As Christmas fast approaches, I am reminded of those who are dreading
this time of year… Not because they hate Christmas, but because they hate doing
Christmas without a person whom they have lost or because they have to do
Christmas alone or away from family this year.
The holidays put so much pressure on us to be with family & loved ones… & when that cannot happen for one reason or another, it can be so painful to bear.
God sees you, too. Even in the heartache that seems too thick to swallow, He sees you.
Your Heartache Matters to God
I want to take this week to speak to those of you who are feeling that dense, hard-to-swallow pain this time of year, because I know that your heartache matters to God.
It’s important to point out that God does not expect us to never be sad or hurt. We don’t have to stuff down our pain & pretend it doesn’t exist. God doesn’t shame us in our heartbreak.
If anyone doubts this, they only have to read Ecclesiastes to see despair
spilled over its pages.
Finding Hope in the Darkness
Life can be hard, there is no denying that.
But in finishing up the book of Ecclesiastes, in all of the author’s woes of despair & meaninglessness, he ends the book by prompting us to follow & obey God—the way of life that brings meaning to the hurt.
Life may not always be pretty or comfortable or easy or full of laughter, but we can be guaranteed that God is with us through it all. He is our enough in the midst of the heartache.
Cling. Cry Out. He Is Listening.
Cling to Him. Cry out to Him. Pour out your heart to His listening ears. God can handle your pain.
Ask for Him to be your comfort & strength & hope in the midst of your deep pain.
Because while we are not promised a life of comfort & ease, we are
promised that He is enough to carry us through the fires & storms & aches
of life.
Your source of hope in the midst of the tears will always be Him.
Let Him…
He cares for you. He sees you. He is able. He is enough.
Let Him fill where you feel void & empty.
Let His love be a balm on your weary heart.
Let His strength help you rise above the brambles.
Let His power carry your broken heart.
Let His comfort ease your burdens.
His Words, Not Mine
(Emphasis in the following verses is mine.)
“But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” (Ephesians 2:4-5)
“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4)
“He heals the brokenhearted & binds up their wounds.” (Psalm 147:3)
“He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.” (Psalm 23:2)
“Come to Me, all who labor & are heavy laden, & I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
“God is our refuge & strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy & peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13)
“Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)
“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3)
“Come to me, all who labor & are heavy laden, & I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, & learn from Me, for I am gentle & lowly in heart, & you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, & My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
“I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice & my pleas for mercy. Because He inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call on Him as long as I live.” (Psalm 116:1-2)
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin & death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh & for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” (Romans 8:1-6)
Shine Hope by Leaning into Him
It doesn’t have to look pretty. You don’t have to get yourself together first. Come to Him in the mess. Pour out your sorrows to Him because He cares for you. He is listening & He sees you.
You are not alone, for He is with you always, even to the end of the age.
Come to Jesus & find Life, even in the midst of your great sorrows.
He sees you & He loves you more than words could ever express.
Merry Christmas.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Nairobi Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in Kenya, the Philippines, & Around the World!
Small hammered ovals & ethically sourced bone shapes adorn this golden necklace that shimmers in the light. Crafted in Kenya.
Artisan Information:
In Kenya, where many people struggle with starvation & poverty, the women we partner with are defying the odds! Your purchase empowers these women to earn an income, overcome physical disabilities, & become important parts of their communities!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Kenya!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
It’s so easy To see this world As dark & dreary… A lost & broken world
So much hurt and so much heartache A mere shadow… Of all that was meant to be
But there’s hope In the darkness When we cling To the Light
Walking hand in hand (with Christ) In peace & love Trusting Him as God And us as His beloved
He longs… for our hearts He wants us to know His love He longs to offer us A life that was always meant for us
Not in getting our own way But in yielding to His Not in owning the whole world But enjoying His creation
Because there’s hope In the darkness When we cling To the Light
Hand in hand As we let Him lead us Bowing down our hearts To His great, enduring love
There is freedom in surrender Letting Him wash us clean Restoring in forgiveness To a Hope found just in Him
So, don’t spend your life wasted Pushing back against His love But surrender in safety To His sorrow-quenching love
Because there’s hope In the darkness As we cling To the Light
Hand in hand We love & trust Him Letting Him to be the King Over our created life
So, obey in trust And let Him lead As His love washes Over everything
And the mystery of surrender Is that when we finally yield We find that we find salvation And that then we’re finally free
Because there’s hope In the darkness When we cling To the Light
So, cling to the Light of Christ Surrender it all to His love And find your restoration To peace & hope in Him for all eternity long.
