Sometimes It’s Hard
Last week’s blog was about Living Love Intentionally, but I felt I would be doing a disservice if I didn’t make sure to talk about living love, even when it’s hard.
Now, I don’t just mean with a spouse or romantic relationship… We are called to love EVERYONE, even people we don’t know well. (But this definitely can apply to romantic relationships in certain circumstances).
Loving someone even when it’s hard can have several meanings:
- Loving an enemy
- Loving a person whose personality or character is hard to love
- Loving someone different from us, whom we don’t understand
- Loving someone through a life or death situation
- Loving when you really don’t feel like it (arguments, anger, hurt, etc.)
Now, I am not a licensed psychologist, so I don’t have all of the techniques down, but I do know that this is an area of great importance to God.
He loves us ALL, even when we are (or, rather, feel that we are) unlovable.
And because of that, we should all strive to love all people, whether we want to or not, because Christ first loved us (including them) & died for the sins (wrongs) of all of us (including them).
So, let’s talk about that for a bit & hopefully we can all encourage each other to trust this area to God more & to grow better at it as we go.
Loving an Enemy—God’s Perspective
First of all, loving our enemies seems like the absolute hardest thing to do, but God expressly tells us to do so, so it must be possible & it must be important to Him.
We are all enemies of God, on our own. We are born selfish & self-focused. We want what WE want & we want it NOW.
God is so patient in loving us through our stubborn pride, even when we figuratively spit in His face & turn our backs on His Truth, Promises, Grace, & LOVE.
There is no extent to His patience & willingness to extend grace to us. He is like a loving Father, waiting with open arms to welcome us home.
He also sent Christ to die a cruel death to pay our debt & offers freely a debt-free gift of His grace, if only we are humble enough to accept it. No strings attached. No conditions based on how wrong our actions or attitudes of the past were or what nasty secrets hide in our closet of shame. (Read my Redemption Story, here.)
He paid it all & forgives freely.
He loves the “unlovable.” He loves those “too far gone.” He loves EVERYONE.
And we are called to love them, too. Even when they are an enemy.
Loving an Enemy—in Practice
So how do we do this? How do we love someone who might be cruel, heartless, reckless, etc.?
How do we love the unlovable?
Through PRAYER, first of all! It is by no means natural for us to love someone we naturally want to hate.
Not natural at all!
But because God tells us to do so, it is definitely possible—just not by our own efforts!
So, if someone has hurt you, turn to God as your strength.
Lay your burdens & pain & anger & fear at His feet & trust that HE IS BIGGER than any evil you face.
Pray for that person.
Pray that God soften their heart & wake them up to repentance.
Pray that God give you strength & peace in the midst of the turmoil.
Pray that God show you how to be a light in that person’s life.
Pray that God teach you to be gracious.
And sometimes, if needed for personal safety, pray at a distance.
God Can Do All Things
Do you know of Paul, in the Bible?
Well, Saul became Paul.
Saul murdered Christians as his mission in life, but God stopped him dead in his tracks, woke him up to the Truth & the MAJESTY of God’s POWER.
And Saul surrendered his life & became one of the biggest influencers for HOPE & LOVE & GRACE, of all time!
God can do anything. So, love that person by learning to be gracious (knowing you were once an enemy to God, but that He also offers you endless forgiveness & grace) & never stop praying for that enemy!
Loving the Difficult
Sometimes loving someone is difficult simply because the person you are called to love is difficult. Maybe they are a loud mouth. Maybe they gloat about doing wrong. Maybe they are crude or rude. Maybe they talk about others behind their backs.
Whatever the reason, maybe that person just straight up rubs you the wrong way.
I definitely understand that!
But also, maybe their personality just simply clashes with yours. Maybe they intimidate you. Maybe they just irk you.
Guess what, Lovely… We are called to love them, too.
Cue the loud, long *SIGH*.
I get it, it’s tough loving someone that gets on your last nerve.
But, reality check, God loves them, & so should we.
As always, start by praying. Pray for your attitude, because sometimes it’s simply your impression of them & we need to take personal responsibility as well & take the time to get to know that person past our perception of them.
Pray for that person. Pray that God show you ways to bridge the gaps & to help you better understand & love them the way God calls you to.
And be kind. Always be kind. And pray.
Loving Differences
Whoo, this is a big one, too, isn’t it?
We all like to believe that we don’t hold any prejudices, but let’s face it, Lovelies… that’s a lie that we all tell ourselves because the word “prejudice” sounds so awful.
And it is awful!
Prejudice comes in many forms, aside from the obvious hot topic of race, & it usually stems from simply not understanding where that other person is coming from & why they are the way they are.
Differences are scary sometimes, because we don’t understand them.
It can also take form when recognizing different upbringings, different personality types, different social statuses, different amounts of wealth, new money vs old money, culture differences, language barriers, large age gaps, etc. etc. etc.
It’s easy to feel different from other people—because we are all different people!
But God warns us against favoring one person over another, mainly because He sees past all of that to the souls of all His creation–& He loves us all just as much as the other.
It is reasonably tough to love someone different from us, mostly because it’s hard for us to understand what we don’t understand.
So, start by getting to know that person better—their culture, their upbringing, their roles in life, etc.
Learn to look through God’s eyes, to see them as souls. To see them as a person just like you, even though they’re different.
Living in Japan—Perspective
One thing I have learned from living in Japan for several years, (Read more about that on my “About Me” page), is that we are all essentially the same.
We ALL have hopes, dreams, fears, insecurities, aspirations, a need to be loved & accepted, & most of all, a need for HOPE & GRACE.
Most of the Japanese may not speak my language. Their fashion may be somewhat different from mine. They may have a different lifestyle, history & cultural upbringing…. But they are all created by & loved by God, just like me.
So, strive to look past the differences & LOVE those who are different from you, as if they were just like you, but different. 😉
… to be continued.
Shine Hope, Lovely!
Coming Next Week
I wish I had time to continue on in this post for this topic of “Living Love-Even When It’s Hard,” but there’s just too much to say about this topic to condense it down any further, so make sure to check back next week, as we finish this topic & discuss “Loving through Other’s Pains” & “Loving through Personal Hurt.”
It’s going to be good—See you next week!!
A Note from Michelle:
If you want to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” & “Hope is Found” pages, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Joy Ring

Supporting Women in Nepal with my Joy Ring!
This adjustable ring is made of intertwining silver and brass metal alloy and a white powder stone.
Artisan Information:
In many areas of Nepal, women are not considered equal to men and are vulnerable to sex trafficking. But the women making this product are earning an income and learning entrepreneurship, giving them confidence to break social norms! With every purchase, these women are provided with education, seminars on health, nutrition and also on women’s rights. Your purchase will create change for generations of women to come!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Nepal
Shop Here, OR, Email me at, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE, Lovely!