Feeling the Weight
Have you ever felt broken, like you didn’t deserve a second chance?
Have you ever felt the grip of guilt or shame not loosen its grip?
Have you ever cried over past mistakes & felt broken inside?
Have you ever felt beyond repair?
Me too.
Looking Back
I have never been perfect, although I tried to believe I could be, or at least make others believe that I was.
Growing up in a Christian home, going to church a couple or few times a week, I felt the pressure to be good, even though I was not.
I felt like a fraud, pretending my way through church services.
I felt ashamed to admit the truth, guessing that my family would probably have a heart attack if they knew the real me—the imperfect me. The rebellious, stubborn, prideful me.
The doubting me….
Doubts Washed Away
I had so many doubts about faith when I was growing up. Church claimed that God was the one true God, but the world claimed other gods, each defending their own religions.
I didn’t want to doubt. But I did.
If you have read my story of “Hope is Found”, you will know what happened next…. You will see how God washed my torturous doubts away like a cool summer rain. He set me free to live at peace with Him.
I know Who the real God is, whether I always like how He does things or not—He is God either way & He knows best, whether I understand in the moment or not.
Turning Away
But again, this is a new day, with new lessons to learn.
Brokenness. Guilt. Shame. Past mistakes. “Beyond repair”.
You would think that after everything that God has taught me & everything He has brought me through, I would be courageous & bold & unwavering in my faith & pursuit to honor God.
You would think.
But, here I am.
Israelites = ME
The older I get, the more I seem to relate to the Israelites in the Bible.
The Israelites were God’s chosen people & God demonstrated His love & grace & power & forgiveness & PATIENCE through His relationship with the Israelite people throughout the Bible.
Basically, their relationship went like this…
God would make them promises, saying all they had to do was trust Him wholeheartedly & follow His will & way. They would worship & praise & follow & obey. Then pride. Then hard-heartedness. Then rebellion. Then captivity. Then cries for redemption….
And then God would save them in a powerful way… & then the cycle would start again.
In our well-meaning, naïve (*Coughproudcough) way, we tend to scoff from the sidelines & shout at the Israelites as we read of their rebellions springing up yet again, “What is wrong with you guys! God JUST miraculously saved you after the awful way you have CONTINUOUSLY been treating Him & have been spitting in His face… only to have you reject Him AGAIN??? What is wrong with you?!?”
How highly we like to think of ourselves, at times… am I right?
I am just the same as the Israelites, there is no way around it. If not worse than them….
The Results of Rebellion
I feel grieved. Some days, I just feel so empty & self-loathing. I cry, remembering my rebellion.
I feel broken.
I feel empty.
I feel like a fraud.
I feel like giving up in trying to be or claiming to be anything else.
God’s grace.
His mercy.
His patience & forgiveness & faithfulness & steadfastness.
He Doesn’t Shame Us, He Sets Us Free
As much as I continually am beating myself up lately, feeling completely unworthy of yet another opportunity to be forgiven & renewed, the fact remains… He is faithful & He forgives me.
As many of you have heard, I had lived in an ocean of bitterness for the past many years.
Bitterness at praying for a child, going through doctor appointments, being told it would happen any day, receiving gifts from friends for the inevitable day that never came, living alone, feeling like if I only had a baby to love & to love me, I wouldn’t feel so alone. And feeling hurt & betrayed by God when it never happened.
Bitterness at feeling the loss of my husband’s love that was never really gone, but perceived to be as we literally fought through our first year and a half of marriage, feeling betrayed by the loss of his companionship & feeling betrayed by God for bringing me to the other side of the planet, only to feel abandoned & neglected by Jamie’s demanding work schedule & inevitable resulting high stress levels.
Bitterness at being so eager to plug into local churches, only to find out there was little I could do. Bitterness at pouring my heart & soul into encouraging others, only to find out they didn’t need it as much as I did.
Bitterness at myself for never being skinny or pretty enough & bitterness for believing that lie.
I Woke Up
And then the wake-up call came & I started crawling, wounded, untrusting, back to God.
I claimed to know to pray & let Him be God, but I still felt hurt & hesitant to let Him in my heart. He had heard my prayers & my cries & my inward screams & He had not changed my circumstances.
I blamed Him instead of trusting Him.
Has that ever been you?
And now, seeing Him forgive me & feeling Him work on changing my attitude & renewing my faith… I just feel shame & guilt & hesitation.