Coming Next Week
I hope you enjoyed this month’s Special Feature post, featured every last Thursday of the month!
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Worthy Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
Beautifully delicate in design, this rose gold plated chain displays a light pink rose quartz stone. Crafted in India.
Artisan Information:
The women we partner with in India do so much more than just create beautiful products. With every purchase, another woman is empowered out of poverty to be self-reliant! Women have the opportunity to earn an income, attend financial management classes, and receive education and healthcare. These women are now able to give their family a promising future because of your purchase!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
We often go through life never questioning what we see & do every day, not even aware that there could be any other way… because it’s simply what we’ve always “known” to be true….
But God tells us NOT to trust what we see, but instead to trust HIM & His Truth (the Bible)—& that’s what my recent pivotal moments series was all about—seeing that God knows more than I do, corresponding with major perspective shifts of trusting His way over my own.
“Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit”
For example, the Bible says, in Matthew 5 “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” NOT “blessed are those who beat up on themselves inwardly, are shy, self-deprecating….” But rather, “Blessed are those who recognize their own depravity, that there is absolutely NOTHING they can do to earn their own redemption, but that Jesus Christ Himself paid their debt FOR them (IN FULL) & now all they have to do is lean into HIM for hope, versus STRAINING & FAKING to try to be good enough on their own, ever failing at those efforts, because Christ already paid IN FULL!”
It seems impossible to feel blessed in recognizing our own depravity & owning up to it… but in it comes so much richness of freedom when we replace our tireless efforts with God’s heroic rescue & love for our souls, giving healing, peace, strength, renewal, a fresh start, & eternal redemption in exchange for us placing our hope in Him.
I’ve Got This!
My whole life, I wanted (& still often want) to feel capable & assured in & of myself. I mean, who doesn’t?
It feels safe & comfortable & “reliable” to feel like our
security, peace, & hope can be produced by us, rather than taking the risk
of relying on others for it.
We always hear slogans centered on the idea that we can make our dream a reality, that it’s up to us…. That we are “good enough”.
But somehow, those ideas, reassuringly soothing as they may sound on the surface, always seem to fall short when brought into reality.
Why? Because we all know, deep down, that we will fail even ourselves.
We know we are NOT enough.
And there is freedom & blessedness in coming to that realization…
when we also realize that God IS enough FOR us.
God As Our Hope
We don’t have to produce our own hope. God is our hope, through Christ.
We have all been let down. We have all experienced the mistakes & failures of others (as well as the let downs of our own failures & mistakes).
A lot of trauma can come from someone else’s “good intentions” when those good intentions went wrong because they were based on human understanding/logic versus yielding in submission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, through prayer.
It’s just life. It’s just us doing the best we know.
But blessedness comes in knowing that God is in control, not us & not anyone else… & even more so in recognizing that we cannot save ourselves, but He can.
Not a Jab at You, But a RELIEF
Submitting to that Truth brings such relief. It takes the pressure off of our own shoulders to always be enough for ourselves & for everyone else (including God), & allows us the breathing space to accept that we were never meant to be enough… that God is already enough FOR US & that’s the very reason that the hope found in Jesus is so liberating!
Keep Reminding Yourself
Take a deep breath, Lovely, & let it out slowly.
Do it again. Take a deep breath… & let it out slowly.
Close your eyes & tell yourself, “I don’t have to be “enough” because God is enough FOR ME. He paid my debt to set me free. He offers HIS comfort, HIS strength, HIS power, HIS wisdom, HIS guidance, HIS HOPE. I don’t have to be enough. He is enough already & always will be.”
Release yourself from the lies we grew up believing & trust God as
your path to hope, through Christ’s sacrifice for you.
Magnify the Magnificent with Your Life
Should we strive to live in a way that magnifies His name & demonstrates His love for this hurting world? Yes.Does it secure our salvation or earn us God’s love? No. We already have that if we have put our trust in Jesus.
