It’s so easy To see this world As dark & dreary… A lost & broken world
So much hurt and so much heartache A mere shadow… Of all that was meant to be
But there’s hope In the darkness When we cling To the Light
Walking hand in hand (with Christ) In peace & love Trusting Him as God And us as His beloved
He longs… for our hearts He wants us to know His love He longs to offer us A life that was always meant for us
Not in getting our own way But in yielding to His Not in owning the whole world But enjoying His creation
Because there’s hope In the darkness When we cling To the Light
Hand in hand As we let Him lead us Bowing down our hearts To His great, enduring love
There is freedom in surrender Letting Him wash us clean Restoring in forgiveness To a Hope found just in Him
So, don’t spend your life wasted Pushing back against His love But surrender in safety To His sorrow-quenching love
Because there’s hope In the darkness As we cling To the Light
Hand in hand We love & trust Him Letting Him to be the King Over our created life
So, obey in trust And let Him lead As His love washes Over everything
And the mystery of surrender Is that when we finally yield We find that we find salvation And that then we’re finally free
Because there’s hope In the darkness When we cling To the Light
So, cling to the Light of Christ Surrender it all to His love And find your restoration To peace & hope in Him for all eternity long.
Coming Next Week
I hope you enjoyed this month’s Special Feature post, featured every last Thursday of the month!
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Worthy Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
Beautifully delicate in design, this rose gold plated chain displays a light pink rose quartz stone. Crafted in India.
Artisan Information:
The women we partner with in India do so much more than just create beautiful products. With every purchase, another woman is empowered out of poverty to be self-reliant! Women have the opportunity to earn an income, attend financial management classes, and receive education and healthcare. These women are now able to give their family a promising future because of your purchase!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
I am about to share with you a story that I don’t often tell.
There is a danger in talking about the power of Satan, because it can scare people into believing he must be feared.
While it’s true that Satan is far more powerful than we are & has much more influence in this world than we like to give him credit for, he is not the Ultimate, All-Powerful, Sovereign, Supreme Ruler God.
Satan is limited.
And so are we.
But GOD is NOT.
The Happy Ending
I started this post with the spoiler alert ending to this story—“With a single thought, God made everything still,” as a reminder that no matter what you are about to read, God is SUPREME & if He says “Stop”, nothing (absolutely NOTHING) can overcome His will & power.
he Wasn’t Happy
Last week’s blog post, “Pivot, Pivot! #4-The Great Purge-Learning to Trust God in the Hurts,” set the stage for this week, where I shared my story about purging the thoughts & physical items that I clung to instead of God, blocking me from going “all in” with my trust in God over myself.
You can imagine that for one who wants to pick us off, manipulate us, throw accusations at us, & keep us as far away from God & truth & hope as possible, Satan was anything but pleased to see me make that sort of life statement of going “all in” for God.
Search Me, O God
I remember that during the event where I literally burned my CD
collection which I had been clinging to white-knuckled instead of trusting God,
I had written only a single phrase/verse in my journal during that time.
I was following along through the worksheet I mentioned last week, but as for my personal journal, only Psalm 139:23-24 made it onto the blank pages:
“Search me, O God, &know my heart: test me, & know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, & lead me in the way everlasting.”
Weeding Out the Obstacles
You see, my heart cry was to no longer rely on myself &/or external things, but to give up my life to trust in the God eternal, the Redeemer of my life, Love everlasting.
The above two verses summed up how my heart was yearning. I wanted to weed out anything that was holding me back from total trust.
Wait…! What Was That…?
As a quick backstory, I had a history of paranoia.
I had chronic nightmares, was afraid of the dark as an adult, & was even afraid to pray out loud in case Satan could know my plans & then ruin them.
In other words, I was putting Satan higher than God in that I feared him more than I trusted God.
It was another roadblock I didn’t even know could change.
Trust God First
God knew that needed to learn to trust God more than I feared Satan. He knew He needed to squash Satan’s power of fear that he was holding over me, so that I could see God as the One True God.
But I didn’t know that was coming.
I wrote that verse in my journal & my eyes burned with tears of longing to give God my everything, no longer tossed to & fro by the troubles & lures of the world, but anchored in a sure foundation of hope.
Know That God Has the Final Word–Not Satan
And when I fell asleep that night, the scariest thing in
the world happened to me.
And I am grateful for every second of it, because, “With a single thought, God made everything still.”
The point of sharing this upcoming story is to reveal to you that no matter how much more powerful Satan is than us, GOD IS INFINITELY MORE POWERFUL.
And before I began writing about this topic, I prayed how to share this story with you, not wanting to perpetuate that fear that once controlled me… & God whispered over my heart, “If you don’t want to scare them into submission to the Liar, start with the ending. Show the hope first.”
“With a single thought, God made everything still.”
The Fear Before the Victory
I was sleeping soundly, as far as I can remember, when I awoke with a start, to the darkness of night enveloping my room.
I tried to roll over, but all limbs seemed pinned in place.
That’s when I saw a hovering cloud of darkness by the side of my bed.
And I heard a voice in my head. A voice that was not my own.
