It’s easy for me to want to play superhero. I like feeling as if I have a pretty good handle on my life.
I like routine, with flexibility. The routine helps me feel grounded, but working in space for flexibility allows me to shift gears more easily, being able to tackle unknowns with a little less fluster & a little more calm.
I like control. When it all boils down, what I’m really saying is that I like control.
I am pretty sure I am not alone on this, either.
Balance Is Good, but Leave Room to Trust God FIRST
And for those who feel their schedule has NOT been ironed out yet, leaving them with a little more fluster & a little more flailing through each day… the reason we feel that way is lack of control. We want control. (Also, check out my “Managing Time, with God in Mind” post!)
It’s not that this is a bad thing to want. I am much more stable now that I have bowed my schedule woes to God & asked Him for an overhaul that allows more balance & peace in my schedule. I am much more productive that way.
But there’s a catch.
We cannot grow self-protective in our control over our schedule. We can’t RELY on our schedule & using that control as our source of confidence & peace. We can’t learn to rely on OURSELVES.
A Fresh Example Why Trusting Our Control Doesn’t Work As Well As It Seems
I have talked before about our journey of praying for a baby & how I handled it when God had not yet answered that prayer with a “yes.”
MEANWHILE, I was building a self-protection back-up plan in my heart of, “Well, if God DOESN’T give us a baby, here are all the reasons why that would probably be better ANYWAY.”
This is a natural thing for us to do because the unknown can sometimes be the scariest place to be. We want to think of how to fix the problem in a way that returns that control back to us.
BUT if we’re not careful, that new plan can REPLACE our trust in God, creating a NEW problem in & of itself.
For example, if I built up in my mind all of the ways that pregnancy & parenting would add stress, exhaustion, & hardship into my life, not to mention a more-strained bank account, how do you think I will likely react if God then were to answer us with the, “Yes, you will be parents!” answer we had been previously praying so hard for?
Trading Control for Surrender
My point is this, if our contentment/joy in our schedule, our plans, or our life is based on us having control, we will inevitably lose that façade of control & will be left vulnerable & hurting once again.
We need something MORE than our meager, unreliable means of control over our own lives to base our hope & security.
We NEED to trust GOD.
Surrendering Our Control for HIS Control
In my baby scenario, the healthiest way I could have managed that fear of His “NO” would be if I had turned to Him in the hurt & talked with Him through it, “God, I don’t understand Your “no” & it hurts! I want a baby & I don’t understand why Your plan would not include that for me. I have wanted this phase of life to become reality since I was a young girl, playing with my dolls, dreaming of someday being a Mommy to my own precious child. I want game nights & prayer times. I want to teach them about You. I want to love them SO MUCH. I don’t understand. It hurts. Please help me to trust Your plan in the midst of Your “no” right now. Help me to trust You more than I trust having a baby or not. You are the One who can offer me the most fulfillment, so please help me to see that & to grow in that understanding & love for You & trust in You. Amen.”
(To calm your possible aching hearts, I HAVE since turned my prayer time on this topic toward this direction & God HAS provided me with peace & assurance in Him, no matter the outcome. I can jump for joy with friends becoming new mamas & I can live my days in contentment & purpose, knowing God has my heart in His capable, loving hands, in His perfect & loving plan. Do I still have occasional days where my heart aches? Yes. But this is more the rarity than the norm. He has me & will continue to have me… & that’s a great & safe place for my heart to be, come what may. He’s got me.)
He Does a Much Better Job-It’s Worth It!
I like feeling capable just as much as the next girl. I like feeling in control & empowered.
But I am just a girl, knowing I have limitations & knowing my dear God who has none & who loves me infinitely more than I can express to you. (And He loves YOU just the same!)
While I crave control, I want to learn to ditch that addiction that I cling to so tightly. I want to learn to cling to Him.
Because all can change. All can fade away. I can lose it all.
But His hope remains.
His power remains.
His love remains.
His GRACE remains.
Control & Surrender-The Life-Changing Difference
I want to train my heart to pry away my white-knuckled fingers from controlling my life & circumstances & I want to ever-learn how to rest back into His capable arms, asking Him to lead my day, my steps, my words, my LIFE.
There is so much life-changing beauty in learning & living the difference between control & surrender. One leaves us reliant on our own limitations & the other frees us to trust THE God who has none.
Because THAT, my friend, is where TRUE joy & contentment can flourish… & where we can finally learn what He meant when He said, “I have come that they may have LIFE, & have it more ABUNDANTLY.” (John 10:10)
Shine HOPE by letting Him have the reins of your life & by putting your full hope in Him, no matter what life may bring.
Trust Him FIRST, last, & everywhere in between. ALWAYS.
He’s GOT you, Girl.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
This blog/website has been running for TWO years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Ramala Bracelet Set
Fashion as a force for Good! Grab your own Truth Earrings from the Philippines, Sea Glass Necklace from Jordan, or Ramala Bracelet Set from India!
(Only 1 of 2 Bracelets shown in photo.)
A set of 2, these bracelets are silver, adjustable, & 1 (shown) features real moonstone, with varying hues of lilac, blue, & purple.
Artisan Information:
The poverty cycle in India continues primarily because of the lack of education. Most schools are not free or affordable. Therefore, many children never learn to read or write & grow up with limited opportunities. However, every purchase of this product empowers women to provide for their children & send them to school! You have the opportunity to end poverty & create an impact for generations to come!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
We all have doubts, & as was mentioned last week, doubts are one of Satan’s oldest tricks to push us further from hope & truth by making us withdraw from God.
But as we also mentioned last week, God already knows about our doubts because He knows all things hidden & revealed. He can handle your doubts & He understands that we are limited, created, & finite, while He is Limitless, Creator, & Eternal.
There will just be things we don’t understand sometimes & He knows that.
Remember, God Will Help Us Work Through Them
And when we turn to Him in those doubts, instead of pulling away from Him, He is able to help us work through them, either by giving us an “aha!” moment of clarity, revealing how it all fits together with your specific doubt, OR, He will reveal more of Himself to you—His love, His patience, His gentleness, His wisdom, His strength, His power, etc. to reassure you that while you may not be able to understand how to work through that doubt, you can definitely rest assured that trust in Him is sure & steady & always worth it.
So, now that we’ve reviewed, let’s take some time to focus in on some specific & common doubts, always remembering that God always knows best.
1. “How Do I Know Which Religion Is the RIGHT One?”
This is one that plagued me for years growing up, claiming I was a Christian, but not really sure if I was right or whether we were ALL right in some way? I really didn’t know.
But it can’t be one of many, because Jesus claims that He is THE way, THE truth, & THE life & that no one comes to God except through Him. (John 14:6)
That may sound like a stuck up, arrogant, self-absorbed claim to make, but here’s why it’s THE BEST news you will ever hear.
All other religions leave it up to you to be “enough”, the ambiguous, always shifting, unsteady push to be better & earn it in one way or another.
The “Good News”-Jesus Paid Our Debt IN FULL
But JESUS lets us know that even if just counting our inner thoughts, not to mention all the wrongs we have done, we CAN’T earn it… But that HE earned it FOR us.
We strive to do good, not to earn His favor or balance any scales because our debt it PAID IN FULL. We do it out of a grateful heart that realizes that because His love is SO GREAT for US, He is worth giving our all to!
2. “What If God Isn’t Even Real? I Can’t See/Feel/Hear Him.”
The quickest & simplest way to dispel this doubt is to consider the wind. We can’t see it, but we can see its work as it blows a leaf across the ground, rustles the grass, & even knocks down big structures. It is gentle & soft sometimes & overwhelmingly powerful at other times.
If you remember our Matthew 5 (Part 2) talk, we mentioned how the “Pure in Heart” are blessed because they “will see God” (Matthew 5:8). As we strive to live with an undivided heart, in seeking to filter everything we do or think through God’s will & way, we begin to see Him more clearly in day to day life.
Talk to Him in All Things-Prayer
The more we talk to God & share our fears, worries, anxieties, anger, pain, scars, excitement, goals, plans, thoughts, etc., the more we begin to see Him interact in very intimately specific ways to our thoughts shared with Him. It’s pretty amazing!
If you never spend any time reading His Word (the Bible) consistently or talking to Him (prayer) consistently, don’t expect to recognize His fingerprints everywhere. The opposite is true.
Also, just look at the complexity of our mind & body… & babies forming in the womb, the sky’s clouds/sunsets, the ocean, the variety of flowers, the variety of tastes, smells, textures, temperatures, etc. This world was made (by God’s hand) with both specific order AND vast complexities/varieties. HOW COOL!
3. “I’ve Done Too Much Bad Stuff in My Life. If God Knew/Knows, He Would Never Forgive Me.”
OUCH. This one hurts, doesn’t it? I have BEEN there.
People like to look at me now & think, “such innocence, such grace, such sweetness of the soul…” (No?Okay, so maybe that’s just my wishful thinking, haha.) but God sees it ALL. He sees every decision I have knowingly made to reject Him & do things my way. He sees every excuse I made to back out of obedience. He knows when I have had a terrible attitude & was only looking out for numero uno (ME).
