Recommended by Michelle
It is so important to remember that we are not on this journey of life alone. Not only is God eternally faithful, but He also reminds us to have fellowship with one another, to encourage & edify one another, & to help each other grow toward HIM.
These resources have encouraged me so much on my journey, in forever pointing me to Him & His Word, that I want to share them with you as well, in hopes that them going before you will encourage you to seek Him & love Him & know Him all the more.
(Please see the disclaimer at the bottom of the page.)
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders & the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Pioneer & Perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, & sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2… These verses follow Hebrews 11, where it describes those who came before us & lived by faith (in GOD). What a great encourager to look at the legacy of those who followed Jesus as we strive to do the same!)
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)
“Listen to counsel & receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days. There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.” (Proverbs 19:20-21)
“Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace & the things by which one may edify another.” (Romans 14:19)
Bible Studies

Bible Studies I Recommend
“Armor of God” by Priscilla Shirer
This study was a great tool in helping me understand what it actually means to “Put on the full armor of God” as we are told to do in Ephesians 6:10-18. And her every instruction guides you to turn to God, through intentionally focused prayers, to combat our enemy. (Find it on Amazon, here.)
This Bible Study works to address strongholds & sins that you are maybe holding back from God or trying to handle on your own. It was a great tool in my life in helping me recognize areas I needed to surrender to God. (Find this on Amazon, here.) Bible Study Training & Encouraging Community of Women Seeking Him
I highly recommend this resource! Katie’s passion is teaching women how to study the Bible themselves, rather than relying solely on the study of others. She encourages you to dive deeper, take a closer look, & get more out of your study of God’s Word, allowing you to meditate on His Truth in a richer way as you read it. Not only that, but it includes a community of women learning together! She has prompts for those simply wanting to build the habit of reading, & for those who already have that habit, but want to go deeper in their studying. (Definitely check this out, here!)
“Lies Women Believe & The Truth That Sets Them Free” by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
When I first heard of this study, I scoffed. I thought, having grown up in the church, that the lies would be obvious. But oh how wrong I was! This book addresses those little lies that are so intricately & subtly woven into our homes & culture that we may not even recognize them as lies–but as mere FACTS. This study helped me stop & evaluate lies I grew up believing as truth, to replace them with ACTUAL Truth. (Find it on Amazon, here.)
“Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival” by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth & Tim Grissom
This study is not for the faint of heart. It will take a lot of giving yourself grace as you confront your personal weaknesses, sins, & daily compromises of choosing yourself over God, in the pursuit of living a life that pleases God. It’s a hard study in this respect, but it’s important to remember that if you have accepted Jesus’ payment on your behalf, Jesus has already paid for those things. It’s time to move forward in faith & obedience to God. (Find it on Amazon, here.)
“True Woman 101: Divine Design” by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth & Mary A. Kassian
If you are struggling to find your place in life, as a woman, but always see either “do whatever you want!” or “stay in the kitchen!” then this is the right study for you. It does a good job of revealing a healthy balance of letting God lead you as a woman, through every stage of life… not the swinging trends of culture. (There is also a Part 2 to this which I have not yet done.) (Find it on, here.)

