Us or Him?
So, here’s a charge to my Christian friends….
God has burdened my heart with an analogy that I would like to share, in hopes that it will encourage you to change how you interact with those around you on a daily basis.
As Christians, we hear a lot about, “let us glorify God today.”
… Sounds pretty holy & GOOD, doesn’t it…?
But do we ever really stop to consider what it is we’re saying when we pull out that little phrase, to “glorify God”?
Most Christians would agree that to glorify God, you should be kind to one another, be friendly, & try not to mess up (SIN) today. But is there more? Is there more to giving God glory than pleasantness of character?
What it Really Means
In reading Beth Moore’s “Breaking Free,” she challenges us to look at Scripture to see how IT describes the process of glorifying God.
Do you know how God describes the act of giving Him glory?
It says:
- … to make God known
- … to make God famous
- … to show HIM off [His love, His power, His forgiveness, and His might–not ours] to a hurting world
So let me ask you this, does being a nice person, smiling, being kind, being “good” & trying not to mess up do those things?
Do your good behaviors glorify HIM or do they glorify YOU?
What Do Others Say About You?
Let’s use this measure to help us determine the answer to that question... Do you typically hear these responses when you do those things?
- “YOU’re such a nice/good person!”
- “Well, of course that would happen for YOU, YOU’re a good person.”
- “YOU’re such a strong person.”
- “YOU always seem to have your life so together.”
- “YOU have a perfect marriage.”
Maybe There’s More
So that got me thinking….
How does one ACTUALLY bring GOD glory??
Now, I definitely do not have an exhaustive list of ways one can glorify God, but here’s a start… God brought an analogy to mind that I will call “The Tale of Two Cakes.” (I love food, so this worked well for me [Insert Your Laughter Here]).
The Tale of Two Cakes
The analogy’s foundation is that everyone eats ONE of two cakes. The FIRST cake will kill you. But it won’t JUST kill you. It will be a disgusting, bloody, terrifying, painful, excruciating, shameful, and unending (sounds awful, I know–but it is) DEATH.
The second cake will give you LIFE, HOPE, meaning, purpose, strength, PEACE, forgiveness, & LOVE.
Christians are eating the LIFE CAKE. They’re no better than anyone else, but they have discovered it’s life-giving ability through Christ’s sacrifice for our: sins, debt of wrongs, & shame–to give us new life in its place.
Everyone else… well, you get the idea. (HINT: They’re NOt eating the LIFE CAKE)
Our Efforts Can Fall Short
We all have had a friend come to us with a trouble, pain, hurt, trial, worry, affliction, confession, etc. And since we don’t want to come off as too “preachy”, we do what ANY “good” friend would do. We support them, of course!
I am sure most of us have said things like these:
- “You’ve got this!”
- “You can do it!”
- “You’ll be better next time!”
- “You don’t need that mean ex!”
- “Just try harder next time!”
- “Everyone fails & messes up, but you have to pick yourself up & try again!”
- “Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!”
- “Never give up! Never Surrender!”
- “You got this, girl!
- “You’re tough!”
- “You can do it!!”
Aww, we’re SO nice…. Or ARE we???
The Truth Behind the Curtain
Where is the emphasis placed in each of those phrases as the source of their hope for change or for salvation out of a horrible situation or for redemption from shame or regret?
But you & I both know that we are limited. We are fallible. We have weaknesses & shortcomings & temptations. We fail. We don’t have infinite strength, wisdom, or will to carry on through trials & pain. We are only human, after all.
So, by placing all of their hope (or rather, pressure), on their shoulders… are we really helping them at all? Or are we making it worse… feeding the lie that if they just try harder next time, everything will work out?
Point Back to the Source
Are we pointing them to the true source of HOPE, by pointing out how ABLE GOD IS?
We are taught early on to give that “Go Team!” encouragement in times of trouble, but do you know what we’re doing when we give our “Go Team!” pep talk to encourage friends to pull themselves back up & try harder next time–without adding CHRIST as the true source of that hope?
Favorite Frosting? Mmmm.
Well, let me take a detour & describe it this way…. What is your ABSOLUTE FAVORITE frosting?
- Chocolate glaze?
- Whipped cream frosting?
- Buttercream icing?
- Homemade Cream Cheese Frosting? (I’m starting to drool a little, so I better stop, haha.)
So, imagine that you choose this favorite icing of yours… make a big, YUMMY batch of it, (since you feel so bad for them & want to make it all better, of course), & you lather it ALL OVER that DEATH CAKE of theirs.
Make it Matter
Because, without pointing them to the source of TRUE HOPE, do you know what you did for them with that pep talk? Absolutely nothing.
… Except to maybe make it easier for them to swallow their portion of their “Death Cake”.
… Because in saying those things, you are propelling the lie that we were made to & should be able to do this life on our own... That if we just try harder… That if we just try again… That if we were only smarter, stronger, wiser, etc. etc. etc., then maybe it will get better next time….
Bring It Back to HOPE
Did you warn them? Did you tell them about the LIFE cake? Did you point them to the FREEDOM of grace & the HOPE found in giving our cares to an able God who loves us & can set us free from the bondage of our wrongs?