Humility Rains Down
I am as the Israelites.
God has blessed me through more heartache & trials & doubts than I can name. He has guided me & tenderly loved my heart toward Himself in powerful ways I could not ignore.
He gave me great promise & potential.
I got proud. I grew hard-hearted. I rebelled.
And now I cry out to Him. Undeserving, broken, scarred.
Believing the Lie That Shame Trumps Grace
I struggle the most right now with accepting His open arms.
It’s almost like I want to punish myself for being unfaithful & for turning my back on Him.
His grace hurts because it is so contrast to the way I have treated Him.
It makes me see my unfaithfulness to Him more clearly. I can’t hide from my part in pushing Him away.
Beauty from Ashes
But at the same time, it’s so beautiful.
It is so beautiful to come back to giving my faith to Him… to come home to Him & to realize that He is running out to greet me like I never crushed His heart to begin with.
It is humbling. It crushes me some days as I punish myself, (without Him asking me to).
He wants me to lay all of my shame down at His feet. All of my guilt & shame & scars at His feet, knowing I don’t have to carry them anymore… because His grace covers those.
But I grip on to them, afraid of getting away with it & then doing it all over again.
But as you can see, that is another form of not trusting Him, right? Not trusting that He is able to renew me & teach & guide me.
I don’t deserve the grace He so willingly offers to me. Not again. I knew better. But yet, He offers it to me all the same.
Letting the Walls Come Down
I am slowly trusting Him with prayer again. I am slowly opening my heart & accepting the role I played in distrusting His sovereignty & endless love for me (for all of us). I am slowly taking those badges of dishonor & handing them over to Him to let Him heal those broken parts.
I am good at defending myself, even my wrongs. I am good at self-denial. I am good at pretending I don’t know better, when rebellion knocks at the door.
But God is breaking through those lies I told to myself. The lies that said I was good as is. The lies that justified my wrong behavior. He is showing my a clear picture of myself in the mirror.
And I don’t like it.
Working to Rebuild
He is not doing this to shame me, but quite the opposite. I can feel Him peeling away all of the layers I built to defend myself, telling me, “I see you, Michelle. I REALLY see you. And I still love you. I REALLY love you!”
Not the me I try to be, in proving I can be good enough. No. The me that can never be “good enough”, but is so deeply loved just the same.
And He feels the same about you. He sees your scars & your coverups & your denial… And He REALLY loves you… for who you are behind all of the masks that we use to hide ourselves.
When I rebelled, the truth remains that God never left. He never betrayed or broke me. I did that.
If I Had Never Left & Even Now
He offered me hope in my disappointment, comfort in my longing, & friendship in my loneliness… But I rejected it & spat in His face because it wasn’t how I thought it should be. How I thought I wanted it to be.
It is possible to be held captive by what you were once set free from….
But the other side is just as true… It is always possible to be redeemed by what holds you captive.
A Clean Slate. A Renewed Heart & Faith
God doesn’t keep track. He doesn’t tick away at how many times He will rescue you from yourself before giving up on you. He will never give up on you. He knows we are like the Israelites, prone to wander & rebel. And He loves us anyway!
He is also loving & forgiving & patient & kind & powerful & sovereign & faithful.
If you come to Him with a repentant heart, wanting to throw away the broken, sinful, ashamed, selfish, rebellious you & exchange it for all that He offers… He is always willing & waiting with open arms.
Run To Him
So, run back, Lovely.
No matter how far you feel you have run from Him. No matter how lost you feel you are. No matter how far gone or broken or torn down you feel. RUN BACK TO HIS OPEN ARMS.
He is waiting to welcome you home… Every time… No matter what… I promise.
So. Run. Back. Home.
And leave those awful pits of guilt at His throne. Trust His grace to be more powerful than your shame.
And let Him set you free.
Let Him.
Coming Next Week
Join me next week for the next topic of encouragement! Please pray that God continue to heal my heart & to keep me steadfast in seeking Him as I seek to encourage all of you to run to Him with all you are.
He loves you.
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Bombolulu Earrings

Empowering Women in Kenya Out of Poverty!
These hammered earrings are made from heavy-gauged metal.
Artisan Information:
In Kenya, where many people struggle with starvation & poverty, the women we partner with are defying the odds! Your purchase empowers these women to earn an income, overcome physical disabilities, and become important parts of their communities!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in Kenya!
Shop Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE, Lovely!