The Complexities of Wanting Love
“Love”, oh what a wonderful topic to think about….
Or maybe it just seems elusive to you, a wish you wish for, but you feel is an impossible reality.
Or maybe yet, you have been hurt by love & either fear it or just feel jaded by it.
Well, all of the above describe how I once felt about LOVE.
Cue the Meet Cute
And then, I met someone who helped me open my heart to all of the beauty & joy & adventure of love… & no, I’m not talking about my husband (I didn’t know him yet).
And no, I am also not talking about God.
I am talking about a guy I met soon after high school.
This is not a typical love story though, because while I felt I had met the boy of my dreams, we never had a happily ever after.
Afraid of Love
I grew up with an unhealthy fear of long-term relationships.
I assumed they all fail… that one side would inevitably lose interest or feel trapped in the relationship… that some fights or disagreements would end up being unsolvable… that rifts form & that lusting after others through porn, flirtation, or adultery would always happen eventually.
I assumed I was too difficult to be loved… not pretty enough… too emotional… too much of a mess… too insecure… too much of a talker… too unlovable… & that eventually, any guy who married me would figure that all out & want out.
In other words, I assumed it was only a matter of time before my heart was crushed, if I gave my heart to love someone.
Because of this, I was afraid to love. I was afraid to get attached.
I prayed over relationships, wanting so badly for love to be a possible reality for me.
Oh, What a Feeling!
And then I met him… a guy who opened my heart.
I felt so in love. I cherished every long phone conversation & was elated at every chance to spend even a few moments with him.
I shared my heart, my deepest fears & hurts… & he did the same.
He was kind & caring & took care of me. He was a wonderful friend.
I wanted so badly to love him forever & to finally break free of the fear. I wanted to marry him.
I wanted to believe he could really love me forever.
And I am sure he would have.
I trusted him & cared for him more than I ever believed I could care about someone.
But I broke his heart.
I Thought I Knew
I was ready to go all in… to trust him with my heart & to start talking about marriage.
I was ready to follow him anywhere & leave my fears behind.
I was ready to beat the odds with the man I loved so much.
I wanted to marry him more than I had ever wanted anything.
But I broke his heart.
I kept praying about our relationship.
“God, please let me marry him! I love him so much! I trust him & care about him, even at his worst. He is so kind & so good to me. I can tell him anything & know that he cares for me. Please let me feel peace to push through the fear & marry him. I want to spend my life with him. He means so much to me. Please, please, please!”
But every time I sought God’s peace & blessing to spend my life with this wonderful friend, I felt a brick wall.
“Just Keep Praying,” I Thought… “Maybe God Will Change His Mind”
I couldn’t move past the feeling of unrest, an obvious, unsettled lack of peace in my heart.
So, I kept praying through the weeks & months we were together, unwilling to let go of the man I loved so much based on a current lack of peace.
I assumed the peace would come eventually, if I just held on & kept praying.
But it never came.
The dread started seeping in, as I realized that I didn’t feel God was ever going to be giving His blessing–His blessing, based on His omniscient, all-wise, over-all perspective.
But, God.…! Pleeeaase!
I hurt so many nights after a day well spend with the man I loved so much. I grieved the potential break up I felt God was edging me toward.
I felt as if God was gently trying to pry my fingers off of what I was clinging to so tightly… my desire to spend my life with the man I loved.
And I didn’t want to let Him.
I wanted to beg Him to change His mind.
I didn’t understand why God would let me love someone so much & not let me be with him. It felt so unfair.
No Matter the Reason, Yet I Will Trust Him
I knew this man didn’t trust in God, but I thought that could change as he got to know Him through our relationship.
I could feel my heart compromising my faith as I sought to be agreeable to the man I loved. But I thought I could overcome that.
But no matter God’s reasons, He was making it clear that my love & I were not the best match for each other, in some ways that I couldn’t even see myself.
And so, after many tears, much rebellious stalling (hoping to never have to leave him… hoping God would change His mind if I waited just a week longer), after seeing that God did not budge in allowing me peace to continue my relationship that I wanted so badly… I broke the heart of the man I loved.
Crushed… Shattered… Yet Not Hopeless
I knew he wouldn’t understand that I had gotten my answer from prayer, because he didn’t believe in God.
I didn’t want to explain why I had to do it, because I wanted him to trust God & not hate him.
And so, I let my love hate me instead.
And it crushed me… shattered me.
Collateral Damage
To make matters worse, I also leaned into a great friend for support, only to end up crushing his heart as well, when my love returned & I left my friend behind, not knowing his care for me was more romantic than friendship.
And when my love had returned, I was sure this time God would say yes this time around. But He didn’t… & I had to crush his heart & mine a second time.
I lost two people I cared for SO MUCH within a short time.
Not only did I have to walk away from someone I cared so strongly for, but I let him believe I didn’t love him as much as I did, in order to protect his potential future trust in God, the only One who could ever love him the way that he really needed.
Crawling Out from the Wreckage… Finding Hope
This heartbreak haunted me for about 5 years. I would check his Facebook once or twice a year just to relieve myself that he was happy & healthy & loved. I would cry when a movie reminded me of him (like Becoming Jane or Fever Pitch). I would wish that someday, God would bring us back together again… until he married someone else.
I have prayed for him consistently since then, that he would feel loved & cared for… that God would reach his heart & give him a kind of freedom & joy & peace like he’s never known. That God would guide him as a husband & father…. That he would come to Jesus & find lasting, sure hope.
I know now the story God had planned for me was my wonderful husband, Jamie, who loves me in a way that grows me as a human being & encourages me to lean into God with each trial, hurt, or obstacle. I know that God knew what He was doing because my husband & are so complementary in how we support each other. I wouldn’t trade my husband for the world!
But I didn’t know then.
I just had to blindly trust that if God was not going to give me peace, He had a reason.
God Always Knows… God Always Has a Plan… And He Loves Us Unconditionally
I lost someone I loved & I grieved for several years as if he had died, but God had a different plan for our lives & I know now that God knew what He was doing all along.
God always knows.
I know our hearts can be convincing, but God sees our full past, present, & future, with every facet & nuance & hidden trauma. He knows our God-given gifting & the plans He has built into our lives & our purpose.
He always knows best.
My love was real, but God knew better than me.
And I am so glad that I trusted God above my love for the man I loved so much.
Thankful I Listened
I will never stop praying for that man because of how much he once meant to me, but I know 100% that God had a better plan for the both of us & I am so thankful that I listened to God’s nudging on my heart to let go & trust God instead of my heart.
Always trust God before emotions, desires, & dreams… He always knows best.
He knows YOU best & He knows what is best for YOU. Trust Him first, always.
Shine hope, by bowing your will to His way & trusting Him with every step, every desire, every hurt, & every love. God’s got you.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement, & to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
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A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Holly Necklace

Co-Founder Holly’s passion is to empower women to be all God created them to be & to live out their potential. Whether in the brothels of Asia to hometown USA, her desire is to see women live out their calling with pride & dignity. This piece is a reflection of the pride & skills a woman rescued from the brothels has when given the opportunity. A delicate piece, this golden/pink druzy necklace sparkles in the light.
Artisan Information:
In Asia, poverty leads many women to be sexually exploited in brothels. These women want to provide for their families but have so few options. But through your purchase, women are being rescued from these brothels & rehabilitated. Holistic care is given to these women, including a shelter, job training, healthcare, counseling, & educational grants for themselves & their children. You can help these women experience restoration for their future!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Asia!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!