God Cares About the Small Stuff
God is in the little details of life, have you thought about that fact?
I used to think God was just in the big stuff… that He was there to cry out to when things were crashing & burning… but God cares about me (about you) far beyond our comprehension.
Yeah, I know, I know. That ought to be obvious, right? I mean, God loves us so much that KNOWING we could not save ourselves from His wrath that we very much deserve in even EVER asserting that we know better than Him as the very One Who MADE us… He sent His own Son, Jesus (fully God AND man) to live a sinless life & eventually die willingly on our behalf, taking on the full weight of God’s wrath so that we don’t have to if we but accept that gift offered to each & every one of us for FREE (well, free to us, but it did come with great cost).
So, yeah, if He is willing to go to SUCH lengths to express His love for us… oh, & not even as a last resort… He KNEW from the beginning of time that it would be required in order to rescue us from our own wretched undeserving (Genesis 3:15)… how much more so would He be willing to be with us & care for us in the small details of life?
But it wasn’t always so obvious to me… it’s still something I struggle fully grasping, if I am completely honest with you.
How Can We Hear God?
It’s hard knowing how to hear God’s voice, to see Him as interacting with us in the small stuff, isn’t it? Between your own thoughts & temptations & lies of the deceiver (Satan- who is very good at deceiving) (John 8:44)… how can we tell the difference between our own thoughts, Satan’s, or God’s?
And how do we HEAR God when He doesn’t audibly SPEAK?
Those were questions I wrestled with for much of my growing up as a Christian. It made no logical sense to me, but I knew I was supposed to follow God’s lead & to do that, I needed to know how to tell when God was leading.
So, as with all things I have & do wrestle with…. I prayed & asked God for wisdom here.
How Do I Know It’s God Speaking to me?
I asked Him how to hear Him when I pray… how to tell it was Him… how to KNOW when it was Him. I wanted to recognize the voice of God, even just if understanding some idea or thought was His guiding me.
This was not a once & done prayer. I did not pray & then, BAM, now I know exactly how to tell! No, it took years of practice & growing & praying in this area of my life.
Ask God to Confirm When You’re Not Sure
We’re not supposed to test God (Deuteronomy 6:16), because that shows doubting He can or will, BUT, we can very much test WHETHER it’s OF God. Ie. “God, I want Your will & nothing more in this area, so if this is of You, please ___________________, to confirm & I will move forward in it knowing it’s Your lead.”
… Not testing/trying to control God or having God prove Himself… but a confirmation of His will so you know it’s of Him versus you merely WANTING it to be of Him or versus letting your fears/apprehensions call the shots instead.
Gideon is an example of this. (Judges 6:36-40) He was SO scared to obey God because the odds seemed so ridiculously NOT in his favor, so he was wanting confirmation that it was really a leading from God, & if so, & ONLY if so, he was then willing to go… knowing that if God really was leading this, even though he (Gideon) wouldn’t otherwise stand a CHANCE… He knew that God could handle the insurmountable odds just fine.
So, if you are learning to discern the voice of God in your life SO THAT you may follow Him & only Him, ASK FOR CONFIRMATION & TRUST HIM TO ANSWER!
And KEEP asking. Don’t ask one time, not get an answer, & then move on to your own wisdom to take over the lead. No. WAIT ON HIM. (Psalm 27:14) He has perfect timing. He is not caught off guard by anything ever. He doesn’t need a heads up. But trust Him to confirm versus running away or doing it your own way.
God Wants You to Know Him & God Revealed Himself to Us
Trust that God WANTS you to know Him, so praying to know how to tell it’s Him is something He very much wants for you. He is your Shepherd & He wants you to know & recognize His voice. (John 10:3-15)
READ THE BIBLE. I know, I know, this seems so cliché. But God’s Word is NOT just a “helpful life manual.” It is the Word of GOD. And not only that, but it is God-breathed. It is ALIVE & ACTIVE. His Word ALONE has POWER. (2 Timothy 3:26-17; 1 Peter 2:2-3; John 1:1-5)
When we feed on (read & think on) His Word, we NOURISH ourselves. We are strengthened with His might.
This isn’t just about knowing rights & wrongs, but about knowing God Himself!
And the more you take in His Word, the more you will be able to discern His leading, because it will always line up with His character & His promises. So, if you want to hear His voice, you need to get to know His Word.
How Do I Read the Bible When I Don’t Feel I Can?
If you struggle with this, as I did up until maybe 5 years ago, remember:
- There is no set “Reading Plan” in the Bible, so stop quitting because you fall behind with a human-made plan. Just READ.
