Pivot Moments
These last couple weeks, I have begun taking you on a journey of major “Pivot” moments in my life.
In these moments of life change, God has shown Himself true & reliable & capable. He has been the love & grace & patience & power that has gotten me through & He is patiently guiding me to be the woman He made me to be.
Doubts to Darkness
This week, we are following through with the results of last week’s Pivot moment & the answers that finally squashed all of the doubts rattling my heart.
((To catch up from last week & read the story of my seemingly endless doubts, check out that post, here.))
So, after a year or two of doubting everything I once believed in about the simplicity of grace… depression hit me hard.
We’re about to dive headfirst into my darkest days, so hold on!
Shutting God Out & Choosing Me
You see, I had just spent about two years slowly training myself to shut out God’s voice of wisdom & warning from guiding me. I wanted to do it my way.
And now, I was in a raging, stormy sea without a life preserver, just struggling to survive on my own.
Depression became two long years of pain like I had never known before.
How It Began
I was a freshman, & then sophomore, in high school at this point, & my life was a mess of uncertainty & shame & fear & anger & hatred & loneliness & everything bad.
The cynical voice in my head had turned menacing & hurtful… telling me LIES that I believed, “Nobody likes you, you know. You’re not good enough for anybody. You’re an idiot. You’re fat & ugly. No one wants you. Their lives are harder because you’re alive. You complicate everything. Their lives are more peaceful & happier when you’re not here. Why are you here? No one wants you. You’re annoying. You’re too loud. You talk too much. Look at the mistakes you’ve made… you can’t undo them. You are a broken person who can’t be put together again. It would be better if you didn’t exist. You just make life harder for everyone. You would be doing everyone a service to not be here anymore. You can’t ever get anything right. Your family doesn’t want you. Your friends think you’re a joke. God doesn’t care about you either, if He even exists. You’re all alone. Why are you still here?”
Those lies were my every moment. I couldn’t shut them up or drown them out.
Trying to “Fake It Til I Make It”
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shut off those voices in my head telling me life would be better without me in it.
I got so tired of asking for advice from others… because it never helped.
I started plastering on a smile that never quite reached my eyes & pretending that I was fine & I could handle it.
But I couldn’t.
Fading Away in the Silence
I was chipping away… My resolve weakening every time I cried.
I would be sitting in class, listening to that endless reel of hateful dialogue in my head & my eyes would burn with hidden tears.
I would write my hurt & fears in journals, needing to tell SOMEONE, only to end up sobbing at the fact that that “someone” was paper because I didn’t feel like I had anyone who understood the hell inside my head.
Sometimes I thought about suicide.
No One Understood, Not Even Me
I would try to tell someone, only to be mocked or teased or brushed off.
I would plaster a smile on my face that never quite reached my eyes.
I felt numb & hated & unloved. I felt angry & hurt & alone. I felt LOST in my sea of doubts, unable to find steady ground to hold on to.
My Secret Tears
I would come home from school so many days, grab my kitty “Valentine”, & slowly, quietly close & lock my bedroom door trying not to draw attention to myself, duck into my closet, underneath my row of clothes hanging above me, close the closet doors to block out the sunlight (& the sound of my sobs), & then wail into a pillow I had brought in with me, hugging my cat tightly under the other arm.
I spent several days a week like this for two years & I don’t know if anyone ever even knew.
My Life Began to Fall Apart
I hated my life & everything in it because I felt so alone & so unloved & so worthless.
The menacing whisper never let up either. It followed me everywhere I went, never letting my heart rest.
I felt constantly beat up by a relentless wave of self-hatred.
My grades began plummeting. Relationships became strained.
I was losing faith in myself & others seemed to follow suit.
Pray, Girl, Pray! … But I Did!
At this point, you might be thinking, “Michelle! Your advice is always ‘pray first!’ so why didn’t you do that???”
I prayed so much it hurt.
I felt that God had abandoned me… that my choices to slowly, gradually do things my own way had offended Him beyond repair.
I was a Christian who “knew” better & yet had still turned her back on God.
Why would He want me? … If He even existed (I wasn’t sure of anything anymore).
But I kept praying.
Is He Listening? Does He Care?
I wondered how God could love me & let me suffer.
I wondered if He had just created us & left us down here to suffer while He laughed & pointed out our failures.
