When Everything Goes Quiet
Well, today has been challenging for new reasons… Jamie just went back to work full-time today.
The house feels too still. It makes me feel restless & a little trapped in the quiet.
But when I would usually lay on the couch with tv or games or just avoiding the restlessness all day, today I stopped & prayed about it instead.
Not Today, Satan… God, Please Help!
I didn’t want Satan to use my off-ness to spoil my productivity & joy all day, so I talked to God instead.
I asked for help with how I felt & what to do about it. God inspired me to open a window for some sunshine & to turn some music on to shut out the empty quiet, which helped a lot.
Then, He encouraged my heart to just do one task at a time, versus thinking about my list & anxiety as one giant mountain. So, I started by tossing a load in the washing machine & I vacuumed crumbs left after Jamie’s birthday cookout. Then I picked out my next nail colors as a fun break, cleaned the kitchen, etc.
Just one task at a time, asking for His strength & power to help me put one foot in front of the other, /god helped me move forward.
God Helps Every Step
Now, I sit here with just maybe 1-2 hours of work left on my To-Do list! It seems like a miracle after the difficulty I had when I began my day.
God really is so faithful & gentle & wise & kind. I am so glad that I figuratively took His hand & asked for His help today. He always comes through for me.
Thank You so much God, my Good, Good Father.
We All Could Use a Schedule Tune-Up from Time to Time
This experience today, paired with a friend’s mention to me this past weekend about scheduling, inspired me to remember how far God has brought me from the frazzled, empty, shallow life I used to live. I realized it would be a good topic to talk about—How God fits into forming our daily schedules.
Do you ever wonder how to live a more fulfilling daily life? Or maybe how not to be so stressed all the time? Or both?
Making a schedule that doesn’t completely run you ragged, while also allowing for a good balance of activities can be pretty difficult.
New Seasons of Life = New Challenges
I have learned a lot since getting married & moving overseas, going from working full time to being a full-time wife (No kids, no job… swimming in endless “purposeless” time.)
It took me a long time to find a rhythm that works for me… A schedule that allows me to use my talents & gifts to bless others, but also doesn’t run me ragged by over-committing.
The key that finally made it all click together was taking it to God about it & through it.
Fvna;cugdasulkcb… Then, PRAYER
I would feel unrest, stress, or emptiness & then I would ask God what I could do with it.
I figured God knows me better than I know myself, since He created me. So, I would start there… Usually fleshed out in silent whines & groans of dissatisfaction that seemed to swallow up my days.
My days were dishes, laundry, & other chores. They felt meaningless & never-ending.
“Whenever” usually never happened, as chores kept getting put off until they were mountainous obstacles of doom.
I needed structure. I needed purpose. I needed help.
So, I prayed about it & asked God how He could help me.
Finding Joy in the “Mundane”
Many things changed when I did that, starting with my heart.
“Take delight in the LORD, & He will give you the desires of your heart,” (Psalm 37:4) meant for me that the more I sought God in my struggles, the more I began to recognize & discover meaning & purpose in the mundane, making even the little things feel purposeful, with room for joy.
I never thought I could feel fulfilled doing dishes & especially LAUNDRY, but I did!
Baby Steps of Growth, Led by God as I Prayed
Then, He led me to find a planner that separated the day not divided by endless, unfilled hours, but by a simpler & more flexible Morning, Afternoon, & Evening. This really helped change my “Whenever” to “Before Lunch,” allowing me to have a time to push for & giving me incentive to work quickly so I could just hang out AFTER chores were done for the day.
And SOMETIMES, I would feel SO GOOD & motivated once the ball got rolling that I would go back to it AFTER lunch & keep working!
Eventually, with prayer & God’s help every step of the way, a rhythm began to form. I would do kitchen, laundry, & blog on Monday… Bible Study, errands, bills, groceries on Tuesday… etc.
Trusting God with More of My Time
The more I saw God work in helping me with a schedule, the more I began to ask Him advice & wisdom about with things pertaining to my scheduling.
I didn’t just want to live for me… I wanted to live for Him… & others!
Using My Time to Bless Others & Bring God Glory
And finally, upon moving a little further south in Japan, closer to more English-speakers, I was inspired to connect & provide a place to encourage others who might struggle somewhat as I did in Hokkaido.
So, I prayed some more, to add some meaningful ways that I could encourage people in my community.
And once He started sparking my heart with little inspirations of ideas, I would ask Him to help me flesh them out & to know when it was best to host them so it wouldn’t throw off my daily rhythms (or even how to adjust my daily rhythms so they would fit!).
God Helping Me
Eventually, I will sit down with my weekly schedule & look for big chunks of consistent free time & then pray over where it would best fit & then wait for a peace about it before moving forward.
I now have blocks of time determined for each activity, allowing for potty breaks, distractions, snacks, etc. so it’s not rigid or rushed… & when spontaneous things come up, I can simply move that block to another day. (Example: Clean Kitchen: 20-30 minutes depending on the mess.)
This also allows me to be flexible on days I feel like mixing it up a bit… Like, “I really don’t feel like cleaning the kitchen today, so I will do that Wednesday & do such & such today instead.” And I will pray about help with motivation if that is my only issue.
Life Requires Balance… AKA REST
I never stuff my schedule to the brim. I know I get overwhelmed by constant activity, so I allow time for painting at the arts & crafts center on Fridays & patches where I can fit an impromptu lunch or coffee in with a friend & time to just be a couch potato to just plain rest at certain times throughout my week.
I know I burn out if I try to do too much & part of praying over my schedule is allowing God to help me find balance versus swinging between avoiding when I could do more or over-working myself into a stressful fit.
The Opposite Is True, Too
Maybe you’re feeling like you are doing TOO MUCH right now & your world is a chaotic mess, versus the endless void of time that I was experiencing… the SAME applies to you—start with prayer.
God knows your distress. Cry out to Him with it. Ask for His help bringing more balance to your schedule. Ask for His help with finding joy in the joyless. Ask for His help managing your time in a way that honors Him & keeps you sane & also gives you great fulfillment.
He Knows All… AND He Cares for You
He sees you & He loves you.
He knows you better than you know yourself.
He knows & sees eternity past, present, & future… & He knows how best everything fits together.
He knows what matters in the big picture & also things that could stand to fall away from your schedule.
He KNOWS. So, ASK Him.
He Is the Key
Shine HOPE, not by trying to do it ALL or avoiding more for fear of stress, but by leaning into Him & asking for His joy, His perspective, His inspiration, His wisdom, & His guidance as you build a life that honors Him & sets you free from your needless grief or stress.
Talk to Him today on helping you set a daily schedule that is fulfilling, freeing, & also God-honoring! He is the key to remove the stress AND to add purposeful & meaningful activities to your schedule. So, pray.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
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A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Truth Earrings

These incredibly light earrings are made with genuine local capiz shell.
Artisan Information:
In the Philippines, finding employment as a woman in poverty can be extremely difficult. Poor working conditions, lack of job security, & unfair pay are often the realities. Through your purchase, these women are receiving an income, health care, & social development programs. This allows these women to realize their potential & pursue their dreams in a safe environment. You have the opportunity to change lives!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in the Philippines!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!