He also sees my list of past sins & ones that sometimes pop up & snag me for a brief time when I am not diligent in seeking God first, before I started trying to turn my life over to Him in meekness/letting Him take the reins of my time & life.
I’m not fooling Him in any way. And neither are you, if you’re trying. He sees you. He sees ALL of you.
And yet…
And YET, review doubt #1 above.
“I really believe that Jesus came later in history to die for us in order to reveal to us that no matter how much we reject & hate Him, no matter how wrong our wrongs are, no matter how much we could never earn it by balancing the scales ENOUGH in our favor… NO MATTER WHAT, Jesus STILL was faithful & STILL chose to die on our behalf.”
He sees it all. He knows it all. AND YET, He still forgives it all & He still came to die for us, that if we admit our wrongs, ask forgiveness for them, & turn from them, claiming Jesus as our SAVIOR & REDEEMER & LORD of our life, He is faithful & just to forgive us (ALL) of our sins! (1 John 1:9)
Don’t let Satan’s lie of “you’re just too far gone,” keep you from realizing the freedom & hope & security & JOY of Jesus’ grace meant for you!
4. “Why Pray? Can He Even Hear Me? If He’s GOD, Doesn’t He Know Already & Won’t He Just Do What He Wants Anyway?”
That’s a whole lot of doubts rolled into one (which I may delve deeper into each specifically later). But….
Yes, He can hear you just fine. And yes, He hears you even when you talk to Him in your mind. He hears you every moment.
Prayer is still something I wrestle with understanding fully because it seems so beyond imagination that the God who created EVERYTHING can hear me AND every other person at all times & that He condescends Himself to work through our prayers.
AND, while He can hear all of it all at once, & while He has a perfect will & plan, He can ALSO work our prayers INTO His plan.
Always Check What God Says About a Topic
If we check out 1 John 5:14-15 we are told, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him.”
This doesn’t mean we can ask for an ice cream cone & one will appear in our hand. He isn’t our personal genie.
This also doesn’t mean He will always answer the way we think or hope or want. Because He knows better.
For instance, if we pray for true love, meaning particularly the man we have our eyes on, God may see how that man’s path or future does not line up with you as well as you think it does, & so He starts shaping the path toward someone else & ENDING this one, making you feel ignored & hurt & betrayed, when really, God is answering what you want, in His perfect fore-knowledge & wisdom, without you seeing it.
God Is Always Working
Sometimes, God will use the words of someone else, a book, a sermon, a tv show, etc. to speak right into what you’re asking Him about. (I don’t mean, “she said YES, so God is telling ME yes!!” but more of a lesson learned or teaching moment.)
He also knows that oftentimes, what we really need is not to have our way, but to trust HIM more with whatever it is. Like yearning for marriage/dating, when we really could stand to see how fulfilling God is to us when we really put effort into seeking Him—a steady love we can stand on versus an uncertain romance that could leave us hurting worse than before.
He Will Help Us As We Turn to Him for It
God never lets us down. (By the way, I feel the need to point out here that while Jamie & I are imperfectly learning together, I am certainly glad I waited for Him because our imperfections work well with each other’s strengths—but I cannot lean on him in all things & he can’t with me because we are JUST HUMAN… we have our limitations, while God DOES NOT.)
I could go on for a LONG time about all the different things I have learned about prayer—most of all that even in learning to or WANTING to trust Him, we CAN ASK for His help & He WILL HELP us.
(Check out the Categories listed on this site (at the bottom or to the right in a drop-down menu) & go to “Prayer” to read more!)
More Next Week…
I feel like this is a good stopping point, even though there are SO MANY more doubts out there, but I will possibly do Part 2 on Doubts next week, so stay tuned!
Shine HOPE by turning to God through ALL of your doubts & letting Him help you work through them!
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Iris Earrings
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in Peru & Around the World with these beautiful Iris Earrings!
Iridescent pink crystal beads sway on these golden teardrop hoops.
Artisan Information:
In Peru, rural citizens have been affected by extreme poverty & guerrilla warfare. Women are affected the worst as their husbands generally leave them in search of work. Many are unable to get the basic needs of food, shelter, & clothing. But with every purchase of this product, women are finding hope & an income by hand making this beautiful product. Because of you, these family businesses are now empowering the next generation!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Peru!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
We’ve all had them, whether we readily want to admit that or not. It’s natural to do it, since God’s working is so out of our ability to understand on so many levels–He is infinite in His knowledge of time & history… past, present, & future.
What Do You Do About Them?
So, what do we do about them?
I’ll tell you what I used to always do growing up—stuff them.
That’s right. I saw my doubts flutter across my mind, felt guilty for feeling/thinking it, & then just tried to pretend they weren’t there at all.
I will be the first to tell you, don’t do that… you’ll always regret it at some point.
Stuffed doubts tend to grow underneath & can create even bigger problems down the road for you.
So then what do you do with them if you can’t ignore them?
The Oldest Trick in the Book
Well, let’s start by saying that doubts are not only natural to mankind, they are also the oldest trick in the book for Satan—Garden of Eden story ringing any bells for you on this?
“Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1) (emphasis mine)
He twisted what God had commanded about not eating from that one tree, to undermine God’s authority & make it seem an outlandish, unreasonable thing for Him to command, by clumping in every other tree to exaggerate his point to Eve.
And he does the same to us…
“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)
Doubts Once Consumed Me As I Sought to Hide Them
Let me begin this section by reminding you that the following doubts, while are common to cross a person’s mind at some point, are ALL laced in deceit (LIES).
“Did God really tell you you could never have ANY fun? What kind of life is that?”
“Did God REALLY tell you to spend your time reading an old, boring book? As if that will help anything?”
“Did God really do all of those harsh judgments written in the Old Testament? Wouldn’t that make Him evil & someone to avoid?”
“Did He really say you shouldn’t do what feels so natural & right to YOU? Does He even know what He’s talking about?”
The questions go on & on, & I have wanted to buy into them almost every time a new one shows up. That’s why the guilt… & the avoidance.
God Already Knows Your Doubts & He Can Help Set the Record Straight
But let me comfort you with something right now… You are safe with bringing your doubts to God.
He understands we have limited foreknowledge & limited wisdom & limited understanding. He understands that we grew up believing differently than what His Word tells us is best for us.
And He KNOWS how to help you with those same doubts & every other one that sneaks in & threatens to take over.
Don’t Pull Away… Draw Near
You see, when I once hid them away, trying to ignore them, they would fester & sprout & grow as doubts against God in my heart. They made me pull AWAY from God, which is what Satan wanted all along.
But God is compassionate & loving & kind. He is all-wise & all-knowing. He can HELP you sort through those doubts & to set you free with a big dose of TRUTH to wash them away, even when you see no possible way.
Twu Wuv, It’s What Bwings Us Togevah Today
Look at what the Bible tells us about TRUE love (or, & tell me if you get this reference–TWU WUV) in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7:
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (emphasis mine)
Now compare that with 1 John 4:8: “Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” (emphasis mine)
God IS love.
Now read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 again with this in mind & tell me whether you believe that God will receive your doubts with kindness, understanding, & HELP.
He Beckons Us Closer
You see, the biggest thing I had always been missing when my doubts sprung up was that God was okay with me admitting they were there.
And not only that, but He wanted to help me know the Truth with which to replace those very lies.
I can’t begin to tell you how many doubts about God I have had in my lifetime & I am no longer ashamed to admit that. I venture to guess that I am not the only one.
So, This Is What I Know Now About Doubts
So, what I know about doubts is this:
They exist in (most likely) every single person at some time or another.
Satan puts a lot of those doubts there to distract you & to deceive you to push away from your only source of TRUE hope & Truth & love.
God understands that we will have doubts & welcomes us to bring them to Him for help & understanding.
Knowing these things, how do we handle those doubts while still honoring God & not pulling away from Him like Satan wants?
Suit Up
Here are some helpful weapons to use against the doubts WHEN they come:
Being aware that they’re a cunning & ruthless tactic of Satan & that he is known as the Deceiver.
Not hiding from them, but rather admitting them to God & asking for His help either to understand the TRUTH to counter that doubt, OR to learn how to TRUST Him regardless of whether or not you can grasp the Truth (because, let’s face it, there are things about God’s plans that span beyond our lifetime & understanding & therefore, we may never see exactly how something fits in God’s plan, but we can know that He has one & that it’s a good one & that it’s also meant for our good & the good of all mankind.)
Staying consistent in reading the Bible & learning a deeper view of WHO God is, so that when those doubts come, you are planted more securely in a broader perspective & are less easily rattled by those springing doubts.
Memorizing God’s Word, even bit by bit, tucking away Truths in your heart to act as a sword & shield against doubts that try to knock you down. Be ready!
Asking a pastor or Christian mentor whom you trust their discernment or knowledge of God’s Word & ways better than you do, who can give you perspective on it deeper than maybe what you see on the surface of that doubt.