“You think you can get away? Hahaha. I am in control now!”
Can’t Run Away, But God’s Got Me Still
I thought I must be imagining it, so I tried to turn away, to crawl
under my covers… or bolt for the door, but again, my limbs were glued in place.
The cackle continued… Mocking, harsh, cruel.
I tried to scream, but I had lost my voice. Not a single noise could be forced out. Fear escalated.
“I am in control now… I told you that already… Where is your God? He’s not here to save you. I have control over you & He can’t stop it. Where is He? Hahaha.”
Crying, Afraid… But Then, Mom
I was crying now, terrified out of my mind. I urged my body to break the hold with every ounce of will until one arm broke free & I just slammed it into the wall over & over again, my voice still missing.
“No one can help you. Not even God is coming. Can you hear Him? No. Can you see Him? No. That’s because He was never even here. He doesn’t actually care about you & I am in control now! Hahahaha.”
My Mom eventually came rushing in as I cried & panicked.
I found my voice & began to unintelligibly tell her everything all
at once, panic consuming me.
Stop Giving Satan the Power
My Mom wisely told me to stop giving Satan the power, that God was bigger & I needed to remind him & myself of that!
She was on the edge of my bed & I think she prayed with me.
As I looked up at her, terror-stricken, I saw as if she had the face of a demon, glaringly mocking me with a sneer.
I screeched & couldn’t get myself to look her in the face anymore.
Mind Games of Terror
My cat came out from under the bed to find out what was going on &
when he jumped on my bed, I snatched him up & clung to him.
The mocking laughter continued, an audible voice speaking directly into my head, as the dark cloud remained.
As I hugged my cat, crying loudly, I pinched my eyes closed & a vision of terror flashed in my mind, of my cat lunging at my throat with fangs bared.
I dropped my cat & cried louder, scared to look at anyone or anything, afraid it would be warped & twisted into something even more terrifying.
I felt like the demon was winning & I had no hope. I had prayed & begged & yet God hadn’t shown up & hadn’t yelled to silence the voice.
Read About God’s Power… Remind Your Heart Who Is Really in Control!
I was alone & starting to believe the voice I heard.
My Mom turned on the lights to my room, turned my stereo to Worship music & got my Bible.
Her idea was to go through the concordance in the back of the Bible, look up the word “power” & read EVERY verse listed to remind myself that GOD is in control, not this demon.
The voice kept jeering, “He can’t help you anymore. I have control over
you now. You’re mine!!”
I picked up my Bible, willing to try anything to make the voice stop,
& started at the first verse listed, making my way through each verse where
it mentions the power of God.
I Thought It Was Over
The voice faded & the fear subsided.
My Mom eventually prayed with me once more, told me to keep reading, & left to return to bed.
My eyelids grew heavy & with the voice gone, I decided to brave turning off the music, turning off the light, & going back to sleep.
But as soon as I got back in bed, the voice returned… “You thought you could get rid of me that easily?! Hahahaha. I’m still here & there’s nothing you can do to get rid of me because God’s not coming to help you.”
I Must Trust in God’s Power More Than My Fear
I sprinted for the light, turned on the music to drown out the voice,
& grabbed my Bible to pick up where I left off.
I felt God nudging my heart, “Lean into me. Learn about my power. Don’t trust the voice. Just keep reading & trust my power instead. I am with you. Keep reading to the last word.”
I still felt the evil near me, but I kept reading, keeping my eyes glued to learning more about God’s power, not wanting to be crushed by my fear.
And as I finished the last word of the last verse, it happened.
With A Single Thought…
With a single thought, God made everything still.
It was mind-blowing how very suddenly the darkness vanished; the voice was erased, & the fear just evaporated all in the single instant that I finished reading.
God showed in a profoundly surprising way, that no matter how present Satan makes himself or how much he mocks or jeers or accuses… No matter how much power he may display over us… God has the final word.
A Single Thought of God’s Is Greater Than Satan’s Worst
God didn’t have to make a grand appearance to show His power.
God didn’t have to boom his voice over the demon’s to show His power.
God didn’t have to do anything “MORE THAN” the demon to prove Himself.
He proved Himself with a single thought. A THOUGHT of God’s was more powerful than the loudest, strongest action the demon could pull off.
No Matter How Big Your Fear Is… God Is Bigger
I share this story with you, not to scare you into sleeping with the light on, but to demonstrate to you that NO MATTER HOW BIG YOUR FEAR IS… GOD IS BIGGER!
Just a single THOUGHT is bigger than the worst that Satan can do.
Does God let Satan bellow & threaten & cause harm? Yes. But all in a display to show us that if we trust in God Himself instead, Satan, with all his given power, is POWERLESS.
A New Day of Trusting God Above My Fears… Even in Sleep
After that day, nightmares changed for me. They, for the most part, vanished completely from my nights.
But when they did show up, they were different.
The monster or the killer or whoever would come at me… I would be screaming & running in fear… Only to have a realization that, no, I’m not doing this anymore… PIVOTING to face the threat, & yelling, “In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, LEAVE. ME. ALONE!”