I wondered if He was even real.
But I kept praying because I knew that if He was real, He’d be my only hope.
I Prayed… & I Hurt
If He was real, the way He describes Himself throughout the Bible, then He alone was powerful enough to clear my doubts & prove Himself as the one true God.
If He was real, He had the power to fix everything.
And yet, I kept hurting.
I kept hurting worse, with every day, or so it seemed to my breaking heart.
I felt alone.
Rays of Hope Broke Through
And there would come times where I thought I saw Him through the dark clouds that overtook me.
A ray of sunshine (of hope) would break through my heart.
I would think, “Hey, that seems to be God helping me… right when I asked Him for help, _______________ happened! Maybe God DOES care about us… about me!!!”
But the Doubts Always Seemed to Win
But then, another wave of darkness… I would brush off that ray of hope like a glitch… or maybe I had just felt stronger that day & had just thought it was God or maybe it’s because someone helped me other than God… or basically maybe it was anything but God.
So, I would keep praying. But I would keep trying to find hope my own way.
And things like that ray of hope would keep happening when I chose to pray.
And still I found a way to credit something else as the source… Something other than God.
I kept praying.
The Lost Man At Sea
Have you ever heard the story/joke about the man drowning, begging God to save Him?
Well, first someone throws him a life preserver, but he says, “No thank you! I am waiting for God to save me!”
Then a boat comes along & offers to rescue him as he screams to God for help… “No thank you!” he responds, “I am waiting for God to save me!”
Then a rescue helicopter comes & offers him a ladder to climb out of the choppy seas. “No thank you! I am waiting for God to save me!”
Well, eventually the man exhausts himself from treading water & crying out to God & the waves overtake him & he drowns at sea.
When he gets to heaven, he says, “God, why didn’t you save me?? I kept crying out to You!! Didn’t You hear me?? Didn’t You care?!?”
God patiently, gently rests His hand on the man’s shoulder & responds, “My son, I did hear you. I did listen. I sent you a life preserver, a boat, & finally a helicopter… But you didn’t accept any of it.”
That’s Where I Was… That’s What I Did
That was me during depression. I cried out to God. He responded. I accredited it to someone or something else & kept crying out to God to save me.
I would fall back into the darkness only to go back to relying on myself.
I doubted God too much to stay holding on to Him as my source for help because I didn’t know He was the One helping.
Thoughts of Suicide Became Plans for Suicide… But Then, GOD
And eventually, after years of asking (begging, through bleary eyes) for God to answer & clear up my doubts & to give me a true sense of hope & peace & security… I began to give up hope completely.
My temptation for suicide became more than just considerations… it became something that felt like my only hope.
No one wanted me (according to the lies in my head) & I wasn’t good for anything other than being a burden to everyone around me (again, the lies were ruthless & relentless).
No matter what I had tried to be strong enough, to smile through it, to think more positively, to ignore it, to find my own “happy”, to fight back, to be good enough… nothing EVER worked long term. They all crumbled eventually & they left me with nothing left to fight with.
I was done.
One Night… I Gave Up
And one night, through my desperate sobs, bringing me to my knees in my bedroom… Eventually weighing me down so much that I lay flat, face burrowed in the carpet…
I gave up fighting.
I was ready to die.
I was ready for the pain to stop because I couldn’t carry it anymore.
I didn’t feel I had any choice. I felt it was the merciful choice for a family & for friendships where I only caused them more drama, more burden, more pain.
I was ready to stop fighting. I had nothing left in me to try or to give.
I was tired & angry & hurt & felt unloved & invisible & mocked & ugly & fat & worthless & stupid & never good enough & weak & a burden. And I was so, so, SO tired.
One Night… I Stopped Trying to be “Strong Enough”
And as I lay there, face planted into the carpet, arms limp at my sides… legs lifeless… heart bleeding. No strength left to cry. Just numb & empty.
With barely a whisper worth of strength & hope left.
I prayed.