So, find blessedness in your depravity today & every day.
You’re Right… I’m Not Enough… But God Is, & That’s Why I Need Him
And when Satan tries to tell you, “Give up! You’re never good enough!
You always fail everybody! You are not enough!”
Well then, sister, you stand up tall, square your shoulders & you remind him & yourself, by saying, “You’re right. I am not enough. I am frail & I mess up often, but you know what… I was never meant to be enough. That is why I need Jesus’ sacrifice, God’s grace, & the help of the Holy Spirit. He is enough FOR ME. So, you’re right, Satan, I am not enough… but that’s okay because Jesus is!”
I heard that scenario on the radio one day as someone retold this realization & turning point in their life from letting Satan beat him up in his failures to claiming Jesus’ victory & it always stuck with me.
“You’re right, Satan. I’m not enough. But Jesus is, & that is the exact reason why I need Him.”
And He is enough for you, too.
Accept Your Depravity… Knowing Your Hope Is in Jesus
So, cling to Him. Accept your depravity. Don’t beat yourself up because you were never meant to be enough.
And, above all, trust in the enoughness of God Almighty, Jesus our Redeemer, & the wisdom, comfort, strength, & guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Learn to rely on yourself less & on Him more & more every day.
Because that, Lovely, is where you find your blessedness.
Shine Hope In Him.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Chelsie Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
This curved bar necklace features gold & rose gold tones. Hanging from a gold colored chain, this piece was named after one of our co-founders because of her golden & modern style, along with her passion for using sustainable business to end poverty.
Artisan Information:
The women we partner with in India do so much more than just create beautiful products. With every purchase, another woman is empowered out of poverty to be self-reliant! Women have the opportunity to earn an income, attend financial management classes, & receive education & healthcare. These women are now able to give their family a promising future because of your purchase!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I
will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world,
A few weeks ago, I talked about the topic “He Can Take Our Nothing & Make It a Masterpiece-His Gifting, Not Mine,” to show, for one, that when we put our faith in Jesus as Lord of our life & Redeemer for our wrongs, God in turn equips us to serve Him by giving us specific spiritual gifts.
Am I an expert on spiritual gifts? Haha, definitely not. Have I learned SOME things? Yes. So, hopefully the “some” I have learned is of help or encouragement to you.
(Again, these won’t apply to you if you have not already accepted to trust Jesus to cover your sins & redeem your life. See my “Hope Is Found” page to learn more.)
What Having a Spiritual Gift Does/Does NOT Mean
I would like to share some about my spiritual gift today, but I think it is important to address a few things with spiritual gifting before I share about my particular gifting:
We do not automatically become “good at” our gifting just because we are given that gifting.
God can still use our gifting, even when we’re “bad at it” just by our being responsive & obedient to His leading.
Having a gift does not guarantee that it will be used in submission to God’s will, versus our own.
We may not even recognize what our spiritual gifting is right away.
With my particular gift especially, it does NOT mean I know everything &/or that I can answer any & everything you ask. If God does not give me insight, I have as much to go on as you do in most cases.
And sometimes, you are too embarrassed to even TALK about your spiritual gift to others because some are so easily misunderstood and/or mocked.
“Mhm, Yeah, Sure”
When people hear about my spiritual gift, for example, people often tend to think one or more of a few different things, or all of them…
“Oh, she thinks she can tell us our future then? *scoff*”
“So, she is comparing herself to the great people in the Bible, like Paul? Who does she think she is? She can’t even come close! How arrogant & self-righteous….”
“*sarcasm* Oh, the wise ol Michelle who is trying to tell me that she is gifted by God to tell me what to do. Aka a real know-it-all.”
I am not saying people will actually SAY those things out loud, of course (although they sometimes do), but before I understood anything about my gifting, I definitely would have discreetly rolled my eyes & probably thought ALL of those things if someone had told me they had the gift I now know I was given.
Out With It, Then!
So, what is my gift then? (If you haven’t already guessed from the title.)
*Deep breath*
Prophecy. Yep, that’s right… prophecy….
Now go ahead & read back that 3-point list & tell me if any of
those thoughts instantly rolled across your mind…. Trust me, they ran across
There may be some of you who are thinking right now, “Well, I WAS getting encouragement from her posts before, but if she is going to claim herself as a “Prophet of God,” well, I’m done reading HER stuff! Good-BYE!!”
