Grace, by Definition, Is Undeserved.
When you see the title including this little Christian-y sounding phrase of “a grace-filled life,” I don’t want you to misunderstand me. I don’t say it to sound flowery & extra spiritual, as if my life is so wonderful that I describe it as a grace-filled life.
No, when I use that phrase, it is with a very real understanding that it displays how undeserving I am of all that God has done in my life. All He promises me. All He paid for me.
I want every chapter in the story of my life–every high, every low, every failure, every victory, every weakness, & every strength–to be a testimony that points to Him as my hope in every season, all along the way, so that you too can learn to look to Him in every chapter of your own life story… to shine HOPE (in Him) like you were always meant to.
You were made for this… to give God GLORY… even in the small things.
“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)
God Has Always Been
By now, you can probably see that this compilation of testimony that is my life is not one marked by faith & faithfulness on my part, as if pointing to my life as praiseworthy… but by the grace that God has extended to me through all of my failings & shortcomings, because of Who HE is.
He has stood by my side & lifted me out of my mire & grown me through it all… all the highs & the many lows (often self-inflicted).
Growing up a Christian, since I was merely 5 years old, has given me a unique perspective that not many adults-become-Christians get to see. Even as a child, when I had very little to contribute & very little understanding or knowledge, when very little credit could be given to me… God still was. He still worked in my life all the way through it, even in the seasons where I wondered if I would be better off serving myself rather than God… even in my seasons of deep doubts… even when I was rebellious & turned from Him… even in seasons where I wanted to die.
He was faithful every step… even at my worst.
I am No Better Than Anyone
I have been “doubting Thomas.” (John 20:25) I have been “over-eager Peter” who then failed horribly. (Luke 22:33; Luke 22:54-62) I have wrestled with my flesh like Paul. (Romans 7:15-20) I have cowered in fear of God’s call like Gideon. (Judges 6:11-16) I have failed beyond measure like David (2 Samuel 11-12). I have trusted my own solutions like Abraham & Sarah. (Genesis 16:1-2) I have doubted I was capable of God’s calling like Moses. (Exodus 4:10) I have run away like Jonah. (Jonah 1:3) I have promised obedience & faithfulness forever only to get lulled back to living for myself like the Israelites. (Half of the Bible seems to reference this.) I have lived like the prodigal son, only to realize I needed to come home & beg for scraps from God only to see Him welcome me with open arms. (Luke 15:11-32) I have questioned God like Job in hard seasons. (Job 38) I have chosen to want to be the one to know & decide for myself, lured by what looks so good… like Eve. (Genesis 3:6)
And like all of these testimonies we read about in God’s Word, the Bible, the common thread is NOT how praiseworthy these men & women were… but how awesome, powerful, forgiving, loving, sovereign, & how gracious GOD IS.
It’s Strange to be Back
Coming to this final chapter (to be continued, I’m sure), it seems fitting that my husband & I are back on Guam.
If you read one of my first few chapters, about when we moved here the first time, back in 2012 (read about that, here), you know that my time here was one of the most difficult & lonely seasons of my life. Other side of the world, limited “international calling hours window,” husband who worked more often than didn’t, hard time connecting with others, couldn’t find a job, couldn’t get involved, had no car to start with, typhoons, etc.
It felt like life whiplash moving here from where I grew up, near all of my family & friends, after having just graduated late from Liberty University with a Bachelor’s in Business Marketing & having been very active in student leadership/ministry.
Then… Guam.
Our 7 Years in Japan
Then we moved to Hokkaido, Japan, where the isolation was even more intense because of the language barrier.
And I didn’t handle it well with all of my prayers for, “PLEASE, just make the hard STOP!!!!” And it didn’t.
But God didn’t waste any of that, as you have seen. He turned it all for my good, as He always does & promises to do. All for my good & for His glory.
Then, Misawa, Japan, where I began to heal, make meaningful connections & friendships, community, getting involved again at church, etc.
The Day I Got the News…
And then… Guam again.
I still remember my hubs calling me excitedly to tell me all about this opportunity.
Now, keep in mind that every conversation we had ever had in recent years about potential change was us moving to Florida in a couple years from then & settling there stateside.
So, naturally… I thought he was talking so excitedly about & leading up to us moving to FLORIDA sooner than expected. Joyous anticipation was beginning to bubble up in me as he gushed about this job he was so eager to tell me about… FLORIDA!
But no… he finishes his “how it came about” story & topped it off with: “& guess… where… it… is…..!!!!” (pause for dramatic effect) “GUAM!”
I think my heart crashed to the floor quicker than it ever has in that moment. My eyes blanked out as I stared forward like the wind had just been knocked out of me…. Like I had just been sucker-punched in the gut.
NOT Guam…. PLEASE not Guam….
But yes… it was Guam.
Heh. Finally healing. Finally feeling a sense of community & friendship & involvement at church… & then BACK to GUAM?!? I did not have fond memories of my time on Guam.
