If… Then…
I have heard it asked, more times than I can count, that “if God allows people to go to Hell, how can He be a good God?”
They also tend to follow that question with: “If God isn’t good, I don’t want to follow Him.”
The above declaration is also often preceded with God allowing the presence of evil in this world, so let’s address both concerns today.
Who Are We Compared to Him?
First of all, let’s get the “If God doesn’t [fill in the blank], then I don’t want to follow or believe in Him” claim out of the way.
If God IS real & He DID create the world & everything in it. If God DOES have complete control, power & dominion over it all… I would think our opinion of His deserving our respect should not matter so much. In fact, to risk being blunt, our opinion would be completely irrelevant.
He doesn’t have to get our stamp of approval for Him to be real & for His righteous punishment for the rebellion of sin to be real.
He Is “I Am”
And reality check, He IS real, He DID create the world & everything in it. And He DOES have complete control, power, & dominion over it all.
I feel that it’s important to start there because we are not dealing with a Someone whom we can shape to our liking or decide whether or not they are real or deserving… That’s not up for debate.
The consequences are real.
But so is His grace.
How Is God Good?
So, let’s get to the “God is Good” part, in light of sin & the consequences of that sin (Hell) as a reality we must accept.
So maybe you decide God could possibly be real. Maybe you feel that little tug on your heart, beckoning you to accept His grace & be welcomed into His haven of love & comfort & hope, even on earth.
But maybe you’re stuck on sin… & on Hell.
Maybe you question God’s goodness & therefore doubt whether you can put your faith & trust into Someone you feel afraid of or defensive of in light of what you believe about yourself or the world.
Completely understandable. I have BEEN there.
Even after I got saved, I grappled with this for a while.
It’s scary.
Digging Deeper
God IS Good, & so let us dig a bit deeper than the surface.
Oftentimes, we hate this idea about God because we either see our own good intentions or the good intentions of others, when thinking about our sin.
Or maybe we feel haunted by a decision we made or something we did & now we feel trapped under the wrath of God, afraid to accept it as a reality rather than an imagined construct that we can just dismiss & figuratively run away from (or try to).
But God’s wrath is real.
BUT, His grace is just as real & it covers your worst when you bow it all to Him.
We Choose to Choose
You see, if you caught my blog post a couple weeks ago, “Garden of Eden: What Was So Wrong About Eating That Fruit?” then you know that we were never intended to be in this mess of a world & life in the first place.
God’s intent was for us to stroll with Him in the perfect Garden of Eden without fears or worry, pain or strife, living in a trusting relationship with our Father God in control of everything in this world that would otherwise cause us lasting &/or immense pain.
But Adam & Eve rebelled, wanting to make those calls for themselves, thus dooming us with that same knowledge of good & evil, brought on by eating that fruit.
And not only that, but we choose to eat of that fruit every day, don’t we?–in the way that we live, choosing to supersede God’s will & way so that we can do it our own way (& inevitably screw something or someone up).
We Have the Knowledge, But Not the Infinite Wisdom
You see, we have the knowledge of good & evil, yes, but we DON’T have the capacity to see every ripple effect of every choice. We DON’T have full wisdom to see all pieces in play past, present, & future. We DON’T always know all the details involved or the subconscious trauma that our decisions cause ourselves & others simply by essentially shoving God out of the way to run things ourselves.
Even as a Christian, I am guilty of living like this, despite my intent, every single day.
It’s too easy to go based on habit, cultural norm, how I was raised, my own perceptions, my self-protection mode, good intentions, pride, fear, insecurities, doubts, uncertainties, etc., before stopping to realize I have done it again—I have acted without stopping to ask God for guidance on how to do it best.
No One Good But God
You see, we mess up every day.
No one can call themselves Good. Even Jesus said, “there is no one good, no not one” (paraphrase Romans 3:10-12) & that our “righteousness is like dirty rags.” (Isaiah 64:6)
Only God is good because He is perfection. He is lacking nothing.
He doesn’t make mistakes. He doesn’t act out of fear or hate or pride.
He just IS. He is the great I AM.
All God Asks…
And all God asks of us is to trust Him to do the hard stuff, to protect us from the painful things, & to guide us in the way that will bring us & others the most joy, fulfillment, & peace.
But we still rebel.
God Also Made a Way Back for Us
And THEN, we have the audacity to shake our fists at God for sin on this earth… for not allowing entrance into heaven for those who do not accept His grace offered through Jesus Christ.
Because He offers that grace to EVERYONE, without exception.
God Makes All Things New
Paul murdered countless Christians, BUT when he surrendered his wrongs to God, God restored him & gave him a new purpose (his originally designed purpose) to encourage countless more to find hope in Christ.
David was called a man after God’s own heart when he repented of his own guilt & shame of sleeping with another man’s wife & then sending that man to the frontlines so that her pregnancy would not be found out. But God redeemed him & used his life for wonderful things, washing his slate clean.
You see, the people written about in the Bible aren’t even “good” people.
They are REDEEMED people. Redeemed through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, for even them.
And for you.
He Gives Hope Despite What We Really Deserve
THAT is why we can easily call God our GOOD God, because despite the fact that the perfect life of trust & peace & joy in Him, that He intended for us to have was spit upon by Adam & Even eating that fruit… And EVEN THOUGH we make that same decision daily by bypassing His help to do it our own way… & even though we have pasts that make us cringe in the sight of God’s righteous judgment upon our sin….
God… Offers… GRACE.
HE made the way. He paid the price. He invites us back to Himself. He bridged the gap. He beckons us home.
Run to Grace
He forgives. He guides. He loves. He protects. He listens. He gives Himself as a Comforter through the Holy Spirit. He gives HIS grace to all who seek it, through Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.
Don’t live defending your wrongs, in the sight of God Almighty. Run to Him.
Don’t live running from His righteous judgement. Run TO Him.
Don’t be content avoiding God in fear. Run to Him.
He Gives Grace & His Grace Is FREE
He is beside you, waiting with open arms to welcome you home.
No questions asked… No lecture awaiting your return… No crossed arms or glaring gaze.
Celebratory dancing & singing, twirling around with joy, hands reached out to pull you into a loving, joyous embrace, an “I’m just so glad you’re HOME!” type GRACE.
Let Him…
Let Him love you.
Let Him shower you with His goodness.
Ask Him to show you, personally, His love & forgiveness & hope & GRACE.
It is so, SO worth it, my friend!
Always Learning, Always Growing
Even I have to constantly grow & learn new ways to submit my ways to Him, so that I can experience His presence & goodness more thoroughly in my life.
I will forever need to grow, but His grace is once & for all.
I am forgiven. I am set free. I can look forward to heaven with full assurance that the grace of God covers even me.
And it covers you as well.
Will you answer the call?
Coming Next Week
Join me next Monday morning EST for more weekly encouragement!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Nairobi Necklace

Small hammered ovals & ethically sourced bone shapes adorn this golden necklace that shimmers in the light. Crafted in Kenya.
Artisan Information:
In Kenya, where many people struggle with starvation & poverty, the women we partner with are defying the odds! Your purchase empowers these women to earn an income, overcome physical disabilities, & become important parts of their communities!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Kenya!
(*Also Pictured: Grace Earrings, made in the Philippines!*)
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!