Setting the Stage
I have told this story more times than I can count. It’s a story of a scared girl meeting a sweet boy & how they both allowed God to lead every step along the way… eventually.
After I graduated college, now being 26 years old (I started college late), I went through that first summer after graduating, as I mentioned in the last chapter (Chapter 13), & when my debt was finally paid in full, I finally got a call about a job that I felt some measure of peace about.
But this was not the job I wanted. I wanted to work with a big church that had a thriving outreach ministry & I wanted to essentially be an apprentice to someone who led said outreach ministry so that I could learn from them.
Not the Type of Job I Wanted… But the Job God Chose
This particular job, though, was for a small church, 40+ minutes away (more, depending on traffic) & they didn’t even have an outreach ministry.
This job was also recommended to me by a longtime friend who worked there, but it was mentioned that the job was not yet available & that they didn’t know quite when it would be available.
Well, as I do with all decisions like this… I prayed & asked God for wisdom. I mostly wanted confirmation to hold out for what I wanted… thinking maybe that was another reason God had said “no” to every other job potential.
But, I asked God: “God, even though this isn’t what I want… I really want what You want… so, if this is of You, please confirm it to me & I will move forward with it, even if I don’t particularly want to. If this is of You, help the job to surprisingly become available by next week & let me get a call updating me as such.”
My friend called that very next week. The job was available sooner than expected.
God Always Has a Plan… Even When I Can’t See It
I cried from disappointment when we hung up from that call. I had felt that God had not only held out on allowing me to move forward with any job opportunities for the sake of teaching me to trust His provision… but also because I believed He was holding out for me to find my dream job.
This was not my dream job.
Later on, I updated my mom & told her how this isn’t what I pictured & how I felt like God was confirming it but I wanted something different. But my mom reminded me that if I knew God was leading it, it’s what I needed to take.
I Loved the Job I Hadn’t Wanted
The interview itself filled me with so much reassuring peace as well… I knew it was God’s nudging confirmation to my hesitant heart.
So, after the job was eventually offered… I accepted… not having any idea of what God had in store for me in this very small church 40+ minutes away with no outreach ministry from which to learn.
Training went well. I loved the staff. I felt like I fit in & was part of the team right away. The attendees/members were so warm, welcoming, & friendly. I liked my job.
There He Was… The Warm Welcome… & the Panic That Followed
And on my first Sunday, after being introduced as the new staff member of the church, so many lovely people came to welcome me & thank me for filling in this position at their church. It was warm & wonderful.
The church was a pretty large majority of senior citizens back then, but there was one young man who came straight up to me after the service, extended his hand in greeting, & welcomed me with open kindness.
His name was Jamie.
But, after my last run-in with love, I was not interested in 1 girl + 1 boy = new relationship, so, I pretty noticeably & uncomfortably avoided him immediately following that first initial handshake & greeting, staying on the other side of the room as him as much as possible when we were both in attendance for anything at the church. I would give a polite, but not inviting, smile if we ever accidentally made eye contact, but that was it.
I Slipped Up with a Confident Stride
Then, one day, a little over a month after I had started working there & attending that church, we had a staff meeting scheduled after that morning’s fellowship brunch… so, as everything was cleaned up & some were just lingering to chat, I decided to go to my office for some card games on my computer to pass the time before we could begin.
And, as I strode confidently into my office, (also the front office of the church)… there… sat… Jamie… in my office.
My stride was confident & intentional, & although I stopped in my tracks upon seeing him there, a quick mental calculation confirmed it was far too late to turn back now without proving my avoidance to be certainly intentional.
AKA without being rude.
And as staff… I didn’t want to be rude. I had slipped up.
Trying to Save Face… & Failing
So, I regathered myself quickly & decided to play it cool, headed straight for my desk, logged in, turned on a game (with my screen turned away from his chair), & proceeded to act very, very, VERY busy… much… FAR too busy to interact with ANYONE.
But that was no deterrent for this friendly young man. No. He started up small talk right away, while also explaining that he was awaiting a ride.
I politely replied & doubled down on my “I am so serious & so busy right now, you can’t even IMAGINE” face.