I get it. Trust me, I SOOO get it. I am quick to do the very same thing. How hypocritcal, I know. Because some people, if they DO actually have that gifting can easily place THEMSELVES on the pedestal, instead of using their gifting to point back to GOD ON HIS THRONE.
“I Didn’t Realize Michelle Was So Full of Herself…” But WAIT!
It sounds like I am making a pretty, shiny badge for myself, pinning it on my shirt, placing a tiara on the top of my head, & yelling, “Hey everyone! Listen to me! Don’t you know I’m a PROPHET of GOD!?”
But, I am not doing that. Instead, it is more like an under my breath, head tilted away slightly to muffle my voice, with a very tiny whisper, “yeah, so I kind of have the gift of prophesy. Please don’t think I’m crazy & please still be my friend.”
I accepted trust in Jesus at a very young age (5 years old) & was then given my gifting, so this has almost been a lifelong gifting in my life, but since people tend to roll their eyes at it & act like the gift of prophecy is a thing of the past,I was completely unaware most of my life that this was even a possible gift, let alone MY personal gift.
I didn’t even get a notion of the idea until around 2007, when I was about 24 years old! 19 years of wondering why I felt so different from everyone else around me & thinking it was something to hide & be embarrassed about… & a thing that made people frustrated with me, even as a child.
Getting Clarity
But, it’s not like what people think, for the most part.
I cannot predict the future on a whim & I am not as faithful & wise as Paul& so many others that have come before me & I will probably never even come close (although their gifting was from God, too, like all of ours, so technically that’s really up to God & not me, so saying I will never meet that level of “success?” is actually a hit at God & not me, but anyway….)
So, what does it mean to have the gift of Prophesy then?
Basically, “speaking forth truth.” Or, as the web dictionary put it, “a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.”
Again, I just want to reiterate that I MAKE MISTAKES & I am NOT infallible. If God does not reveal insight then my guess is as good as yours, unless I have been through it or had personal experience or whatnot, but otherwise, I am not all-knowing nor will EVER claim to be so.
Why Then, the Shame?
So, why does it make me feel so ashamed to claim this GOD-GIVEN gift of Prophesy?
I did not choose it. I did not EARN it. I am no more faithful than anyone else.
So, why ME?
And if I did not choose it or earn it or gain it for being more faithful than others… If it is therefore REALLY, SIMPLY a GIFT from GOD… then why am I so ashamed to speak of it?
Maybe partly because of how easily using my gift can rub people the wrong way when I just want to be liked AND use my gift.
And maybe also because people just don’t believe it’s a real gift in modern times or they misunderstand me. I have been told that claiming that gift sounds conceited or “full of myself.” I don’t always have time to or know how to help people understand before they have written me off as blasphemous or crazy or arrogant or deluded or all of the above.
God-Given, Even When…
The post I mentioned at the beginning of today’s post was written to show just how miserably UNDESERVING I am… How, even at my worst, God still works through the gifting HE gave me.
You see, I have the gifting, even when I…
… Choose to keep silent
… Get proud of it
… Feel ashamed of it
… Fail God miserably
… Am unfaithful to God
… Use it to be snooty or sinful (See examples of lesser known prophets who used their gifting for financial gain & for personal glory, versus giving GOD the credit & glory.)
The gift is just… there… a part of me.
Does He multiply our efforts when we seek to be obedient & to submit to His leading in using our gifting to honor Him & bring Him glory? Most definitely.
Does He use that gifting in us DESPITE us? Most definitely.
A Heavy Burden to Bear, But Also A Magnificent Gift
And although I feel blessed to have insight on how to grow closer to God in submitting more of my trust to Him, my gifting is sometimes a VERY heavy burden to bear.
In fact, I used to pray to have it taken away because I much prefer to have everyone like me than for them to think me as a pretentious know-it-all who stirs conviction for change in their hearts when I speak. (*And I don’t always enjoy the constant convictions, either. Blissful ignorance, anyone?)
People like comfortable. I like comfortable.
