“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
It rises at one end of the heavens & makes its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its warmth.”
Such beautiful poetry is found in certain places throughout the Bible, especially in the Psalms.
I came across this particular Psalm & fell in love with the imagery it presented, talking about one of my favorite works of God’s art in this world—the sky. I love how its colors always change & the shapes of the clouds are always moving & shifting.
The sky is like new art every moment of every day.
God is infinitely creative & in just looking up at the sky & admiring its ever-changing beauty, you see a testament to that! So neat, huh?
Look Up!
I love this reminder to just look up & be reminded that God deserves all the glory… seeing the works of His hand, showing His knowledge, His creativity, His attention to detail, His infiniteness, & even His care of mankind in providing the warmth of the sun.
We only need to look up to see a reminder of how worthy of praise God truly is & how present & available He is to us.
Lift your eyes to the sky & praise His name!
His Word in Light of His Majesty
“The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous.”
That next section of Psalm 19, after it was just reminding us of how glorious, creative, knowledgeable & caring God is, reminds us that He knows best. His Word, in the Bible, is not just good advice, it is PERFECT advice. It works 100%.
And, It Benefits US
Also, this passage does not fail to mention all the ways His Word BENEFITS us when we spend time reading/studying it, applying it, trusting it, & living by it.
It is perfect.
It refreshes the soul.
It is trustworthy.
It gives wisdom.
It is right.
It gives joy to the heart.
It is radiant.
It gives light to the eyes.
Trusting Him & His Word is wholly deserved & endures forever.
It is firm, steady, sure.
It is righteous.
Someone I know said something that really made sense to me. She said, “The Bible is THE MOST transformative book for our hearts & minds… It’s no wonder Satan tries so hard to convince us we don’t need it.”
The slew of reasons we come up with as to why we don’t/shouldn’t read the Bible are endless & I have used most all of them:
“I’m too busy right now.”
“I was going to, but I got distracted.”
“Ugh, headache!”
“I am just so tired! Can’t focus.”
“It’s kind of boring.” (Ha.)
“Isn’t it outdated, though?”
“I don’t see how the rest applies to me, so I stick to the ‘good parts’, so that’s probably enough.”
“I read only specific verses that encourage me, so that’s probably enough.”
“I read passages that talk about my current struggle, so that’s probably enough.”
“I hear the Bible read at church/in Bible Study, so that’s probably enough.”
“I do a Bible study book that has key verses we read, so that’s probably enough.”
I can probably come up with SO MANY MORE reasons I have given myself, not to mention ones I have heard come from others in my circles.
Our Enemy Knows Where to Strike… BUT, GOD
Satan is crafty. He knows how to appeal to our flesh & immediate gratification. He knows what he’s doing & has gotten quite good at convincing us pretty easily… & most of the time we don’t even bother seeing it as giving into the lies of Satan, because we had good intentions to start with, didn’t we?
But I want you to scroll up & re-read those few verses one more time & then think about your reasons for NOT reading & how they are lies offered by Satan… AND THEN consider how mighty, how creative, how wise, how knowledgeable, & how CARING God is that we saw in the first set of verses & remember this: WE CAN ASK FOR GOD’S HELP.
When you consider reading the Bible, but Satan scrolls his infinitely long list of excuses for your ready use, consider that fact: WE CAN ASK FOR GOD’S HELP.
It’s worth it!
Transformed Hearts & Minds
And sure, it SEEMS outdated & old & boring at first, but then something very weird happens, you feel encouraged, uplifted, assured, & stronger the more you read it! Because the more you spend time CONSISTENTLY reading God’s Word, the more you are constantly reminded of the fact that God is so Good, so Wise, so Kind, So Knowledgeable, etc. etc. etc. Your confidence, in HIM, skyrockets the more you read it.
So, don’t stop at the lies, pray for the victory & read ANYWAY.
Why Read the Bible?
Because His Words…
“They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. By them your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward. But who can discern their own errors?”