Lastly, & most importantly, STAY CONNECTED to God by talking to Him frequently, asking for His wisdom, direction, peace, strength, courage, hope, comfort, etc. Connect yourself with Him & cultivate that trust by spending time with Him. Not just in following rituals, but by talking to Him about your worries, stress, anger, hurt, doubts, hopes, aches, plans, loves, relationships, etc. EVERYTHING. Let Him in & let Him help & let Him teach you to love Him more by Him showing you more of how much He loves YOU.
Embrace God’s Willingness & Ability to Help You Face Your Doubts Head-on
Don’t run from doubts. Don’t let them fester.
Face them head on & embrace God’s willingness & ability to help. He knows where that doubt is coming from & He has the wisdom to reassure you or teach & grow you into a better understanding.
He can handle it. Trust me.
So, run to Him, always, in all things, & talk to Him without ceasing.
HE is where your hope comes from.
So shine HOPE by taking those doubts to Him & getting them sorted out & dealt with BEFORE they become a problem, or even as healing, clean-up, & growth AFTER they already are a problem. Either way, He’s got you, babe.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Ramala Bracelet Set
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World with the BEAUTIFUL Ramala Bracelet Set (2 Bracelets) & Turning Leaf Set (Necklace & Earrings)!
A set of 2, these bracelets are silver, adjustable, & one features real moonstone, with varying hues of lilac, blue, & purple.
Artisan Information:
The poverty cycle in India continues primarily because of the lack of education. Most schools are not free or affordable. Therefore, many children never learn to read or write & grow up with limited opportunities. However, every purchase of this product empowers women to provide for their children & send them to school! You have the opportunity to end poverty & create an impact for generations to come!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
First of all, I want to thank you for joining me on this journey that started as an idea, turned into a dream, & was nudged & helped along by God’s working things out—my Blog.
Today marks my 100th post! I never thought I could EVER be consistent in something that didn’t have any real, solid deadline, a paycheck resting on it, or a boss checking in on me… But through MANY prayers for God’s help on the days I just wanted to forget it & do what I wanted, no matter how lazy on that day, & through your encouragement & support to keep going, GOD HAS SEEN ME THROUGH IT!
Praise God! I am amazed at how strongly He has been a part of every step as I turned it over to Him in times of my self-focused, lazy, “wanna quit” days. He is Good.
Only By & Through Him
This celebration of reaching blog post #100 is a GREAT Segway into our topic this week- “Why Pray When God Already Knows?” because it was only through leaning into God for help & motivation & wisdom that got me to this point where I can celebrate!
It is a celebration of His faithfulness & strength in the face of my own humanity.
Anyone Else?
I am by no means an expert on prayer. I oftentimes am HORRIBLE at even
I seem to like to try & fail until I am ready to quit before I reach out to Him.
I seem to like to try my own wisdom before asking for His.
I seem to wait until I am overwhelmed & full of anxiety before I realize I can reach out to Him for help.
I also seem to think sometimes that because I am a Christian, it is the same as praying & I should just succeed because of that… before realizing He still asks me to ask Him when I need something (otherwise I am too tempted to credit my own “righteousness” or works as the reason He helped). Anyone else guilty of this??
I mean, there are countless Bible verses that discuss the urge/command/need for prayer & for ASKING God, versus just expecting Him to do it because we want it.
The How to & the When to Are Also Important, But a Subject for Another Day
HOW TO pray, in being humble & coming to God with the sense of “You are God & I am not, please help me,” could be a whole separate topic.
WHEN TO pray is also its own topic—beyond the simplified command of “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) to focus on what that could encompass of areas of our lives we tend to forget to pray most often.
but today’s focus is on the WHY.
Why Pray?
WHY pray? Why pray when God already knows what you’re thinking at every moment, even more clearly & distinctly than you can even perceive, with even all of the traumas & fears & insecurities that can influence exactly what you are thinking at every moment.
He knows your prayers before you even speak them, so why do it?
He Wants to Hear from YOU
First, I would like to share a simple illustration to help us get started with the first reason I want to highlight: He wants a strong RELATIONSHIP with us, which requires communication.
Imagine having a child where every day, before they come home from school, their teacher writes you to share every single thing the child did or faced or accomplished that day… but when your child gets home & you ask about their day, they share nothing. Was it enough to already know? Or would you long for your child to see how much you CARE about their day & to share it TOGETHER?
God may know it all, but He wants to hear it from YOU. He wants you to know HOW MUCH He cares about you. He wants to be a part of the little things. He wants to be a part of your life, supporting, encouraging, growing, strengthening, comforting, & helping you along the way.
Abba Father
One of the names given for God in the Bible is Father. And He is the BEST Father that WILL EVER exist. He loves you SOOOOOOO much & He wants to hear all about your day & be a part of every moment that matters to you (whether crushing or wonderful) & everything in between.
So, talk to Him! About everything. He is listening.
Stronger Than Superman, by FAR & He Wants to Help You in Life & to Live for Him
Other than wanting a relationship with us, He wants to help.
When we talk to Him & share our woes, we can ask Him for comfort & strength & wisdom.
When He asks something of us or tells us to do something for our good, He wants us to ask Him to help us do it, versus us relying on sheer willpower.
There are so many things that we miss out on regularly simply because we fail to even rely on Him & ask Him for it!
How Often Do We Miss Out on All He Offers Us in Life?
He offers peace, wisdom, guidance, strength, joy, hope, growth, resources, & power to accomplish what He asks of us—it seems almost stupid not to ask, but I can’t even count how many times I forget!
He goes before us & sees the entire timeline of humanity. He already knows what will happen, is not caught off guard, & already has a plan in place if we but ask Him.
So, (& I am also talking to myself here, too), remember to ask Him for all things & talk to Him about your life & your thoughts & concerns & doubts & worries & insecurities & fears & hopes & dreams & cares.
He is waiting to hear from you.
Shine HOPE by building your relationship with God our Father & by leaning into Him through prayer in your tasks, worries, etc. He is able & willing, so lean into Him in all things. (Even if things don’t work out the way you wish, trust Him to work His plan out in an even better way than you can dream up. He’s got it covered & wants to let you work alongside Him in His plan.)
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Chelsie Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
(Chelsie Necklace)
(One of my personal FAVORITES!-MH)
This curved bar necklace features gold and rose gold tones. Hanging from a gold colored chain, this piece was named after one of our co-founders because of her golden & modern style, along with her passion for using sustainable business to end poverty.
Artisan Information:
The women we partner with in India do so much more than just create beautiful products. With every purchase, another woman is empowered out of poverty to be self-reliant! Women have the opportunity to earn an income, attend financial management classes, & receive education & healthcare. These women are now able to give their family a promising future because of your purchase!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
One of the hardest parts of life, for me, is being aware of my own
It’s hard to know that I have limits & that I can’t do whatever I want whenever I want however I want.
It’s hard to know I mess up, make mistakes, & don’t always get it right when I am convinced I can handle it.
It’s hard to feel like quitting when you feel the pressure to be so much more than you are.
It’s just hard being human sometimes.
But, I Thought You Had a Handle on All This Because You Run a Blog? Nope
I know that some of you may have been following my blog for the one
& a half years I have been doing it & maybe feel that I am such a “stronger
Christian” than you are.
I can tell you right now that that is a big NOPE.
I am no stronger or better than anyone else reading this, but I serve a STRONG God who offers His help when we seek Him for it.
I am human. I drop the ball. I have doubts led by my desire to do things my way instead of God’s way. (I think becoming a “strong Christian” only comes when we realize how weak we really are & how much we actually need Him.)
It is ONLY by leaning into God for help in my MANY weak days/moments that I am able to accomplish ANYTHING of any worth. Otherwise, I would toss it all away for a cream soda & some tv show binge-watching or PS4 gaming on the couch.
My Flesh Is Weak… Can You Relate?
I also have a bent toward rebellion, like is so common for many of us, isn’t it?
Fighting my flesh is one of my least favorite parts about my humanity.
As Jesus put it to His disciples, right before He was taken to die on the cross for our sins, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)
Isn’t that the truth?
Rebellion Vs. Submission… A Trust Issue
My heart longs to go all in & trust God with every fiber of my being, knowing He loves me more than everyone I know combined (& then a whole lot more!) & yet sometimes, in the quiet moments, I find myself bent toward indignation & obstinance.
Submitting is hard. Trusting is hard. I want my way.
I don’t want to have to trust Anyone else. I don’t want to have to listen to anyone else or do what anyone else tells me to do.
I want to do things MY way, however flawed that way may be… regardless of the fact that it may hurt myself or others (because that is precisely what sin does—it causes harm to self & others).
Taking Every Thought Captive… Not Letting Stray Thoughts Rule Your Heart
I am prone to pride & selfishness… Self-protection.
I have to sometimes constantly do exactly what the Bible tells us when it says, “We demolish arguments & every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, & we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ,”(2 Corinthians 10:5) because I know deep down that He really does know far better than me & that every single time I have gone out in trusting Him, it has proved to be absolutely worth it every single time.
And yet I still resist sometimes.
We Are Freed from the Consequences of Sin, But Not the Temptation of It
Becoming a Christian doesn’t mean we will no longer struggle against our humanity, it means we are saved from being a slave to it. It means we are freed from the consequences of it.
