Not a New Question
This question of “where is God when I am suffering?” is not a new question.
In fact, it is asked by David in many of the Psalms as David is crying out, hurting, feeling alone & betrayed & attacked from everywhere all at once.
It is a human question, one that every person is tempted to feel at one point or another. (I can’t tell you HOW MANY TIMES I have cried this same question in my hurts.)
It’s a hard question to answer, I will tell you that. But one thing I am certain of, just like David always came back to this Truth, that when my help comes, it will be of the Lord.
He Never Leaves Us Nor Forsakes Us… Even When We Are Hurt
Does that mean He is ignoring us or forgetting us in the meantime? … Although it may feel like that sometimes, the answer is a strong “no”.
He will never forget or ignore us in our troubles. He loves you too darn much.
Our Blessings Can Also Come in the Form of Difficulties
Have you ever felt so caught up in life that when God jolts you out of your spiral, everything finally makes sense? God can use our difficulties to right our path.
A beautiful song that I like to think of when I consider this question of “WHERE ARE YOU, GOD!?” is “Blessings”, by Laura Story. (Go have a listen!)
Our blessings are not just in the absence of trouble, but in the peace, grace, comfort, strength, & power in the MIDST of that trouble.
And even more than that, as we lean into God through our struggles, God grows our character, faith, courage, peace, strength, & wisdom.
So Many Troubles. But, God.
Our troubles can come from many different places for many different reasons & His actions are always according to His perfect Wisdom in every situation (which we usually can’t see in the midst of our struggle).
He knows our needs. He knows our doubts. He knows our struggles & weaknesses & insecurities & fears & scars. And He knows what we need better than we know them ourselves.
He always answers our calls for help in His perfect Wisdom. ALWAYS. 100%.
Oftentimes we are missing out simply by begging God for the end of the trouble instead of clinging to Him & asking for His strength, love, peace, wisdom, hope, etc. to help us THROUGH it!
No matter the source of our troubles, whether it be in trying to keep our fast-spinning world in control in our own strength & wisdom, whether it be the results of living in a broken, sinful world, or whether it be the result of our own sin… He is good. He loves you. He hears you. He is able to bring you victory. He forgives. HE is able to bring you victory (worth repeating, WITH emphasis)… Not you believing harder or proving it more or being better… But HIS love, HIS grace, HIS wisdom, HIS strength, & HIS Almighty POWER.
Oh Hello… A Wake Up Call
I know that sometimes I need troubles to remind me to stop looking to myself or others as my answer. I need to remember He is there. He hears me. He is able. I need HIM.
Our troubles can sometimes come from our own self-focused (doing-it-my-way) actions… a stress that rears its ugly head when we are trying to keep it all together, weighing us down… & God often allows friction in our lives to remind us that we are NOT in control of our own lives & that He is KING.
We are loved by the King & because of this, His desire is not for us to scramble through all of life always trying to maintain control when He already holds perfect control. He wants us to know we can rest in that & have perfect, unmovable peace.
We usually cannot understand that peace until we are faced with a situation beyond our control & we then turn to & lean into God as our help. When we turn to Him instead of ourselves, we are able to be profoundly introduced to or reminded of the fact that God has it completely under control (even when it seemed impossible to us).
He is waiting for us to fall into His arms so we can know the fullness of His power & sovereignty, & love for us through it all.
It’s a Broken World We Live In… A Temporary Home
Secondly, God doesn’t promise us a life of ease & comfort, (even though we really think we want that).
In fact, God knows we will face pain because that is the direct result of sin in the world. In other words, He tells us what not to do because He knows sovereignly that those things hurt us, whether we get that or not… but we live in a world of those wrong choices. We live in a world broken by sin….
As a result, life is just HARD sometimes. Unbearably so, even, sometimes. Another reminder that we need Jesus… & to look at this earth as our temporary home, longing for the day we enter into eternity with our Savior where there will be no more tears & only LOVE & PEACE & JOY.
We Have an Enemy… But, God.
On top of that, the Bible tells us that Satan spends his time prowling the earth, looking to whom he may kill & destroy. We have a spiritual enemy at odds against us, wanting to watch us crash & burn, or at least to convince us to doubt God & to turn from God’s hope & grace through Christ (resulting in US paying our own penalty to sin—DEATH aka HELL, instead of having Christ cover us with His payment on our behalf!).
Don’t let your doubts & bitterness become so poisonous that Satan convinces you that you’re better off on your own. You’re not.
Our Only Taste of Hell… or Heaven… Your Choice
A pastor once made it clearer this way, (paraphrasing here), “If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior to cover the payment of your sin, your time on earth will be the closest thing you experience to Hell because it is broken by sin. If you reject Jesus, earth will be the closest thing you experience to Heaven, because on earth, God still blesses the righteous & the unrighteous, but in Hell, you will be completely separated from God’s love & goodness.”
What a clear reminder!
And We Can’t Forget Our Own Sin/Fault
And still is the subject of our own sin… our own wrongs.
No one can claim a sinless life except Jesus Christ who paid our debt before God on the cross!
And we should ALWAYS remember that while we are breathing, there is ALWAYS an opportunity for grace, mercy, & HOPE… & VICTORY.
A wonderful quote I read recently said that because we ALL SIN, our DEFAULT destination is Hell… & that we ALL NEED a Savior who will pay our debt on our behalf aka JESUS.
Sin Has Consequences, Now & in Eternity… Trust in Jesus & Ask for Grace
I also heard the wonderful quote that “the question is not, “why would a Good God send anyone to Hell?” but rather, “why would anyone CHOOSE Hell over a Good God?” because God gave a way out for EVERY SINGLE PERSON, through Jesus, to ALL WHO CONFESS their sins & ACCEPT Christ.”
Sin has consequences, & all of them hurt us, others, AND God. But eternal consequences can be covered by Jesus & God forgives & gives mercy now when we turn to Him.
Hurts from our sin is inevitable (that’s why God commands us to avoid them!)
Turn to Him, Cry Out to Him, Ask for His Help THROUGH the Storm
So, if you are hurting right now, maybe even feeling like the world is crumbling around you, confess what you need to confess, ask for God’s forgiveness & mercy & grace. If you know you haven’t sinned, then consider that God is in the midst of the hurt with you & He will help you THROUGH it IF you ask Him for His help in it.
Don’t let Satan convince you that the way to solve your problems is to turn your back on the only One who has any chance to truly help you overcome, heal, & carry on in victory!
Shine HOPE by taking your pain to the feet of Jesus. Confess &/or Ask for help from our Almighty GOD.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
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A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Northern Lights Bracelet (& Earrings)

Layered in natural labradorite stone, this timeless style will add elegance to any outfit.
Artisan Information:
The poverty cycle in India continues primarily because of the lack of education. Most schools are not free or affordable. Therefore, many children never learn to read or write & grow up with limited opportunities. However, every purchase of this product empowers women to provide for their children & send them to school! You have the opportunity to end poverty & create an impact for generations to come!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!