Getting Focused
As I get started on this blogging journey, I have spent many hours planning & thinking through what I would like to talk about.
I want to be intentional in what I use this space for—to encourage you with HOPE & with the courage to SHINE that hope.
I want to share with you my LIFE—my ups & downs, my insecurities & victories, my hesitations & my occasional courageous moments. I want to figuratively link arms with you & do this journey together.
To accomplish this, it really came down to one word—intentionality. And so, that’s where I am choosing to begin.So, after sharing my story of overcoming excuses & also of letting God work through my wilderness season, I want to get into this topic of intentionality to start us off.
Imperfections & Me
I know I have mentioned before that I am not perfect. In fact, I am far from perfect. (Most of my friends & family are probably like, “well, obviously.” Haha, thanks guys—but it’s so true.) And I definitely don’t have my life all together. (And that’s without a full-time job or kids!) So, what exactly is holding me back?
Lack of intentionality.
If you have read my past two posts (Why a Blog & Oasis in the Desert), or my “About Me” page, you know that I have been through a wilderness time in my life, for most of these past six years. You also will know that when I could have submitted those desires for comfort to God & asked Him for help to rest in His plan instead, I most often didn’t.
It is true that I have had legitimate stressors in my life & I am not saying to ignore the hurts or struggles. But I AM saying that even in those hurts, God could (& will) work great things.
Making a Difference
So, what could I have done differently, while those gray clouds followed me?
- Pray & place my hope in God instead of my desire for comfort
- Pray & ask God to use my wilderness for personal growth
- Pray & ask God to help me focus on encouraging others in the midst of my hurts
- Pray & allow God to be my sustaining power versus myself
Basically, if you notice the pattern, it all comes down to prayer & trusting it all to God!
You have probably heard it said that we all have the same number of hours in a day, or in a week. But how we use those hours is super important!
We oftentimes end up going through a whole week wondering what we actually accomplished that’s of lasting importance (or, at least I do some weeks!), & most of it points to one key element that we often neglect because of busyness, distractions, or stress—intentionality through prayer.
Overcoming the Formidable Sloth
I wouldn’t necessarily call myself lazy, (because who really WANTS to be called lazy?) But I am definitely not skilled at self-motivation. Without a set structure to life, I end up sort of floating on this vague sense of what I’d like to accomplish that week, (without actually accomplishing most of it).
Without a plan, without a structure, I don’t seem to get much done.
Anyone else?
I may have big hopes, dreams, desires, & goals… but without a plan, they sort of get rushed past, ignored & forgotten.
Turning Things Around
But then, here comes the HOPE part.
In the moments that I actually stopped my rain cloud gloominess & asked God to bring an oasis into my desert… (Did you catch last week’s blog? Read more, here) … but in those moments when I actually entrusted it to God for His working through it, I ALWAYS saw an oasis spring to life—even if in just the little things. (Those rain clouds ran for the hills!)
Sometimes the oasis was an inspiration for a project I had been putting off. Sometimes it was a person God put in my path, either for me to encourage or vice versa. And sometimes, the oasis was just time with Him, feeling at peace in the midst of my sad days.
Taking Those Baby Steps & Setting a Plan!
So now, here I am… past my EXCUSES & past LEAVING GOD OUT…. And I want to make my life purposeful. I want more INTENTIONALITY.
Previously, I had been using all of Morning & Afternoon hours to watch tv & play games, (which may sound heavenly to the tired, overworked woman—but to me, it was how I hid away from all of my stress). When that tv turned off, though, I was hit in the face with all the burdens that had never left.
Sound familiar to anyone?
It was my defense mechanism against the stress, & it was NOT working!
I couldn’t hide in that cave anymore. It wasn’t solving my problems & those problems always waited for me when I came out of hiding.
(*As a Side Note: That is why addictions in time of heartache or stress don’t work long-term! Those troubles are always waiting for you on the other end. Only God can redeem a situation & give you the healing & peace that you so desperately long for! Only HIM! Ask Him for wisdom & healing & Truth.)
I began asking God for the solution, instead of using my foolish, limited understanding of hiding away.
Well, a nudge began to form in my heart soon after.
My new planner was beckoning to me, so to speak, & I found that it was divided into Morning, Afternoon, & Evening slots.
I had originally found the three blocks of time in my planner ridiculous, because honestly, I had nothing to divide.
But, He nudged my heart to write down daily chores, with 1-2 things I had been meaning to do, in the Morning Slot of my planner for each day.
I decided it was worth a try.
Parting the Clouds
I began to do this each day, working diligently each morning, to strive for chore & task completion by lunch.
The result of being purposeful with each morning led to the rush of feeling accomplished & excited about each day, seeing the progress of items checked off.
It felt GOOD.
I felt good!
My daily “reward,” after completing my tasks, was still getting to play games or watch TV, AFTER lunch, AFTER I had finished my list.
Each day that I have done this, it has filled me with hope & has made me feel proud & content at the end of each day.
He knew.
He knew it was a simple, yet powerful plan to get me out of my sludge.
God knew exactly what I needed.
And when I get off track & my days start turning bleak again, I am trying to remember to stop & pray & ask God to show me the oasis… To show me how He could work in that moment, to give me purpose & to bless others through it all.
Because He CAN.
Continually Growing
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not *poof* cured of being restless & of neglecting to come to God with these moments, but I am His work in progress & if I keep my eyes on Him, He will not neglect to keep growing me closer to Him—closer to HOPE in the daily moments.
He DOES know what we need. ALWAYS! We just have to be humble enough to ask for HIS way versus OURS.
So, Here’s the Point
Because I know we live in a fallen world, & stressors are inevitable, I want this blog site to be a place where we can nudge each other back into focus—on Christ—& on living with intentionality.
Because really, that’s the only way any lasting good comes out of our mess—Tossing out our ways & trusting His.
Trust your all to Him, Lovely, because HE CAN.
And don’t forget, while you are learning to intentionally trust Him with your desert moments, Shine HOPE along the way.
EXTRA for Today!
If you are noticing a lot of dreams & goals slipping away, & it’s been hard for you to be intentional when you’re not even sure where to start, let me help!
I have designed a “Realizing Your Dreams” Guide, to help myself (& YOU!) get all of the jumble inside our heads onto paper. It’s hard to set goals when we don’t even know what they are!
Make sure to check it out, in the side bar (or, below this post, if on mobile)!
When you enter your details, it will also gain you access to My Tribe, where you will receive an extra weekly dose of encouragement in your email inbox, along with the link to each week’s Blog Post! Win, win, WIN!
I hope it blesses you & helps you make those dreams & goals a reality!
A Note from Michelle:
If you want to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” & “Hope is Found” pages, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Willow Necklace

Me wearing the Willow Necklace
Wear this hand-rolled clay and paper bead piece as a double strand necklace or detach one strand for a matching bracelet. Accented with micro paper beads.
Artisan Information:
Haiti is home to almost 500,000 orphans. The majority of these orphans have not been orphaned by parental deaths, but by parents who gave them up simply because they could not afford to feed them. No mother should have to give up her child. Through your purchase, you provide parents with a sustainable income, so they can keep their children! Be a part of families stepping into bright futures together!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in Haiti!
Shop Here, OR, Send me a message through the “Connect with Me” contact form, for more information!