Lean into Him for help & spend time in His Word consistently. You will be surprised to see how accurate this Psalm 19 description of God & His Word turn out to be.
3 years in, & I grow more in love with it every time through it.
Lord, Please…
And to finish off today’s post, I will borrow this short prayer from the final verses found in Psalm 19. May it be our heart cry as we seek to live for Him, through Him:
Lord, “Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression.
May these words of my mouth & this meditation of my heart
Shine HOPE by getting into His Word EVERY SINGLE DAY & asking for God’s help every time Satan tries to knock down your good intentions with his lies. GOD. IS. BIGGER.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
This blog/website has been running for TWO years now! Thank you for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Fashion as a Force for GOOD with this Onyx Necklace & these Lotus Earrings, both from India!
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Onyx Necklace
Modern hammered brass necklace features 3 genuine onyx drops.
Artisan Information:
The poverty cycle in India continues primarily because of the lack of education. Most schools are not free or affordable. Therefore, many children never learn to read or write & they grow up with limited opportunities. However, every purchase of this product empowers women to provide for their children & send them to school! You have the opportunity to end poverty & create an impact for generations to come!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
So, here we are on Week 3 of our Matthew 5 “ladder” of a life given to, lived for (& through), & hoped in God!
It’s exciting to see the growth we can experience as we surrender more of ourselves to the hope & security & strength & peace & wisdom of God, isn’t it!? So much better than going it alone & in your own strength, wisdom, & willpower.
This week covers the last few rungs of this ladder, but first, a quick recap.
(To catch up on the first 6 rungs of this ladder of a life lived for God, make sure to read Part 1 & Part 2 by clicking their respective links.)
We started off by reading Matthew 5:1-12, which you can click here to read on Biblegateway.com before we get started.
So, here is what we have covered so far:
1. “Blessed are the poor in spirit…”
This one refers to a personal awareness of our own sin (doing it our way & disregarding or rebelling against God’s way), our own depravity (inability to even the scales & save ourselves), & our need for Someone outside of ourselves to make us right again before God (AKA Jesus Christ—read more about this on my Hope Is Found tab on this site.)
We are blessed in this realization, as Matthew 5 tells us, because we can then be made right before God & ours is the kingdom of heaven. Pretty great, right?!
2. “Blessed are those who mourn…”
Once we realize how truly wrong we really are in God’s eyes (the only ones that actually matter in light of our eternal punishment or peace), despite our lifelong efforts to prove how good we are, but always coming up short… it is only natural to mourn… to feel the weight of our wrongs & our sin & how much we have disappointed God & rebelled against Him.
But, again, He promises us blessedness because He won’t leave us in our grief & mourning, but instead He promises that we shall be comforted. We have been saved (through Jesus) by a compassionate & loving God who cares for us!
3. “Blessed are the meek…”
Once we realize just how Good God is for rescuing us when we least deserve it & once He has comforted our grief over our wrongs, we step up onto rung 3 of our ladder in putting our strength & power under His control, letting Him take the reins of our lives.
We are promised blessedness in this again, because when we are letting God make the calls in our life, we find so much more richness in life as we inherit the earth.
4. “Blessed are those who hunger & thirst for righteousness…”
And now that we have a taste for this “richness in life” from giving God control of our lives more & more, we begin to naturally crave more. We begin to hunger & seek after living God’s way, as written in His Word—the Bible.
And God promises blessedness in that when we hunger & thirst for more of living His way, we will be filled.
5. “Blessed are the merciful…”
As we begin to strive after living God’s way, we see His heart for people, including us. We begin to have a heart of mercy & forgiveness for others, whether they deserve it or not (if they did deserve it, it wouldn’t be considered mercy).
We see how He has treated our sin by meeting it with grace & mercy & love & comfort… & we begin to desire to love the people He loves (*everyone) in that same way. And when we do, He promises blessedness in being shown mercy ourselves.
