The Beginnings of a Beautiful Friendship
So here I was, a new employee at a church, met maybe the only young single guy at said church, tried avoiding him so I wouldn’t risk hurting him… & then he friends me on social media. (Catch up on this story in Chapter 14.)
I must admit that he was really likeable. I couldn’t help but want to be friends with him. I enjoyed his company (still do). He was considerate & friendly & he made me laugh. There was no flirtation… just kindness… genuine kindness. It was refreshing.
… It was refreshing & it was hard not to like him.
We quickly & easily started to become friends after many a long conversation through private messaging, chatting about the most random of things & just hanging out in the most ordinary of ways, carefree & lighthearted… but soon came the dreaded private message: him asking me out on a date.
Cue the Panic
I still remember my face flushing & going numb. I remember the panic setting in. I remember kicking myself again & thinking that this was the very reason I had tried to avoid him to start with. I did not want to be more than friends. I did not want to risk breaking anyone else’s heart. I did not want the stress of agonizing over whether I liked him because it felt nice to be liked or whether it was more.
Liking a guy always turned into a whirlwind of: “Do I really like like him? Or am I just enjoying feeling flattered? Is this something God is leading? Or do I just want it to be something God is leading? Am I using him to feel good about myself? Or is this real? Does he actually like the real me? Or just the image of me he has in his head? Am I going to end up changing my mind & then breaking his heart? Will he?” It was exhausting!
I liked it when it was just long chats on social media & laughing, easy-going, harmless fun. Asking me on a date felt like an arrow shot right through all of that.
But Then… I Prayed…
But again, as I do when I panic, I prayed & asked God for help in what to do–wisdom…. AFTER I cried & decided to pretend I never got his message, hoping to respond after the fact…. Except, he tagged me in the comment section of something funny later that night & I laughed so hard I had already replied to it before I could stop & remember that I was supposed to be pretending not to see any notification pop-ups from him. Oops.
And, quick-thinking him decides to call me out on it immediately & ask if I saw his OTHER message.
So, I prayed AGAIN & God reminded my heart that in praying about possible future relationships the past few years, I had promised God 1. that I would go on 1 date with a guy if he had the guts to ask me out without any flirtation on my part & 2. that I had agreed to trust God with my future relationships… not my fears.
I still tried to get out of it anyway, but Jamie outsmarted me at every attempt & I finally relented & agreed to go, despite my very real anxieties.
Our First Date
The day of our first date, my mom found out I was going out “with a BOY” & made me to agree to letting them meet him. (On a first date!) But he handled it graciously when he arrived even in having to meet the parents straight away… as I tried so desperately to slink into the shadows & become invisible.
And let me tell you… something so strange happened as we set out on that first date…. With all of my nerves & anxieties & questions for God & not wanting to end up hurting this nice guy… as soon as he opened the door & I slid into my seat… I felt this overwhelming feeling of belonging… like I was meant to be there… like I was home.
Our first date was dinner & a movie & he was a total gentleman every step of it… even with me putting my foot in my mouth pretty majorly at one point. So embarrassing. But he was forgiving & gracious & we carried on with our evening. We had an effortlessly great time.
Then the Walls Come Crumbling Down
That first date was December 10, 2010, & in our online chat afterwards, he told me he had been hesitant to ask me out because I seemed so set on avoiding him & because he didn’t feel he was in a mindset to pursue anyone seriously, but that he really felt God relentlessly nudging him to talk to me & then eventually to ask me out. As if God were saying: “are you going to do this in my timing? Or yours?”
NOT what this skittish, not-sure-I’m-ready-for-commitment-yet girl wanted to hear AT ALL… launching me into an all-out dumping fest of all my past heartbreak on him that night. I was a crying, blubbering, fearful, panicked mess. (Luckily, I was talking to him online, so he didn’t know just how much of a hot mess I was.)
And I told him ALL of it. Every heartbreak. Every fear. All of it. Literally just backed the dump truck of emotions up to him & dumped it all out on him. As if to say, “this is why you should avoid me!”
The 3 Month (Week) Rule
With all my dumping of fear on him, praying for God’s help amidst all my poorly handled fear, I decided to have him agree to give me 3 months with no mention of relationship or affections or romance or anything related... 3 months before he was allowed to ask if we could officially be a couple. We could go out on dates, but strictly as friends–no HINT of romance was allowed. 3 months for him to think objectively about it & pray for God’s will in it… & 3 months for me to pray about it & think objectively through God’s leading versus my fears.