And the monster would vanish & the dream would transform where any
fragment of danger or fear would just vanish & laughter would replace it.
If We Let Him… If We Learn to Trust Him First
God has power over even our dreams, if we let Him.
God has power over the darkness, if we let Him.
God has POWER over our fear, IF WE LET HIM.
So, let Him.
Trust HIM.
He is God-Almighty, Creator of the Heavens & the Earth, Ruler of all, King of kings, Lord of lords, Beginning & the End, Infinite, Redeemer, He is Love. He is POWER.
Trust Him.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement,
& to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that
helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Iris Earrings
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in Peru, India, & Around the World!
Iridescent pink crystal beads sway on these golden teardrop hoops.
Artisan Information:
In Peru, rural citizens have been affected by extreme poverty & guerrilla warfare. Women are affected the worst as their husbands generally leave them in search of work. Many are unable to get the basic needs of food, shelter, & clothing. But with every purchase of this product, women are finding hope & an income by hand making this beautiful product. Because of you, these family businesses are now empowering the next generation!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Peru!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
If you missed last week’s post, it was all about the first & greatest “Pivot” moment in my life, the day I met Jesus. (Check it out, here.)
It was simple & pure, trusting like a child (because I was a
But something big changed when I was first introduced to the Left Behind movie series, starring Kirk Cameron.
Doubts entered the picture.
… Fear that maybe I got it all wrong & that I was maybe actually going to Hell… going to be “left behind,” only to live in the shame that my faith was fake the whole time… or just not strong enough.
I wanted to know for sure.
Other “Options” Now in the Picture
But then, being now in public middle school, I was hearing all sorts of opinions on what others thought was truth, based on a plethora of other “religious choices” that other kids at my school were adamantly claiming as truth. (I love the word plethora, don’t you? Haha)
So, combine my fear that my faith might not be “real enough” with the fact that I now questioned if my religion was even real…. I was then tossed into a sea of raging doubts. A sea that seemed to go on without end.
I didn’t know which way was up or down or left or right anymore. What once seemed so simple & so pure was now tainted with doubts & full of fear.
And rebellion.
Part of Me Wanted It All to be Fake–So I Could Live MY Way
I can’t deny that nasty word from making its appearance in this whole
I knew, deep down, that something in me WANTED it to be fake. I wanted it to all be a sham so that I could do whatever I wanted like everyone else seemed so comfortable doing. I didn’t want consequences, just freedom, my way. I mostly just didn’t want to have to follow rules (mostly because I misunderstood the “rules” in the first place, thinking they were meant to suck fun out of my life versus the way to live the most fulfilling & satisfying life imaginable!)
But I couldn’t do that IF it might be real.
Because… consequences.
God Has a Reason
You see, I always thought of God as a sort of dictator & that
Christianity was all about following His rules, or else.
Now, don’t hear me wrong, we DEFINITELY should live by His rules & His alone, not ours… But it’s for our good, not just “because He says so.”
The Doubts Led to Determination for TRUTH
So, here I was, afraid that my faith was not real enough, afraid that
my religion might not even be real, & afraid that I would be trying to
follow rules I didn’t want to follow just to appease some possibly made up God.
I had to know the truth. If everyone thought their “god” was real,
which one was right? They couldn’t all be right because that made them all
sound made up. So, which one was it?
Did I believe just because I grew up that way? Was I indoctrinated into Christianity because I was told to believe it? Was my salvation even real? Maybe I wasn’t good enough to prove my sincerity of faith…. Was God even real? What was real? What was truth? Can we even know?
Those were just the tip of the iceberg for me. I had questions that
went on for days.
And with those questions came the tossing to & fro unrest that
became my life.
Tossing To & Fro
Gone was my sure foundation, my steady ground built on faith in God.
My life was a mix of fear, anxiety, & rebellious hopes to have my way.
I will tell you that those were some of the worst times in my life, knowing that unrest & lack of peace… & the fear undercurrent that flowed through it all.
Puberty is hard enough without all of THAT going on inside my head!
But despite how many questions I asked, the answers were never enough.
The Cynical Questions
I felt a cynical whisper repeatedly, following every answer I received from others, saying, “But what do they know? What makes them the expert? All the other religions think they’re correct, too, so saying so doesn’t make it true. Humans make mistakes, so which one has it right? What if they’re all wrong? What if there is no God? No hope. No truth. No Heaven or Hell. No consequences?”
I never knew what to trust. I never knew WHO to trust.
Not that someone would knowingly LIE to me, but that maybe they were
I felt lost.
Deciding My OWN Path
Because I searched for close to two years without feeling satisfied that I could accept anything as pure truth versus opinions, I did the only thing I knew to do at that point, I started deciding for myself what I wanted to believe.
Of course, I wouldn’t do anything that seemed blatantly wrong or something
I was warned against as a kid, JUST IN CASE there were consequences.
But instead of living to make some potentially made up God happy, I started living to make ME happy.
That’s when my sea of doubts began to take a sinister turn for the worst.
Lying to Myself
The guilt that I shoved down… The shame that I justified & placated… The excuses I made to keep living for myself….
It was a game of trying to stay above consequences while still getting whatever I wanted out of life.