6. “Blessed are the pure in heart…”
As I mentioned last week, this pure in heart is intending to portray an UNDIVIDED heart. In other words, we are seeing more & more the blessings come from a life seeking to be lived God’s way that we no longer are as interested in what everything else has to offer.
We begin to filter everything through a focus of giving God the honor He so rightly deserves & making sure the world knows just how magnificent & gracious & powerful & loving He really is! Everything begins to be filtered through this focus in how we love our family & friends, spouse, children, strangers, & even our enemies. He is the true focus in how we live in all areas of our lives—the way it was always meant to be!
And guess what, God promises that we will “see God”. We will begin to hear His truth from the Bible wash across our minds in distress. We begin to hear His wisdom answer our calls for help. We begin to see His hands working all around us, His majesty & power & love coming into a fuller, brighter picture in everyday life! How amazing to strive for a life lived this way!
And now we step up to the 7th rung of our ladder, as we near the top:
7. “Blessed are the Peacemakers…”
As I mentioned above in #6, “Everything [in life] begins to be filtered through this focus [on all God is & all He has done for us & all He rightly deserves from how we honor Him] in how we love our family & friends, spouse, children, strangers, & even our enemies.”
We are learning to see who God really is, not who people claimed He was or who we misunderstood Him to be, but who He REALLY is—gracious, kind, loving, patient, sacrificial, merciful, gentle, all-wise, all-powerful, Creator, Redeemer, Lover of all mankind… & we want the world to know Him the way we are starting to see Him.
We want to help shine the light of HOPE, pointing others to this same HOPE we have found in Jesus Christ!
It’s no longer a “take it or leave it, I don’t care,” but becomes a desperate cry of our hearts to see people find this same freedom & hope & peace & strength & wisdom & power & LOVE that we have found in Jesus!
We become the Peacemakers, seeking to share Jesus with others, so that they can find this same HOPE.
God says we will be blessed in this heart cry because we will be called children of God.
We are His. No one can change that or take that away. He holds us fast & strong for all eternity. We are sealed. We are set. We are FORGIVEN. And we want that for everyone else, too!
8. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake…”
Our flesh, our natural selves loves itself. It loves sin because it is attractive & instantly gratifying, a perverted (distorted) version of the richness of life we crave in Heaven, watered down into a sick reflection of the truth, twisted into a lie.
And people will hate us for standing against their addiction to temporary & fleeting pleasure… they won’t understand & they will hate us for it sometimes.
But yet, we know the Truth. We know its true value. We know the peace & love & grace & freedom & power wrapped up in it & given to us by the sacrificial love & blood of Jesus Christ. We know how much they all matter to HIM.
So Worth It!
And so we continue this honorable fight against that deadly grasp of sin, seeking with all our heart to honor God & give Him glory in how we love those people who reject Him but who mean SO MUCH to Him. We are peacemakers with a purpose to see the lost found, to show them hope that won’t disappoint or hurt or abandon them, but will comfort & heal & fulfill them.
And we hold on to this hope, knowing how much it matters, despite their mockery, slander, rejection, & hurt, because we know Him & we know how much they matter to Him.
And here it comes full circle, in saying that just as we realized our need for Jesus Christ & we reached out to Him as our Savior & thus we find eternal life & eternal hope by joining the Kingdom of Heaven, we are reminded once again that no matter what comes of the persecution against us & no matter how much it may hurt on any given day… Ours is the Kingdom of Heaven.
An Encouraging Arrival to the Top of the Ladder of a Life Lived for God!
This is but our temporary home—a mere shadow of the extravagant love & peace & joy that is to come where we are headed—when we go to heaven– (If we have accepted Jesus as our Savior!)
And it is repeated again at the end of Matthew 5 with more detail on how they will persecute us, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, & falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me.” (Matthew 5:11)
And He (all of Matthew 5 is actually quoted from Jesus speaking) tells us just a bit more than “just” the blessedness of our part in the Kingdom in Heaven, in verse 12. “Rejoice & be glad, because great is your reward in heaven; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you.” (Emphasis mine.)
