING that threatened to keep me from reading–especially MYSELF.
And I wouldn’t pray & move on… NO, I determined that if ANYONE could help me accomplish this, it was HIM, so I would pray & sit & wait, determined to do nothing else until He answered by changing my attitude, softening my heart to be willing, & cleared my mind of distractions to focus on it.
TWO Years Ago—Finished reading THE WHOLE BIBLE for the FIRST time, within ONE YEAR
ONE Year Ago–I did it AGAIN
THIS YEAR–I no longer need the strict rules to read 2-4 chapters a day to maintain consistency because I actually ENJOY it & LOOK FORWARD TO it!! I am working through slowing down my reading & digging DEEPER–underlining, looking up original Greek/Hebrew, writing notes, ETC. with guidance from KATIE ORR (Look her up!)
You Can Be a “Bible Girl”, Too
So, if you are discouraged, don’t let Satan keep you stuck there... Understand that if YOU can’t get yourself out of that, GOD CAN. So, ASK Him!! And KEEP ASKING Him!
He will show up for YOU, too!! <3
When I first started trying to read my Bible years ago, it always felt boring & hard to understand or to see how/why it really mattered—it seemed outdated & out of touch with NOW.
But when I started asking God to help me even WANT to, as well as to help me actually carry through with reading it, knowing He asks us to meditate on His Word as I mentioned earlier (hard to do when I wasn’t reading it much at all), it is so weird… Every time I read the Bible through, it having started out as so boring to me, you would think reading it multiple times would just be overwhelmingly boring… but the opposite ended up being true… honestly. The more I read it, the more I WANT to read it. Isn’t that weird?
Despite My Many Lackings
I know it sounds like, “well of course it’s easy for you, you’re one to do a blog & Facebook community & etc., but I’m different.” But, girl, don’t let Satan fool you away from the nourishment you will get when you stop letting your obstacles rule your life & you start asking for God to be your help in getting over them.
I wasn’t always good at it. I didn’t always have the courage to stand up for Him & shout His love to the masses, through my blog. But reading His Word emboldens me because I am learning to rely LESS on myself & what I know I’m not capable of & MORE of what I am learning He is FULLY capable of despite my lacking.
The More I Read, The More I WANT to Read
My love of the Bible wasn’t immediate. I had to pray SO MANY times just to get myself through it… BUT, this is me several years in the future telling you it’s SO worth it!
I understand a new layer every read. I understand more of how much God’s got this, all of this, in control. I understand more how AWFUL & wretched sin is (in ME) & also how much more my view of His GRACIOUSNESS grows. I understand more that no matter what I do or did or will do to mess up, in all my efforts & good intentions, God can’t love me any less. His love is unconditional… that means NO conditions have to be met for Him to love me (& you).
It’s All About HIM
And just reading it daily sets my perspective straight that it’s not about me being perfect or “good enough” but about worshipping Him by trusting His will & His daily guidance, strength, wisdom, hope, comfort, etc. And not just with an “I know He can do it,” but with an, ” I KNOW He’s got me.”
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him.” (1 John 5:14-15)
So, get to know His will & start asking for HIS HELP.
Start Now
So, will you start the journey? Or restart the journey?
And this time, don’t let Satan beat you down. Stop in the midst of your countless, “I can’ts” & ask God to give you the win.
“God, I feel stubborn. I feel like I don’t want to know rules or whatever. I don’t even know why, I just feel like I don’t care. But HELP me to care. Help me to see the value in it. Help me to DO it. I want to learn more about your love for me but I feel so stubborn. Help me!”
“God, I [feel tired, have a headache, feel too busy, feel too distracted, etc.] that I don’t think I can read it, but I know you ask us to, so it must be important. Help me to see that & right my perspective. Help me trust You over my own understanding because I KNOW You know best. You are God & I am not & I need You. Help me to overcome!”
The above prayers have been prayed countless times by me (not the exact words, but the same sentiment). Talk to Him. Be real & honest, even if it’s admitting you don’t want to. Just talk to Him & trust Him. Ask for a new perspective. Ask for help overcoming your lack of desire or your countless distractions.
What seems impossible to man is always possible with God, so ASK HIM. (Luke 18:27)
Shine Hope by going to Him for help in ALL things.
He LOVES you.
It makes me crave it, to dwell in it, to cherish it!
So, if you struggle reading your Bible, ask for God’s help & don’t STOP. It only gets better from here!
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
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A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Lotus Earrings

Hand cut maroon suede makes these flower petal-inspired earrings a perfect statement.
Artisan Information:
In India, many women are forced to work in sweatshops with unfair pay & dangerous conditions. But with every purchase, the women who make this product are now working in a safe environment, being paid a fair wage & seeing their lives change for the better! They also have access to education & financial counseling. You are empowering women to have freedom to dream again!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!