- Satan will exploit every weak point in your determination to nourish your soul with the TRUTH of God’s Word, so EXPECT PUSHBACK. Maybe it’s stubbornness, bad attitude, I-don’t-want-to-hear-it type pride, headache, distractions, busyness, not knowing where to start, inability to concentrate… WHATEVER it is, Satan is guaranteed to pay attention to what works in keeping you away, so don’t let him win.
- God is more powerful than Satan. And more powerful than all your obstacles & unwillingness combined. So trust that & PRAY FOR HELP. Trust that if this honors & pleases God (hint: it very much does) THEN He WILL help you do it. (1 John 5:14-15) So, PRAY & then DO IT.
- You can also read some former posts I did on this subject if you’re needing some more encouragement here: a) “Intentionality: Reading & Studying the Bible for Yourself” & b) “How to Do the Things We Know We Should Do, But Just Can’t.”
As I continued to grow up, learning to trust God with more & to follow His lead in my life, He was patient with me & He used many instances to confirm that He heard me, that He cares for me (even in the little things) & that He is infinite & limitless—which means He will show up in the massive things just as much as He will in the little ridiculous things that matter to no one but you.
God Was Gentle with Jonah When He Was Less Than Deserving
Remember Jonah being all grumpy about the Ninevites not getting what they deserved because he finally listened to God, obeyed, & told them of God’s impending judgment if they refused to repent & turn to God (as God had asked him to do), & then those evil people repented & turned to God & God relented on His punishment…. Jonah was not at all happy. He wanted to watch them PAY for the wretchedness they committed—NOT to be offered a CLEAN SLATE. (Read the story of Jonah in the booked named after him, starting in Jonah 1.)
But what did God do? God provided shade for him to rest in his bad attitude/sulking. Jonah did not come around, as far as we know from God’s Word, but God still did this small act of kindness to show He cared regardless. (Jonah 4:6)
God Speaks… Are We Listening?
There have been so many examples of God hearing & God expressing His care to me.
From finding a way-too-expensive t-shirt I loved, feeling lack of peace about the price, wanting it anyway, but trusting that lack of peace, trusting God to know better, & putting it back, only to find it a month later on the clearance rack with only one left—& it being my size.
To having a $5 budget for DVDs, FINALLY finding one at that price that I had been wanting for over a YEAR, feeling that same lack of peace, carrying it around the store with me “just in case I get peace after all”, NOT getting that peace, trusting God to know better, putting it back grumpily, to then finding it for 50 cents at a yard sale that SAME weekend!
Don’t Try to Out-Logic God
To feeling like God was saying “NO” to going to a friend’s house when I had no homework, no incomplete chore responsibilities, nothing, so I “logic-ed” my way into going anyway, even though I felt a very obvious void of peace, only to be driving on a straight road in a storm toward her house, hear on the radio “He controls where every lightning bolt goes” & at that EXACT moment, a hugely bright lightning bolt strikes directly in my line of sight—I went home, never even knowing the why… but I knew it was Him.
To feeling a complete lack of peace about a trip to FL with friends where most of the expenses were covered, I had no job to take off work from, had savings to draw from, with friends I trusted, felt a complete lack of peace, angrily went anyway as if God just didn’t want me to have fun—only to face a near-death totaled car crash incident where it was a MIRACLE we all survived.
To how He confirmed repeatedly walk away from my first love, not knowing whether I could ever be loved like that again (Read about that story from last week, here: “Growing Up a Christian–A Grace-Filled Life, Chapter 6: God Knows Best Even with Love.”)…. But also, God confirmed repeatedly to stay with my now husband. (More on that story to come….) God KNEW. I didn’t. I’m glad I trusted Him.
God Cares About Us Even in the Moments Where No One Sees Us… God Does
To having the absolute worst day in college of waking up late, rushing to get ready, no time to wash greasy hair, wore wrong (uncomfortable) shoes on the day my class was across campus, had to run to the bus, missed the bus, & the cherry on top was that it was a HOT breezeless day… & as I panted from the running, choking back the sobs that threatened to release… I asked God for comfort as I held back my miserable whimpering. I asked God to remind me He was still with me & had me… & all of a sudden, this refreshing breeze swept across me & through my hair & I felt His comfort wash over me.
To being at a stoplight, restless & annoyed I missed the light, doing my secret ritual of counting down in my head, trying to get “0” to come just as the light changed… only to hear this thought of “you should have started at 8” & I adjust accordingly & I land on 0 JUST as the light changed—an encouragement that meant so much to me that day, like God was being silly right along with me so I would feel someone cared about me right then in my impatient frustration.