An Eternal Hope
Life isn’t promised to be easy, ever.
But this journey is just our temporary home. We have eternal hope to look forward to.
So, come what may, we can rest in knowing to Whom we belong & to where we are going.
Keep seeking to know & love God MORE (or even at all if you need to start there). Ask for His help. It won’t happen all overnight, but it will continue to grow the more you entrust your growth to Him.
Always Trust He Is Waiting to Help You All Along the Way!
If you want it, but struggle—ask for His help.
If you want it, but feel trapped by the sparkly sin that snares you—ask for His help.
If you want it, but you’re too afraid you’re not worth it to Him—ask for His help (because He died for you!!)
If you hurt—ask for His help.
If you just don’t know how to do it—ask for His help.
If you keep failing—ask for His help (& keep failing forward).
If you feel too weak—ask for His help.
In ALL things that threaten to hold onto your ankles as you crave to climb this ladder—ASK FOR HIS HELP!!!!!
Push Out the Lies & Cling to the Truth
Don’t let Satan lie to you that a struggle means God will give up on you—He won’t!
Don’t let Satan lie to you that your past is just beyond forgiveness—because it isn’t!
Trust GOD & CLING to Him EVERY step of the way! He’s got you, babe.
Shine Hope by seeking to live a life that is ever-climbing this ladder in Matthew 5 of a life given to, lived for (& through), & hoped in GOD.
It is worth it 100%.
Coming Next Week
I hope you enjoyed these last 3 weeks as much as I did! They were such an encouragement of the hope found in diligently seeking to climb this ladder in life, why it’s SO worth it, & remembering to ask for His help every step of it!
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Lotus Earrings
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World with these beautiful Lotus Earrings!
Hand cut suede makes these maroon flower petal-inspired earrings a perfect statement.
Artisan Information:
In India, many women are forced to work in sweatshops with unfair pay & dangerous conditions. But with every purchase, the women who make this product are now working in a safe environment, being paid a fair wage & seeing their lives change for the better! They also have access to education & financial counseling. You are empowering women to have freedom to dream again!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
A few weeks ago, I talked about the topic “He Can Take Our Nothing & Make It a Masterpiece-His Gifting, Not Mine,” to show, for one, that when we put our faith in Jesus as Lord of our life & Redeemer for our wrongs, God in turn equips us to serve Him by giving us specific spiritual gifts.
Am I an expert on spiritual gifts? Haha, definitely not. Have I learned SOME things? Yes. So, hopefully the “some” I have learned is of help or encouragement to you.
(Again, these won’t apply to you if you have not already accepted to trust Jesus to cover your sins & redeem your life. See my “Hope Is Found” page to learn more.)
What Having a Spiritual Gift Does/Does NOT Mean
I would like to share some about my spiritual gift today, but I think it is important to address a few things with spiritual gifting before I share about my particular gifting:
We do not automatically become “good at” our gifting just because we are given that gifting.
God can still use our gifting, even when we’re “bad at it” just by our being responsive & obedient to His leading.
Having a gift does not guarantee that it will be used in submission to God’s will, versus our own.
We may not even recognize what our spiritual gifting is right away.
With my particular gift especially, it does NOT mean I know everything &/or that I can answer any & everything you ask. If God does not give me insight, I have as much to go on as you do in most cases.
And sometimes, you are too embarrassed to even TALK about your spiritual gift to others because some are so easily misunderstood and/or mocked.
“Mhm, Yeah, Sure”
When people hear about my spiritual gift, for example, people often tend to think one or more of a few different things, or all of them…
“Oh, she thinks she can tell us our future then? *scoff*”
“So, she is comparing herself to the great people in the Bible, like Paul? Who does she think she is? She can’t even come close! How arrogant & self-righteous….”
“*sarcasm* Oh, the wise ol Michelle who is trying to tell me that she is gifted by God to tell me what to do. Aka a real know-it-all.”
