I Crave Edifying Friendships

If This Was You… Thank You

Throughout my life, the friendships that have really impacted me are the ones that point me consistently to Jesus Christ, praying with/for me, asking me what God has been teaching me lately, sharing testimonies of how they have seen God show up for them…. Those are the friendships that really stand out to me & change my life for the better.

I crave those types of friendships.

I Need to be Pointed to Jesus

If you don’t read all of my hot mess blog posts, in seasons of hard & hurt, or where I feel like I am falling apart on all accounts, you may be tempted, at a glance, to see me, a woman who owns a website, provides resources, runs a blog, leads Bible Studies, or anything else… & think I have it going pretty well faith-wise over here.

But I am just human like everyone else, which means I have seasons of struggle just like everyone else. I sometimes have doubts creep in my head & slap me in the face with a wavering question. Sometimes I grumble starting my day, wanting nothing more than to cancel my alarm completely & pull the covers back up under my chin, totally ignoring any & all responsibility. Sometimes, like today, I REALLY crave a nap instead of sitting here working on this week’s blog post.

Sometimes I feel worn down. Sometimes I feel beat up. Sometimes I feel insecure. Sometimes I feel afraid. Sometimes I just want to do absolutely nothing at all. Sometimes hurts drown out all else. Sometimes I don’t make the right choice.

I have need, just like everyone else, & I would argue that anyone with an intentional platform for Jesus is going to get an extra layer of tired &/or struggle because Satan would prefer that you just quit.

And thus, I crave edifying friendships.

I Crave Edifying Friendships

My ideal hangout? Talking about how God has shown up in your life, sharing answered prayers, singing praise/worship together, talking about personal weaknesses & reminding each other of truth & praying for each other. My ideal friendship is ever-pointing me back to Jesus, so that I leave not only refreshed, but built up & ready to face the next day, remembering Who is in control of it & Who deserves the glory through it.

Some may think I am just trying to be overly spiritual or self-righteous or something, but for me, it is genuine hunger. I CRAVE that type of conversation.

I am too easily distracted! Too easily numbed & made complacent! I am too easily busied! And sometimes, I am too easily discouraged!

My Absolute Dream Job

If I were to have my dream job, where there were no obstacles & I could just wish it & have it happen just so, it would be for me to have my own small office with a desk, a small rug, a few chairs, & a bookcase (lots of pink, too, if I’m honest). The bottom couple shelves would be toys & games & if a mom needed to bring her kids, she could. I would have a lit candle on my desk, peaceful worship music playing for soothing ambiance, & the rest of my bookshelf would be books that have had an impact on my faith so I could share them library style. And I would just do discipleship training, accountability, mentorship, & counseling all day every day with teens, young adults, & grown women, just pouring into them, coming alongside them in their lives & pointing them always to Jesus, through discussion/sharing, looking to God’s Word (the Bible), & prayer… because I know I need it, too. That is what lights a fire in me. That’s my pipe dream.

Lord, Let Me Live My Life Wholly Devoted to Pouring into the Lives of Other Women–AMEN

But I digress…. I crave those types of relationships. I want to go all in for God, but I feel so easily complacent or numbed… distracted… discouraged…. I need to pour into & be poured into… I need my focus constantly reset & when I work with other women in this way, it just ignites me & reminds me consistently why living for God & His glory is the very absolute best thing I could ever give my time to. It glues my focus ever to HIM. And I absolutely LOVE that. That is why I LOVE ministry work.

Pray with me to that end. That God help me develop more friendships & opportunities like that… where I can pour into & be poured into, resetting our focus always to the glory of God in all things big or small. Fixing our focus on HIM.

And shine HOPE, by being that type of friend to the women God has put in YOUR life. We need each other.

Coming Next Week

Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement right here on my blog/website @ www.MichelleHydeOnline.com.

Share with friends & family… & SUBSCRIBE by “Joining My Tribe,” so you never miss a week!

As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.

A Note from Michelle:

(***Check out my FREE Journal Printable Resources: “Accountability Partner Guide + Question Prompts” & “Bible Study Question Prompts ,” as well as “Prayers of Surrender” prayer guides!***)

This blog/website has been running for SIX years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3

If you would like to learn more of my story, check out the “About Me” tab. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” tab, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3

Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox (make sure to check your other inbox folders), along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!

Fashion as a Force for GOOD:

Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Consider these pieces when shopping for friends, family, or yourself. Check out this week’s featured beauty!!

October 2024 Hope Mail (INDIA)

Trades of Hope, October 2024 Hope Mail, India, I Crave Edifying Friendships
(Shown: October 2024 Hope Mail, handcrafted by artisans in India. Purchase this set, using the “Shop Here” link below to empower women in India out of poverty!)

***Purchase this month’s Hope Mail, using the “Shop Here” link below to create safe jobs with fair wages for women in areas of extreme poverty in India where vulnerable women are often exploited by sweatshops and human traffickers.***

How You Can Help the Artisans & Support My Website:

#1 is PRAY. Financial help is great & helps pay my website fees & helps support these women artisans… but God’s help is always needed most… both for encouragement & for spiritual hope, through Jesus, for the women we support through our ethical fashion purchases. Always PRAY first.

SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michellehyde.tradesofhope@gmail.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!

Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me in continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win-win-win!

Love ya lots! Have a wonderful week living for His glory in all that you do!

Let\'s Encourage Each Other!

Written by Michelle Hyde
Hello Lovely Ladies! I look forward to encouraging you today. I help weary women find hope & SHINE like they were always meant to! Let's do this journey together! If you want to learn how you can spread HOPE around the globe, Click Here to Learn More!