Trusting God with Singleness
This week, I am continuing on from my topic last week of, “Trusting God with My Love of Love,” where I mentioned how I became okay with singlehood for the first time in my life, how I came to actually want that for myself, & finally, how God asked me to give that up.
Let me be clear that now that I have my husband, I wouldn’t want to trade him for the world, but before I knew there would be a husband, I became honestly satisfied with the idea of never getting married.
Of course, I still had weak moments where I would see a couple presumably in love, whether on screen, in a photo, or in real life… & I would start to dream of the “greener” grass on the other side… But after praying through my feelings of jealousy, peace would flood its place & I would be content all over again.
It was a learning process, but one I was no longer scared or anxious of the idea of it ever happening.
Either Single or Married
Single or married, trials would come… Single or married, I would still face heartache.
Hint: Married couples fight sometimes & have disagreements & can act like stubborn children, too. (If you are married, you might be like, “Mmmhhmm… preach it, girlfriend.”) Two imperfect people make for an imperfect marriage that only prayer for God’s wisdom, peace, & power can solve.
And the flip side is also true—Single or married, I would still feel loved… Single or married, I would still find adventure.
So, it no longer felt like my life would mean nothing if I never got married.
God has a purpose & a plan designed into me (& you), even single me, as an individual.
I then felt free to dream of the adventures before me, knowing full well that God was fully capable of filling me with adequate & fulfilling love.
But then… A Boy
But then, I met my now husband.
And you might think, “Okay, you SAID you were okay with singleness, but I am positive that that contrived “okay-ness” melted away into nothing instantly when you met him… Your true feelings were probably revealed when you no longer had to fake being “okay” with singleness.”
(I totally would have thought that about another person had it not been me, thinking they were just claiming to be okay. Like, “Yeah right, sister… I see right through your tough girl act.”)
But really, I was not interested.
I Was Equally Content Without & Scared of Love
Look at it from my perspective:
Love, romance, & romantic daydreaming had left me heartbroken & had broken too many hearts of guys I had really cared about.
Insecurities flooded me.
AND, I had just discovered how full of adventure & love a life could be without getting married.
I was not interested in messing with that newfound peace & assurance & promise of a grand life of adventure following God’s design for my life.
I WANTED that adventure!
And now there was a threat of giving up that new ideal.
I was not interested in rocking that boat.
I had finally found peace & I wanted to keep it that way.
Trust God No Matter What
God wanted me to not only trust Him in singleness, but to trust Him just as strongly in a relationship.
I was separating the two–trusting God or trusting in a relationship. But God wanted me to trust Him no matter what.
Relationships are often flooded with hormones that make us feel like we’re floating on air, holding our breath until we see that person again, building our lives around the happy feelings we feel around that person.
But we’re not meant to trust in or seek relationships to fulfill us, we’re meant to seek God for that.
A Person Can Never Fulfill Us
A person can never fulfill us—A person has limitations. A person is flawed. A person makes mistakes. A person has trauma & wrong ideas & misperceptions & misunderstandings. A person is just as imperfect as we are.
A person was never meant to fulfill us.
We are meant to lean into God for that fulfillment, while being a reflection of God’s patience, grace, love, sacrifice, & loyalty to our spouse & to the onlooking world.
We must lean into God for our needs, while seeking to fulfill other’s needs through God’s power, love, strength, courage, hope, love, peace, etc., by trusting God through it all.
Of course we mess up in trusting God with our needs & we fail & get selfish & make mistakes… but then we lean into God for restoration, renewal, & relationship.
HE is our Sustainer.
Trusting God with My Fears in a Relationship
So, now was my opportunity to trust God through my insecurities, trauma, & fears while in a relationship with another person—a person who could let me down, hurt me, leave me, scar me.
Sometimes it seems easier to trust God when it’s just us & Him… but trusting God with a relationship of unknowns means we trust God, not only when WE mess up, but also when THEY mess up.
Less control equals more fear & often requires more trust.
Avoiding to Find Contentment? Or Trusting God?
So, when we often think we are avoiding something because we are trusting God to be without it… maybe we should stop & ask ourselves if we’re willing to trust God WITH it, too.
If you have been following my journey for a while, (& I will get further into this in a later pivotal moment), my husband & I have tried to have kids for six years now—unsuccessfully.
Sometimes, I needed to ask myself these same questions—whether I was content being childless simply because I convinced myself that a childless life would be simpler? Or whether I trust God just as much EVEN IF He gives me children & I am faced with a messier, yet awesome, life?
Trusting God on one side of an issue is great & is exactly where we should be, but it is equally important to trust Him in the opposite circumstances.
Would You Trust Him With…
New life & loss?
New job & lost job?
New relationship & heartbreak?
Marriage & Singleness?
Healthy body & broken body?
Successful life & failure?
Popularity & neglect?
Fame & behind the scenes?
Prominence & subservience?
Plenty & hunger?
Contentment & anxiousness?
Dreams fulfilled & dreams lost?
Contentment through Trust in God Alone
Whatever side of the coin you’re on, make sure you ask yourself: Am I content in not having my way, by trusting God through it all… OR… Am I content with God changing things because I trust Him regardless?
In our wisdom, we try to fix our own problems, like me trying to gain contentment without children by convincing myself how difficult it would be… versus leaning into God as my solution. It seemed to fix my problem, but it really created a new problem for me.
Trusting God over our own wisdom is always better.
Step back, ask the hard questions of yourself, & ask God to graciously, patiently help you to trust Him where you lack, through His power & wisdom.
He’s got you.
Shine Hope by leaning into Him, no matter the circumstances.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement, & to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
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A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Eternity Necklace

Multiple mix metal chains are hugged by a metal curved tube to create this simple yet elegant piece with a lobster clasp closure.
Artisan Information:
The poverty cycle in India continues primarily because of the lack of education. Most schools are not free or affordable. Therefore, many children never learn to read or write & they grow up with limited opportunities. However, every purchase of this product empowers women to provide for their children & send them to school! You have the opportunity to end poverty & create an impact for generations to come!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in India!
(Also pictured: Truth Earrings, made in the Philippines.)
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!