Growing Up a Christian–A Grace-Filled Life, Chapter 17: God Is the Bridge Back in Relationships

Relationships Can Be Hard Sometimes, Can’t They?
If you have ever been in any long-term relationship, or even just consider the family you’re born into (your God-given long-term relationships), you know good relationships take work. They’re not easy.
We can be tempted to look at really happy couples online or celebrities or friends even, & think they must have it all together all the time, but I will tell you this right now… I guarantee you with absolute certainty that they don’t have it ALL together ALL the time.
Because good relationships require that you work on them.
There will be days where you feel at each other’s throats because you’re both in a bad mood. There will be days when you have pretty opposite opinions you both feel very strongly about. There will be days of misunderstandings & hurt feelings. There will be days where past trauma is triggered, even when it has zero to do with that other person.
Strong relationships are definitely worth it… but they’re definitely not always easy.
It All Felt So Easy in the Beginning
Well, we’re no different. Our marriage takes work. It takes loving through each other’s bad moods or bad attitudes, mistakes, & shortcomings. It takes prayer & trusting God’s way forward.
When we were dating, it felt so easy to be together. My husband was waiting on his job clearance & I was working parttime at the church where we met. Low pressure. Low stress. Few obligations &/or distractions. Just the two of us. (Who else sang that just now?)
We spent most of our free time together, not to mention that any church event or service found us side-by-side.
I was still working out my commitment fears as for a potential future together, but in each individual moment together, it felt easy.
We laughed a lot together. We had fun. We were silly & ridiculous. We went on long walks, played card games & board games together, we went out to eat together, we would sit & just open up about any & everything together. And we prayed together. It felt so easy to be together.
First Few Years?
We got married in May 2012, enjoyed a beach honeymoon in Mexico, & just 3 months later, packed up from our small apartment & moved to Guam.
Our new adventure awaited us as a newlywed couple.
I was wide-eyed & teeming with HOPE for our future together.
I had heard that the first few years of marriage were notoriously some of the hardest to go through, but I thought that was for sure not true for us. We were in love & happy & full of joy & bright expectations.
Bring on the Hard
But reality started to settle in… My husband’s job was demanding of his time & energy. I couldn’t seem to get a job anywhere. Friends were so hard to come by because of certain circumstances–I couldn’t get too involved in anything regularly because with hubby’s schedule, I could potentially miss my only chance to see him that week.
Then the fact that smartphones weren’t as common then.… (We had an international calling plan that allowed a 3-hour window & if my family wasn’t free during that specific 3-hour window, I had no other time to hear their voices or chat.)
I was far, far away from any family & friends. I had a hard time being able to plug in anywhere. My husband worked an insane amount of hours & was always exhausted when home. I couldn’t find a job. I was home… ALONE… all… the… time.
I felt like I had nobody. (Even now as I type, thinking back on that time in my life breaks my heart a little bit & gets me a little choked up because the hurt was very real.)
I had never known loneliness like I felt during most of my time living in Guam back in 2012-2015. From growing up around all my family & long-time friends, to a teeming social life in college, to this…. To say it was hard is a huge understatement. It was like life whiplash.
I Just Wanted to Go Home
Here we were, on the other side of the world from everything we had ever known & the first few years of our marriage indeed got very hard. Not bad, but hard.
My loneliness put pressure on my husband when he was already feeling enough pressure with his job. It seemed easier to argue than I ever thought could be possible for the two of us. It seemed easier to hurt each other than I ever thought could be possible for the two of us. And we never meant to do so, but it happened all the same.
I wanted to run back to my family in the states & pretend that season in my life never began. I wanted to go back to the easy happy. I wanted to go back to feeling I had a place to belong.
And this season lasted for about 1.5 years.
Amazing Things Happen When You Let God be in Charge
I was feeling some resentment, honestly, as wrong as that is. I didn’t know if I could ever get through or past the hurt I was feeling. I felt trapped by the hurts I was experiencing so often back then.
But then, something amazing happened. We started praying about it together whenever the circumstances were frustrating us.
We poured out our frustrations & hurts to God & asked Him to give us wisdom & a way forward… to the togetherness we so enjoyed & that came so easily before.
And you know what? God provided. God showed the way. God broke down walls I had built up in my heart. God eased my tensions. God filled me with impossible peace. God cared & God provided the bridge back.
God taught us how to direct our eyes back on HIM versus any problem that may arise.
He was our solution.
He was our glue.
He was our wisdom.
He was our help.
He was our bridge back.
God Is the Bridge Back in Relationships
What situation are you facing right now that just feels impossible?
What hurt in your heart seems to cloud everything you face?
What circumstance seems unsolvable?
Where in your life feels like there is no possible way forward?
Don’t believe that mumbo jumbo phrase: “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” You can have all the WILL in the world, & sometimes it just won’t do diddly squat.
What you need is PRAYER. What you need is the One Who holds the POWER behind PRAYER. What you need is God Almighty’s HELP. What you need is the grace of Jesus to wash over anything you may come across. What you need is the wisdom & way forward that only the Holy Spirit can provide for you.
When you face even the “unforgiveable,” take a minute to remember what Jesus gave for your “unforgiveables.” His LIFE.
We Need His Help to Forgive & We Need Him in Order to Love Well
What I need is prayer. Every single day. Even writing this today, I am convicted about two relationships in my life that hold some brokenness because of a misunderstanding or difference of opinion & I realize this isn’t just for marriage relationships, but I need to be praying for those relationships & a bridge forward all the same, because God is the solution there just as much.
Don’t let Satan tear apart relationships in your life. Don’t let him have the final say. Don’t let him distort & grow discontentment or resentment. Stand firm against it & PRAY OVER IT! God’s power trumps ANYTHING Satan can try to destroy. So–PRAY!
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” (Ephesians 6:12-13)
Shine HOPE by trusting God to be your bridge back, no matter what seems to threaten your way forward. God. Is. ABLE.
Coming Next Week
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As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
A Note from Michelle:
(***Check out my FREE Journal Printable Resources: “Accountability Partner Guide + Question Prompts” & “Bible Study Question Prompts ,” as well as “Prayers of Surrender” prayer guides!***)
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Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Consider these pieces when shopping for friends, family, or yourself. Check out this week’s featured beauty:
February 2024 Hope Mail

FOR A LIMITED TIME – Only available during the month of February! This exclusive February Hope Mail package makes a great gift for any occasion! Receive free shipping on this February Hope Mail package that includes our Midnight Tassel Bracelet from Uganda, Midnight Raffia Earrings from India, and our adorable Darkest Night Sticker mailed in a stylish Fashion as a Force for Good envelope.
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Love ya lots! Have a wonderful week!