This pivot of doubts was a painful, complicated one. It wasn’t as simple & pure as my first pivot. It felt like always flailing to keep my head above water.
Truth or Bust
I was no longer satisfied complacently wearing my badge of Christianity, going to church & praying before mealtimes… I wanted truth.
I wanted to know for sure whether or not what I believed was true or
whether it was a myth developed long before I was born.
And I knew, that if anyone could answer these questions for me, it was
God Himself.
The cynical voice was right, humans DID make mistakes, made even more evident by the endless slew of “religions” to choose from, because not all religions could be right (as some conflicted with others), so that meant some of them were wrong, if not all of them.
Not only that, but the Bible claimed that it’s God was the ONE TRUE God, Creator of Heaven & Earth, Lord over ALL. So, if that were true, there goes the rest of the “gods” out there.
Being the ONE TRUE God was a bold claim & a claim I wasn’t sure I could put my undivided faith toward. But either way, I wanted to know the truth for myself.
Maybe I Can Just Ignore It…
Oh, I TRIED to just smile & shoo away (more like shove away) all of my doubts, attending church & keeping my nagging doubts to myself (too ashamed to admit I questioned it all, afraid of upsetting God or my family or anyone really!) but those doubts were significantly stronger & more persistent than I was.
No longer could I stay content trusting in others’ opinions of truth. I was beginning a journey to find ACTUAL truth that I could rest in & hope in… a hope that wouldn’t fall out from under me.
Asking God, But Then Looking Elsewhere
I knew that God was the only One who could really prove Himself true, because if He were as He said He was, in the Bible, He could do ANYTHING.
But, like many people do, I didn’t stop at that… Oh, no, no. I had a backup plan that included me taking action to find that truth my own way….
… By relying on myself to find what made me happy, versus leaning into God for lasting joy.
Instead of leaning into God, I leaned mostly into myself & whatever I felt was true for me which, by definition, meant I was no different than anyone else I dismissed.
Questions Answered by God, Who Knows All & Knows Your Heart & Knows Just How to Reach to the Core of Your Doubts–If You Let Him
That led me down a much worse path—depression. Or, as I am calling it in this series, “Pivot #3”, coming next week.
The point I want to make with this week’s post is this:
We all have questions, because we will never fully understand God or His design for this world or for our lives… but don’t run AWAY from God with those questions.
Take your questions to Him. He can handle it. He has patience like you wouldn’t believe & wisdom that transcends time & human limitations.
God Is the Backup Plan to the Original Plan–He Is Where Truth Awaits
My life provides you with an example of what NOT to do.
Don’t take your questions, ask God for help in answering them, & THEN ALSO try to find happiness your own way. It doesn’t end up well. You can convince yourself you’re fine all you want, but something in your spirit screams that there’s meant to be more than just surviving. Listen to that. It’s right.
God wants you to come home to Him, to rest in Him, to feel SURE… He wants you to feel secure & at peace with the foundation of steady, reliable truth. He wants you to know His love & grace & to feel those flowing through every situation in life.
Trust Him with your questions. He CAN & WILL answer them.
Answers Came in the Darkness
Next week, you will see how He answered my questions countless times,
but I dismissed them countless more, until He got my attention in a way that I
can never dismiss again.
He knew (knows) ME & how to get through to ME in a way that is
intimately designed to make it clear in a way I need it to be.
He can do the same for you—If you are truly seeking truth & not just a way to placate your desire for a consequence-free lifestyle of rebellion to everything God stands for He will reveal truth.
Seek Him—He can handle it.
Coming Next Week
Join me next Monday morning, EST, for Pivot #3, the story of my dark journey through depression, & the truth that broke through the raging sea.
Make sure to Join My Tribe (Subscribe), so you don’t miss it!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Worthy Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
Beautifully delicate in design, this rose gold plated chain displays a light pink rose quartz stone. Crafted in India.
Artisan Information:
The women we partner with in India do so much more than just create beautiful products.With every purchase, another woman is empowered out of poverty to be self-reliant! Women have the opportunity to earn an income, attend financial management classes, & receive education & healthcare. These women are now able to give their family a promising future because of your purchase!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
(Also pictured: Steadfast Cuff, made in India!)
Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I
will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world,
The Bible talks a lot about prayer, so what does prayer mean, why does it matter so much to God, & what does it actually accomplish?
I Thessalonians 5:17 is just two simple words, “Pray continually,” or, as other translations put it, “pray without ceasing,” but what does that actually mean? Are we supposed to pray through every waking moment? Pretty much.
Now wait, before you go thinking something along the lines of, “but what about when I am sleeping? Or doing something else? Or concentrating on something important? How am I supposed to be expected to never cease praying?
In All Things
Now here’s one thought—think about this for a moment. Do you usually have inner dialogue with yourself—Thinking, problem solving, creating, visualizing, dreaming, etc.?
Now imagine this, God sees all of what goes through your mind—at all times. He hears your thoughts constantly. He knows everything about you, even to a subconscious level!
So why not include Him in your thoughts, problem solving, creating, visualizing, dreaming, etc.?
