Resources for You


As a disclaimer, I can never fully endorse anything except the infallible Word of God. Having said this, I want you to remember two things as you browse these materials:

1. “Take everything with a grain of salt”—While most of these materials have helped me on my own journey, they Are human-made & therefore Can contain faults. I believe enough of this material to be beneficial to you & me, so I have included them here. I ALWAYS recommend you seek God’s guidance for the BEST personal solutions for your specific journey–He knows you better than I (or even YOU) ever could!

2. “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”—This age-old quote basically means (in this context), that when you catch a mistake or a flaw, don’t throw out the helpful stuff with it. We are all on a journey of growth, so show grace & allow yourself to be grown by the helpful content, even when you see a mistake or weakness in another area.

So, how do you discern whether to listen to certain things versus others when using human-made materials? Simple! Get to know the Word of God! His infallible words, the more you are familiar with them, will guide you to having a discerning heart! Also important is to pray & ask God to guide you in that discernment!

None of us are perfect, but God calls the willing, & we are called to encourage & sharpen one another even while we are imperfect.

Keep your eyes on Him & allow yourself to serve Him & encourage others even in your imperfection. Go SHINE!