Self-Empowerment or Self-Surrender?

It’s Not Always Best to “Go with the Flow”
I have found that this topic is not a popular one. I can almost see hair bristling when I talk about it. And that reaction has been my own as well.
Who doesn’t like to feel they have some manner of control in their life?
I’ve talked about this topic before, in “The Tale of Two Cakes,” (that post being from the perspective of how we decide to encourage others–toward self or God), but it’s a concern I see slowly seeping into mainstream Western Christianity, so I feel compelled to revisit this topic, in hopes that you & I both take it to heart.
We need to discuss the very important distinction between self-empowerment & self-surrender.
I Want to Feel in Control of Things
There are so many areas of life, where I mess up regularly, that stem from this innate need I feel to have some control over my own life.
This need manifests itself in many ways, from eating out to soothe anxiety, to questioning God’s direction in my life by testing out my way 700 times first.
I want a say. I want to try. I want to do it myself. (I sort of sound like the typical toddler, don’t I?) But if you evaluated your own life, could you detect this same inner voice? Maybe sugar-coated & justified, but with the same telltale undertones ringing true of your personal need for control?
It’s Even Being Taught by Well-Meaning Christian Leadership
Sadly, this message of SELF-empowerment is spreading like wildfire in many Christian circles—even Christian conferences & sermons.
How can WE get OUR life back on track? How can WE get the most out of OUR life? How can WE feel good?
But the joy (& peace) is not in having more or accomplishing more, but in surrendering more. It’s not in having more control, but by giving Him more control.
The more that we look up & say, “God, I am sorry for clinging to or coveting such-&-such. Help me know how to find that joy in YOU,” the more we actually find what we’re looking for.
I feel saddened by Christian mantras that echo self-empowerment sentiments of “YOU’ve got this!” “YOU’re ENOUGH!” “YOU can handle it!”
Because, the truth is, you don’t, you’re not, & you can’t.
You Were Designed to NEED HIM
You’re not meant to be self-capable, self-sufficient, or self-empowered.
You were designed to NEED HIM.
And until we figure that out & live like that is true, because it is, then we will always feel like we, compared to everyone else around us, just can’t seem to get a handle on things.
You don’t need to believe that you’ve got this. You need to recognize that HE DOES.
You don’t need to be told you’re enough. You need to realize that HE IS.
You don’t need to think that you can handle it. You need to see that HE CAN.
We need to learn how to surrender more. To take our “I can’ts” to His throne & say, “God, be my enough. Supply my needs. Direct me. Guide me. Show me how to obey You & to honor You & to please You with my everything. Make me decrease so You may increase.” (John 3:30-36)
This life is not about a rat race of trying to feel capable & strong & get the most out of it. It’s about learning more & more that His plans are higher & better than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9) & that He can enable us in our MANY weaknesses every step along the way.
By Him. For Him. Through Him. (Romans 11:36)
What Do You Cling to for Control That You Need to Entrust to Him?
I am convicted of how little I am willing to give up control in my own life… I love feeling self-capable & self-empowered more than most anything.
I give, but only from excess or leftovers: time, resources, money.
I help, but only if/when it’s convenient/comfortable.
I edify intentionally & am friendly, but only if I feel it will be received well.
I support others, but only if there’s little cost to me & I can “protect my mental health” (aka feel no stress from it).
I sacrifice, but only if I can see the reward.
I obey, but often only if I can see the benefit of it up front.
This should not be! I NEED to SURRENDER MORE to Him. I need to trust His work & His Truth & His sufficiency more than my own!
I am not enough. I am weak to temptations. I am selfish. I am prideful. I am prone to wander. I am prone to choose ME. I am disobedient in my inaction & sometimes in my actions. I am too me-focused in life–MY comfort, ME well-being, MY desires, MY needs, MY wants, MY plans, MY control.
God Says…. We Ought to Trust HIS Way
God says when someone demands your tunic, give them also your cloak. (Luke 6:27-36)
God says when someone demands you go a mile, go with them two.
God says that Whatever we do to the least of these, we do also to Him. And whatever we don’t do, we also don’t do to Him. (Matthew 25:31-46)
God says to test Him with our giving sacrificially, that all things come from Him & we can trust Him to provide as we provide for others. (Malachi 3:10)
God says that in all our ways we ought to acknowledge Him (not OUR wants/needs/perception/logic) & He will make our paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-7)
God says that in our weaknesses, that is when His power is made known to us & we realize it really is enough for us. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)
Self-Empowerment or Self-Surrender?
The more you give for Him, the more you seem to gain. It’s never not worth it.
Shine HOPE—Instead of seeking to feel more capable, strong, & worthy… seek HIM.
Self-Empowerment or Self-Surrender—which will you choose?
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement right here on my blog/website @
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
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A Note from Michelle:
(***Check out the newly updated Resources & Recommendations page!***)
This blog/website has been running for over THREE years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to learn more of my story, check out the “About Me” tab. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” tab, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox (make sure to check your other inbox folders), along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Consider these pieces when shopping for friends, family, or yourself. Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Long Chain Necklace (Golden) (India)

Love long chain necklaces? This is the necklace for you! This gold-tone link-chain design is handcrafted in India & is totally on-trend! Wear alone, double up, or layer together with other chain necklaces from our One World Collection, like our Long Chain Necklace – Silver. (Shown with the Darling Charms Set.)
Every purchase provides fair trade jobs in areas of extreme poverty in India. In India, poverty often leads to exploitation of vulnerable Artisans in sweatshops. Every purchase provides these Artisans with fair wages, access to healthcare, education for their children, & care for elderly family members.
Purchase this necklace & empower an Artisan in India!
How You Can Help:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me in continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win win!
Love ya lots! Have a wonderful week!