A Quick Reflection
It has been so neat seeing God grow even me as I begin this blogging journey.
I began this journey expecting to inspire & encourage others, but as is true in most cases, the more I apply myself to pray over & encourage others in these areas, the more I inevitably grow & learn along the way.
In being intentional to pray over each topic & then write about it, God has been teaching & growing me so much! … Not because I am an exceptional writer, but because I can see God working even in my weaknesses & imperfections.
If there is an area of your life where you feel a nudge from God to pursue, don’t let your insecurities & imperfections hold you back. Submit it to Him & step forward in faith, knowing He can fill in the cracks.
Always pray about whatever is holding you back! And always pray to see through God’s eyes & through His wisdom & strength.
What Does Prayer Do?
You see, prayer does so much more than we sometimes stop to realize.
- Prayer refocuses us on Who is really in charge here–hint: GOD
- Prayer refocuses us on what is really important & valuable in life–God’s will & purposes
- Prayer opens our eyes to the needs of others & helps give us the tools we need to meet those needs
- Prayer allows us rest & peace & reassurance as we give our stress & pain to the One who is able to sustain us
- Prayer trains our hearts & minds to look beyond ourselves & to see God working in the lives of those around us (including ourselves!)
- Prayer can do what we cannot, because it means relying on God instead of ourselves
You see, prayer is so great because it means you have stopped relying on yourself & have instead, placed your cares, plans, & hopes in the only One who can bring any lasting value to the situation.
Realizing Your Dreams Reality Check
When I talk about “Realizing Your Dreams,” like my free PDF Guide, I am not talking about getting everything you think you want out of life. I am not talking about having a perfect life with a perfect family, where everything revolves around you & where you always get what you want when you want it…. (Email michelle@michellehydeonline.com if you would like your own free downloadable of the “Realizing Your Dreams” Guide PDF.)
Instead, when I talk about “Realizing Your Dreams,” I am talking about your God-given POTENTIAL.
Too often, we go through life scraping for what we think we want, always feeling like something is just out of our reach. We are either too tired, too stressed, too bored, too restless, too etc. etc. etc.
Why is this? Because we are either making our dreams about us OR, we are relying on ourselves too much.
How to Fix Our Focus
Imagine having a superhero standing next to you as you try to lift a car off of yourself. The superhero is completely willing to help, but we oftentimes forget they are there or simply think we can figure it out ourselves.
It seems silly when put in that perspective, but that is essentially what we are doing when we neglect to submit our cares & concerns to God.
He won’t force Himself upon us, but He is waiting with open arms to help.
We Are His Children
Another perspective is this… He made us. We are His.
He wants to hear about our day: our struggles, fears, insecurities, mistakes, joys, heartaches, victories, etc. He wants to hear from you!
God isn’t some distant dictator that doesn’t care… He is our Heavenly FATHER & He wants a relationship with us! He wants to hear all the mundane stories or cares that you feel too silly to admit to others.
He wants an intimate, personal relationship with you because you are His daughter & He loves you SO MUCH.
A King for His People
It is also true that He is the KING of kings, but what is so amazing is that He opens His throne room to us, to freely come before Him with our petitions & praises.
If you read stories of kings of old, some were so strict that you could be killed for coming before the king uninvited. It was a serious offense!
But God is a gracious King who loves us & cares for us. His doors are always open to us.
What a gracious & loving King!
Keep Growing
Grow your relationship with God. The more you talk with Him, & read/study the Bible (more on that next week), the more you begin to see Him actively working in & through your life & the more you begin to know & understand who He is & how He interacts with us.
If prayer is new to you, you may feel silly or stubborn at first, but He is listening. He doesn’t require a specific formula or formality to come to Him—Just Humility & Willingness.
Talk to Him out loud or in your thoughts, directing your cares to Him. Talk to Him like He is the One Friend who loves you more than anyone in the entire universe (because He is!!)
If you ARE feeling stubborn about not wanting to or not feeling the need to pray, pray about that, too! Pray about praying! I’m serious! Satan wants to create resistance within us, to keep us from joy & peace & strength & fruitful living. So, when you feel any resistance toward praying, pray about that!
Let God handle the resistor & let God quiet your mind to talk with Him freely.
Be Diligent, Be Humble
Ask Him to teach you to be diligent & humble in coming to Him more consistently.
If you feel like you hear no response, here is my advice:
- Lay all of your mistakes, pride, & wrongs at His feet & ask for forgiveness & mercy
- Get to know what matters to God, by reading His Word
- Keep asking—Sometimes the best answer to our prayers is a lack of immediate answer. We want instant gratification, but God wants lasting change & growth. So, keep asking
- Make sure you are praying for His will, not just your own—but always take your concerns & desires to Him & ask Him to shape your thoughts & desires to match His
Being Consistent
Be consistent. Set a time of day where you just sit to reflect & give your day, your desires, & your hesitations/fears to God.
Pray about a desire to pray more. Pray for self-discipline in this area. Pray for consistency & humility.
I Am Learning, Too
To be honest, this is an area that I struggle with (like so badly).
I used to pray like breathing, & as a result, I always felt assured & prepared & at peace. I felt ready for anything & confident in God’s abilities over my own. I felt rest in my struggles.
Because of that, I am completely aware of & convinced that it is completely worth it to pray. So, SO worth it!
Let God lead each day! Give Him back the controls of His creation—you. Let Him be your guide in life.
Be intentional. Be consistent. Be humble. Just do it!
And remember to go out into this world & SHINE HOPE, Lovely! <3
A Note from Michelle:
If you want to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” & “Hope is Found” pages, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Shasta Necklace

Me with Shasta Necklace & Golden Western Stud Earrings
(ON SALE–Limited Supply!)
Such a Statement Piece! This necklace is made with gold pins wrapped in woven wire for metallic, exaggerated fringe–with a lobster clasp.
Artisan Information:
In India, education is not free & is unaffordable for those in poverty. However, every purchase of this piece supports the women who make it, who have worked hard to establish an affordable school for their children. These women can now rise out of poverty while also seeing their children rise with them. Your purchase will empower mothers and their generations to come!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in India!
Shop Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thanks, Lovely!