The gift of prophesy is the OPPOSITE of comfortable… in fact, at its core the gift of prophesy is about stirring up DISCOMFORT in staying where we’re at spiritually in hopes of continuing to grow more in likeness to Christ & submission to the will of God & in following the leading/wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
That, my friend, is not usually comfortable.
No Blissful Ignorance for Me
Imagine seeing conviction in almost EVERYTHING your whole life.
When someone talks to you about something & you automatically see the will of God spill over your mind involuntarily, showing you the truth behind the words & sometimes you just want to say, “No. Nope. I’m not listening, gifting, I’m not listening to you! I want them to like me!”
My gifting prompted much of my desire for rebellion growing up & at the same time, kept me from indulging in it most always, leaving me wishing I could just be a “normal teenager & not feel so torn up all the time about every little decision & the intent behind it.”
A Boy-Crazy Daydreamer… But, NOPE
For example, in high school I wanted to date whoever, for as long as I want & just soak up all the attention & relish in affection of boyfriends & the status of being someone’s “girlfriend”, rather than being a short 1-2 weeks in before the prophecy gift insight starts flooding over every bit of enjoyment I was getting from the relationship, allowing me to enjoy nothing, with, “You know you’re using him. You are enjoying the attention & you are in this not for the two of you but because you want to be loved. You are using him to feel valued. You need to be honest with yourself & with him. You need to learn to draw your value from your Creator, not this boy. You need to care more about him as a person than what you can get out from him. He matters to God. Don’t take this lightly. He is not an object to take advantage of just so you feel better about yourself.”
Uggghhh, NOT what a teenage daydreamer/boy crazy girl wants to hear!
Don’t get me wrong, it kept me out of a lot of regrets & hurts, but back then, I just wanted to enjoy what seemed so easy for everyone else to enjoy.
It Definitely Doesn’t Win Me Any Popularity Contests
Having my gift means I can’t live in blissful ignorance. I can’t just be comfortable. At times, I see what needs to change in everything all the time & it can be overwhelmingly tough to swallow sometimes, especially when I was just a child figuring out life. (But difficult does not mean it was bad or unappreciated because it definitely kept me from many regrets.)
People who know me either lean into it & hope to clear out the junk to grow closer to God or they tend to want to plug their ears & ask me to please stop talking.
And it hurts. I can’t deny that it hurts sometimes. Because I want to be liked & accepted by everyone & my gifting is not always received with open arms.
Sometimes I get verbally smacked in the face, even when I speak with gentleness & care for them, intending ONLY to help them see what is clogging their loving relationship to Christ… what is chaining them back from feeling free & loved in Him.
It rubs people the wrong way when you can (even gently) see through
their excuses & past their blinders to what God wants them to see.
And I get it. I GET IT. I am the SAME way.
I Am Not Immune to the Allure of Excuses or the Temptation of Legalism (Buying God’s Affections with My Works)
Sometimes I just want to be blissfully ignorant & do whatever I
want without thinking through every reason why it means I am being rebellious
to God or how I am making excuses.
Having my gift doesn’t mean I am automatically faithful to listen to my own God-given insight.
I have to wrestle with the insight a lot & it sometimes takes me years of wrestling with it until I finally submit & reap the rewards of what God only meant for my good all along, but I was too stubborn to notice or care.
I used to really struggle with legalism because I thought my insight & burden meant I had to maintain perfection or that I was better than other Christians, thus “earning” my gift.
It doesn’t.
I am learning balance.
A Process of Growth, Led by God, If I Am Willing to Listen
But it’s a process. All of it is a process of learning… A process of letting the convictions come & leaning into God, versus plugging my ears & pulling away, & instead, saying, “Oh, God, I am not good at that one either! Please help me grow in that area in your timing & show me where I can reasonably start working on it soon. You are the author of my growth, so please help me trust You in the process versus putting all the burden on myself.”
He Wants to Help Us-For Real
Because really, the convictions are His way of saying, “Hey, you’re hurting because you’re clinging to something that can’t help you, expecting it to help you. Let go & let me help you for real.”
The convictions from God are meant for our GOOD, even though they can be SO uncomfortable to recognize & face.
My gift was given to me & others because people NEED to know what a relationship with Him is MEANT to be like. Where you feel safe & comforted & free & healed & loved so purely & so deeply & so undeservedly.
