Hey Everyone!
This week is my special, monthly bonus post! I hope you enjoy learning some tools that I have gathered in the area of marketing.
But wait! This information is beneficial to EVERYONE, because it helps others have a clear understanding of who you are & what you stand for! It also gives you better focus & a sense of direction in life…. Read on!
What Does It Mean?
When I stepped into the network marketing world, I was met by advice coming from every direction, that were all telling me the same thing. I needed to “brand myself.”
If I were to give you that same advice, (as I sort of did in the title of this blog post), what is your first, instinctual response?
For me, I thought: Pride, vanity, self-focus, self-glorification.
In other words, it didn’t sound so great & I was wanting to avoid the whole bit of advice altogether.
But it kept coming, relentlessly being suggested by those who were successful—those I respected.
So, I decided to let down my presuppositions & actually take some time to look into what it meant to “Brand Myself.”
Looking into It
The more I dug into it, through reading books, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, & reading posts by influencers I admired, I learned some interesting stuff. Branding yourself is not actually about vanity.
It’s about connecting with people you are intending to connect with.
To clarify it a step further, most of the people I will meet online have NO CLUE who I am & what I am all about, just by seeing my smiling face or a few posts (or funny memes I share). They may get a glimpse, but they will still feel pretty disconnected from me, overall.
There are probably TONS of women out there who would really get me & benefit from a mutual friendship—but the problem is… finding each other. And not only finding each other literally, but also figuratively—discovering the “why” behind what would really connect us.
How are we supposed to connect with one another if we don’t really know who the other is?
Other Applications
So, I mentioned that branding yourself is for EVERYONE. Why? It will make more sense when I talk about this next bit.
How easy is it for you to make friends? I don’t mean casual acquaintances that you see from time to time… I mean friends that feel like your tribe. Friends that are “ride or die”, as they say. How many of those friends do you feel you have?
Do you feel easily misunderstood? If someone asks you a question about who you are in relation to a topic, do you stop & think, “Who am I really, when it comes to that”? Do you know what you stand for or against? Do others know?
Another way to look at it is this… Do you have a skill that you are really good at? Or a ministry that could do a lot of good for this world? How will people know to come to you for those things, if they don’t know those things about you?
You see, as silly & as pretentious as it may seem at first glance, a lot of good can actually come from really stopping to think about what makes you, you, & how that can relate to & benefit those surrounding you.
Think of the influence you can have to benefit the world around you, if you could clearly represent yourself to those seeking what you have to offer?
Wouldn’t that be awesome?!
Well, that is exactly what it means to brand yourself!
What Does It Mean?
It means that you take time to think about what makes you, you—& how your gifts & skills can benefit others, & then you learn how to clearly represent those things to people you meet.
It means taking the time to learn more about your uniqueness & celebrating how God made you!
It means being intentional about sharing your gifts & love with the world around you.
It means easier ways to connect with the world, even in the virtual world with those who may never meet you in person.
It means sharing your heart more clearly to those who need a friend.
Not About You
You see, branding yourself is not about making yourself famous (even if that might end up happening), it’s about learning to put yourself into words & communicating that clearly with others who can connect better with you once they know who you are.
It is a door into the real you.
It is a door into what you have to offer this world.
It is a door into living intentionally.
I realized, through my research, that the more I work on branding myself, the more clearly my purpose comes into focus. I feel more directed & intentional about what I set out to accomplish. I know my weaknesses more clearly & know how to better pray about them & grow through them.
Branding myself helps me know who God made me to be & helps me in learning to better appreciate the potential He has built into my life.
That’s why I think it is such an asset to “Brand Yourself.” It allows you to have more focus & intentionality with how you interact with the world around you.
It helps you focus & it helps others see the real you.
If you know what you stand for, it is harder to compromise on your beliefs. It gives you a sense of assurance to live out the you-potential that God created within you—not the version that others tell you to be.
Live life by God’s design & Shine that design to the world, so that they will be inspired to trust the Source of your light & so they will be encouraged to shine their light as well.
One More Thing…
And as a Segway from that, you may notice that I try to share a lot of photos of myself. This was difficult for me, because it felt like my pages screamed “Me! Me! Me!”
But I learned, through my Branding research, that aside from representing some awesome women & partnering to provide them with livable wages (check out more, here), but it is also allows a chance for people to feel like they know me better.
I wish I could meet each of you in person, but since that is not as likely to happen (especially with me living in Japan), a picture is the next best thing. It hopefully will allow you to get to know my personality a little better.
So don’t be shy! Let others connect to you the best you can. It’s not vanity, it’s just the next best things to getting to meet in person.
Also, make sure you check out MichelleHydeOnline, on Facebook, & post your favorite (or most YOU) selfie! I’d love to get to know you!
Love you all! And remember…
Shine HOPE!
A Note from Michelle:
If you want to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” & “Hope is Found” pages, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!

Me & the Hubs, in Tokyo
Empress Necklace
This bib necklace is hand embroidered with an adjustable cotton cord.
Artisan Information:
Even though it is curable, patients with leprosy are often rejected by their families and villages. Due to the visible signs that label them as “lepers”, they usually end up as beggars on the street, often with their children at their sides. This group has changed this lonely lifestyle for these women. They have found a place of life, love, and dignity where they can take pride and gain confidence in their beautiful work.
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in India!
Shop Here, OR, Send me a message through the “Connect with Me” contact form, for more information!