In a Culture Often Led by How Something Makes You Feel, Do What’s Right Anyway
The Idol of Comfort-Seeking
I get it. I am basically the queen of wanting to avoid things that make me uncomfortable. It’s one of my biggest idols—comfort-seeking.
You may see my blog posts & social media encouragement & think, “yeah, but you still get stuff done, so how can you really say you relate?” But if you knew how much inner fight went on behind the scenes some weeks, you would get it. My heart craves comfort-seeking.
In a social media world especially, it’s easy to make life about the feel-good moments & the aesthetics. Frame it well, include some pretty florals, & use the right font & I am more likely to want to try whatever it is. Put it in black & white, in a boring font, & yeah, no thanks.
Reframing Your Perspective Is Actually a Good Thing!
It’s not wrong to try to reframe a situation in a more positive light… for example, if you use a planner, having gold foil accents & florals make it more appealing to use it… or in thinking about chores, changing your mindset from seeing it as grueling housework that you have to do versus something you GET to do to help make your home more comfortable & a safe space to come home to.
Nothing is wrong with re-framing our mindset about responsibilities, but the problem sprouts up when we refuse to do it if we can’t find a way to make it seem pretty or appealing. When we can’t find a way to make it make us feel good.
In a culture primarily led by how something makes them feel, we ought to do what’s right, even when we don’t feel like it.
Legitimate Struggle, But Not Worth Giving Up–Because God Is Bigger Still
I struggle with depression & probably anxiety. Now, this isn’t the type of depression that is feeling depressed & woe is me (although, when left unchecked, it can surely go there) & it is not the type of anxiety where I am constantly worrying about every outcome & everything around me, but rather they are manifested more in feeling physically & mentally tired, worn out, sluggish, checked out, numb, restless, & angsty… making it easy to want to seek out whatever feels better versus adding to the already existing strain.
It’s a legitimate issue… a legitimate struggle. It’s not trying to be lazy, but rather not feeling you have anything left to give anything else.
But, responsibilities still exist & as they pile up unchecked, so do the anxieties & stressors–typically making things worse. And God is always waiting to help as we cry out to Him for help. He wants us to live for Him & He also has the full, inexhaustible supply to help us make it happen.
It Always Leads Back to Surrender
It comes back to surrender… surprise, surprise… a willingness to lay down how I FEEL for what is right, even when I don’t feel like it. But thank GOD He doesn’t leave it up to my willpower or strength! He supplies as I cry out to Him AS my help!
This applies to showing up & doing my blog every week, even when I really don’t feel like concentrating or working some weeks.
It means not wasting away my afternoons when I get home from work, introverted me tired from being around people all morning, but rather surrendering & asking God instead to help take my hand & lead me step by step through my required tasks for the day, even when I would really rather just play video games or binge on a tv show the entire day.
It means doing the hard things, even when they don’t make me feel good.
It means being a PART of the body at church, serving in some capacity, even when some days I just don’t want to be around any other humans because I am TIRED.
But it also means recognizing when God is saying I just need rest, but not taking that to mean rest ONLY, ALWAYS. It always leads back to surrender to His lead & His help.
In a Culture Often Led by How Something Makes You Feel, Do What’s Right Anyway
What would the world look like if EVERYONE ONLY did what made them feel good?
You know what, being a janitor is dirty work… & because it is, I try to remember to thank them respectfully every time I see them working past me, even using sir or ma’am, because I want them to be honored for doing something most of us wouldn’t feel good doing, but I am SO grateful that they do it! If you are a sanitary worker, THANK YOU!
Imagine a world where we all only got the jobs that made us feel good… no janitors, no one to shovel poop on the farm, no one to care for the sick & dying…. It would become a pretty ugly world pretty quickly if we all avoided what didn’t make us feel good.
But don’t we often avoid taking extra time we don’t feel we have (& because it doesn’t always feel good) to serve God or honor Him by studying His Word, or taking intentional personal time with Him every day when we’re busy or worn out? Or is it just me?
What is the world around you missing out on in seeing Jesus through you because it doesn’t always make you feel good to honor Him all the time? Surrender.