My gifting is meant to help people see what is coming between them & that sort of relationship with God… To help guide them to let go of what can’t help them for Who CAN help them. My gifting is meant to bring people to HIM as the true source of LIFE & LOVE & HOPE & GRACE.
Again… His Gifting, Not Mine
I don’t want to be silent about my gifting anymore. I don’t want to be ashamed of how God made me. Because He made me this way for a purpose… to help cut through the lies we so easily tell ourselves & to point people back to HIM.
God gave it to me. Not because I am better or more faithful than others (far from it), but because He CHOSE to be working through my life in that way to reach others with HOPE… TRUE, lasting HOPE in Him.
Please, Never… For His Glory, Not Mine
I never want to be one that gives the impression of, “Hear Me, Hear Me,
all you puny peoples of the earth. I am a PROPHET & I deserve to be
listened to & respected & heeded in all advice or insight I give you!”
If God chooses to give me insight into something, I will do my best to honor Him with that insight in prayers that His wisdom sent to my heart/brain & printed on these pages can bring others closer to HIM, not me.
I will fail you. I will. I am human.
But God does not fail. EVER.
Lean into Potential Growth by Praying to Accept it, Versus Shoving It Away
If something I write offends you, please don’t get mad at me or write me off (I still want to be friends). And don’t for a second think I am judging you. (Just because I get the insight doesn’t mean I always am quick to obey its truth.) But PRAY & ask God how He can shape you in that area to honor Him & to know & love Him more through the journey, holding nothing back from Him, even if the realization hurts a little at first… the growth in Him is totally worth it, trust me.
We’re in this journey together, as fellow gift-bearers. I benefit from you honoring God with your gifting, & hopefully you will benefit from what God uses my gifting for in your life.
By Him. Through Him. FOR Him.
To point others back TO Him.
He Is What We ALL Need
He is what you need. He is what we ALL need. So, seek Him with all of your heart, mind, soul, & strength. He is worth it every time.
Shine Hope, Lovely, & start by praying over what your gift is & how He wants you to use it for His honor & glory, to draw others to the HOPE found only in Him. And if you don’t know His hope personally, ask Him for that first, above anything else. It will change your life forever. It will GIVE you life.
Shine HOPE.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Wisdom Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
Intricately handcrafted petals carved from ethically collected bone set in golden frames.
Artisan Information:
In India, poverty is rampant & fair working conditions are hard to find. But with every purchase, women are receiving an income, access to healthcare, adult literacy programs, & self-help groups! Not only does this change their lives, but they are also pouring back into their communities & helping others! You have the opportunity to empower thousands of women in India!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Okay, so this isn’t normally how I run my blog, but I feel like it needs to be said now, today.
Today, we deviate from the pivots (those will probably resume next week).
Today, we let God take over for a message that I need reminding of every single day (added during editing… you’ll see why that’s important later).
God’s plans aren’t our plans.
Just Everyday Life
When the Bible says repeatedly, “And the people did what was right in their own eyes,” we often & easily think of it as revelry & outright sin.
But hold up, when you actually look up those references, where that phrase is written (go ahead & do a search online), sometimes it literally means just that, “the people did what was right in their own eyes,” when referring to just everyday life… No outright sin involved.
Even Well-Intentioned Christians… Like Me
So, do we do that, too? Do we live according to “what seems right in our own eyes”?
I would say a GIANT “yes” to that question.
EVEN, (now hear me on this), EVEN well-intentioned CHRISTIANS.
Even… ME (yes, I admit it).
Now, before you go thinking, “now wait just a cotton picking minute!” (where did that phrase even come from? haha)… but before you write me off, stick with me a minute & you’ll see what I mean.
But Wait! I Think I Know This One!
We, as humans, tend to take what we know & run with it, substituting a relationship with God, through the Holy Spirit, with our OWN knowledge of Scripture.
Now, don’t get me wrong, we need to study up on the Word of God, aka the BIBLE, because it is God’s Word to us. It is how He shows us who He is… His character, His will, His love, His GRACE.
BUT, we cannot study up & neglect a daily relationship with God, through prayer. Mostly because we will NEVER know it all. We are NOT God.