Just Add God
AS thoughts role through your mind, talk to God instead of to yourself. He is a faithful friend & a kind Father, waiting to spend quality time with you.
AS you are thinking through a problem, ask Him to give you wisdom & insight, because He is infinitely wise.
AS you are creating, ask for His inspiration, because He is infinitely creative! Think of all the unique qualities in just the human population alone & the intricacies of the human body. Envision God’s masterpieces in nature like clouds, flowers, snow, mountains, animals, etc.! He is creative!
AS you are visualizing & dreaming, ask for God’s input & thank Him for allowing such beauty & vastness to be imagined in just our minds!
God is pretty amazing at being God. He is humble & kind & loving. He is faithful. He is infinitely wise & creative!
We’re just asked to invite Him into the conversation. Let Him lead you with His able hands &His loving care for you.
Why Does God Care Whether We Pray?
So why does it matter so much to God that we pray? Doesn’t He already know everything we’re thinking without us telling Him?
Well, yes. But….
To help us grasp an aspect of why prayer matters to God, I once heard the illustration of a child & her mother.
Imagine with me that the child’s teacher calls home every day & tells the mother everything that happened to their child that day, in every detail they could recall… When the child returns home, the mother then inquires about her daughter’s day, only to be met with a hurried, short answer, eager to run off & play.
The mother already knew the answer to her own questions, but she longed to connect with her daughter. How do you think it felt to be snubbed by the child you adore so much? (Maybe some moms already know the feeling from experience!)
Because God Cares About You
You see, not only is it POSSIBLE to pray continually, taking all of our concerns & cares to God, & even though God already knows EVERYTHING before we even tell Him… God WANTS to hear from us. He WANTS connection & relationship with us. He LOVES you!
Maybe we are stressed, anxious, afraid, hurting, etc. God already knows.
But our Loving Father–God– gives rest, peace, strength, power, & protection to those who seek Him out.
He will never force unwanted attention on us, but He will willingly pour it out to those who seek Him.
He wants to comfort you. He wants to figuratively hold you safe in His fortress of protection against the pain in this world. He wants to lift us up to soar like an eagle above the fray. He wants to give us rest.
All He asks is for us to come to Him & talk to Him & ask for His help, guidance, direction, wisdom, strength, hope, peace, love, joy, etc.
What’s the Big Deal?
But what does prayer even accomplish?
First of all, one of the biggest things I have noticed is that the more I pray, the more I feel His presence & peace in my life.
When we don’t pray, God is still working, but we are so distracted scrambling through each moment, too absorbed in our day-to-day chaos to even notice His presence sometimes.
Sometimes, we feel so caught up in our world that we feel like He has vanished & left us to our scramble of chaos.
But when we pray over specific things throughout the day that cause us worry or strain or even a cry for comfort, we are allowing God to show off His love for us.
Instead of His actions being vague, unnoticed background noise to our chaos, they become the foreground in a beautiful display of love & affection for us.
He Longs to Pour Love on Us Continually
It’s sort of like someone following you around trying to give you flowers & chocolates & hugs of comfort & kind words of affection… but we are juggling so much that we keep saying, “yeah yeah, not now,” without noticing their kind gestures for even a moment.
Allow God to permeate your day. Allow time to stop & receive His kind gestures of love & affection. Allow His infinite wisdom to guide & direct you through the crazy. Allow His strength to give you peace in the struggle.
He is constantly trying to show you Himself, so take time to pray through it all & allow Him room to show off His love for you. Allow Him to show you all that He is capable of in the midst of your life.
Prayer lets us see Him work. Prayer gives credit where credit is due–to God–& shines a light of “obviousness” to His workings day-to-day.
Let God Lead, Let God Shine
Allow your burdens to fall at His feet, letting Him be shown off to everyone around you, through your life. Let Him do the leading.
Maybe you have been like me & you have prayed constantly about something for which your heart ached & desired (my recent personal examples are asking to be comfortable & less lonely overseas & also for a child these past 5.5 years).
Maybe you have prayed so many times with no answer that you even feel bitter about praying even once more about it. (Definitely been there!)
Maybe you feel forgotten & hurt by God for allowing a painful situation to happen to you. (Definitely been there, too!)
But listen to me, Beautiful. God cares about you still. He CARES about you more than you can even wrap your head around. And He definitely hasn’t forgotten you & He is definitely NOT mocking you.
God hears you.
God Doesn’t Promise Easy
But listen to this as well, God tells us something that is vital to understand while living on this Earth…
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
Notice the phrase, “in this world you WILL have trouble.” (Emphasis added.) God never promises this life will be easy. In fact, He tells us just the opposite.
In this world, there is sin. We are born as sinners. Sin exists & sin hurts.
We are not immune from feeling the affects of sin.
But, God
But God also has another important thing to say in that verse—“But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
You see, He will not promise that you will never face pain or struggle, but He does promise countless times, in the Bible, that He will comfort & strengthen us as we trust in Him… as we PRAY & ask Him to guide us & comfort us along the way.
Learn & Grow & Pray with Effectiveness!
We won’t always get our way, & sometimes that is simply because we aren’t asking the right question.
