Dare to Hope
Daring to live for God in a broken world—such a rewarding endeavor that is not without its great challenges.
How easy it is for me to retract back into the safety of my comfort zone & to live for myself & for whatever seems will make me happy in that moment.
Oh, how I long for comfort. Oh, how I seek it out, willing to almost abandon all else at times just to have a small taste of sweet comfort.
The couch summons me. Pajamas call to me from their place in my dresser. Messes mock me to leave them alone. Pillows & blankets & binging my favorite television shows beckons to me. Messy buns & yoga pants rule my daily ensemble. I love comfort.
But Then…
But then I see it… I see someone in pain, or a need that someone has, or a greater depravity or trauma existing or occurring in the world around me. I see brokenness, emptiness, & unsatisfied longings in the eyes of others I pass on the street.
And I am conflicted.
The two sides of my heart battle it out. Comfort usually wins.
Too Tough to Carry?
It’s hard to acknowledge the brokenness we see daily. It’s hard to carry that weight & burden. It’s easier to retract back into the safety of my comfort zone, willing to tune out the hurts of the world in order to protect my own heart from feeling their pain.
But I am conflicted still.
What if I could do something? What if I could create change? What if I could help? What if I could shine hope into this hurting world?
But how?
Lost Cause? Or Great Potential?
I don’t know. It seems too obscure, too massive a battle to fight. I grow weary thinking of how little of an impact I would have on this breaking world. I hurt. I grieve.
And again, I retract back into the safety of my comfort zone.
I don’t know how to help.
But Then, Hope.
But then a thought. A glorious, wonderful thought.
I know someone who can help. I know someone who can help show ME how to help. I know someone with the insight & wisdom to direct my steps day by day in helping.
I have nothing to truly offer. I am guided by my fleshly desire for comfort more often than anything because it makes me feel safe, but I know someone who can give me strength & power to overcome those weaknesses.
I Know Someone
I know someone who cares about that brokenness far more than I could ever fathom, & yet never seems to give up on shining hope to them, reaching out a hand & offering freedom & love & healing to those who seek it. I know someone who never tires of this, who & never grows weary.
The Shift
And so, I stop. I stop running back to comfort. I stop giving up. I stop letting the overwhelming grief of this hurting world keep sending me back to comfort, & I cling.
I cling to that someone who can make change happen.
I am small—He is great. I am weak—He is strong. I am selfish—He is Love.
And so, I cling to hope in Him.
We’ve Got Help
You see, we don’t have to change the world on our own. We don’t have to have all the answers. We don’t have to be brave enough or strong enough to overcome our fears or apprehensions. We don’t have to go big or go home.
We just have to be willing to bow our hearts to God.
To say:
“Lord, I can’t. I am just one person & the pains of this world far exceed what I could ever do to help. I am weak. I want comfort. Help me. Change me. Mold me. Make me Your vessel for hope into this world. Show me today how I can make an impact for hope. Guide me & teach me the potential You created within me. Show me the part You will have me play in shining hope into this world. Don’t let me give up. Be my strength. Be my power. Let Your love pour out of me. Guide me. Teach me Your Truth so that I may be Your ambassador, representing Your desire to redeem this broken world to Yourself, in Your hope, Your love, Your grace. Thank You for filling in the spaces where I lack. Thank You for only requiring a willingness of us, knowing You can handle the rest. Be my enough. I love You. Amen.”
Keep Trusting His Ability
May we not give up on our mission to shine hope into this hurting world.
The task is great. The need is desperate. The hurt is overwhelming.
But God has told us rightly that, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
The task is great, but He is greater. The need is desperate, but God is able. The hurt is overwhelming, but God’s healing grace overcomes our worst.
So join with me.
Let God fill in our gaps & let Him shine His hope of His love & His grace through you to this world that needs Him so, so much.
Let Him be your “enough” & don’t let Satan frighten you back to your comfort zone.
Because God is worth it. HOPE is worth it.
And He. Is. ABLE!
Coming Next Week
Make sure to check back next Monday morning for more encouragement. See you then!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Thai Pearl Bracelet

Empowering Women Out of Poverty in Thailand & India!
This bracelet has a waxed cotton cord that is hand-knotted to hold freshwater pearls & gold colored beads.
Artisan Information:
In remote areas of Thailand, we focus on restoring the strength of women in their country as artists. Your purchase of this bracelet empowers a diverse people, from the Karen Hill tribe, the Thai people, & the Hmong women. In this area, jobs are limited. Many women have to move to the city to find work & have to leave their children. Your purchase will help mothers stay in their hometown & earn an income, allowing them to take care of their children and watch them grow up!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in Thailand!
(**Also pictured: Lyla Pearl Necklace–empowering women in India!**)
Shop Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE, Lovely!