Satan Tries to Trick by Twisting Truth
Do you remember when, in Matthew 4 (I had to look up the reference) Satan tried to use Scripture to tempt Jesus, but because Jesus was God & also had a relationship with God the Father, He knew better & saw right through Satan’s manipulation & distortion of Truth?
Would you recognize it as a trick as easily as Jesus did?
We often think we do/will.
That Pesky Little “Lean Not on Your Own Understanding”
We tend to learn a whole lot & then proceed to lean on our OWN understanding (the exact OPPOSITE of what God tells us to do, in Proverbs 3 (again, Google is my friend).
Or, we tend to think KNOWING the Scripture (Bible) is the SAME as knowing how God wants to APPLY it at any given moment.
ESPECIALLY if one specific way worked for someone else, in accordance with God’s will… like, “oh okay, well we have THAT one figured out. No need to ask for God’s guidance & will for this situation because we already know!”
Some Things Are Solid
Now, yes, if it is “thou shalt not murder” (Exodus 20:13) or some other direct command, we don’t have to question God’s Word… but if it’s in applying a passage to our lives, God is a living, breathing God who is infinitely creative… In other words, it might be best to always be leaning into Him for His direction with HIS Word.
Abide in HIM
The vine & branches parable in the Bible (John 15) has been taking on fresh meaning to me lately as I realize just how EASY it is to rely on “doing what seems right in my own eyes.”
Unless we are ABIDING in Christ (there are about 30 references to that, in the Bible, according to my search), we are attempting to be a branch that is disconnected from the Vine (God), who just happens to be a branch that knows a whole lot ABOUT the Vine.
Fighting Back from What Seems Natural for the MORE That God Offers
I get it, we will never get it right 100% of the time, because acting based on what we think we see right in front of us seems SO EASY & SO NATURAL.
But God didn’t send us His Word so that we could read it & then go rogue.
God wants a relationship.
He wants to interact, guide, comfort, teach, grow, heal, & love us through this life.
He wants to do the heavy lifting while we dedicate our entire being to trusting our entire being to Him, His lead, His will, & His Vine-ness.
I Think I’m Okay, Though…
So, if you’re sitting there thinking, “I try very hard to please God & do good for Him, so I don’t think this message applies to me…” STOP.
Ask God to reveal to you the areas where you ARE clinging to control (or “what seems right in your own eyes”), where you are relying on your “wisdom” instead of His… your perspective, instead of His… your way, instead of HIS.
Because I guarantee you this, there is AT LEAST one part where you have been fooled into thinking, “because I know this much, I am capable of doing this one on my own.”
Don’t let Satan keep you on the hamster wheel of false belief… false trust.
Run into Jesus’ welcoming, loving, COMPLETELY capable arms.
And STRIVE to live according to what IS right, in HIS eyes, through letting HIM take the lead of your life… through growing your relationship with Him, versus merely growing your knowledge base.
God Had Other Plans… & I Had No Idea
Today, this wasn’t my planned topic. I already wrote today’s blog (about “doing everything as if unto the Lord”), but I guess that topic will have to wait for next week.
At the beginning of this post, I said, “Okay, so this isn’t normally how I run my blog, but I feel like it needs to be said now, today.”
Honesty moment? I didn’t even know what “needed to be said” until the words fell out on the screen as I typed.
Scrap It & Walk Blind?
I felt a nudge, a wall, a hesitancy to continue my path, so I stopped & asked God why, so to speak.
And all I felt was that I should scrap that whole direction for today… all of the work I had already done… & just let Him talk. So, I erased my post & just starting typing what popped in my head, not knowing where it was headed.
Sometimes you have to let God interrupt your “regularly scheduled program” to let Him do what He wants instead.
In fact, every day of life should be about us stepping aside to let Him work His will through us… & we won’t know how to recognize the difference unless we stop to ask Him.
So ask Him.
Ask Him HOW
And if you have ZERO clue how to have that relationship with Him that I mentioned, start there. Ask Him to show you how to do it.
He is capable.
No one… I repeat… NO ONE is perfect at this… but “God gives grace to the humble” (written MANY times in the Bible!) & He “is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3).
So, ask Him.
Doing Pretty Good? Ask Him Anyway.