“God, don’t You hear me? Don’t I matter at all to You? Do You even exist? Are You laughing at me? Why won’t You help me? Why did You even make someone as worthless as me? [Sobs] I can’t do it anymore. I can’t fight. I have nothing left. If You are real, You are my ONLY option now nothing else works. My parents think I am drugged out. My sisters can’t seem to stand me… Many of my friends laugh at me like I’m a joke… My teachers don’t even bother anymore… I have nothing left. No one left. I can’t do it anymore, God. I’m not strong enough. If You really are God, You are my only hope. You are all that’s left. Please. Show me You are real, that You are near me & that You care for me. And if You can’t do that, kill me because I give up trying to be strong enough. Be my everything or let me die.”
One Night… God Changed EVERYTHING
And as my prayer faded… it happened.
Every ounce of hatred, of pain, loneliness, fear, doubt, anger, sadness, despair, sorrow, & everything that had pressed me down & down until I couldn’t stand anymore… EVERYTHING vanished in a single instant.
I felt a full breath of hope fill my lungs.
I felt goosebumps dance across every inch of skin.
I felt hope & love & joy & peace flood me like a rushing surge of water, racing to fill every broken place within me.
I felt FREE….
A smile danced at the corner of my mouth, erasing the bitterness & hopelessness.
I sat up, stunned.
I felt as if strong, warm arms wrapped around my entire self, squeezing the loneliness & fear into a safe embrace full of love.
And every doubt was shot dead in that one moment.
God Had a Plan That I Didn’t See… He Always Has a Plan
God wasn’t letting me suffer for the fun of it…. No!
He KNEW that unless He peeled away everything else that I clung to as my source of hope, I would just keep clinging to everything else but Him… Everything but real hope.
He knew those things weren’t my answer & that the lies I believed kept me imprisoned into believing I was left to rely on unsustainable, unstable sources… like myself… ones that crumbled & faded & ebbed & flowed.
He wanted me to know solid, secure ground. He wanted me to know what true, eternal hope felt like, apart from anything temporal & fleeting that I tried to cling to.
He knew that the ONLY way to show Himself as the One true source of Hope & Truth that would get my attention & STICK was to take everything else away where there was only Him left.
Truth Is Truth, & It SHALL Set You FREE!
I had asked, not for a temporary fix, but for TRUTH I could rest in & rely on & He did what He knew it would take to show me that it was found only in Him.
You see, if you are really seeking truth… not “truth” that you WANT to believe, but ACTUAL, REAL TRUTH… God is capable of knowing exactly how you will know 100% what that truth is. He can make it crystal clear (with no smudges of doubt!)
If you just want a “truth” that satiates you into living how you want, you will always be on the waves of the sea like I was… trying helplessly to cling to whatever you think might help, only to see it insufficient & far from lasting.
But if you want SURE faith that you can go ALL IN & not come out a fool.
If you want something you can securely build your life upon…
It’s in Him. It’s found ONLY Him.
So ask Him.
Not a SINGLE Regret… Only Praise! And Freedom!
If you think I regret for a SINGLE moment those several years of doubts & then depression & then eventual suicidal thoughts plaguing my life… you are DEAD WRONG.
I feel SO BLESSED & SO PRIVELEGED to KNOW 100% what I can count on.
Do I still make mistakes? Heck yes! Do I still have doubts pop up? Heck yes!
Is God patient to guide me & do I now finally have a source I can go to with FULL CONFIDENCE to answer those doubts with patience, love, grace, & TRUTH?
YES!!! A million times yes!
I Want You to Have Peace & Rest in REAL Truth… The Simple Grace Offered by Jesus
And I want that for you. It’s why I do this blog. It’s why I write when it’s not my strongest talent.
I want you to find that secure ground… That peace… That surety… That LOVE… & GRACE! I want you to know TRUTH!
So come to Him with your doubts & don’t stop asking! He HEARS you!
Shine Hope, by trusting in the sure foundation of real, lasting, reliable TRUTH.
Coming Next Week
Join me next Monday morning EST to follow along with my journey of Pivot moments. I can’t wait to see you there!
And make sure to Subscribe (Join My Tribe), so you don’t miss it!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Quinn Necklace

This innovative statement piece is accented with white & silver beads & has a detachable bottom pendant (shown detached), creating two unique looks.
Artisan Information:
The women we partner with in India do so much more than just create beautiful products. With every purchase, another woman is empowered out of poverty to be self-reliant! Women have the opportunity to earn an income, attend financial management classes, & receive education & healthcare. These women are now able to give their family a promising future because of your purchase!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely! deused1 \lsd