I heard it said best, by author Courtney Doctor, when she said something like, “before we become Christian, we are not able to not sin, but once we let Christ take our sin on Himself by trusting in Him for our salvation, we are now able to not sin.”
In other words, I now have God’s help in not submitting to the temptations that fight for my attention. Will I always turn to Him for that help? Unlikely. I will make mistakes… But God is willing to help me when I ask Him for it.
The Hope in Our Humanity
That is the hope in all of this… in our humanity & the war raging for our attention… when we have submitted ourselves to Him as our Redeemer & when we lean into Him for help, “taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ,” He helps us overcome.
Praying for “Backup”
Will we resist in pride sometimes, yes. But this is what I pray in those moments:
“God, I don’t want to listen to You right now. I want to do this my way. I know you are nudging a warning in my mind that this is the wrong path, but it’s MY path & I want to take it. Please help me fight the war in my heart right now. I am too weak to fight back because I feel like I want it so badly. Please help me! Help me want Your way. Help me to see that You are King & Almighty God & my Creator & Redeemer & ONLY You know what is truly best. Help me to trust You. I want Your way because I know it is best but I am feeling so stubborn right now & I don’t want to care about what is best, only what I want. Please help me change my heart to follow You only. Amen.”
God Offers His Help to Overcome
Don’t let Satan convince you that because you feel stubborn or because you mess up that God doesn’t love you… FAR FROM IT!! And don’t let him convince you that it’s all up to you & self-willpower, because it isn’t.
Instead, tell Satan to “talk to the hand” (as once was actually cool to say), & then turn to prayer for God’s grace, forgiveness, & help. God will never neglect to offer you all of those things.
It’s okay to be human… it’s what you were created to be. You were created to need God’s help. You weren’t created to be God… God already has that role covered better than we could ever hope to pull off.
So, submit to Him in your humanity & ask for His help, His wisdom, His courage, His peace, & His strength.
You already have full access to His love, His mercy, His grace, & His care.
1 Peter 5:7 says it right here: “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He
cares for you.”
Shine HOPE by accepting His help through your own humanity, because He cares for you.
((*And yes, I forgot completely about our Special Feature Post this month the day after Christmas! Oops. Further proof that I am imperfect. I hope you can forgive me as we get back on track after the holidays!))
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Wisdom Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
Intricately handcrafted petals carved from ethically collected bone set in golden frames.
Artisan Information:
In India, poverty is rampant & fair working conditions are hard to find. But with every purchase, women are receiving an income, access to healthcare, adult literacy programs, & self-help groups! Not only does this change their lives, but they are also pouring back into their communities & helping others! You have the opportunity to empower thousands of women in India!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
A few weeks ago, I talked about the topic “He Can Take Our Nothing & Make It a Masterpiece-His Gifting, Not Mine,” to show, for one, that when we put our faith in Jesus as Lord of our life & Redeemer for our wrongs, God in turn equips us to serve Him by giving us specific spiritual gifts.
Am I an expert on spiritual gifts? Haha, definitely not. Have I learned SOME things? Yes. So, hopefully the “some” I have learned is of help or encouragement to you.
(Again, these won’t apply to you if you have not already accepted to trust Jesus to cover your sins & redeem your life. See my “Hope Is Found” page to learn more.)
What Having a Spiritual Gift Does/Does NOT Mean
I would like to share some about my spiritual gift today, but I think it is important to address a few things with spiritual gifting before I share about my particular gifting:
We do not automatically become “good at” our gifting just because we are given that gifting.
God can still use our gifting, even when we’re “bad at it” just by our being responsive & obedient to His leading.
Having a gift does not guarantee that it will be used in submission to God’s will, versus our own.
We may not even recognize what our spiritual gifting is right away.
With my particular gift especially, it does NOT mean I know everything &/or that I can answer any & everything you ask. If God does not give me insight, I have as much to go on as you do in most cases.
And sometimes, you are too embarrassed to even TALK about your spiritual gift to others because some are so easily misunderstood and/or mocked.
“Mhm, Yeah, Sure”
When people hear about my spiritual gift, for example, people often tend to think one or more of a few different things, or all of them…
“Oh, she thinks she can tell us our future then? *scoff*”
“So, she is comparing herself to the great people in the Bible, like Paul? Who does she think she is? She can’t even come close! How arrogant & self-righteous….”
“*sarcasm* Oh, the wise ol Michelle who is trying to tell me that she is gifted by God to tell me what to do. Aka a real know-it-all.”
I am not saying people will actually SAY those things out loud, of course (although they sometimes do), but before I understood anything about my gifting, I definitely would have discreetly rolled my eyes & probably thought ALL of those things if someone had told me they had the gift I now know I was given.
Out With It, Then!
So, what is my gift then? (If you haven’t already guessed from the title.)
*Deep breath*
Prophecy. Yep, that’s right… prophecy….
Now go ahead & read back that 3-point list & tell me if any of
those thoughts instantly rolled across your mind…. Trust me, they ran across
There may be some of you who are thinking right now, “Well, I WAS getting encouragement from her posts before, but if she is going to claim herself as a “Prophet of God,” well, I’m done reading HER stuff! Good-BYE!!”
I get it. Trust me, I SOOO get it. I am quick to do the very same thing. How hypocritcal, I know. Because some people, if they DO actually have that gifting can easily place THEMSELVES on the pedestal, instead of using their gifting to point back to GOD ON HIS THRONE.
“I Didn’t Realize Michelle Was So Full of Herself…” But WAIT!
It sounds like I am making a pretty, shiny badge for myself, pinning it on my shirt, placing a tiara on the top of my head, & yelling, “Hey everyone! Listen to me! Don’t you know I’m a PROPHET of GOD!?”
But, I am not doing that. Instead, it is more like an under my breath, head tilted away slightly to muffle my voice, with a very tiny whisper, “yeah, so I kind of have the gift of prophesy. Please don’t think I’m crazy & please still be my friend.”
I accepted trust in Jesus at a very young age (5 years old) & was then given my gifting, so this has almost been a lifelong gifting in my life, but since people tend to roll their eyes at it & act like the gift of prophecy is a thing of the past,I was completely unaware most of my life that this was even a possible gift, let alone MY personal gift.
I didn’t even get a notion of the idea until around 2007, when I was about 24 years old! 19 years of wondering why I felt so different from everyone else around me & thinking it was something to hide & be embarrassed about… & a thing that made people frustrated with me, even as a child.
Getting Clarity
But, it’s not like what people think, for the most part.
I cannot predict the future on a whim & I am not as faithful & wise as Paul& so many others that have come before me & I will probably never even come close (although their gifting was from God, too, like all of ours, so technically that’s really up to God & not me, so saying I will never meet that level of “success?” is actually a hit at God & not me, but anyway….)
So, what does it mean to have the gift of Prophesy then?
Basically, “speaking forth truth.” Or, as the web dictionary put it, “a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.”
Again, I just want to reiterate that I MAKE MISTAKES & I am NOT infallible. If God does not reveal insight then my guess is as good as yours, unless I have been through it or had personal experience or whatnot, but otherwise, I am not all-knowing nor will EVER claim to be so.
Why Then, the Shame?
So, why does it make me feel so ashamed to claim this GOD-GIVEN gift of Prophesy?
I did not choose it. I did not EARN it. I am no more faithful than anyone else.
So, why ME?
And if I did not choose it or earn it or gain it for being more faithful than others… If it is therefore REALLY, SIMPLY a GIFT from GOD… then why am I so ashamed to speak of it?
Maybe partly because of how easily using my gift can rub people the wrong way when I just want to be liked AND use my gift.
And maybe also because people just don’t believe it’s a real gift in modern times or they misunderstand me. I have been told that claiming that gift sounds conceited or “full of myself.” I don’t always have time to or know how to help people understand before they have written me off as blasphemous or crazy or arrogant or deluded or all of the above.
God-Given, Even When…
The post I mentioned at the beginning of today’s post was written to show just how miserably UNDESERVING I am… How, even at my worst, God still works through the gifting HE gave me.
You see, I have the gifting, even when I…
… Choose to keep silent
… Get proud of it
… Feel ashamed of it
… Fail God miserably
… Am unfaithful to God
… Use it to be snooty or sinful (See examples of lesser known prophets who used their gifting for financial gain & for personal glory, versus giving GOD the credit & glory.)
The gift is just… there… a part of me.
Does He multiply our efforts when we seek to be obedient & to submit to His leading in using our gifting to honor Him & bring Him glory? Most definitely.
Does He use that gifting in us DESPITE us? Most definitely.
A Heavy Burden to Bear, But Also A Magnificent Gift
And although I feel blessed to have insight on how to grow closer to God in submitting more of my trust to Him, my gifting is sometimes a VERY heavy burden to bear.
In fact, I used to pray to have it taken away because I much prefer to have everyone like me than for them to think me as a pretentious know-it-all who stirs conviction for change in their hearts when I speak. (*And I don’t always enjoy the constant convictions, either. Blissful ignorance, anyone?)
People like comfortable. I like comfortable.