Books I Recommend
“Andrew Murray on Prayer (compilation)” by Andrew Murray
“You can have an exciting relationship of intimate communion with Christ! In these dynamic pages, Andrew Murray explains biblical guidelines for effective communication with God. Discover essential keys to developing a vibrant prayer life….”
This book on Prayer led to a PIVOTAL turning point in my life in regards to living for Christ. I always assumed it was meant to be through self-efforts, but Andrew Murray gently leads us to the Truth that God is there to help every step of the way, highlighting throughout the Bible demonstrations of HOW people throughout the Bible PRAYED & the difference it made! Highly Recommend, as I have gifted this to most pastors by whom I have been led. (Find it on Amazon, here.)
“Authentic Beauty: The Shaping of a Set-Apart Young Woman” by Leslie Ludy
This is one of the first books that I remember having a strong influence in my life–other than the Bible, of course! It encouraged me that there was more to life than just living for me… & that it was worth pursuing God with my life. That He could use me & my life in His beautiful plan. (Find it on Amazon, here.)
“The Pursuit of Holiness” by Jerry Bridges
THIS book, ladies! Wow. I have heard amazing reviews about this book since I was a teen, but it sounded intimidating, so I always ignored it. Even after finding it amongst my late Grandmother’s treasured books, it has sat on a shelf in my home for years… Until I began the “Seeking Him” Bible Study by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth & Tim Grissom.
This small book is jam-packed with rich wisdom, encouragement, & a prodding to shift your life pursuit to one that pleases God for only the purpose of pleasing God (ie no ulterior motives of seeming “good” or “manipulating” God), understanding that salvation does not come from this pursuit, but that it is the most worthy pursuit of our lives.
Based on God’s command to us in 1 Peter 1:16: “… for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”
(Find it on Amazon, here.)
“The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis
This book opened my eyes to the subtle little ways in which I allow Satan to deceive me. Written from the “perspective” of a demon, these letters demonstrate to us how easily we can confuse God’s Truth with Satan’s lies if we are not in pursuit of learning God’s Truth (the Bible). (Find it on Amazon, here.)
“Sit, Walk, Stand” by Watchman Nee
Oh how wonderful this small little book has been! This is one that a friend & I read through together after having gone through most of it with a women’s Bible Study group I attended on a trip. It encourages us to understand the order of things, with: SIT in what God has accomplished & promises to work in & through us… WALK with that understanding fueling everything you do… STAND firm against the enemy. Definitely recommend. (Find it on Amazon, here.)
“When God Writes Your Love Story” by Eric & Leslie Ludy
This book was such an encouragement to me in learning to trust God with my daydreamer, romantic heart. Let God lead–always! (Find it on Amazon, here.)
Podcasts & Sermons

Podcasts & Sermons I Recommend
Sermons by Pastor Tim Perrin (Grace Baptist Church)
These sermons have been a continual source of edifying encouragement to me. They are consistently a healthy balance of encouragement & conviction. He focuses on Scripture & how God commands us to live, calling us toward holiness before a Holy God, while also equally emphasizing our need to lean into God to carry through with it. If you are looking for Biblical teaching that doesn’t sugar coat, but also doesn’t burden you with sole responsibility to live it… check out these sermons, at
(*Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a substitute for finding a local church to become a part of, though. God calls us to fellowship & to plug in as part of the body of Christ as we live for Him, knowing we need each other. Please make sure you pray about & find a local church to serve with as part of the body of Christ.)
“Revive Our Hearts” Podcast by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth (Life Action Ministries)
This podcast is something I tune into almost every day. While this is something led by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, she often hosts other Christian women who share their testimonies of God’s grace & lessons in their own lives. Such a beautiful encouragement to hear from other women from all backgrounds seeking to live for Him. (Find the Podcast recordings of “Revive Our Hearts,” here… OR, find the ministry of Life Action Ministries, who hosts this podcast, here.)
Discipleship Tape Ministries-Russel Kelfer
Every day, I would listen to the Christian radio station on Guam & be encouraged by a particular pastor’s sermon. I didn’t know his name at first, but his lessons always cut straight to my heart. They were to the point & unapologetic truth of God’s Word, without trying to CONVINCE you or manipulate or shame… just TRUTH. It was so refreshing & I always got something out of the lessons. I wanted him to be my mentor & learn from him, as his words echoed Scripture & helped me grasp their concepts in a way that gives all the glory to GOD & not any of us. Go check it out, here!

