Giving God Our Best When We’re At Our Worst

Feeling Lost
Sprawled on the floor with a tear-stained face, wondering how you will survive through to the morning, wondering if you WANT to survive until the morning.
You have tried everything to revive the ruin of your life…. You have tried to stay positive…. You have tried to be strong.
And yet, here you are, melting into despair, wondering if a life ended is better than another day of the pain that you live now.
You know God. You consider yourself a Christian, knowing that Christ paid your debt to set you free from sin. And yet, you still wonder if even our great God could do anything to help bring hope into your crumbled, bleak resemblance of life.
And then the tinge of guilt for claiming to have faith while still falling apart.
It’s hard to admit you’re falling apart when others doubt your faith.
How do you give God your best when you have nothing left to give? How do you give God anything at all?
Being Faithful in Weakness
It’s so easy to think that faithfulness means never struggling, but how many retellings in the Bible express immense struggles, while still remaining faithful?
Sometimes, doesn’t it feel like, as a Christian, we put this pressure on ourselves to “measure up” to the “standard”?
It feels like being faithful means being perfect all the time.
Like being faithful means never messing up.
Like being faithful means never being overwhelmed by hurt & pain & stress.
We think that being faithful means always being strong & always believing unwaveringly.
We think that being faithful means never falling apart.
We often think that it’s up to us to carry through the storm, to prove our faith.
But Still…
But no amount of our strength & no amount of positive thinking can bring back a loved one.
No amount of effort can erase a hole in our heart.
No amount of trying can undo a devastatingly painful circumstance.
Sometimes, no matter how tirelessly we try, our efforts just don’t do a thing to solve our problem or heal our heart or fix our situation.
So why do we put so much pressure on ourselves? As if, if we try harder next time, we can overcome?
Expressing Pain While Staying Faithful
If we struggle to put the expression or feelings of hurt, pain, or torment in the same sentence as faithfulness, think of some of the people represented throughout the Bible.
Think of Job’s loss & torment, while still praising & trusting God.
Think of David’s lamenting psalms, while still looking to God as his help & refuge.
Think of Christ’s bloody tears, while still obeying God’s mission to save us on the cross.
Faithfulness Isn’t…
Faithfulness does not mean being strong on our own.
Faithfulness does not mean we never cry out in pain.
Faithfulness does not mean we don’t hurt.
Faithfulness does not mean pretending our personal world isn’t falling apart.
Faithfulness does not mean never wanting to quit.
Giving Our Best-Even When It’s Small
Even when we have nothing, even when we are at our worst, we can give God our best just by trusting God to be enough when we are not.
Mustard seed-sized faith–“small, barely holding on, but knowing somewhere, somehow, God CAN” type faith.
Faith that says, “I personally can see no way of hope, but if anyone can, God CAN.”
Stepping outside of the chaos & destruction to say, “God, how can You bring anything good out of THIS? How can THIS be part of Your PLAN?! Help me to trust You because I don’t know how to hold on anymore. I don’t have a plan. I can’t fix it. But God, You are somehow enough. Help me to rest in that. Help me to trust You when every odd seems to be working against me. I can’t. I CAN’T.
But You CAN.”
That’s faith. Trusting that He CAN in the midst of our CAN’Ts.
Giving To Get, But GOD
You see, as people, we have the tendency to think that to have faith or to give God our best, we need to be strong warriors. We think we have to bring something to the table for God to use.
But even when we have nothing, God CAN.
In those times of loss & despair, where nothing seems like it could ever improve, we have the rare opportunity to see that, plainly stated, IT’S NOT US.
That even when we are falling apart at the seams, GOD IS ENOUGH.
Even without our help.
Trusting in the Hurricane
As I sit here in the hospital with my 24-year old baby sister who is recovering from a ruptured appendix, I am reminded of this beautiful truth.
As I sat crying on the couch last Monday, after hearing that my sister was fighting for her life on the other side of the globe, I was reminded of this truth.
Botched travel plans & a day of rushing through three train stations & two airports, I was reminded of this truth.
I didn’t have anything to give. I couldn’t beam to Florida, from Japan, to be with my sister. I couldn’t fix the travel woes. I couldn’t heal her. I couldn’t control anything.
I cried. A lot.
And as I lay there frustrated & aching & scared, on my couch in Japan, far away from my sister, I was reminded that God CAN.
God never loses control.
God Reigns Through It ALL
He sees it all.
It may not turn out the way I expect or the way my limited perspective longs for, but He makes it fit together in a plan so big & so vast that expands beyond the current circumstances.
As I heard in a song once, “Sometimes God calms the storm & sometimes He calms His child.”
You see, even IF things do not go the way we pray. Even if it all seems to fall apart, God never wastes a moment & He is always in control.
He offers peace in the torment. He offers strength in the collapse. He offers power over the fear. He offers courage in the unknowns. He offers HOPE in the midst of hopeless.
He is always working HOPE. He is always pointing back to Himself. He is always offering to sustain us.
God CAN.
So, as I sit here (now writing from the hospital cafeteria, in Florida, as my sister rests), I am reminded that GOD CAN.
I feel strength I didn’t muster. I feel courage amidst the fear. I feel peace in the storm.
God is with us. He is sustaining us. He is reviving us.
God has it in His able hands. God loves us unconditionally. God CAN.
And because I know my sister loves Jesus & has her hope placed in Him alone, I know that even if God had not indeed chosen a road to recovery, (*Which it miraculously seems recovery is where we’re headed at this point!!!!), God would have taken her to a shining & glorious place called Heaven, where she can rush into the loving arms of her Savior & dance a dance of hope & love & eternal joy.
God always has a plan. All for Him, even when things don’t go our way, but thank You Lord for the recovery we are seeing!!!!!
Even When… God’s Grace Remains
Even when we feel lost
Even when all hope is gone
Even when our hurt seems strong
God’s grace will still remain
And even when all crashes down
And even when our strength is gone
And even when we’ve given up
God’s good grace still overcomes
We may have nothing
To offer Him
We may have nothing
To offer Him
We may be hurting, all hope feels gone
BUT God’s Grace still reigns the day
God’s GOOD GRACE reigns always
((*Always shine HOPE, even if it means saying, “God, I can’t do this, but You can.”))
If you feel God is not calming the storm, pray & ask for His strength to carry you through. Ask for His peace & courage. Ask for His perspective.
And listen to “Blessings” by Laura Story.
*I don’t own the rights to this song. All rights to Laura Story & Company.
Coming Next Week
*I am sorry for the lapse last week. That was the day I found out about my sister. Thank you for showing me grace & for your prayers as she has a long road to recovery. Thank You, Lord, for Your healing power & sustaining grace!!!*
Check back every Monday morning EST for more encouragement! Love you, sisters!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Horizon Earrings

These golden diamond shaped earrings are wrapped with vibrant coral thread.
Artisan Information:
In India, poverty is rampant & fair working conditions are hard to find. But with every purchase, women are receiving an income, access to healthcare, adult literacy programs, & self-help groups! Not only does this change their lives, but they are also pouring back into their communities & helping others! You have the opportunity to empower thousands of women in India!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
(*Also shown: Awakening Bracelet from India!*)
Shop Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!