The gift of prophesy is the OPPOSITE of comfortable… in fact, at its core the gift of prophesy is about stirring up DISCOMFORT in staying where we’re at spiritually in hopes of continuing to grow more in likeness to Christ & submission to the will of God & in following the leading/wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
That, my friend, is not usually comfortable.
No Blissful Ignorance for Me
Imagine seeing conviction in almost EVERYTHING your whole life.
When someone talks to you about something & you automatically see the will of God spill over your mind involuntarily, showing you the truth behind the words & sometimes you just want to say, “No. Nope. I’m not listening, gifting, I’m not listening to you! I want them to like me!”
My gifting prompted much of my desire for rebellion growing up & at the same time, kept me from indulging in it most always, leaving me wishing I could just be a “normal teenager & not feel so torn up all the time about every little decision & the intent behind it.”
A Boy-Crazy Daydreamer… But, NOPE
For example, in high school I wanted to date whoever, for as long as I want & just soak up all the attention & relish in affection of boyfriends & the status of being someone’s “girlfriend”, rather than being a short 1-2 weeks in before the prophecy gift insight starts flooding over every bit of enjoyment I was getting from the relationship, allowing me to enjoy nothing, with, “You know you’re using him. You are enjoying the attention & you are in this not for the two of you but because you want to be loved. You are using him to feel valued. You need to be honest with yourself & with him. You need to learn to draw your value from your Creator, not this boy. You need to care more about him as a person than what you can get out from him. He matters to God. Don’t take this lightly. He is not an object to take advantage of just so you feel better about yourself.”
Uggghhh, NOT what a teenage daydreamer/boy crazy girl wants to hear!
Don’t get me wrong, it kept me out of a lot of regrets & hurts, but back then, I just wanted to enjoy what seemed so easy for everyone else to enjoy.
It Definitely Doesn’t Win Me Any Popularity Contests
Having my gift means I can’t live in blissful ignorance. I can’t just be comfortable. At times, I see what needs to change in everything all the time & it can be overwhelmingly tough to swallow sometimes, especially when I was just a child figuring out life. (But difficult does not mean it was bad or unappreciated because it definitely kept me from many regrets.)
People who know me either lean into it & hope to clear out the junk to grow closer to God or they tend to want to plug their ears & ask me to please stop talking.
And it hurts. I can’t deny that it hurts sometimes. Because I want to be liked & accepted by everyone & my gifting is not always received with open arms.
Sometimes I get verbally smacked in the face, even when I speak with gentleness & care for them, intending ONLY to help them see what is clogging their loving relationship to Christ… what is chaining them back from feeling free & loved in Him.
It rubs people the wrong way when you can (even gently) see through
their excuses & past their blinders to what God wants them to see.
And I get it. I GET IT. I am the SAME way.
I Am Not Immune to the Allure of Excuses or the Temptation of Legalism (Buying God’s Affections with My Works)
Sometimes I just want to be blissfully ignorant & do whatever I
want without thinking through every reason why it means I am being rebellious
to God or how I am making excuses.
Having my gift doesn’t mean I am automatically faithful to listen to my own God-given insight.
I have to wrestle with the insight a lot & it sometimes takes me years of wrestling with it until I finally submit & reap the rewards of what God only meant for my good all along, but I was too stubborn to notice or care.
I used to really struggle with legalism because I thought my insight & burden meant I had to maintain perfection or that I was better than other Christians, thus “earning” my gift.
It doesn’t.
I am learning balance.
A Process of Growth, Led by God, If I Am Willing to Listen
But it’s a process. All of it is a process of learning… A process of letting the convictions come & leaning into God, versus plugging my ears & pulling away, & instead, saying, “Oh, God, I am not good at that one either! Please help me grow in that area in your timing & show me where I can reasonably start working on it soon. You are the author of my growth, so please help me trust You in the process versus putting all the burden on myself.”
He Wants to Help Us-For Real
Because really, the convictions are His way of saying, “Hey, you’re hurting because you’re clinging to something that can’t help you, expecting it to help you. Let go & let me help you for real.”
The convictions from God are meant for our GOOD, even though they can be SO uncomfortable to recognize & face.
My gift was given to me & others because people NEED to know what a relationship with Him is MEANT to be like. Where you feel safe & comforted & free & healed & loved so purely & so deeply & so undeservedly.
My gifting is meant to help people see what is coming between them & that sort of relationship with God… To help guide them to let go of what can’t help them for Who CAN help them. My gifting is meant to bring people to HIM as the true source of LIFE & LOVE & HOPE & GRACE.
Again… His Gifting, Not Mine
I don’t want to be silent about my gifting anymore. I don’t want to be ashamed of how God made me. Because He made me this way for a purpose… to help cut through the lies we so easily tell ourselves & to point people back to HIM.
God gave it to me. Not because I am better or more faithful than others (far from it), but because He CHOSE to be working through my life in that way to reach others with HOPE… TRUE, lasting HOPE in Him.
Please, Never… For His Glory, Not Mine
I never want to be one that gives the impression of, “Hear Me, Hear Me,
all you puny peoples of the earth. I am a PROPHET & I deserve to be
listened to & respected & heeded in all advice or insight I give you!”
If God chooses to give me insight into something, I will do my best to honor Him with that insight in prayers that His wisdom sent to my heart/brain & printed on these pages can bring others closer to HIM, not me.
I will fail you. I will. I am human.
But God does not fail. EVER.
Lean into Potential Growth by Praying to Accept it, Versus Shoving It Away
If something I write offends you, please don’t get mad at me or write me off (I still want to be friends). And don’t for a second think I am judging you. (Just because I get the insight doesn’t mean I always am quick to obey its truth.) But PRAY & ask God how He can shape you in that area to honor Him & to know & love Him more through the journey, holding nothing back from Him, even if the realization hurts a little at first… the growth in Him is totally worth it, trust me.
We’re in this journey together, as fellow gift-bearers. I benefit from you honoring God with your gifting, & hopefully you will benefit from what God uses my gifting for in your life.
By Him. Through Him. FOR Him.
To point others back TO Him.
He Is What We ALL Need
He is what you need. He is what we ALL need. So, seek Him with all of your heart, mind, soul, & strength. He is worth it every time.
Shine Hope, Lovely, & start by praying over what your gift is & how He wants you to use it for His honor & glory, to draw others to the HOPE found only in Him. And if you don’t know His hope personally, ask Him for that first, above anything else. It will change your life forever. It will GIVE you life.
Shine HOPE.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Wisdom Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
Intricately handcrafted petals carved from ethically collected bone set in golden frames.
Artisan Information:
In India, poverty is rampant & fair working conditions are hard to find. But with every purchase, women are receiving an income, access to healthcare, adult literacy programs, & self-help groups! Not only does this change their lives, but they are also pouring back into their communities & helping others! You have the opportunity to empower thousands of women in India!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Well, this is it, the final week of our Pivot moments for this series.
I am sure God will continue to flip my world upside down to exchange the lies I have come to believe for His truth, but for the sake of this series of pivotal moments, this is the last… for now.
God Is Working a Masterpiece
Today, it will get dark again, before the light shines through the clouds, revealing a marvelous plan that God had all along, but that I just then began to realize was there.
That’s how it always works with God.
We tend to fret & stress & worry & fear, as if God doesn’t already have a plan to fit all of the pieces together, making a breath-taking masterpiece out of the messy “colors” we saw as chaos.
AND, He doesn’t leave it at that… He offers us comfort & peace & strength to endure the hardships that lead up to that marvelous reveal, as we lean into Him for it.
And that is how He worked as He led me through my struggles in both Guam AND Hokkaido.
God Was Working a Plan I Didn’t See
God was working a plan to show Himself to me in a way that I needed to see.
He needed me to learn that my gifting was simply His way of working through my life & had little to do with how much I may or may not have deserved it.
The Ugly Pride
First, I feel it important to let you in on the fact that I struggled (& still do struggle) with pride because of my gifting from God.
Because certain things oftentimes seem so obvious & easy to me, to see deeper insight into a situation to know God’s truth & how it needs to be applied or how someone is avoiding God’s truth in a certain area… I began to believe that it must be that I care more about God & truth than others.
I know, I know… it sounds arrogant just reading that.
But although I didn’t think of it as pride, but more that I felt alone in wanting to serve the truth, it just wasn’t true that my gifting was equal to my personal deserving of it.
An Undeserved Gift
My gifting was simply what it sounds like… a gift… from God. Did it make me more perceptive than some others? Perhaps. But I still had weaknesses where others had great strengths.
This particular area just happened to be MY strength, leaving me to need help from others with DIFFERENT strengths… the whole “body of Christ”/”body of the Church” idea. All of our strengths (“giftings”) WORK TOGETHER & are GIFTS from God—not earned or deserved.
Obviously, the more obedient & trusting we are to God, the more He will choose to work in & through our gifting, but the gifting itself is… just a GIFT.
All that to say, I obviously needed both a lesson in humility & a
lesson in it being from HIM & not me.
Walking through the Valley
And to accomplish this pivot in my life, God chose to allow me to walk through hardship… namely, loneliness in Guam & a life of strain, where I had very little control, living in Japan, in an area with VERY LITTLE English.