I am not saying people will actually SAY those things out loud, of course (although they sometimes do), but before I understood anything about my gifting, I definitely would have discreetly rolled my eyes & probably thought ALL of those things if someone had told me they had the gift I now know I was given.
Out With It, Then!
So, what is my gift then? (If you haven’t already guessed from the title.)
*Deep breath*
Prophecy. Yep, that’s right… prophecy….
Now go ahead & read back that 3-point list & tell me if any of
those thoughts instantly rolled across your mind…. Trust me, they ran across
There may be some of you who are thinking right now, “Well, I WAS getting encouragement from her posts before, but if she is going to claim herself as a “Prophet of God,” well, I’m done reading HER stuff! Good-BYE!!”
I get it. Trust me, I SOOO get it. I am quick to do the very same thing. How hypocritcal, I know. Because some people, if they DO actually have that gifting can easily place THEMSELVES on the pedestal, instead of using their gifting to point back to GOD ON HIS THRONE.
“I Didn’t Realize Michelle Was So Full of Herself…” But WAIT!
It sounds like I am making a pretty, shiny badge for myself, pinning it on my shirt, placing a tiara on the top of my head, & yelling, “Hey everyone! Listen to me! Don’t you know I’m a PROPHET of GOD!?”
But, I am not doing that. Instead, it is more like an under my breath, head tilted away slightly to muffle my voice, with a very tiny whisper, “yeah, so I kind of have the gift of prophesy. Please don’t think I’m crazy & please still be my friend.”
I accepted trust in Jesus at a very young age (5 years old) & was then given my gifting, so this has almost been a lifelong gifting in my life, but since people tend to roll their eyes at it & act like the gift of prophecy is a thing of the past,I was completely unaware most of my life that this was even a possible gift, let alone MY personal gift.
I didn’t even get a notion of the idea until around 2007, when I was about 24 years old! 19 years of wondering why I felt so different from everyone else around me & thinking it was something to hide & be embarrassed about… & a thing that made people frustrated with me, even as a child.
Getting Clarity
But, it’s not like what people think, for the most part.
I cannot predict the future on a whim & I am not as faithful & wise as Paul& so many others that have come before me & I will probably never even come close (although their gifting was from God, too, like all of ours, so technically that’s really up to God & not me, so saying I will never meet that level of “success?” is actually a hit at God & not me, but anyway….)
So, what does it mean to have the gift of Prophesy then?
Basically, “speaking forth truth.” Or, as the web dictionary put it, “a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.”
Again, I just want to reiterate that I MAKE MISTAKES & I am NOT infallible. If God does not reveal insight then my guess is as good as yours, unless I have been through it or had personal experience or whatnot, but otherwise, I am not all-knowing nor will EVER claim to be so.
Why Then, the Shame?
So, why does it make me feel so ashamed to claim this GOD-GIVEN gift of Prophesy?
I did not choose it. I did not EARN it. I am no more faithful than anyone else.
So, why ME?
And if I did not choose it or earn it or gain it for being more faithful than others… If it is therefore REALLY, SIMPLY a GIFT from GOD… then why am I so ashamed to speak of it?
Maybe partly because of how easily using my gift can rub people the wrong way when I just want to be liked AND use my gift.
And maybe also because people just don’t believe it’s a real gift in modern times or they misunderstand me. I have been told that claiming that gift sounds conceited or “full of myself.” I don’t always have time to or know how to help people understand before they have written me off as blasphemous or crazy or arrogant or deluded or all of the above.
God-Given, Even When…
The post I mentioned at the beginning of today’s post was written to show just how miserably UNDESERVING I am… How, even at my worst, God still works through the gifting HE gave me.
You see, I have the gifting, even when I…
… Choose to keep silent
… Get proud of it
… Feel ashamed of it
… Fail God miserably
… Am unfaithful to God
… Use it to be snooty or sinful (See examples of lesser known prophets who used their gifting for financial gain & for personal glory, versus giving GOD the credit & glory.)