Then a Tremendously Difficult Move to Add on Top of My Already Unwilling Participation in Said Move
The next year was one I don’t ever desire to repeat. God swung open doors I wanted to lean my back into with my full body weight to keep them from opening. He was like THROWING pieces together to make this happen.
Satan kept knocking the floor out from under us the whole way with sure things being cancelled last minute & misfiled & all the things that made us think it was all going to fall apart… but then, God was like miraculously making it happen anyway, every single time.
As if Satan was throwing up unsurmountable-seeming obstacles at every turn & God was just SMACKING THEM DOWN as if those obstacles were NOTHING.
God clearly wanted us on Guam. So clearly. (I didn’t want to be there… but God was making it happen anyway.)
I Knew He OUGHT to Win… But I Didn’t Want Him To
And I absolutely hated it. I became basically an adult version of a kid having a complete temper tantrum in my heart. Crossed arms, furrowed brows, angry pout, huffs… all of it. I did not want to go back there (here).
Surrender on this one was especially hard for me. I knew God OUGHT to win… because He always knows what He is doing better than me… I just didn’t WANT Him to win.
And to make things worse, as I mentioned… the move was hard every step of the way. Nothing was straight-forward. Nothing was simple. Nothing worked the way it was meticulously planned ahead of time to work.
And getting here didn’t get ANY better… for so many reasons.
That was a year for the BOOKS. And then there were some who were completely NON-gracious about it the whole way through, adding emotional hurt to top all of it off. I mean, why not, right? What’s one more thing to cry about? That’s how it felt some days.
Looking Back
But now, we’ve gotten to this point in my life, & we can look back at all of the different seasons of serious HARD I have been through… even in handling a lot of them quite terribly… & we can see this common thread shine through:
God is able. God knows what He is doing. God is in control. God never wastes hard. God is faithful. God is enough. God can where I can’t. God is a gracious God.
I can trust Him. Everything He does… EVERYTHING… ALWAYS works out for MY good… & HIS glory. ALWAYS.
Even. When. I. Prove. I. Don’t. Deserve. It. Even when I prove it over & over & over & over & over again!
God redeems. God is gracious.
And this isn’t just a “when I get to heaven” thing. I can trust Him with my life even right now.
It doesn’t mean life is going to be all rainbows & sunshine. It won’t. But God never wastes our struggles. He works them for our good & His glory every time… if our hope is placed in HIM.
A Lot Has Happened in 2 Years… How Has It Been 2 Years?
This summer will be 2 years back on Guam now… hard to believe it’s been this long already… seriously feels like it’s been less than a year… & yet it also feels like an eternity. I guess a crazy difficult move that lasted for several months, a house that needed a lot of different work done when we moved in, some traveling, plus a devastating super typhoon last summer made time seem to go by quickly.
But here we are… 2 years back on Guam in just a few months.
I won’t lie to you…. There are still some scars that hurt a little when poked. Some trauma probably from last time leaving me distrusting & unsure of myself here.
But God has also used this place to heal many of the things that were hurt last time we lived here. He has shown me how He is able to spiritually mature & grow a whole church/church body versus just only individuals. He has allowed me to experience & learn to enjoy the blessings of a place I once felt mainly only memories of pain.
I Still Have a Very Long Way to Go
I wasn’t quite 30 last time we moved here & now, as of this past November, I am 40. It’s a different perspective with these last 10 years of growth behind me now.
I still have some healing to do… still have some areas that I need to surrender to God for healing versus holding back by trusting the lies & hurts of my trauma. But God wanted me here for a reason… & I trust Him with that come what may.
Shine HOPE by trusting that God is gracious. My grace-filled life is because of His grace… not because of my deserving… but I will strive to let every chapter of my story point back to Him as my faithful, true, & lasting HOPE through it all.
All glory & honor & praise to God, forever & ever, AMEN!
Coming Next Week
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As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
A Note from Michelle:
(***Check out my FREE Journal Printable Resources: “Accountability Partner Guide + Question Prompts” & “Bible Study Question Prompts ,” as well as “Prayers of Surrender” prayer guides!***)
This blog/website has been running for over 5.5 years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to learn more of my story, check out the “About Me” tab. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” tab, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox (make sure to check your other inbox folders), along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Consider these pieces when shopping for friends, family, or yourself. Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Avina Tote (INDIA)

This stunning patchwork-inspired, quilted tote bag is handcrafted by women rising above the grip of poverty in India. Each Aviva Tote features three various floral patterns in different shades of blue, pink, yellow, and green beautifully sewn together. Keep your essentials organized and secure inside this tote’s roomy interior that features a zipper pocket, slip pockets, and magnetic closure.
*****Every purchase of this tote helps support women with fair jobs, help educate girls, and families leaving slums in India.*****
How You Can Help the Artisans & Support My Website:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me in continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win-win-win!
Love ya lots! Have a wonderful week!