Living in those two places brought me to a place of feeling like very
little that I accomplished had anything to do with what I had earned or
I was mainly just trying to get through to the next day, only sometimes remembering to pray for the strength & peace & wisdom & guidance to navigate each day & instead, relying on television show marathons & food to get me through it.
And it got worse.
Starting to Have “The Talk”-About Depression & Potential Cries for Help
Near the end of those six years, I had to start having a lot of conversations with Jamie about my history with depression & that if it got bad enough, slipping by unnoticed until it consumed me, & if I admitted that to him & asked for help, that he needed to get me emergency help.
Luckily, it never reached emergency status, but I guess in a way it did.
Over time, in Hokkaido, the mental strain & stress of never understanding (pretty much anything) of the world around me began to take a serious toll on my mind.
I began having emotional breakdowns over the smallest things.
I felt BROKEN, like a person who couldn’t function like a normal human being.
Paper-Thin Patience
To better express the strain… if I dropped an item once, even a small, slip-through-my-fingers drop… it required a deep breath of resolve to just pick it back up…. But a second drop? The item would get picked up with lightning speed & chucked at the nearest wall.
Patience was worn thin every moment. I had zero patience.
I crumbled at the slightest aggravation or inconvenience.
I cried or screamed or cursed so loud that I didn’t care if the whole
world heard.
And I felt broken.
I understood this wasn’t normal. I understood that the average human being can manage to pick something up that had dropped just twice without feeling hatred explode out of her.
But I couldn’t stop it. I felt like something in me had short-circuited & I could no longer filter frustrations through logic & calm reserve to try again.
I just immediately would snap, without even considering it first or
thinking it through.
It scared me how little control I had over my own brain & how it reacted to even minor difficulties.
And yet, through all of that, I felt God’s hand on me… as if He was reassuring me that He wouldn’t let go… that He had me still.
God Wasn’t Answering MY Way, So I Felt Forgotten
But I eventually stopped praying.
I felt deserted by God because the pain only got worse & the control over my own emotions melted slowly away.
I was trapped in a mental typhoon that swirled everything together & knocked all sense out of my life.
I was exhausted & frustrated. I felt broken & no longer whole or “normal” & I saw ZERO way to repair or fix it.
Every attempt seemed to laugh at me.
My prayers went “unanswered.”
Bitterness grew into an angry, snarling, jaded voice that screamed for relief at every corner.
Streaming Curse Words
I saw God walking beside me, in a sense, feeling Him there… but He wasn’t making all the pain stop. He wasn’t repairing my mind. He wasn’t calming the storm raging inside me.
So, I cried. A LOT.
My second (inner) language became strung-together curse words, screamed inside my mind.
I couldn’t turn off the rage that was starting to consume me, like a rage monster tearing away at me from the inside, bellowing its fierceness from within me.
Professional Help, Please!
As I finally confessed this inner battle to Jamie, upon our decision-making to stay in Hokkaido or move on, I told him the truth, “Jamie, I am really struggling. Either I need a professional counselor, or we need to leave to go somewhere less stressful on my brain. I need help.”
So, we moved to Misawa, Japan, near an American military base & the stress began to recede.
Even With My NOTHING
God showed me that even WHILE I was feeling broken & unfixable, bitter instead of trusting, & barely surviving through my mental typhoon each day, that He STILL chose to work through my life to bless others through my gifting.
In other words, EVEN WHEN I did NOTHING to earn or deserve anything, He still allowed me to be a blessing to others through HIS gifting.
Ex Nihilo
I used to think that it was up to us to bring the best of what we have & to be the best at everything ALL THE TIME & be everyone’s EVERYTHING, & ONLY THEN can God do miraculous, wonderful things in & through our lives.
BUT… in my failing… in my brokenness… in my falling apart… when I felt I had nothing to offer Him… HE STILL DID Mighty things, through ME!!
Like He showed us through Creation… God can do AMAZING things EX NIHILO
(“From Nothing”).
My gifting & my ability to bless others how He chooses to work through me, is not because I have proven any better than other people… but because He is a Mighty & Awesome & LOVING God who does great things despite my unworthiness, because He loves us so incredibly much.
He can take our NOTHING & make it a MASTERPIECE.
His Grace IS Sufficient
Even if our “leaning into Him” is as a paralytic who cannot even hold themselves up, HE HOLDS US UP in His strength, His mercy, His love, His power, His goodness, His forgiveness, His saving, HIS GRACE.
If you recognize a gifting God has given you when you chose to put your faith in Jesus as the Master & Redeemer of your life, learn from my mistakes… bow them at His feet & thank Him for blessing you with a way to bless others, through HIS GIFTING.
And then lean into Him to best use that gift to honor Him & to bring Him glory, by making Him famous wherever you go, loving others to Jesus, through truth & faith in Him. He will help you as you lean into Him.
Shine HOPE, by giving Him the little you have & letting Him multiply it, even if it feels as if you have little to nothing to offer Him… by LEANING INTO HIM.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement!
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Iris Earrings
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in Peru & Around the Globe!
Iridescent pink crystal beads sway on these golden teardrop hoops.
Artisan Information:
In Peru, rural citizens have been affected by extreme poverty & guerrilla warfare. Women are affected the worst as their husbands generally leave them in search of work. Many are unable to get the basic needs of food, shelter, & clothing. But with every purchase of this product, women are finding hope & an income by hand-making this beautiful product. Because of you, these family businesses are now empowering the next generation!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Peru!
Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I
will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world,
Well, we are one “Pivot” moment away from finishing this series! That’s so hard to believe after these (including this one) 14 “Pivots” that we have walked through together.
A Different Sort of Autobiography
It has always been a dream of mine to write an “autobiography”, not of what amazing things I have accomplished or done, but what God has worked in my life that I never saw as possible from my human perspective.
Being given the opportunity to share all of these moments with you has been a pleasure, especially the reminders, even for myself, of all that God has done & is capable of doing in our lives as we lean into Him.
Maybe someday I will better edit all of these “Pivot” stories into that
autobiography of sorts. I guess we will see where God leads!
Trouble in Paradise
But, for today, we are talking about a touchy (& freeing) topic.
It’s touchy because a lot of hurt often surrounds this topic, but it’s freeing knowing the right perspective of leaning into God above all else, whether things work out or not.
“Trouble in Paradise”, as I have titled it, is a story of God doing what I felt was the impossible… bridging the gap in marital (or relational) trouble.
In It Together
You see, after God had led every step of our dating relationship as we leaned into Him consistently for direction & answers (read more, here), we felt like our bond was unbreakable.
We were bound together by trust in Him & a friendship built on Him.
Nothing could shake us.
We had aired all of our “dirty laundry” by sharing our deepest shames & hurts & mistakes… but we were forgiven.
We had shared all of our quirks… but we were accepted.
We had faced hurt & struggle… but had prayed through it all… together.
After the “Happily Ever After”
But then we moved to Guam… 3 months after we were married.
And things weren’t as great anymore.
We started out strong, but between the stress of adjustment to life on the other side of the globe & Jamie working 12 hour shifts several days a week (& usually taking on extra shifts for co-workers), let’s just say that it began to take its toll on us.
I felt neglected. He felt over-worked & stretched thin.
I felt bored & restless. He felt exhausted & ready to crash.
I felt alone & in need of company. He felt over-stimulated & in
need of alone time.
We felt placed on opposite ends of every spectrum, unable to bridge the divides that seemed to be getting wider every month.
Beginning to Feel the Strain… Pull Us Apart
Fights became easier. Disagreements & misunderstandings were more common. Emotions were high & needs were left unmet on both sides.
We were strained & frustrated & tired.
My needs became a burden on us both—not because he didn’t think they or
I were important, but because after work, he had nothing left to give.
Personal Perceptions Are Often Deceptive
But I felt like he must think me & my needs unimportant because they were SO important to me & yet he still didn’t meet them.
And he felt like I was putting too much pressure on him because he was already exhausted from work every day.
We were disconnected & hurt.
We argued & fought & stormed off & shut doors more
forcefully than necessary.
We hurt.
I found myself often crying alone, curled up on the floor of our
bathroom, with the lights out.
What I Wanted
I had heard that marriage was hard, but I felt like I had lost my very best friend, just by getting married to him.
I wanted to leave him & go back to America & be with my family & friends.
I wanted the hurt to stop.
I was learning very clearly in that time the truth that our spouse is not meant to fulfill our needs.
Only God can do that.
It’s Not Like the Movies… But It’s So Much Better
But culture sings a different tune, one where our spouse, who probably wishes they actually could, can fulfill all of your dreams & make you the happiest person imaginable.
And we probably still want to do that, but realistically, we don’t have the power to do that.
We have our own fears, hurts, insecurities, weaknesses, trauma, shortcomings, failures, etc. & when you join two imperfect people, you’re obviously going to have an imperfect marriage.
So Much Freedom in Removing That Expectation!
And oh the burden we are freed from when we realize that being our spouse’s EVERYTHING is not our purpose or even in our ability.
And oh the freedom it GIVES our spouse to release them from that
supposed expectation.