The gift is just… there… a part of me.
Does He multiply our efforts when we seek to be obedient & to submit to His leading in using our gifting to honor Him & bring Him glory? Most definitely.
Does He use that gifting in us DESPITE us? Most definitely.
A Heavy Burden to Bear, But Also A Magnificent Gift
And although I feel blessed to have insight on how to grow closer to God in submitting more of my trust to Him, my gifting is sometimes a VERY heavy burden to bear.
In fact, I used to pray to have it taken away because I much prefer to have everyone like me than for them to think me as a pretentious know-it-all who stirs conviction for change in their hearts when I speak. (*And I don’t always enjoy the constant convictions, either. Blissful ignorance, anyone?)
People like comfortable. I like comfortable.
The gift of prophesy is the OPPOSITE of comfortable… in fact, at its core the gift of prophesy is about stirring up DISCOMFORT in staying where we’re at spiritually in hopes of continuing to grow more in likeness to Christ & submission to the will of God & in following the leading/wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
That, my friend, is not usually comfortable.
No Blissful Ignorance for Me
Imagine seeing conviction in almost EVERYTHING your whole life.
When someone talks to you about something & you automatically see the will of God spill over your mind involuntarily, showing you the truth behind the words & sometimes you just want to say, “No. Nope. I’m not listening, gifting, I’m not listening to you! I want them to like me!”
My gifting prompted much of my desire for rebellion growing up & at the same time, kept me from indulging in it most always, leaving me wishing I could just be a “normal teenager & not feel so torn up all the time about every little decision & the intent behind it.”
A Boy-Crazy Daydreamer… But, NOPE
For example, in high school I wanted to date whoever, for as long as I want & just soak up all the attention & relish in affection of boyfriends & the status of being someone’s “girlfriend”, rather than being a short 1-2 weeks in before the prophecy gift insight starts flooding over every bit of enjoyment I was getting from the relationship, allowing me to enjoy nothing, with, “You know you’re using him. You are enjoying the attention & you are in this not for the two of you but because you want to be loved. You are using him to feel valued. You need to be honest with yourself & with him. You need to learn to draw your value from your Creator, not this boy. You need to care more about him as a person than what you can get out from him. He matters to God. Don’t take this lightly. He is not an object to take advantage of just so you feel better about yourself.”
Uggghhh, NOT what a teenage daydreamer/boy crazy girl wants to hear!
Don’t get me wrong, it kept me out of a lot of regrets & hurts, but back then, I just wanted to enjoy what seemed so easy for everyone else to enjoy.
It Definitely Doesn’t Win Me Any Popularity Contests
Having my gift means I can’t live in blissful ignorance. I can’t just be comfortable. At times, I see what needs to change in everything all the time & it can be overwhelmingly tough to swallow sometimes, especially when I was just a child figuring out life. (But difficult does not mean it was bad or unappreciated because it definitely kept me from many regrets.)
People who know me either lean into it & hope to clear out the junk to grow closer to God or they tend to want to plug their ears & ask me to please stop talking.
And it hurts. I can’t deny that it hurts sometimes. Because I want to be liked & accepted by everyone & my gifting is not always received with open arms.
Sometimes I get verbally smacked in the face, even when I speak with gentleness & care for them, intending ONLY to help them see what is clogging their loving relationship to Christ… what is chaining them back from feeling free & loved in Him.
It rubs people the wrong way when you can (even gently) see through
their excuses & past their blinders to what God wants them to see.
And I get it. I GET IT. I am the SAME way.
I Am Not Immune to the Allure of Excuses or the Temptation of Legalism (Buying God’s Affections with My Works)
Sometimes I just want to be blissfully ignorant & do whatever I
want without thinking through every reason why it means I am being rebellious
to God or how I am making excuses.
Having my gift doesn’t mean I am automatically faithful to listen to my own God-given insight.