That is why, along with prayer, we should be learning who God is & what He promises us.
Because God KEEPS His promises 100% of the time & we can pray them with full trust that He will answer us as He promises!
In My Unanswered Prayers, God Worked WONDERS!
In my unanswered prayer for comfort overseas,God taught me that although I am weak & prone to bitterness/wandering from Him, His grace sustains me & His grace covers all of my failings!
In my unanswered prayer to have children these past almost 6 years, God has shown me that I can be fruitful for the next generation by pouring hope into other women who will in turn pass that hope onto all of THEIR children! God KNOWS my heart!!
When I thought He was ignoring me or leaving my prayers unanswered, He was still working. He was waiting for me to trust Him, lay my desires at His throne, & request of Him that His opinion & His guidance take authority over my own earthly wisdom.
He Offers Us So Much More Than We Ask!
He offers us joy in suffering, comfort in trials, strength in weakness & so much more.
So, as we learn more about who His is & what He promises us, through reading & studying His Word to us—the Bible, we can reach out & take claim of those!
We will learn how to pray more effectively the more we know Him & His promises.
Not Today, Satan!
Don’t let Satan trick you into believing that prayer is only before meals, quick & distracted by the lure of warm food. Don’t let him trick you into thinking prayer is only this formal ritual that must be performed or spoken a certain way.
God is with us always. He hears our thoughts. He knows you. So just TALK to Him!
Even in your thoughts, learn to have a conversation with Him throughout your day, letting Him in on your activities & ideas, asking for His direction & wisdom.
And if you struggle or feel resistance, don’t you dare let the devil make you think it ends there—prayer honors God, so claim that Truth & ask God to grow you in prayer! And keep asking!
The more you pray & ask God to help you learn to pray, the more God fans that flame & grows that seed of your desire to know Him.
What Can Prayer Do?
Prayer just means talking to God—out loud or in your thoughts.
Prayer matters because it’s how we see God work & it grows our relationship with Him because He cares so much for us.
Prayer accomplishes SO much because it transfers our worries & cares & struggles & insecurities & weakness to His infinite Love, Wisdom, Strength, Power, & ENOUGHness.
He fills us. He fulfills us. He guides & directs us. He comforts us. He protects us. He listens to us. He LOVES us!
So, talk to Him, Beautiful!
Start the conversation & SHINE HOPE!
Coming Next Week
Make sure to check back next Monday morning at 6am EST for more encouragement!
Also, next week will feature this month’s Special Feature post, shared every last Thursday of the month. This is my chance to share with you something a little different than the usual, so you can see a different side of me. Sometimes I share short stories, sometimes poetry, other times I will share about life in Japan, etc., so make sure to check it out!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Sea Glass Necklace
Empowering Women in Jordan & India Out of Poverty!
This necklace features a silver-plated chain with a sea glass charm. *Sizes & colors of glass vary.
Artisan Information:
Many Jordanian women have their lives controlled by their closest male relative. These men balance many customs at home, creating a lack of independence. Some of these women are divorced, widowed, or married to a man who may already have many wives. But amid struggles, these women we work with arrive to a family-like workplace. They can be heard singing, laughing, & drinking tea while creating our unique jewelry made from upcycled glass bottles.
Because of their cleanup efforts of the beaches at the Red Sea, these women now upcycle glass from local restaurants. The glass is then tumbled with water & sand from the Red Sea.
Your purchase empowers them with boldness & financial independence for the first time!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Jordan!
Shop Here, OR, Email me at, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Daring to live for God in a broken world—such a rewarding endeavor that is not without its great challenges.
How easy it is for me to retract back into the safety of my comfort zone & to live for myself & for whatever seems will make me happy in that moment.
Oh, how I long for comfort. Oh, how I seek it out, willing to almost abandon all else at times just to have a small taste of sweet comfort.
The couch summons me. Pajamas call to me from their place in my dresser. Messes mock me to leave them alone. Pillows & blankets & binging my favorite television shows beckons to me. Messy buns & yoga pants rule my daily ensemble. I love comfort.
But Then…
But then I see it… I see someone in pain, or a need that someone has, or a greater depravity or trauma existing or occurring in the world around me. I see brokenness, emptiness, & unsatisfied longings in the eyes of others I pass on the street.
And I am conflicted.
The two sides of my heart battle it out. Comfort usually wins.
Too Tough to Carry?
It’s hard to acknowledge the brokenness we see daily. It’s hard to carry that weight & burden. It’s easier to retract back into the safety of my comfort zone, willing to tune out the hurts of the world in order to protect my own heart from feeling their pain.
But I am conflicted still.
What if I could do something? What if I could create change? What if I could help? What if I could shine hope into this hurting world?
But how?
Lost Cause? Or Great Potential?
I don’t know. It seems too obscure, too massive a battle to fight. I grow weary thinking of how little of an impact I would have on this breaking world. I hurt. I grieve.
And again, I retract back into the safety of my comfort zone.
I don’t know how to help.
But Then, Hope.
But then a thought. A glorious, wonderful thought.