Then, How?
So how did we do it? How are we good friends & happily married after the battle wounds we received in that painful couple years?
That’s right… prayer.
But, I Didn’t Start There
But, like I said, I first resorted to balling up in figurative tears (Fun Fact: I can’t cry actual tears) & wanting to quit it all & run from the hurt.
I resorted to wanting to bail & start over at home with my family. I wanted to give up because I felt so unloved.
But Jamie still loved me terribly, & through the deep ache, I loved him just as much… so why weren’t we able to express that to each other?
My Ache Turned Into My Prayer
At the end of one of our arguments, I was laying in bed, with my back turned to Jamie… silently sobbing into the edge of my pillow, begging God for help & pouring out my heart to Him like I had done countless times before on the floor of our bathroom.
“God, why is this happening! Why do I feel like Jamie & I are so far apart?! How did we get here!? I miss him so much & I HATE that we’re always at odds with each other… but I feel like no matter what, we’re never on the same page… like he doesn’t ever care about me! I feel so alone & betrayed. I thought he loved me but he gets mad or frustrated when I even want to spend time with him & he just plays video games alone in his spare time, with his headphones on, like I am just a home accessory!! He used to make me feel like his whole world & now he barely even talks to me. I hate my life here. I hate what this job has taken from me… from us. I want him back but that seems impossible now. Too many things we can’t take back & too many misunderstandings & disagreements. I don’t even feel like I know him anymore… Like I have been tricked. Did he never really love me? How can he act so callously toward me? Help us. Show us the way back to each other. PLEASE. Help us. Help me. I don’t know how to get back to him anymore & I miss him so much. Please show me what to do.”
God’s Response… God’s Solution… Trust HIM
… “Ask him to pray with you.”
That was the simple thought the washed over my mind like a gentle
“Ask him to pray with you.”
But I didn’t want to.
Did Jamie even care? Did he even want us back? If he cared, he would have tried already. (So many insecurities rushed over my heart.)
“Ask Him to pray with you.”
FINE. But I don’t want to.
And When I Obeyed God’s Guiding, God Healed
“Jamie, we should pray.”
And so he prayed a prayer that shocked & shook me & expressed all the love for me that I was afraid wasn’t there.
To paraphrase his prayer:
“God, I don’t know what to do. We can’t seem to get along. I love Michelle, but I am too tired. I am stretched thin at work & I just don’t have the energy to be what she needs me to be. It hurts that I don’t feel like I can help her & it’s frustrating. Help me know what to do. Please help her hurt. Amen.”
And then I prayed my hurt out loud, too.
And we both cried & we hugged each other & just clung on.
God Knew How
It ended up that we genuinely both wanted a solution but neither of us new how to make it happen, were doing the best we knew how, & had different expectations on what that should look like.
And when we started both turning to God, instead of ourselves or each other, as the solution, God started to shape us & guide us along a path to help us both care for each other.
We became more understanding of each other’s needs, while not trying to meet them in our own wisdom or understanding, but by God’s.
We began letting go of the expectations we had placed on the other person to meet our needs & started leaning into God instead.
And we began to heal.
Start Looking to God for the Answers
God was the glue that took our efforts & our understanding & all of our other limitations & acted as our bridge to cover the great divide for us.
We stopped looking inward to fulfill each other.
We stopped looking to each other to fulfill ourselves.
And we started looking to God, together.
He is our glue. He is our bridge. He is our wisdom & solution. He is our strength.
A Work in Progress, Led by Grace
Do we still have disagreements & misunderstandings & occasional bad attitudes that we really shouldn’t be taking out on each other but it’s far too easy to do? Yes.
But we know the way back now. PRAYER. Leaning into GOD.
And we’re learning to turn to God BEFORE it gets bad, knowing we will reach the end of our limitations far sooner.
We’re human & we mess up. We are learning, but we don’t always get it right.
But God is the solution to that, too… because He will never stop working on our hearts.He is always ready to give grace as we grow toward Him.
He is a Good, Good Father.
Shine Hope, by letting God be your glue… & your bridge… to healing.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement,
& to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that
helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Restoring Hope Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in Asia & Around the World!
This versatile necklace features mother of pearl in hues of black on one side & off-white on the other, hanging from an antiqued brass chain.
Artisan Information:
In Asia, poverty leads many women to be sexually exploited in brothels. These women want to provide for their families but have so few options. But through your purchase, women are being rescued from these brothels & rehabilitated. Holistic care is given to these women, including a shelter, job training, healthcare, counseling, & educational grants for themselves & their children. You can help these women experience restoration for their future!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Asia!
Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I
will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world,
So, this week, I am taking a step back to a pivotal moment I forgot to mention.
I appreciate your extension of grace to me over this last month as we had an unplanned trip Stateside (&, since unplanned, I forgot to bring my notebook/list of topics, hence the flip flop).
Quick Recap & Look Ahead
In case you’re new to my blog, over the last couple of months, I have been sharing about major pivotal moments in my life where God helped me do a 180 degree turn from my perspective to His.
I have been covering a bunch of relationship-related topics, so if that
interests you, scroll on through the past several posts.
In a couple weeks, I will be continuing where I left off last week, by talking about “Trouble in Paradise”, where I will discuss how marriage is not all sunshine & rainbows (no matter how convinced you are that it will be when you’re in love) … & how God is the bridge Who covers the divide (no matter how convinced you are that your insufficient attempts prove no hope).
Next week’s topic is all about debt & trusting God against the grain.
Skipping Back To College Days
BUT, this week, I am skipping back about a year to share another major God-lesson I learned back in college.
To give you some back story, for perspective, I was pretty good in school & I took pride in that.
I may not have been “hot” or popular, in my opinion, but at least I
could do pretty well in school.
I went back to college five years after high school, to finish a degree in Business Marketing at Liberty University. (Go LU!)
Pressure to Impress
Since I felt like being good in school was part of my identity & what gave me value, I felt pressure (& pride) to maintain my grades/educational success to prove my worth to others (& myself).
My Mom & Dad always believed I could do big things, but the pressure
to impress was always nagging in the back of my mind.
My Capstone Course
And then came senior year, in 2010… with my capstone course at Liberty
I obviously felt like doing well in my capstone course was important, since it was supposed to be a culmination of everything I had learned so far. Plus, the professor held high standards & I wanted to live up to them.
But God had other plans for that class.
Studying Like a BOSS
You see, that course had very few graded assignments. It included maybe 2-3 exams & the final project. In other words, fail one thing & you could do very little to get back to good standing for the course—no pressure, right?
And so, I took studying VERY seriously for the exams in that class, more so than I had in my entire life. (Since school usually came easily to me, I could usually get away with not studying too hard while still maintaining good grades—(don’t hate me).
I SHOULD have been studying well in every class, regardless, but I took advantage of it coming easily to me. <– Good example of what NOT to do.)
When the first capstone course exam came near, I was more prepared than I imagined possible.
I had taken every online practice quiz (multiple times), basically reread every chapter, focused intently on all highlighted sections, reviewed my own notes, & did any other studying I thought might help. I lost MANY hours of sleep working to be fully prepared for this exam.
The Results Are In…
So, I aced it… NOT.
The results came in & I had received a 47%.
I imagine all color drained from my face as I reread my score so many times, trying to blink away the supposed nightmare I was having, only to realize I was fully awake already & that really was my score.
To say I broke down is an understatement.
Luckily, my roommates were in class when I read the results because I
But… I Studied SO HARD…???
I dropped to my knees & cried for a good hour.
I replayed all of my hard work over & over again in my mind, contrasted with the TERRIBLE score I had just received as a reward for all of my hard work… HARDER WORK than I have EVER applied for an exam… EVER!
And a 47%.
“Who Are You Doing This For?”
I was crushed… & when the tears & questions started to numb, I began to pray & ask God what happened.
The answer came as a small whisper, like a gentle breeze across my mind, “Who are you doing this all for? Yourself? Your teachers? Your parents? Or Me?”
There it was… the epicenter of the drive behind all of my efforts.
God had called me out & had opened my eyes to my true motivation.
“Whatever You Do… As Working for the Lord”
I had heard the verses before, talking about, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:23-24) But I never really got it.
Like, sure, have integrity, don’t cheat, work hard, blah blah blah. We represent Him, so don’t be a jerk at work. (And yes, all of those things are still true.)
But then, in that moment, it clicked.
It meant more than that.
I Am Not the Boss
It also meant that I don’t get to judge how much work is “enough” based on the value I perceive it to have.
It meant that it wasn’t about getting prestige or recognition or respect (or even about getting a good job).
It meant that it was all about how it made HIM look, for HIS glory, not mine.
It meant I am to live for HIS purposes, not mine.
It meant that ten years down the road, what I perceive all of this to
be about right now might be used completely differently than how I anticipated.
Again with “Doing What Seems Right in My Own Eyes”
I tend to think & make decisions based on my own understanding (doing what seems right in my own eyes—hey, remember last week’s topic?), but God sees the big picture & every ripple effect of every action for every moment.