Nope. You just hugged them & handed them back an even tastier DEATH CAKE & sent them on their “merry” way.
You (maybe accidentally, unintentionally) lied to them.
But God Forgives
I am sure we have all done it… With great intentions… But the truth remains that we sent them on without the hope that we hold in our own hearts.
It’s true… It’s a lie that Satan has been feeding us for ages past. The lie says,
- “You’ve got this ON YOUR OWN!”
- “You don’t need that ex (or CHRIST) because YOU’re tough!”
- “YOU’re enough (on your own)!”
- “You can do it (ON YOUR OWN–WITHOUT Christ)!”
- “YOU are strong! YOU are a warrior!”
But the Truth is, they can’t… They aren’t enough. And that’s okay. God can fill in the gaps as we entrust it to Him.
We Need a Savior–& It’s Not Us
On our own, there will always be another sin. Another failure. Another hurt. Another wrong done to us or done by us. Sin & Satan will still be in control–on our own.
BUT, please realize another important piece of Truth–God gives victory & He forgives US in OUR shortcomings as well. So if you’re guilty of turning friends away with a smile full of false hope… repent of it, ACCEPT God’s FORGIVENESS, & move FORWARD!
We have hope in Christ! Hallelujah!
How to Give “Life Cake” Instead
The important question moving forward is this, “How can you transform this “DEATH CAKE-DELECTABLE ICING PEP TALK” into a LIFE-GIVING message of actual, lasting HOPE?”
The simple answer? By giving God the glory He deserves!
How can we start offering our friends the “Life Cake” instead of trying to make their “Death Cake” taste better?
When You Grow, You Can Help Others Grow
Well, one way that comes to mind is making efforts of memorizing Scripture. That’s right, it’s not just for your OWN personal battles!
Truth is Truth.
The more our focus is set on Truth & the more Truth that we are consistently absorbing through the reading of God’s Word, the Bible, the more prepared we will be on the fly, when a friend approaches us with a problem, to tackle that problem with grace, Truth, & love.
And Pray, Always Pray
And pray! Pray with your friends when they come to you with a struggle–even if they don’t know Jesus. Because Jesus knows & loves them just the same, & He died for their shame & guilt as well.
God loves them, so let your friend know that fact & pray with them through it.
Making a Change
Now, say that same friend came to you, & during your encouragement pep talk, you threw in some Truth (AKA Scripture) along with it & then prayed with them.
Try something like this, “It’s okay to not have it all together! That’s why we need Christ! The Bible says that He is our refuge and our strength–a very present help in time of trouble. Put your trust in HIM as your hope & He will give you the strength & peace you need to get through it! Let’s stop & pray right now. You don’t have to if you don’t feel comfortable, but please allow me to pray for you.”
OR “God tells us, in the Bible, that His love covers a multitude of offenses. That’s why we need Christ. Trials are a way to show us how much we need Him in our lives. He gives hope! Let’s pray about it!”
Now don’t get me wrong, you MIGHT get an eye roll or two–I know I have given plenty on the downlow.
But Truth is Truth. Be encouraged & stand for Truth, because it’s WORTH IT–And, they are destined to die without it.
Be a Living Testimony
And in the future, when you face a trial of your own & YOU are the one struggling & you share with THEM, you can cling to the TRUTH & say, “but I am so glad I have Christ, because His promises stand true, one of them says “He is my refuge and my strength–a very present help in time of trouble. I need to stop & pray & ask for His help.”
Be a living testimony of how much God loves us & how He interacts in our lives during times of trouble.
So, when they see God work that very Truth in YOUR life, they will maybe want to start questioning that little eye roll they gave you before.
Sorry, But Our Goodness Can’t Save Us
You see, our goodness can’t save us long-term–eternally or otherwise, only God’s perfect goodness can do that for us & for our friends, through His gift of Christ’s payment. (*Read more on my Hope is Found page, here.)
I heard a quote once that said, “The way we, as Believers, live ought to cause Unbelievers to question their unbelief.”
Join Me in Giving God the Glory While Offering Others “Life Cake”
So join me in this movement to PRAY on ways to bring HIM glory & not to live for our own glory! To make God known! To make HIM famous! Not for MY glory, but for HIS glory alone, forever & ever, AMEN.
Shine HOPE.
Coming Next Week
A new post goes live every Monday morning! See you next week!
A Note from Michelle:
If you want to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” & “Hope is Found” pages, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
The Imani Necklace

Representing & Empowering Women in Uganda & India!
This stretch cord necklace carries cream and aqua paper-rolled beads.
Artisan Information:
We partner with the ministry founded in 2008 by then 19-year-old Katie Davis Majors (author of Kisses from Katie). This ministry feeds, educates, & encourages vulnerable children & families in Uganda. Katie goes into a slum community once a week to meet with artisan women, build relationships, lead them in a Bible study, & provide job training. Your purchase of this paper bead jewelry gives a bright future for women!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Uganda
Shop Here, OR, Email me at, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE, Lovely!