I am Not the Shining Example I Ought to Be
I know I am pretty convicted by this. I am certainly not writing this week as a shining example of what ought to be done… unfortunately.
This is something I need to lay down every day, but I honestly sometimes don’t.
It’s something I need to surrender… to be willing to surrender to Him for help.
I have been asking for prayers lately for God to help me rebuild my life after our move because I have a REALLY hard time starting over & setting new routines & productive habits… after the craziness dust settles after a move, I easily fall into “oh phew! Now I need a BREAK!” & then I just never want to come out of that break because I have no good habits built up to fill in the blank spaces yet.
But alongside my prayers for a rebuilt life, I realized that my true need is a willingness to give up that break… (again, surrender) to ALLOW God to replace some of it with productive, healthy habits versus just existing through my day into the next one.
What are you avoiding for this very same reason–because it doesn’t make you feel good or give you a happy high in your day? That’s MY struggle.
Even When I am Weak, He Is Strong
Through my chronic sleeplessness lately (which I am grateful to say seems to have passed), God taught me how much of a Supply He could be if I were but willing to surrender to His help rather than giving up when I was so weak & tired & so prone to crankiness. He taught me that even with an against-my-will lacking, He was enough for me through it….
So, if I lost sleep on purpose (versus setting my morning alarm for the last possible second) to start each morning spending time in Bible study so I could begin my day purposefully focusing on Him versus just numb go-through-the-motions, that He would for sure be enough for me there as well.
He is helping me rebuild… to honor Him better with my time & choices… because I am willing to lay down my coveting of time-my-way for time HIS way… but I am still in need of more work with it FOR SURE & it is taking a DAILY surrender in this area.
What Are You Willing to Surrender, Even If It Doesn’t FEEL Good?
This week, I had a 5-day weekend, & I committed to fast from television, video games, mindless video scrolling online, & mindless swipe games… to work on making a commitment to better use my time. I’m going to need to keep working on it because my progress felt so incredibly sluggish because I am so reluctant… but I want to keep learning to bow that to Him so that when I look back a year from now, I can see & know I spent my time well & not wasted.
What do you need to give up that you are clinging to other than God as your help? What are you avoiding because it doesn’t make you feel good? What are you saying “no” to God about because it doesn’t seem appealing?
Shine HOPE by being willing to do what’s right, even when you don’t feel like it… with God’s help & a willingness to surrender to that help!
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement right here on my blog/website @
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As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
A Note from Michelle:
(***Check out my FREE Journal Printable Resources: “Accountability Partner Guide + Question Prompts” & “Bible Study Question Prompts”!***)
This blog/website has been running for over FOUR years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to learn more of my story, check out the “About Me” tab. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” tab, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox (make sure to check your other inbox folders), along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Consider these pieces when shopping for friends, family, or yourself. Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Leather Leaf Earrings (Haiti)

These totally unique brown and ivory Leather Leaf Earrings made by women leading their families out of poverty in Haiti! Inspired by the natural beauty of the changing seasons, these genuine leather statement earrings are hand cut and accented with ivory glass beads and 14k gold-plated fishhook-style ear wires.
How You Can Help the Artisans & Support My Website:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me in continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win-win-win!
Love ya lots! Have a wonderful week!
I know you have your own unique story, as do I—yet I’m so amazed at how alike some of our struggles and experiences are!! YES! Surrender is a big word focus for me this year. It’s been in the sleeping in and lack of priority during the day where I must not back down from seeking His help, moment by moment! He is so gracious and always ready to offer a righteous way out of temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Thanks for sharing hope, my friend! Love you!
I love hearing your testimonies of how God is using what He is bringing me through to encourage what you are going through. It’s like He knows everything. 😉 God is so good! And every time you write me, it seems to be just what I need as well. I thought my “word of the year” was going to be something else, but then this theme of SURRENDER just seems to keep echoing as a need in my life. I want to be self-capable versus God-dependent FAR TOO OFTEN… & so… SURRENDER. I am so glad He is so faithful, patient, gentle, & kind when I so clearly don’t deserve it far too often. Praise GOD!