For example, I might think straightforward with my own logic of, “I came to school to get my degree in [this field], to get [this type of job].” While God thinks more like, “I brought you here to meet [this person], have [this impact], learn [this lesson], grow in [this area], & influence [this person].”
God Sees How It All Fits
God sees the WHOLE picture.
God can see beyond the obvious & beyond our intentions.
God sees every piece in play & how every piece will impact every other piece in His greater plan.
So, when we work “as if unto the Lord,” it means more than having integrity. It means putting forth our best efforts, through relying on God’s wisdom, direction, clarity, strength, etc., while keeping in mind that it’s for His grander purposes that we don’t yet see or understand.
Our Responsibility Is to Trust in Him & Try Our Best
We don’t need to be THE best, we just need to show up & do OUR best with what is put in front of us, knowing that we DON’T know how it may be used by God in the future… because we’re working for His plan & purposes, not our own.
Don’t try to anticipate how God will use your efforts & thus cut
out what you don’t think will matter.
Just show up, do your best, & do it with a heart of serving God’s purposes & plan… to honor Him & bring Him glory, no matter how those efforts may be used in the future.
Only God knows.
Shine HOPE by doing your best & working as if unto His purposes & plan, trusting Him to help you in the process, when you lean into Him with full weight.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement,
& to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that
helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Petal Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
This cubic zirconia floral pendant hangs from an antique golden chain and pairs perfectly with the Petal Stud Earrings.
Artisan Information:
The women we partner with in India do so much more than just create beautiful products. With every purchase, another woman is empowered out of poverty to be self-reliant! Women have the opportunity to earn an income, attend financial management classes, & receive education & healthcare. These women are now able to give their family a promising future because of your purchase!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in India!
Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I
will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world,
“Love”, oh what a wonderful topic to think about….
Or maybe it just seems elusive to you, a wish you wish for, but you
feel is an impossible reality.
Or maybe yet, you have been hurt by love & either fear it or just
feel jaded by it.
Well, all of the above describe how I once felt about LOVE.
Cue the Meet Cute
And then, I met someone who helped me open my heart to all of the beauty & joy & adventure of love… & no, I’m not talking about my husband (I didn’t know him yet).
And no, I am also not talking about God.
I am talking about a guy I met soon after high school.
This is not a typical love story though, because while I felt I had met the boy of my dreams, we never had a happily ever after.
Afraid of Love
I grew up with an unhealthy fear of long-term relationships.
I assumed they all fail… that one side would inevitably lose interest or feel trapped in the relationship… that some fights or disagreements would end up being unsolvable… that rifts form & that lusting after others through porn, flirtation, or adultery would always happen eventually.
I assumed I was too difficult to be loved… not pretty enough… too emotional… too much of a mess… too insecure… too much of a talker… too unlovable… & that eventually, any guy who married me would figure that all out & want out.
In other words, I assumed it was only a matter of time before my heart
was crushed, if I gave my heart to love someone.
Because of this, I was afraid to love. I was afraid to get attached.
I prayed over relationships, wanting so badly for love to be a possible reality for me.
Oh, What a Feeling!
And then I met him… a guy who opened my heart.
I felt so in love. I cherished every long phone conversation & was elated at every chance to spend even a few moments with him.
I shared my heart, my deepest fears & hurts… & he did the same.
He was kind & caring & took care of me. He was a wonderful
I wanted so badly to love him forever & to finally break free of the fear. I wanted to marry him.
I wanted to believe he could really love me forever.
And I am sure he would have.
I trusted him & cared for him more than I ever believed I could care about someone.
But I broke his heart.
I Thought I Knew
I was ready to go all in… to trust him with my heart & to start
talking about marriage.
I was ready to follow him anywhere & leave my fears behind.
I was ready to beat the odds with the man I loved so much.
I wanted to marry him more than I had ever wanted anything.
But I broke his heart.
I kept praying about our relationship.
“God, please let me marry him! I love him so much! I trust him & care about him, even at his worst. He is so kind & so good to me. I can tell him anything & know that he cares for me. Please let me feel peace to push through the fear & marry him. I want to spend my life with him. He means so much to me. Please, please, please!”
But every time I sought God’s peace & blessing to spend my life with this wonderful friend, I felt a brick wall.
“Just Keep Praying,” I Thought… “Maybe God Will Change His Mind”
I couldn’t move past the feeling of unrest, an obvious, unsettled lack of peace in my heart.
So, I kept praying through the weeks & months we were together,
unwilling to let go of the man I loved so much based on a current lack of
I assumed the peace would come eventually, if I just held on & kept praying.
But it never came.
The dread started seeping in, as I realized that I didn’t feel God was ever going to be giving His blessing–His blessing, based on His omniscient, all-wise, over-all perspective.
But, God.…! Pleeeaase!
I hurt so many nights after a day well spend with the man I loved so
much. I grieved the potential break up I felt God was edging me toward.
I felt as if God was gently trying to pry my fingers off of what I was clinging to so tightly… my desire to spend my life with the man I loved.
And I didn’t want to let Him.
I wanted to beg Him to change His mind.
I didn’t understand why God would let me love someone so much & not let me be with him. It felt so unfair.
No Matter the Reason, Yet I Will Trust Him
I knew this man didn’t trust in God, but I thought that could change as
he got to know Him through our relationship.
I could feel my heart compromising my faith as I sought to be agreeable to the man I loved. But I thought I could overcome that.
But no matter God’s reasons, He was making it clear that my love & I were not the best match for each other, in some ways that I couldn’t even see myself.
And so, after many tears, much rebellious stalling (hoping to never have to leave him… hoping God would change His mind if I waited just a week longer), after seeing that God did not budge in allowing me peace to continue my relationship that I wanted so badly… I broke the heart of the man I loved.
Crushed… Shattered… Yet Not Hopeless
I knew he wouldn’t understand that I had gotten my answer from prayer, because he didn’t believe in God.
I didn’t want to explain why I had to do it, because I wanted him to trust God & not hate him.
And so, I let my love hate me instead.
And it crushed me… shattered me.
Collateral Damage
To make matters worse, I also leaned into a great friend for support, only to end up crushing his heart as well, when my love returned & I left my friend behind, not knowing his care for me was more romantic than friendship.
And when my love had returned, I was sure this time God would say yes this time around. But He didn’t… & I had to crush his heart & mine a second time.
I lost two people I cared for SO MUCH within a short time.
Not only did I have to walk away from someone I cared so strongly for, but I let him believe I didn’t love him as much as I did, in order to protect his potential future trust in God, the only One who could ever love him the way that he really needed.
Crawling Out from the Wreckage… Finding Hope
This heartbreak haunted me for about 5 years. I would check his Facebook once or twice a year just to relieve myself that he was happy & healthy & loved. I would cry when a movie reminded me of him (like Becoming Jane or Fever Pitch). I would wish that someday, God would bring us back together again… until he married someone else.
I have prayed for him consistently since then, that he would feel loved & cared for… that God would reach his heart & give him a kind of freedom & joy & peace like he’s never known. That God would guide him as a husband & father…. That he would come to Jesus & find lasting, sure hope.
I know now the story God had planned for me was my wonderful husband, Jamie, who loves me in a way that grows me as a human being & encourages me to lean into God with each trial, hurt, or obstacle. I know that God knew what He was doing because my husband & are so complementary in how we support each other. I wouldn’t trade my husband for the world!
But I didn’t know then.
I just had to blindly trust that if God was not going to give me peace, He had a reason.
God Always Knows… God Always Has a Plan… And He Loves Us Unconditionally
I lost someone I loved & I grieved for several years as if he had died, but God had a different plan for our lives & I know now that God knew what He was doing all along.
God always knows.
I know our hearts can be convincing, but God sees our full past, present, & future, with every facet & nuance & hidden trauma. He knows our God-given gifting & the plans He has built into our lives & our purpose.
He always knows best.
My love was real, but God knew better than me.
And I am so glad that I trusted God above my love for the man I loved
so much.
Thankful I Listened
I will never stop praying for that man because of how much he once meant to me, but I know 100% that God had a better plan for the both of us & I am so thankful that I listened to God’s nudging on my heart to let go & trust God instead of my heart.
Always trust God before emotions, desires, & dreams… He always knows best.
He knows YOU best & He knows what is best for YOU. Trust Him first, always.
Shine hope, by bowing your will to His way & trusting Him with every step, every desire, every hurt, & every love. God’s got you.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement,
& to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that
helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
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A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
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from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Holly Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in Asia & Around the World!
Co-Founder Holly’s passion is to empower women to be all God created them to be & to live out their potential. Whether in the brothels of Asia to hometown USA, her desire is to see women live out their calling with pride & dignity. This piece is a reflection of the pride & skills a woman rescued from the brothels has when given the opportunity. A delicate piece, this golden/pink druzy necklace sparkles in the light.
Artisan Information:
In Asia, poverty leads many women to be sexually exploited in brothels. These women want to provide for their families but have so few options. But through your purchase, women are being rescued from these brothels & rehabilitated. Holistic care is given to these women, including a shelter, job training, healthcare, counseling, & educational grants for themselves & their children. You can help these women experience restoration for their future!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Asia!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!