I know someone who can help. I know someone who can help show ME how to help. I know someone with the insight & wisdom to direct my steps day by day in helping.
I have nothing to truly offer. I am guided by my fleshly desire for comfort more often than anything because it makes me feel safe, but I know someone who can give me strength & power to overcome those weaknesses.
I Know Someone
I know someone who cares about that brokenness far more than I could ever fathom, & yet never seems to give up on shining hope to them, reaching out a hand & offering freedom & love & healing to those who seek it. I know someone who never tires of this, who & never grows weary.
The Shift
And so, I stop. I stop running back to comfort. I stop giving up. I stop letting the overwhelming grief of this hurting world keep sending me back to comfort, & I cling.
I cling to that someone who can make change happen.
I am small—He is great. I am weak—He is strong. I am selfish—He is Love.
And so, I cling to hope in Him.
We’ve Got Help
You see, we don’t have to change the world on our own. We don’t have to have all the answers. We don’t have to be brave enough or strong enough to overcome our fears or apprehensions. We don’t have to go big or go home.
We just have to be willing to bow our hearts to God.
To say:
“Lord, I can’t. I am just one person & the pains of this world far exceed what I could ever do to help. I am weak. I want comfort. Help me. Change me. Mold me. Make me Your vessel for hope into this world. Show me today how I can make an impact for hope. Guide me & teach me the potential You created within me. Show me the part You will have me play in shining hope into this world. Don’t let me give up. Be my strength. Be my power. Let Your love pour out of me. Guide me. Teach me Your Truth so that I may be Your ambassador, representing Your desire to redeem this broken world to Yourself, in Your hope, Your love, Your grace. Thank You for filling in the spaces where I lack. Thank You for only requiring a willingness of us, knowing You can handle the rest. Be my enough. I love You. Amen.”
Keep Trusting His Ability
May we not give up on our mission to shine hope into this hurting world.
The task is great. The need is desperate. The hurt is overwhelming.
But God has told us rightly that, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
The task is great, but He is greater. The need is desperate, but God is able. The hurt is overwhelming, but God’s healing grace overcomes our worst.
So join with me.
Let God fill in our gaps & let Him shine His hope of His love & His grace through you to this world that needs Him so, so much.
Let Him be your “enough” & don’t let Satan frighten you back to your comfort zone.
Because God is worth it. HOPE is worth it.
And He. Is. ABLE!
Coming Next Week
Make sure to check back next Monday morning for more encouragement. See you then!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Thai Pearl Bracelet
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in Thailand & India!
This bracelet has a waxed cotton cord that is hand-knotted to hold freshwater pearls & gold colored beads.
Artisan Information:
In remote areas of Thailand, we focus on restoring the strength of women in their country as artists. Your purchase of this bracelet empowers a diverse people, from the Karen Hill tribe, the Thai people, & the Hmong women. In this area, jobs are limited. Many women have to move to the city to find work & have to leave their children. Your purchase will help mothers stay in their hometown & earn an income, allowing them to take care of their children and watch them grow up!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in Thailand!
(**Also pictured: Lyla Pearl Necklace–empowering women in India!**)
Shop Here, OR, Email me at, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE, Lovely!
Have you ever felt like you just HAD to start something, but you felt completely inadequate for it?
Or maybe you literally had to start something (ie. Parenting), but you felt completely inadequate & unprepared for it?
Well, that’s me with this blog.
Stepping Out of Comfort Zones
I had this spark inside of me that said I NEEDED to do this blog.
I saw the darkness of this world & I understood that the world needs significantly more hope & light in it, & then I realized that I had to do whatever it took to make that happen, even if in some small way.
Not because I am a good person. Not because I am so wise & capable, but rather because I am not–& because I realize that I am not.
I need encouragement just like the next person. I fail. I fall short. I feel weak & insignificant. I am not enough.
But the world needs hope.
They NEED it.
Hope is Like Oxygen-It Gives Life
And to keep its source quiet & to cover up the light that shines in my own heart felt impossible. People need hope like air to breathe. They may not realize it, but everyone needs it.
Because we have limitations & weaknesses, we all come to the end of ourselves at times. But we try to pick ourselves back up. We try to be stronger. And sometimes, we give up.
We need HOPE.
Like oxygen.
You can “hold your breath” for a little while, but it will catch up to you… that need for hope.
Realizing My Need for God
God has shown me the end of myself, frequently, in these last many months.
He has shown me how self-concerned I am & how determined I am to rely on myself versus turning to Him as my wisdom, strength, & direction (*& HOPE).
When I have crashed & burned, I have wanted to quit, throw in the towel, & just never try again. I have felt battered & bruised & flat out DONE. I have been selfish.
Have you ever felt this way?
God Knows I Need It
But here’s the kicker….
God knew I needed to get knocked down these seemingly infinite times.
Because you know what is happening?
I am realizing the hidden sin I harbor in my heart. I have noticed my blatant disregard for listening to or obeying God when I am not comfortable & happy.
I have noticed how selfish & proud I am with my life & my happiness.
I have noticed how HUMAN I really am, just like everyone else, & it is so, so humbling.
