Why Did Jesus Rebuke Them?
I’m working through a Bible study right now on Matthew 5-7 & we’re at the part about fasting. Well, the point of the passage is really not even about the fasting, but about the motive behind the fasting. (Matthew 6:16-18; Isaiah 58:3-12)
You see, the people were prostrating themselves, bowing low, sackcloth & ashes, the whole deal… but Jesus rebuked them for it all. Why? Motive matters.
They hoped they could all live the way they wanted, but as long as they followed all the “right” Christian-y steps, they were all good & God would listen to them when they fasted.
In other words, there was no bowing of their HEARTS to Him… just the physical bowing of their heads.
And Jesus rejected it.
What’s Your Why?
I see that even with how some people celebrate lent. The restaurant advertisements during lent are getting a little ridiculous because lent is supposed to be about denying yourself something you love to draw your heart closer to God & submitting yourself more fully to Him… but has become (for some) a show of giving up one pleasure & just exchanging it for a different pleasure instead during that time period. Doesn’t that kind of defeat the whole point?
And holidays can be the same way, in a sense. Certain holidays, like Easter & Christmas, are meant to be a remembrance of Him & are meant to stand as a reminder to worship & praise Him for all the good He has done. A testimony of His goodness & glory.
Who Is the Figurehead That Represents Christmas?
For example, I’m not opposed to Santa, mainly because he is based on a real human who saw a need & sought to be a blessing to those around Him. But I’m sure if he was looking down from heaven, he would be disturbed by how far it’s gone… making him the figurehead of Christmas instead of Christ.
So, no, I am not opposed or revolted by Santa, but I do think it’s gotten so saturated as the general figurehead of Christmas that he vastly drowns out the real reason we’re reminded to celebrate… the coming of God become man to earth–JESUS–to ultimately give His life as our ransom.
That should be sobering… humbling… invoking of WORSHIP to God Almighty.
What’s the Big Deal about Easter?
And Easter… & the bunny… & the eggs… & pastel… dressing up.
None of those things are wrong at all… but do they reflect the reason we celebrate Easter? Do we follow cute traditions more than we make it about Him? That Jesus bowed His life to us on the cross to pay our debt to God by giving His own life for us & then rising again victorious over death & our sin?
What is our focus? What is our motive? What matters MOST to us if we’re really honest with ourselves?
Do we have all of our Christian-y rituals down? Check. Check. Check?
Or are we really reflecting on having a bowed down heart versus just a bowed down head?
Everything We Say, Think, Feel, Do… Reflects What We Think about Jesus
I get accused sometimes of “trying to make everything spiritual” or that my takeaways “don’t always have to be something spiritual,” but if not, what am I making my life about? ME?
Like it or not, every decision we make… Every word we say…. Every motive matters. Everything reflects what we think about Jesus. Everything is, essentially… spiritual.
Is it just “what can I get out of this?” Or is it, “how ought I surrender more to His control?”
Should I be satisfied with a “good enough” level of surrender? Or should I always strive to aim for more surrender to Him?
Where Is My Heart? … Where Is Yours?
Am I living for me, with a dash of Jesus sprinkled in there for good measure?
Or is my all dedicated to Him as an offering & a sacrifice for His use?
Living for me with God as my backup plan or aide in MY way?
Or living fully for Him?
Bowing low, sackcloth & ashes, denial of self to somehow make a point to God, to somehow manipulate Him into action?
Or bowing my HEART to Him as my LORD God, Lord of my life?
What do I hold back from Him? What parts do I reserve just for me?
Is my sprinkle of Jesus in my life just so I can feel I “did my part” as a Christian?
Or do I live to let Him have ever more of my life?
Who do I trust more with my life? Me? Or Him?
I am Convicted of This Regularly… It’s Too Easy to Live for Me
I am definitely not writing this to say that I have it all figured out nor do I think I always make the best choices.
But I do understand that I ought to do better. Not because it earns me something from God. Not to “get God to listen to me.” Not to be “a better person.”
But because He really actually deserves it. It’s what we’re made for.
Everything in our lives should reflect worship to Him. Because it is what He deserves.
It shouldn’t be about living our routines & our lives & our desires & our dreams… but in bowing all of that to be changed by Him if He so wishes.
He Is More
He has a plan that spans before & past my lifetime. How can I use the time I have in order to point to Him as the One true God, our only HOPE?
He has wisdom & knowledge & understanding I cannot even begin to fathom. How can I bow what I think I know to trusting He DOES know?
How can my life be more than just doing all the right things, to living a life surrendered to His will, His way, His help, His glory? Trusting He will more than care for me along the way?
Why Do You Celebrate? Where Is Your Heart?
What’s the big deal about Easter? Why do you celebrate it? Or why don’t you? What is it about? What do you look forward to? Where is your focus?
What do your plans on this day reflect about what it means to you?
One thing I like to do each year to help me remember what it’s really about… is making quiche. We don’t make it often, but I love the picture as I am making it of the eggs being broken & poured out, just like Jesus offered up Himself to be broken for our transgressions, pouring out a demonstration of His love for us through His death for us… rising again triumphant! That sacrifice nourishes us & gives us LIFE.
“But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) <–He did that for US, guys!
What Would God Say to You?
What would God say in response to your sacrifices for Him? In response to your works for Him? In response to the way you live your life... if His message in Isaiah 58:3-12 was directed at you?
Is your heart bowed to Him? Or just your head?
Shine HOPE by choosing to not just go through the “Christian-y motions,” but by choosing to submit however you feel about it to be changed by Him to bring Him more glory through the short life you do have… by surrendering all the more as time goes by, letting Him be LORD of your LIFE… ALL of it.
Here’s to forever being fellow works-in-PROGRESS.
Coming Next Week
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As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
A Note from Michelle:
(***Check out my FREE Journal Printable Resources: “Accountability Partner Guide + Question Prompts” & “Bible Study Question Prompts ,” as well as “Prayers of Surrender” prayer guides!***)
This blog/website has been running for over 5.5 years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
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Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Consider these pieces when shopping for friends, family, or yourself. Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
April 2024 Hope Mail (INDIA)

This exclusive April Hope Mail package makes a great gift for any occasion! Receive free shipping on this April Hope Mail package that includes our Misty Teal Earrings handmade in India, Silver Duet Bracelet from India, and our adorable Umbrella Sticker mailed in a stylish Fashion as a Force for Good envelope.
How You Can Help the Artisans & Support My Website:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michellehyde.tradesofhope@gmail.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me in continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win-win-win!
Love ya lots! Have a wonderful week!