Prayers of Surrender

Do you ever feel like there are certain areas of your life you just cling to with all your might, unwilling to entrust them to God because you feel you NEED them, you want them that badly? This is basically me way too often.

Through these wrestling matches with God, He has taught me one valuable thing… I need to learn to pray a prayer of surrender… even if I feel unwilling to give it up, to admit that, ask His forgiveness for it, & ask for help with a new perspective of trusting Him EVEN in that.

It’s not always easy… that’s why it’s called SURRENDER… but it is ALWAYS 100% worth it.

May these prayer templates help encourage you, uplift you, & shift your heart focus from a desperate clinging to your heart’s desires, to a desperate clinging to HIM ALONE.

It is okay to feel that ache in your heart... to mourn your unrealized dreams... but be cautious to not allow Satan a foothold for discontentment, resentment, distrust, & bitterness toward God--because he will for sure try. If you struggle not being able to have children, as a wife of 11 years with no children, I can relate. But God has been faithful to show us a full life of joy, even though His plan is different than what we ever pictured or planned. It's okay to mourn, but don't let that mourning create a rift where Satan wants one. God has a good plan for you despite... so let Him in & ask Him to help you "somehow" find your contentment in Him--because that is the place to really find your truest, most fulfilling contentment anyway.

Download the FREE Prayer of Surrender-Childlessness PDF, HERE.

My specific words aren't some magical solution to end your struggle... But the heart behind them, the pouring out of your heart to God as your help... that is where (Who) your help comes from. God doesn't promise easy, but He does promise to be with us & sufficient for us through every circumstance. Use this prayer as a template, as a starting point of pouring your need out to an Almighty God who loves you more than you could ever know & whose peace is just the Hope you're so desperately searching for.

Download the FREE Prayer of Surrender-Depression & Anxiety PDF, HERE.

It can be difficult when facing financial burdens. It is tempting to be jealous, fearful &/or discontent. But it's so important to recognize that in those natural emotions, it reveals a distrust in our loving God to provide our NEEDS. And the richness you really seek is that of the heart, not your wallet. You can be rich financially & destitute in the heart still. What you really need is a surrendered heart to Jesus, asking for help trusting that He really can be your more-than-enough, even when your bank balance isn't looking so great.

Download the FREE Prayer of Surrender-Finances PDF, HERE.

Are you single... & feeling like you have been single for TOO long? Maybe you cry in bed at night or come home from work wishing you had a husband to come home to. Maybe you wish you had an adventure buddy or a lifelong best friend. I've been there. The ache is real. But so is God's provision. If this is your wrestling match with God, unwilling to entrust Your relationship status to Him, take some time to pray through this prayer. May the words echo in your heart as a reminder that EVEN IN THIS, He really is enough. Take your ache to Him every day it threatens to crush you under its weight. He is sufficient in all things, even if that may feel impossible to you right now.

Download the FREE Prayer of Surrender-Singleness PDF, HERE.