Websites I Recommend
This website is really neat. It takes books, themes, & stories of the Bible & tells them through drawings &/or graphics. Like a graphic novel in video form that tells a story. The visuals are enjoyable to watch unfold & make listening to or understanding Scripture interesting & engaging. I have seen many, but not all of their videos & have thoroughly enjoyed the ones I have had the chance to see.
Check their website out, here: “Bible Project”
“Bedroom Bombshell” by Jackie Dixon
Sex is a sticky subject that is (sadly) most often waded through via our culture vs. Scripture. But Christians need to start talking about God’s design for sex & helping women wade through insecurities, anxieties, etc. This course is a bit pricey, but offers monthly sessions with the coach, Jackie Dixon (& other married women), and an additional 8-week course. She walks you through sex in a biblical context, for married women. If this is an area you feel desperate for help, check out her webinar or get on the phone with her team, to decide! Click here to learn more.
Campus Crusade for Christ–A Great Resource for Questions & Growth
If you have questions about your faith, or if you are simply wanting another place to help inspire your spiritual growth, check out this great resource! There is so much helpful information available on their site. Click here to check it out! Bible Study Training & Encouraging Community of Women Seeking Him
I highly recommend this resource! Katie’s passion is teaching women how to study the Bible themselves, rather than relying solely on the study of others. She encourages you to dive deeper, take a closer look, & get more out of your study of God’s Word, allowing you to meditate on His Truth in a richer way as you read it. Not only that, but it includes a community of women learning together! She has prompts for those simply wanting to build the habit of reading, & for those who already have that habit, but want to go deeper in their studying. (Definitely check this out, here!)
Leslie Ludy Ministries — Becoming a Set Apart Woman
This lady has been a huge encouragement in my faith & I hope she can encourage you just as much! She has helped me see that God is bigger than I am & that He has a bigger plan than we can see! I highly recommend two of her books, “When God Writes Your Love Story” (Co-authored with her husband, Eric), & “Authentic Beauty.” The first book is what inspired me to stop trying to control how relationships went, AKA wanting to be good enough to be considered “marriable.” It helped me step back & trust God’s timing & plan for my relationships. The second book helped me to see that I was really living for myself & that God could do so much more with my life if I was willing to submit different areas to Him. So life-changing! Leslie’s site, is also full of encouragement! Click here to visit her page.
She Works HIS Way by Michelle Myers
She Works His Way, led by Michelle Myers & her team, is such an encouraging group! (Check them out on Facebook, too!) Their portal allows access to trainings that are specifically geared toward teaching women how to live for & represent Christ through business! They teach you how to put Him first in everything related to business, & LIFE! Definitely check them out for daily encouragement! Click here to learn more! They also have an Awesome downloadable APP for your phones–encouragement coming at you daily on your cell phone!!
Worship Music

Worship Music
- I haven’t gotten to this section yet, BUT, I recommend most worship music by Chris Tomlin, as a majority of his music has the heart of pointing to God in all things & giving God the credit & glory in all things. His music is humbling & uplifting all at once.
Building a Blog/Website to Shine for Jesus Christ
This blog/website was no accident. It took years of prayer & planning, plus God’s leading me to some resources that helped give me the tools to know how to design & implement that planning.
If you are interested in starting a blog &/or website to shine a light for Jesus, check out these resources that have been such a useful treasure of information for me. (View those resources, here.)
Disclaimer for Resources
As a disclaimer, I can never fully endorse anything except the infallible Word of God. Having said this, I want you to remember two things as you browse these materials:
1. “Take everything with a grain of salt”—While most of these materials have helped me on my own journey, they Are human-made & therefore Can contain faults. I believe enough of this material to be beneficial to you & me, so I have included them here. I ALWAYS recommend you seek God’s guidance for the BEST personal solutions for your specific journey–He knows you better than I (or even YOU) ever could!
2. “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”—This age-old quote basically means (in this context), that when you catch a mistake or a flaw, don’t throw out the helpful stuff with it. We are all on a journey of growth, so show grace & allow yourself to be grown by the helpful content, even when you see a mistake or weakness in another area.
So, how do you discern whether to listen to certain things versus others when using human-made materials? Simple! Get to know the Word of God! His infallible words, the more you are familiar with them, will guide you to having a discerning heart! Also important is to pray & ask God to guide you in that discernment!
None of us are perfect, but God calls the willing, & we are called to encourage & sharpen one another even while we are imperfect.
Keep your eyes on Him & allow yourself to serve Him & encourage others even in your imperfection. Go SHINE!