We Need Each Other—The Desperate Need for Discipleship

Church or Christian Country Club?

I noticed this a couple decades ago & now even more so, but in a country that was once known as a Christian nation, it has seemed that, even in my youth, church is oftentimes more about attending because that’s how we grew up or in order to be a “good Christian,” rather than any particular personal investment or much heart surrender on the part of many whose lives I observed outside of church.

It has also seemed, in many churches I witnessed through the years, church has been treated as more of a Christian country club rather than a body of believers submitted to & serving Jesus Christ—a place to feel good rather than a place of humble sacrifice to Him.

Do we get encouragement at church? Yes, of course. But that ought not be its main function… to FEEL good.

This mindset is often evident in arguments within the church about music taste or carpet colors or other inconsequential things.

Church is not about focusing on us & our comfort & our feelings. Church is about coming together to worship the God Whom we serve, He Who made heaven & earth & all that is in it. It is about bowing our lives to Him to be used as He pleases, even if uncomfortable or lacking “fun.” It is to glorify HIM & make HIM known & seen. It is about learning how to know & love Him better.

A Dangerous Shift in Thinking

How does this sort of thing happen? Where church becomes more about an emotional high & a social gathering rather than serving & submitting to God Almighty?

Well, another deficit I have witnessed is the alarming lack of personal discipleship… aka walking alongside each other in life, pointing one another continually to God’s Truth & the hope we have because of Jesus, resetting our compass to always point to Him & His Word (the Bible), living our lives, whether we eat or drink or whatever we do… doing it ALL for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

That is NOT natural.

It is definitely not natural for me! I mean, sure, there are times where it seems to come more effortlessly. But it is far too easy for me to stray & live for myself instead of for God.

We NEED each other in this regard. We should not neglect the importance & great value of discipleship. Discipleship ought to be a heavy focus in every church as we all seek how we may better please & honor God with the entirety of our lives versus just Sunay mornings & praying before meals.

Pour into the Lives of Others!

I think one of the big LIES satan has infused into much western Christian culture thinking is the fact that you must be a Bible scholar or ministry major or church leadership to be involved in discipleship. This is NOT the case.

God is talking to ALL of us when He commands us to “GO & MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19-20) The Bible ALSO says that the older women ought to teach the younger women. (Titus 2:3-5)

We need each other. We ought to be growing so that we may invest in the growth of women younger than us—AKA discipleship.

The Bible says that iron sharpens iron… (Proverbs 27:17) that everything we say ought to be for the edification (building up) of those who hear it. (Ephesians 4:29)

We need each other. We need constant reminders to reset course to always be seeking Jesus, to know & love Him more.

We All Need Focus Resets Sometimes, Don’t We?

If you see me wearing shirts with Bible verses or listening to worship music or bringing up spiritual things in “non spiritual conversations,” that’s because I need that constant reset of, “oh yeah, HE is what it is all about… not this… not me… HIM.” I NEED that reminder CONSTANTLY.

We really need each other, guys, because it is way too easy to be fooled by the great deceiver—Satan… to be tempted & distracted away, to live for ourselves & our routines & our habits & our responsibilities & our likes & our problems & the many distractions that surround us everywhere, every day.

We need to be watchful, sober-minded, ready, knowing Satan will forever be trying to lure us away from the God Who gave us everything, through Jesus… to doubt Him & to doubt His love for us & to live for ourselves & our own destruction.

We NEED to be prompting each other toward Jesus.

We Need Each Other—The Desperate Need for Discipleship

Maybe you recognize this & you feel like I am “preaching to the choir.” Maybe you are already living to pour into other women & go alongside them in life to encourage them & continually point them back to truth & the hope we have because of Jesus. YAY! Keep at it. It is the most eternally worthwhile investment you will ever make!

Maybe you recognize this is necessary, but you feel you are far from adequate for the task. Well, you are not alone. I don’t feel adequate! But this isn’t an, “I am better than you,” gig. This is an, “I am a fellow weak one in need of grace wanting to learn to live to point back to Him more & more in all things big or small. Seeking always to know & love Him more.

You may not be “good at it,” but the good thing is that God doesn’t require you to be good at it. He requires that you trust that He fills in where you lack, & for you to just encourage a constant turning to Him as your help. It takes practice. And in your learning, you will encourage someone else to learn as well. Yay!

How to Do It…

Maybe you recognize it’s importance & WANT to obey in this, but you have ZERO idea where to start…. Well, first, I am going to ask you to pray for it… with a willing heart of obedience, sincerely asking God something like, “God, I want to encourage other women toward You, but have no clue with whom or where to even begin. Please guide me & direct my steps. I desire this. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” If you are hesitating because of perceived inadequacy, “God, please forgive me for avoiding it because of my own lack. Help me better trust Your sufficiency. Lead me as I point others to You. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.”

THEN, ask someone. Maybe you feel a little nudge toward a younger lady who seems to crave learning about God & His Word… maybe you notice a young woman who seems a little on the outside, disconnected… maybe it’s someone who just got saved. No matter where we are on our faith “journey,” we ALL need growth & encouragement.

Maybe all it looks like is meeting for coffee, reading a chapter in the Bible & discussing it. Maybe it looks like sitting at a kitchen table & talking about life, looking up verses that speak to what you’re facing, reminding each other of truth when satan would rather you drown in lies or discontentment or fear or whatever. Maybe it looks like having a prayer topic sheet list where you take turns praying over each thing, seeking Him together.

Seeking Him Is Our Greatest Reward

(***If you would like an accountability partner guide that you could use for this, I have produced a free printable download in the resource tab of my website. This is something God encouraged me with when I prayed for help in this area. It is not the “holy grail” of guides, because God knows each individual’s specific needs, but it can provide a starting point as you learn & grow. It’s been helpful to me anyway, so feel free to check it out, download it for free (no strings attached), & use it as you get started. You can find that FREE download, here: www.MichelleHydeOnline.com/abiding-in-Him/***)

What holds you back? Repent of fearing that over trusting God, trust Jesus paid for it, & ask for a way forward, trusting He will provide. Because He will.

Shine HOPE by determining to live a life of consistent discipleship, always pointing others to your hope in HIM.

Coming Next Week

Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.

As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.

Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week.

A Note from Michelle:

This blog/website has been running for SIX years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3

If you would like to learn more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3

Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!

Fashion as a Force for GOOD:

Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!

Sicilian Grove Lumbar Pillow Cover (INDIA

Trades of Hope, Sicilian Grove Lumber Pillow Cover, India, We Need Each Other—The Desperate Need for Discipleship
(Shown: Sicilian Grove Lumbar Pillow Cover, traditionally block-printed in India. Purchase this pillow cover using the link found below to empower women in India to rise out of area’s of deep poverty.)

Traditionally block printed, this beautiful bright yellow and deep-green floral Sicilian Grove Pillow Cover is the perfect addition to your summer home decor. Blending ancient Artisan traditions with modern function, women in India handcraft this beautiful block-printed design of birds, pomegranates, and florals.

***Purchase the Sicilian Grove Pillow Cover to create necessary jobs for women in India to rise out of the grip of poverty to impact the lives of their families and their communities.***

How You Can Help:

SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michellehyde.tradesofhope@gmail.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!

Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me to continue supporting them as well as continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win win!

Let\'s Encourage Each Other!

Written by Michelle Hyde
Hello Lovely Ladies! I look forward to encouraging you today. I help weary women find hope & SHINE like they were always meant to! Let's do this journey together! If you want to learn how you can spread HOPE around the globe, Click Here to Learn More!