Pivotal, Life-Changing Moments
Everybody has those moments… You know, the ones that seem to happen unexpectedly, when something about you or your life changes drastically, changing you forever in the process.
They seem to take your life, yell, “Pivot!!” (as only Ross from the show Friends can), & then make it change course from there on out.
I have had maybe ten or so of these life-changing moments that seem like they happened only yesterday because their memories are so vivid.
The First Pivot
So, let’s start with the simplest & earliest one of mine & take a journey through these pivotal moments in my life… a sort of autobiography if you will, except, instead of highlighting my life, we are showing a highlight reel of God’s work in my life.
The first one was the day that I met Jesus.
My Childhood At Church
I was fortunate to grow up in a Christian home. I knew it was important to pray & read my Bible & learn about God. I grew up going to Sunday School before the service & memorizing Bible verses in exchange for pieces of chocolate.
I wasn’t sure what it all meant or the difference between telling stories & which of the stories were actually true retellings in Scripture, because it just seemed like story-time to me at that young age… but something about it just felt right.
The Doubts Came Later…
As a child, I had a pure, simplistic faith in God. I didn’t have doubts to question it, I just accepted it as is, & knew deep-down that something about it just felt true.
Now, as I would grow older, the doubts would arise, seemingly unshakable, causing me to question everything I once believed with ease, unwilling to believe something merely because I was taught to believe it.
But, spoil alert, those doubts that seemed to haunt my every step, unwilling to waver or vanish, were demolished once and for all & my relationship with the grace of Jesus became personal & unshakable… but that’s a Pivot moment for another blog post.
Childlike Faith
As a child, though, my faith was sure. It was pure & trusting. Something in me just connected with it & accepted it without hesitation.
Like a child reaching up & taking the hand of an adult, I trusted that God was real.
I didn’t understand all the ins & outs. I didn’t know much about God. But something in me FELT Him there with me, holding my hand through life… & that was enough for me then.
The Simple, Life-Changing Gospel of God’s Grace
I still remember that day like it was yesterday (except I was much shorter & cuter back then), when I went & asked my parents how I could “ask Jesus into my heart”—the terminology that was used with us as kids.
In essence, all it meant was accepting that God was in charge & I was not… That me choosing to do things my way instead of His was wrong, foolish, & sinful… That I could never bridge the gap between my imperfections & sin to His perfection & grace because I was soiled by sin… But that Jesus came to pay my debt on the cross… That He overcame death & sin by rising from the grave… & that my trust in His salvation for me could cleanse me in the presence of God Almighty.
Accepting the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice on my behalf made me right with God. Not my works, but His.
My Understanding as a Child
And as a little child, around five or six, maybe, that made sense to me.
I knew I had acted selfishly sometimes by wanting toys for myself. I knew I talked back to my parents sometimes. I knew that I had messed up & that I didn’t deserve God.
But I also knew that Jesus had changed that for me… & I wanted to lean into that hope.
The Big Moment… The Pivot
And one night, on the couch in our living room of the house I grew up in… that prayer, led by my Mom, of asking forgiveness for my wrongs & helping me to follow Jesus instead of my way… & to trust Jesus’ gift of grace… is how I became a Christian.
It’s really as simple as that.
It’s not anything we can earn or purchase. It’s literally a free gift to anyone who can accept their need of it. It’s not fancy, specific scripts or recitations.
It’s just a simple, honest prayer, asking for God’s grace to cover your sins & trusting Him over yourself.
God’s Work in Me
No fireworks shot off… there was no fanfare… but it was Pivotal like nothing else.
God’s grace, through Jesus, is not something we have to “clean up for” first. It’s not something we have to prove we deserve. It’s not ever something we have to or can be “good enough” for.
It is simply an invitation to take us as we are, shameful history & all, & to change us from the inside out AS we lean into God for His work in us, AFTER we accept our need for His grace to save us.
His work, not ours.
Anything I do from here on is simply my way of expressing my gratitude & TRUST in the ways of the One Who saved me!
That’s the simplicity of the Gospel.
Forever Changed… In a Moment & Continually
The day that I accepted Jesus as Lord of my life, I was forever changed.
It happens all at once & over time.
I am immediately changed because Jesus’ sacrifice saves me once & for all from the threat of my deserved punishment of eternity in Hell.
And I am changed over time as I learn to bow my human nature to His will. He grows me, He shapes me. He takes the broken parts & makes them beautiful. He takes my temptations & teaches me to lean into Him for strength. He takes my weaknesses & uses them to show Himself capable. He takes my broken heart, mends it, heals it, & He pours His love into the empty crevices of my soul.
The Greatest Adventure Imaginable
He is my everything.
Am I perfect? Heck NO!
But I am now relying on the perfect God in my imperfections.
It’s the grandest adventure I ever imagined.
Learning to Know & Love God More
I once, in my early teen years, through the doubt storm, thought that God was all about rules & dictatorship… But as I grow, I see God as the most patient, loving Father & Friend who walks alongside me, strengthens me, guides me, & grows me into the woman He created me to be.
He heals my heart breaks.
He guides me through the storms of life.
He gives me sure foundation & peace when life flips upside down.
He bolsters me with His strength when mine fails.
He gives me wisdom when I feel lost.
He loves me when I feel unlovable.
He never forsakes me.
He always is quick to forgive me, patient through all of my failures.
He is grace & love & freedom & joy & strength & HOPE.
My Inadequacy Is Eclipsed by His Grace
And all the while, I am reminded how much my actions & inactions prove how much I do not deserve His grace, & yet that is the whole definition of grace, wrapped up in the idea that it is completely undeserved.
I am humbled constantly.
I feel foolish & stupid more often than I would like to admit as I try to live out this life on my own, fail miserably, only to be met with His patient smile, outstretched arms, & His wisdom & strength to get it right the next go around.
Not Perfect, But Trusting in the One Who Is
Christianity doesn’t make me perfect… It makes me redeemed in the sight of the One Who IS perfect.
And so begins my journey of big “Pivot!” type moments.
It all started with a simple trust, a simple faith in the grace of God.
It all started with the simple prayer of a child with childlike faith.
And that is where our journey begins.
Reflection… And an Invitation
Have you taken His outstretched hand yourself or are you holding out?
If Satan has tricked you into a pool of endless doubts & shame & rebellious resistance, but maybe you feel that soft, gentle whisper on your soul to come home, then start by asking God to clear your heart & mind to see Him for Who He really is, & not what the world has painted Him to be.
Ask Him to clear out your doubts & to reveal only the Truth.
Ask Him to guide you home so that your adventure can begin, too.
God is asking you to “Pivot!!” but in a much sweeter way & for a much grander purpose & with much more potential than you could ever imagine.
Will you listen?
I did, & it was the best decision I ever made, that led to the best adventure imaginable… as I live, grow, fail, & see Him along the way, loving me & growing me all along the way.
Coming Next Week
Join me next Monday morning EST for my next big Pivot moment.
God works in our lives in countless little & big moments, but I am especially excited to share the highlight reel of God’s work throughout my life, because every great change has been a result of His guiding me to grow. Grow with me!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Restoring Hope Necklace

This versatile necklace features mother of pearl in hues of black on one side and off-white on the other, hanging from an antiqued brass chain.
Artisan Information:
In Asia, poverty leads many women to be sexually exploited in brothels. These women want to provide for their families but have so few options. But through your purchase, women are being rescued from these brothels & rehabilitated. Holistic care is given to these women, including a shelter, job training, healthcare, counseling, & educational grants for themselves & their children. You can help these women experience restoration for their future!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Asia!
(*Also Pictured: Northern Lights Studs, made in India!)
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!