Another thing that struck me out of nowhere was a little verse that I was reminded of at church, in Joshua 5…. Let me tell you the story.
Picture this… There is a man afraid of an oncoming enemy, set on destroying them all. The angel “commander of the Lord’s army” comes to him & this man’s question to the angel is this, “Are you on our side or theirs?” The angel’s response? “Neither.”
Wow. Ouch.
What a slap in the face.
That reality hit me hard.
All for God’s Glory? Or Ours?
How often do we sincerely, honestly, without ulterior motives, request for us to honor GOD’s will & to glorify GOD in every situation?
How often do we pray, not for our own comfort & happiness, but for the freedom & redemption of others & for God to receive the glory in every situation, even if it means a lack of comfort for ourselves?
How often do we lay our desires & dreams & aspirations & desperation at God’s feet, lay all of it out as a request to God, & finish with, “but let Thy will be done”?
For me, lately? Not often, I admit.
It’s Hard to See Past What We Want
With my years of living in mostly solitude, with loneliness an ever-nagging cut in my heart, I prayed for friends & comfort & happiness.
With the hardships of living in a foreign atmosphere, I prayed for comfort & escape from the stressors.
With wanting to be a size two, so that I don’t receive constant perceived & actual criticisms & judgments from others, I have prayed that God make me skinny & pretty (Versus healthy & a good steward of the body God has given me).
With ever-unanswered prayers for children, I got hurt by God’s apparent “no” & prayed for it to happen anyway, through tears of frustration.
With the struggles of insecurity & inadequacy & fears, I have prayed that God would give me peace to just quit reaching out–so I could just be comfortable.
I am the poster child for praying my will above anything else & getting hurt when the answer is “no.”
Changing Perspective
And then that verse….
How often have I cried basically the same cry of frustration & desperation? “Whose side are You on!?!”
But. God.
I should, instead, be praying to learn how to live for GOD’S SIDE.
I Am the Clay
You see, we often overlook one very important thing when we pray…. God is SOVEREIGN.
He is GOD. He is the King of kings, Lord of lords, Creator of the universe, Redeemer of sin debts, Father, Lover of our souls, GOD OF ALL.
He doesn’t answer to us.
He chooses to bless us & help us & love us with blessings. He promises to be our strength & to give us peace & to renew our hearts & minds with a clean slate. He gives us SO MUCH.
Letting Him Rule Our Hearts
It’s hard to live in disappointment when you measure all prayers against that very important fact.
God is GOD & we are not.
How silly it is for me to tell God “how it should be” when He sees all & knows all & sees how it all fits together from the beginning of time to the end.
He knows much better than we do of what we need & what we think we need, but which will actually harm us in the end.
He is Worth It All
He is worth trusting.
He is worth laying all of our cries of desperation & longing at His capable & loving & all-knowing “feet”.
He is so so so so so so so worth it.
To Sum It All Up
So, here’s my encouragement for you today….
Do you have hidden (or obvious) sins in your life that you excuse away? Do you have dreams that are more important to you than anything? Do you have hurts that ache you to the core & make you want to stay in bed forever? Do you feel weak & incapable? Do you have longings that cut you deeply, even understandable ones?
Then lay them at HIS feet.
Do you trust Him enough to be Lord of your life? Do you trust Him enough to follow Him, hand in hand, through the storms of life? Do you trust Him when the answer is “no”?
Talk to God About It
Say, “God, I want this [or, I want this to end], but I know You are God & I am not. Help me to trust Your will & plan, & help me to trust Your goodness. You know my longing & hurt, but you are Sovereign. Teach me to trust You through this. Keep my eyes on You through the storm. Help me to trust Your way above my own. You have a plan. Reveal to me Your love & goodness despite Your response. To YOU be the glory, forever & ever. Amen.”
That is my prayer lately. As God has been revealing my depravity & the weaknesses that I too often ignore or excuse away, I have been learning to realize that this life isn’t about me… It’s about God. Loving & serving Him with my life to bless the lives around me & shine hope into their lives, is what it’s all about.
To God be the Glory
He is Sovereign. He knows best. May I learn to trust that to the very core of everything I ever believe or desire or hurt over. May I trust my Loving Father, the God of the universe. May He receive all the glory from my efforts.
Shine hope, lovelies… But you don’t have to do it alone. God can fill in the gaps. Just trust Him with those gaps & do that thing.
Coming Next Week
Check back next Monday morning for my next post!I am praying for you. I may not know who you are, but I know God has a plan for your life & it is my goal to encourage you, so I am praying for you.
See you next week, Lovely!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
The Unity Necklace
Empowering Women Artisans in Haiti!
Upcycled beads made from glass and clay from Haiti’s mountains hang on a silver plated chain.
Artisan Information:
Haiti had this century’s worst natural disaster and is home to almost 500,000 orphans. The majority of the orphans have not been orphaned by parental deaths or natural disasters, but by parents who gave them up simply because they could not feed them. The group we work with is an “un-orphanage” and is helping with the orphan crisis by providing parents with sustainable business through creating products.
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in Haiti!
Shop Here, OR, Email me at, & I will message you personally with more information!!
Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.