It did nothing to faze him. Soon he was SCOOTING his chair ACROSS THE ROOM up to my desk so that we could better chat while he waited.
I was inwardly clenching my jaw & (inwardly) making the face as if to say, “come oooon.” (You know, that face you make when you widen your eyes & look up at nothing in particular while sticking your chin out, clenching your jaw, & tightening your fists with exasperation? That face.)
But, outwardly I just smiled politely through gritted teeth. My plan was failing.
Admittedly, It Wasn’t a Bad Conversation… It Was Actually Quite Nice a Conversation
But soon he made me laugh & I couldn’t help but smile (unwillingly) for real.
He was nice… polite… kind-hearted. He was nice to talk to & genuinely friendly. He wasn’t trying to impress me or flirt with me. He was just being good company while we both waited in my office for different reasons.
But I didn’t want to be his friend. I didn’t want to risk making him think I was interested in anything beyond friendship. I didn’t want to hurt him.
But I did allow myself to slip into friendly conversation. I did. He was just so easy to enjoy talking to.
Haunted by Regrets of My Past
And later that night, I kicked myself hard as I received a social media friend request from him. This was exactly what I had been trying to avoid with all of my avoiding him.
I didn’t want him to enjoy my company. I didn’t want to be tempted to soak up all the attention & grow feelings for him only to hurt him later like I had done before with guy friends from my past. I didn’t want to break his heart. I didn’t trust myself enough not to.
My pattern was so predictable. I was so desperate to feel worthy of love & attention, coupled with being an absolute romantic… one smile made me dream of a wedding to come.
But jumping headfirst into a relationship before consulting God always ended up with me realizing I had acted selfishly & had to make things right & let them go… only, with the first time I fell for a guy for real… I wouldn’t let go… & I hurt him bigtime in the process, which I never meant to do. I didn’t want to do that ever again & I didn’t trust myself not to do it again.
But I didn’t want to be unkind either, so I accepted his friend request. Little did I know where that little friend request would lead me….
Letting My Fears Trump My Trust in God
Obviously, at this point in the story, I am not really trusting God with my love story. Well… in a way, I am… in the sense that I am not chasing after every bit of attention to see if maybe, just maybe, there could be a love story there to be had….
But I was also self-protecting, acting out of fear versus trust in God. I was so worried about hurting another guy in the way I had done in the past that I wasn’t even willing to be friendly. I was basically trusting my own methods versus trusting God to guide me.
And don’t worry, it gets worse before it gets better. But God knew what He was doing & God was patient with my fears. He was kind & gentle the whole way.
How About You?
Have you been hurt in the past? Have you built up your walls? Have you figured out a plan to protect yourself or others from getting hurt?
Are you trusting more yourself or God to protect your heart?
If you feel that clenched-fist feeling, then please… unclench your fists. Take a deep breath. And ask God to help you trust in Him each day rather than your own methods/walls of protection.
Ask Him to help you follow HIS lead versus furiously trying to keep up with your own rules. Let Him lead.
Shine HOPE by trusting your unknown future & your known past hurts to a God that can perfectly handle both.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement right here on my blog/website @ www.MichelleHydeOnline.com.
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As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
A Note from Michelle:
(***Check out my FREE Journal Printable Resources: “Accountability Partner Guide + Question Prompts” & “Bible Study Question Prompts ,” as well as “Prayers of Surrender” prayer guides!***)
This blog/website has been running for over FIVE years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to learn more of my story, check out the “About Me” tab. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” tab, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox (make sure to check your other inbox folders), along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Consider these pieces when shopping for friends, family, or yourself. Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Island Twilight Hoops (HAITI)

Make a fair-trade fashion statement with these totally unique, ethically made hoops from Haiti! These beaded Island Twilight Hoops feature black, cream, and gold seed beads to create a gorgeous hoop earring handmade by women in Haiti able to earn a dignified income.
*****Every purchase of these stunning earrings helps provide these Artisans with safe jobs, fair wages, educational resources, and counseling.*****
How You Can Help the Artisans & Support My Website:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michellehyde.tradesofhope@gmail.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me in continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win-win-win!
Love ya lots! Have a wonderful week!