Closing a Chapter
Well, this week closes out this series on intentionality with regards to growing your relationship with God & to finish it up, let’s talk about being intentional with how we love others.
The Bible mentions the need to love others again & again, which shows me how important this topic is to God. That is why I want to make sure we take some time to cover this in a little more detail.
People are all around us. Every person has a different story, full of their own personal life experiences, hurts, struggles, insecurities, & God-given gifts—some of which they may never share with you, even if you’re close to them.
Every person is also equally loved by God & equally offered His gift of redemption. Read my story of redemption & learn how to find your own, here.
Last week’s post (Read it, here), talked about Purposeful Fellowship, & the importance of being purposeful with how we spend time with & love our friends.
But this week, let’s go a little broader.
When We Feel Limited
As mentioned above, people matter to God & people are everywhere around us & people have secret hurts/insecurities/struggles that they may never share with anyone other than their closest friends.
Because of this, we need to make it a priority to spread love with whomever we come in contact.
It may seem a little out of our comfort zone to purposefully love others who don’t expressly make mention of their needs or ask directly for help, but here are some quick ways to begin training yourself to live love intentionally each day:
- Pray about it—God knows your insecurities or hesitations in this area & He has unique ways to specifically help you to grow in this area, but it takes practice learning to set aside our apprehensions & get in the habit of asking Him for help versus avoiding the discomfort altogether. So, when you feel that hesitation, stop & ask Him for courage, opportunity, & inspiration on how to live love.
- Take the “Love on Purpose Challenge”—Every day, choose one friend (or acquaintance) whom you possess their phone number, email, or other means of reaching them, & send them a quick message asking how they are & whether you can be praying for them in any specific way (& then pray for them!) We live in such a digital age, & it can be easy to feel invisible in the mass of social media buzz, so take time to single someone out & show them that you see them & love them.
- SMILE!—Show your beautiful smile to the world! You never know when a quick moment of eye contact coupled with a polite smile can mean the world to someone who feels overwhelmed or alone in the world. So, smile away!
- Love in the Little Things—Courtesy can go a long way in expressing care for another person’s well-being. Take the time to hold the door open just a little longer & smile as you pass it on. Rush to help someone pick up something dropped. Offer to get someone at your table a refill when you get up to get your own. Be courteous & be kind. It goes a long way to make this world a kinder place to live in!
- Be the Welcome Party—If you have a new co-worker, a new neighbor, or see someone new at church, take time to go over & introduce yourself with a few quick questions to show attentiveness. Maybe even invite them to meet for lunch or invite them to an outing. It’s hard being new, so remember that as you show care & love to them. Try some of these questions:
- Are you new to the area? Where did you travel from?
- What brought you to the area?
- What hobbies or activities do you typically enjoy with your free time?
- Would you like to get coffee or join in for lunch afterwards? (Only with females—otherwise you might give the wrong impression of flirtation.)
There are so many ways that we can intentionally share love around us. Sometimes it can be hard to notice those ways when we are consumed by our own stressors & routine, but it is always worth it to spread some more hope & love out there to make the world a more pleasant place to live.
A Personal Story
I remember being in middle/high school & feeling so alone, especially during my freshman & sophomore years, as I was struggling with crippling depression.
No one knew.
Even my family was clueless. They knew something was wrong, but usually assumed it to be teenage rebellion, attitude, & hormones.
But for me, I was fighting each day to convince myself to hold onto life one more day. I was being suffocated & strangled by the torturously cruel thoughts (lies) that haunted & attacked me daily. It was like fighting for my life every day, & that got to be too difficult to even try. Read more about my struggle with depression & my road to hope, here.
You see, the world around me kept moving forward, but I felt like the kink in the wheel that was holding everyone back from being happy.
I felt like “the problem” because I couldn’t “fix myself.”
But no one knew that I was battling for my life every day, because I would smile on the outside & cry when alone in the dark.
It is Okay to Not Be Okay
It’s important to actively seek to love people around us because no one’s life is perfect, & others have lives that are far from perfect—suicidal thoughts, family abuse, etc.
And maybe that’s you. Maybe you’re the one fighting to survive each day.
Darling, you are beautiful & worth it.
And let me tell you something… IT IS OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY.
Don’t pressure yourself to fit the mold if you are struggling with a mental illness like depression, anxiety, etc.
Seek help through counseling & find friends who will love you AS IS & who will just will pray with you, without expecting you to “snap out of it.”
You are worth it.
God knows your struggle & He will NEVER waste your pain. So, give it to Him & ask for His consoling love & hope.
Make an Impact
But if that is not your situation, remember that others DO struggle secretly, even if in a much less severe & debilitating way. Everyone has times where stress overwhelms us or chaos rules the day. And everyone is worth a world of love because God loves them that much, too.
Be kind.
On purpose.
Love intentionally.
It’s a Pretty Big Deal
Pray about it. Pray when faced with an opportunity to love. Smile at others. Be courteous. And take time to show love in the little (or BIG) things.
We are called to walk in love as Christ also has loved us & given Himself for us.
That’s a big deal.
So, if it intimidates you or doesn’t come naturally to you, then pray about it & do it anyway. It will come easier to you the more you put it in practice, until you don’t even have to think about it anymore.
So just start somewhere & love intentionally.
Shine HOPE.
Coming Next Week
Now that I have spent a few weeks talking about the importance of intentionality in our walk with Christ, tune in next week as I introduce our next area of intentionality. 🙂
A Note from Michelle:
If you want to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” & “Hope is Found” pages, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Pearls of Hope Bracelet

Representing & Empowering Women in Thailand, India, & Guatemala!!
This multi-threaded bracelet is accented with freshwater pearls.
Artisan Information:
In remote areas of Thailand, we focus on restoring the strength of women in their country as artists. Your purchase empowers a diverse people, from the Karen Hill tribe, the Thai people, and the Hmong women. In this area, jobs are limited. Many women have to move to the city to find work and have to leave their children. Your purchase will help mothers stay in their hometown and earn an income, allowing them to take care of their children and watch them grow up!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in Thailand!
(*Also pictured: Beloved Necklace (with artisan fingerprint) & Stardust Studs*)
(**Matching Pearls of Hope Necklace, also available.**)
(***The Love Bowl, featured in this post’s featured image, is also available & supports women in India!***)
Shop Here, OR, Email me at, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE, Lovely!!