I have to wrestle with the insight a lot & it sometimes takes me years of wrestling with it until I finally submit & reap the rewards of what God only meant for my good all along, but I was too stubborn to notice or care.
I used to really struggle with legalism because I thought my insight & burden meant I had to maintain perfection or that I was better than other Christians, thus “earning” my gift.
It doesn’t.
I am learning balance.
A Process of Growth, Led by God, If I Am Willing to Listen
But it’s a process. All of it is a process of learning… A process of letting the convictions come & leaning into God, versus plugging my ears & pulling away, & instead, saying, “Oh, God, I am not good at that one either! Please help me grow in that area in your timing & show me where I can reasonably start working on it soon. You are the author of my growth, so please help me trust You in the process versus putting all the burden on myself.”
He Wants to Help Us-For Real
Because really, the convictions are His way of saying, “Hey, you’re hurting because you’re clinging to something that can’t help you, expecting it to help you. Let go & let me help you for real.”
The convictions from God are meant for our GOOD, even though they can be SO uncomfortable to recognize & face.
My gift was given to me & others because people NEED to know what a relationship with Him is MEANT to be like. Where you feel safe & comforted & free & healed & loved so purely & so deeply & so undeservedly.
My gifting is meant to help people see what is coming between them & that sort of relationship with God… To help guide them to let go of what can’t help them for Who CAN help them. My gifting is meant to bring people to HIM as the true source of LIFE & LOVE & HOPE & GRACE.
Again… His Gifting, Not Mine
I don’t want to be silent about my gifting anymore. I don’t want to be ashamed of how God made me. Because He made me this way for a purpose… to help cut through the lies we so easily tell ourselves & to point people back to HIM.
God gave it to me. Not because I am better or more faithful than others (far from it), but because He CHOSE to be working through my life in that way to reach others with HOPE… TRUE, lasting HOPE in Him.
Please, Never… For His Glory, Not Mine
I never want to be one that gives the impression of, “Hear Me, Hear Me,
all you puny peoples of the earth. I am a PROPHET & I deserve to be
listened to & respected & heeded in all advice or insight I give you!”
If God chooses to give me insight into something, I will do my best to honor Him with that insight in prayers that His wisdom sent to my heart/brain & printed on these pages can bring others closer to HIM, not me.
I will fail you. I will. I am human.
But God does not fail. EVER.
Lean into Potential Growth by Praying to Accept it, Versus Shoving It Away
If something I write offends you, please don’t get mad at me or write me off (I still want to be friends). And don’t for a second think I am judging you. (Just because I get the insight doesn’t mean I always am quick to obey its truth.) But PRAY & ask God how He can shape you in that area to honor Him & to know & love Him more through the journey, holding nothing back from Him, even if the realization hurts a little at first… the growth in Him is totally worth it, trust me.
We’re in this journey together, as fellow gift-bearers. I benefit from you honoring God with your gifting, & hopefully you will benefit from what God uses my gifting for in your life.
By Him. Through Him. FOR Him.
To point others back TO Him.
He Is What We ALL Need
He is what you need. He is what we ALL need. So, seek Him with all of your heart, mind, soul, & strength. He is worth it every time.
Shine Hope, Lovely, & start by praying over what your gift is & how He wants you to use it for His honor & glory, to draw others to the HOPE found only in Him. And if you don’t know His hope personally, ask Him for that first, above anything else. It will change your life forever. It will GIVE you life.
Shine HOPE.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
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A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Wisdom Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
Intricately handcrafted petals carved from ethically collected bone set in golden frames.
Artisan Information:
In India, poverty is rampant & fair working conditions are hard to find. But with every purchase, women are receiving an income, access to healthcare, adult literacy programs, & self-help groups! Not only does this change their lives, but they are also pouring back into their communities & helping others! You have the opportunity to empower thousands of women in India!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
So, if you are not a Christian, you may be rolling your eyes at this, or maybe you’re more polite than I used to be about this topic, before I understood it.
A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.