God Sees the Details We Can Only Guess About
To making plans to attend a college friend’s wedding with a group of friends that we were planning to split hotel & rental car costs, only to back out before we all paid/booked because I felt that same car-accident-on-the-way-to-FL feeling, having no real “makes sense” reason to offer my friends & feeling really awkward about that, but not wanting to risk another unforeseen tragedy God may be trying to warn me about… only to have one of the biggest snow storms we have ever had come through, blocking all routes to the wedding, forcing cancelations that I was free from dealing with.
God sees you. He knows you. He knows everything.
Don’t Speak for God
Have you ever had a nudge on your heart that didn’t make sense, so you just ignored it, only to wish you had listened to that initial nudge?
I make the mistake way too frequently of speaking FOR God. As in feeling a nudge to get my umbrella & then filling in the blanks with, “yeah, but God, I NEVER even USE my umbrellas whenever I have brought one, because I just make a run for it, so, no, I will not be bringing it,” as I shake my head thinking, “duh, God, You should know that about me by now.” (Wow, the arrogance, right?) Only to unexpectedly have to wait outside in line for something I can’t get out of by necessity for whatever reason, getting completely DRENCHED, (AKA cold, wet, & MISERABLE) because “I don’t use umbrellas so I’m not going to listen to God.”
God is SO all-knowing that NOT ONLY did He know it was going to rain (where I figured His knowing ended, hence my refusal to get said umbrella), but ALSO that I, who normally never uses an umbrella, would DESPERATELY wish she had one.
Don’t fill in the blanks for God. Don’t try to logic away His nudgings because they don’t make any sense to YOU. God sees all of everything all at once AND has perfect judgment—can you say the same about yourself?
God Cares Enough to Speak Up, Even When He Knows We’ll Be Rude About It
God doesn’t just know everything. He knows YOU. He knows what you will wish you had before you know you wish you had it.
I have felt convicted about eating a certain meal, for example, & so go on a spin of indignation toward God, thinking, “OH, I GET it. I’m fat & now I can’t ever ENJOY this because of it? Is that it? Well, I don’t CARE. It’s just a ONE TIME TREAT & I shouldn’t have to feel guilty about that!!!!” Only to get food poisoning & realize that maybe, JUST MAYBE, that is why God was convicting me about that one-time treat I got so defensive about. (smh)
It would be laughable if it wasn’t so arrogant. Me thinking I know better than God? EVER? Wow. Please forgive me, GOD ALMIGHTY!
God doesn’t guilt or shame you. He doesn’t pressure & rush you. He doesn’t “OR ELSE!” you.
Jesus already paid for all that, so why would God put any of that on you?
God Wants Us to Know Him
God is a gentle guide. He wants you to know Him. He wants you to recognize His still, small, gentle, loving voice. He wants you to trust His care for you. He wants you to trust His Word & spend time getting to know Him while nourishing your soul.
He wants you to obey, sure, but with His help. Not to be “good enough” but because He knows it’s what you need. God doesn’t need your help. Let go & trust His lead.
Trust that the more you spend in His Word & the more you ask for Him to teach you how to discern His voice & direction in your life, the more He will grow that certainty in you. It does take time, but it is worth it. God wants us to know Him & to know His voice.
Shine HOPE by letting God be God. By determining to pray & ask God to help you know His voice SO THAT you can follow it. By getting to know God through His Word given to us so that we may know Him & know HOPE.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement right here on my blog/website @ www.MichelleHydeOnline.com.
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As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
A Note from Michelle:
(***Check out my FREE Journal Printable Resources: “Accountability Partner Guide + Question Prompts” & “Bible Study Question Prompts ,” as well as “Prayers of Surrender” prayer guides!***)
This blog/website has been running for FIVE years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to learn more of my story, check out the “About Me” tab. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” tab, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox (make sure to check your other inbox folders), along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Consider these pieces when shopping for friends, family, or yourself. Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Resilient Bracelet (CAMBODIA)

This adjustable handcrafted Resilient Bracelet is the perfect bracelet for everyday wear. Acid attack survivors in Cambodia hand bead these stunning bracelets with a varying bead pattern using seed beads and gold-tone plated beads. Each bracelet is adjustable with a slide-knot closure and is beautifully finished with coordinating beads.
*****Every purchase of this Resilient Bracelet supports the acid attack survivor in Cambodia who created it with a safe and dignified opportunity to earn a sustainable income.*****
How You Can Help the Artisans & Support My Website:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michellehyde.tradesofhope@gmail.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me in continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win-win-win!
Love ya lots! Have a wonderful week!