And when we signed off our chat that night, I cried & prayed some more. I was so scared of reliving falling in love only to crush the person I loved. I never wanted to do that ever again. I needed God’s wisdom & leading. I needed His help.
So, I prayed. And I said something like: “God, I am so scared. I do not want to go through that again. I am just now starting to move on from the last time my heart broke that way. Please spare me from living that again. I can’t do it. Please help me. He seems so nice & I am so scared of accidentally falling for him without Your lead & then having to leave & hurt him if it’s not Your will. How do I know if this is Your will? How do I know what to do? I need to know whether this is of You, because if I am not certain, I don’t want any part of it. Please help me. I know I told him 3 months, but I need to know how to tell whether it’s You or not, so if this really is of Your leading & it honors You, help Him to be willing to scare me off & lose me in order to follow YOUR leading in his heart. Help him to ask me to be official in 3 WEEKS, before January 1 strikes, & I will know it’s You. If he is willing to risk losing me to follow & honor Your lead, I will know it’s You & I will trust You. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.”
This was my Gideon moment. (Judges 6:36-40) I was scared, but I wanted God’s will above my fear… but I had to KNOW for sure it was God’s will before I was willing to walk into scary territory.
Will He Ask Me?
Well, we had a second date. We still chatted online. We saw each other at church… & true to his promise, Jamie didn’t push it… he kept it just friends, just kindness… no flirtations or mentions/pressure of real commitment as an official couple… just friendship only.
But January 1 was creeping up quickly & still no mention.
Then our 3rd date came to a close on December 31, as he pulls into my parents’ driveway to say goodnight… & still no mention.
This was where I was thinking to myself, “Ok God, I hear You. I guess this is my answer… to keep it as just friends… I guess if it’s a not-meant-to-be-YET type thing, You will confirm that to me at a later time some other way…. I guess this is my answer for now.”
And then… breaking the silence in the car before I stepped out of the car, Jamie speaks up, “I don’t know why I feel like I need to say this, but I did what you asked & I started praying about this… about us… & I got my answer after a few days, but I have been waiting the 3 months because that’s what you asked for & I have been trying to respect that. But then tonight, I can’t help feeling this pressure that I am supposed to say something TONIGHT.”
And so he did. Just hours before January 1 struck.
I didn’t pray that “3 week versus 3 month” prayer out loud & I didn’t tell a soul about it either because I didn’t want ANY doubt it could be anything other than God’s response & here we were… December 31… just a few hours before January 1.
Dating with Caution
That is how our dating story began. I turned to God, wanting His will & asking for His guidance & I became Jamie’s official girlfriend that night. I had no idea where this was heading & the fear did not go away with that huge answer to prayer.
But there was no denying that somehow God was leading us together & giving His blessing.
God had a plan I could not see. But He could see it. And scared as I was, I knew I could trust that plan.
We Can Always Trust God’s Plan… & for Him to Guide Us as We Seek His Will in Life
Is God calling you to something that scares you? Maybe breaking up with a guy you care about because the relationship doesn’t honor God but you really love feeling loved? (Read about my experience with this in Chapter 6.) Maybe being with a guy even though you’re scared of commitment? Maybe being single when all you’ve ever wanted is to get married? Maybe it’s loving your husband who seems unlovable at the moment when the rosy glasses have come off & life is hard?
Maybe it has nothing to do with relationships, but God is nudging you to let go of something or step forward in something you’re either scared to give up or scared to move forward?
Do you trust God knows more than you do? Do you trust God to help you through that? Do you trust that God truly cares for you?
Take a minute to confess to him anything that comes to the surface right now & ask Him to forgive you… & ask for His help in stepping forward in honoring & pleasing Him, even when it’s hard or scary.
Shine HOPE by always trusting God’s lead, even when it’s hard.
Coming Next Week
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As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
A Note from Michelle:
(***Check out my FREE Journal Printable Resources: “Accountability Partner Guide + Question Prompts” & “Bible Study Question Prompts ,” as well as “Prayers of Surrender” prayer guides!***)
This blog/website has been running for over FIVE years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to learn more of my story, check out the “About Me” tab. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” tab, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
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Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Consider these pieces when shopping for friends, family, or yourself. Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Love Coin Purse (INDIA)

The Love Coin Purse from India is hand beaded by women in India able to earn fair wages for their work. With its sweet, adorable soft pink color and “Love” motif, the coin purse also features a beaded rosy-pink heart, cotton lining, and zippered closure.
*****Every purchase supports women in areas of extreme poverty.*****
How You Can Help the Artisans & Support My Website:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me in continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win-win-win!
Love ya lots! Have a wonderful week!