Intentional Gift-Getting (& Receiving)
Are you wanting to be intentional in your gift giving (or receiving) this year, but are struggling on where to start?
For me, I definitely enjoy getting fun gifts like movies or art supplies, but I also find myself wanting some things that I will carry with me through life… things that have a lasting impact on my faith & growth. And also things that I can enjoy that will also bless others.
Just a Few of My Favorite Things
So, I have compiled a list of some things I am asking for Christmas this year & things I have enjoyed in the past.
I hope they are an encouragement to you & that they make shopping this year just a little easier (& more impactful on your life).
Journal Bible
As you grow in your journey of learning to follow after Christ & submit to His ways over your own, it is such an amazing gift to be able to jot down lessons learned as you grow & to come across them later in life, seeing where God has brought you from & all of which He is capable.
For me, I like to write down these nuggets in the margins, next to the verses, so as I read through my Bible each year, I can visibly see the memorials of God’s work in my life each year.
Such a sweet reminder of all God has accomplished in our lives & all He is capable of doing with the mess we so easily tend to make of it. He is a good God!
There are many versions available, but this is the one I am going to try.
Also, a good set of pens that won’t bleed through! Check online for reviews.
(*Bonus: I have heard of mothers buying journal Bibles & using it to read through the Bible in a year, making notes & underlining things that are impactful and/or encouraging to them, & then gifting it to each of their children as they complete each one. How special!)
Bible Studies/Devotionals
While it is super important to be reading God’s Word, the Bible, in its entirety, so you know the fullness of context & God’s character & love displayed to us… there is also some value in learning from the experiences & learning of others.
Keep in mind that authors are human & can make mistakes. While learning from what they have learned, it is vitally important to check every word they speak against God’s Word & prayer. The opposite is also true, that although they may fail or make mistakes, due to their being only human, it does not mean we cannot learn from them in the area of their strengths, again through checking it to Scripture.
Here are a few which have left a lasting impact on my life:
Authentic Beauty, by Leslie Ludy: While not technically a Bible Study, there is an available printable on her website that allows you to work through areas you have been holding back from God (which she may have made available on Amazon, as a Study Guide?), to allow you freedom from what keeps you chained. The devil is crafty in convincing us we’re fin where we’re at, but wisdom knows there is always room to grow. This is a great tool.
True Woman 101:Divine Design, by Mary Kassian & Nancy Leigh DeMoss: This study was so encouraging to me, as it reinforced a biblical view of womanhood… not swinging so far as to say, “stay in the kitchen,” while also not pendulum swinging the opposite direction to say, “you are a woman & you can do whatever you want!” There is a balance in God’s will & way… There is a season for everything under the sun… Wisdom says to lean into God for that balance & direction.
Lies Women Believe & The Truth That Sets Them Free, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss: It is so easy to believe the lies that have been established in this world before our birth. It seems natural & normal to us, but ends up being a distortion still of the way God designed & intended it to be. Wisdom doesn’t take for granted what human “wisdom” & understanding has to offer, but rather seeks to distinguish the lies they have built into their subconscious to see the freedom in the Truth that God offers us in its place. This book is a great starting point. (There are many versions available, including one for young women & one written by her now husband, for men.)
Andrew Murray on Prayer, by Andrew Murray: (Again, not a personal study, but SO WORTH THE READ.) (This is a collection of his works, translated into English… you may only be able to find individual works written by him, but Abide in Christ is a great one!)
This one is a GEM. We are (or at least I was) often taught all of the commands of God & what He asks of us, trapping us in an ever-failing hamster wheel of trying to be good enough to please God. God never meant it to work this way. Andrew Murray walks us through the HOW to accomplish these things, not just WHAT we are supposed to accomplish. The HOW is leaning into God for help in even accomplishing what He asks of us, versus relying on sheer willpower. God is able to help us, even in walking for Him.
I am sure there are many more studies I could list here, but for brevity’s sake, I will keep it to those few for now.
Bible Coaching
Sometimes it helps to work alongside someone who works to understand God’s Word with a passion. Even having an accountability partner or group of women to keep you accountable & to learn from/encourage.
One that I am going to hopefully learn from this next year is Katie Orr.
While I have not done one of her studies, even following her on Facebook has been an encouragement to me & she doesn’t charge a lot, just $75 for an annual pass right now… enough to allow her to continue spending time pouring into others.
Trades of Hope
Of course, I couldn’t get through a GIFT GUIDE without mentioning this wonderful company.
Everything from jewelry to scarves to handbags to home décor to seasonal Christmas items… ALL of it is handcrafted & fair trade certified.
Each item is made by a woman artisan around the world, striving to work toward a brighter tomorrow for herself & her family.
Many women around the world are treated poorly & receive unfair pay & unfair hours. Many are forced to beg or begin prostitution just to put food on their tables. (Les Misérables is a sad, sickening visualization of this reality for many women.)
The artisan groups in their areas are striving to change the tide for women in impoverished areas, so that they don’t have to rely on handouts, but can themselves be taught & learn a trade & gain an education to end the cycle of poverty for their families & their communities.
Shop their beautiful pieces & be inspired as your gifts offer the great gift of HOPE to the women you support in doing so.
Willow Tree Nativity
(*Pictured on the Cover Photo of today’s post!)
I love these pieces & asked for a few to add each year from family. It took a few years, but I love the final display… PLUS, it’s a wonderful reminder of my family as almost all pitched in with a piece. I love how humble & serene these are, don’t you?
Happy Holiday Season to You & Yours!
I hope you enjoyed my quick gift guide this year! These resources have been a blessing to me, so I hope they bless you & yours, in turn.
God is such a wonderful Father & this season of gratefulness & remembering His birth & the beginning of our resurrection story are both such wonderful opportunities to reflect on all of His love for us. His patience, His wisdom, His love, His intimate knowledge of us as an individual, His grace, His strength, His power. He is a Good, Good Father.
Shine hope, sisters, Shine HOPE. <3
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
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A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Grace Earrings

These earrings feature gold plated metal around local capiz shell.
Artisan Information:
In the Philippines, finding employment as a woman in poverty can be extremely difficult. Poor working conditions, lack of job security, & unfair pay are often the realities. Through your purchase, these women are receiving an income, health care, & social development programs. This allows these women to realize their potential & pursue their dreams in a safe environment. You have the opportunity to change lives!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in the Philippines!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!