And if you think your relationship with Him is already pretty good… remember that EVERYONE is imperfect… EVERYONE has space to grow… EVERYONE relies on themselves at least sometimes.
So, ask Him.
Shine Hope by growing a living relationship with a living God & letting Him be the boss, always.
Coming Next Week
This week, on Thursday, is our monthly Special Feature Post, so stay tuned!
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement,
& to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that
helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Iris Earrings
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in Peru, India, & Around the World!
Iridescent pink crystal beads sway on these golden teardrop hoops.
Artisan Information:
In Peru, rural citizens have been affected by extreme poverty & guerrilla warfare. Women are affected the worst as their husbands generally leave them in search of work. Many are unable to get the basic needs of food, shelter, & clothing. But with every purchase of this product, women are finding hope & an income by hand making this beautiful product. Because of you, these family businesses are now empowering the next generation!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Peru!
(*Also Pictured: Worthy Necklace from India!*)
Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I
will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world,
I am about to share with you a story that I don’t often tell.
There is a danger in talking about the power of Satan, because it can scare people into believing he must be feared.
While it’s true that Satan is far more powerful than we are & has much more influence in this world than we like to give him credit for, he is not the Ultimate, All-Powerful, Sovereign, Supreme Ruler God.
Satan is limited.
And so are we.
But GOD is NOT.
The Happy Ending
I started this post with the spoiler alert ending to this story—“With a single thought, God made everything still,” as a reminder that no matter what you are about to read, God is SUPREME & if He says “Stop”, nothing (absolutely NOTHING) can overcome His will & power.
he Wasn’t Happy
Last week’s blog post, “Pivot, Pivot! #4-The Great Purge-Learning to Trust God in the Hurts,” set the stage for this week, where I shared my story about purging the thoughts & physical items that I clung to instead of God, blocking me from going “all in” with my trust in God over myself.
You can imagine that for one who wants to pick us off, manipulate us, throw accusations at us, & keep us as far away from God & truth & hope as possible, Satan was anything but pleased to see me make that sort of life statement of going “all in” for God.
Search Me, O God
I remember that during the event where I literally burned my CD
collection which I had been clinging to white-knuckled instead of trusting God,
I had written only a single phrase/verse in my journal during that time.
I was following along through the worksheet I mentioned last week, but as for my personal journal, only Psalm 139:23-24 made it onto the blank pages:
“Search me, O God, &know my heart: test me, & know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, & lead me in the way everlasting.”
Weeding Out the Obstacles
You see, my heart cry was to no longer rely on myself &/or external things, but to give up my life to trust in the God eternal, the Redeemer of my life, Love everlasting.
The above two verses summed up how my heart was yearning. I wanted to weed out anything that was holding me back from total trust.
Wait…! What Was That…?
As a quick backstory, I had a history of paranoia.
I had chronic nightmares, was afraid of the dark as an adult, & was even afraid to pray out loud in case Satan could know my plans & then ruin them.
In other words, I was putting Satan higher than God in that I feared him more than I trusted God.
It was another roadblock I didn’t even know could change.
Trust God First
God knew that needed to learn to trust God more than I feared Satan. He knew He needed to squash Satan’s power of fear that he was holding over me, so that I could see God as the One True God.
But I didn’t know that was coming.
I wrote that verse in my journal & my eyes burned with tears of longing to give God my everything, no longer tossed to & fro by the troubles & lures of the world, but anchored in a sure foundation of hope.
Know That God Has the Final Word–Not Satan
And when I fell asleep that night, the scariest thing in
the world happened to me.
And I am grateful for every second of it, because, “With a single thought, God made everything still.”
The point of sharing this upcoming story is to reveal to you that no matter how much more powerful Satan is than us, GOD IS INFINITELY MORE POWERFUL.
And before I began writing about this topic, I prayed how to share this story with you, not wanting to perpetuate that fear that once controlled me… & God whispered over my heart, “If you don’t want to scare them into submission to the Liar, start with the ending. Show the hope first.”
“With a single thought, God made everything still.”
The Fear Before the Victory
I was sleeping soundly, as far as I can remember, when I awoke with a start, to the darkness of night enveloping my room.
I tried to roll over, but all limbs seemed pinned in place.
That’s when I saw a hovering cloud of darkness by the side of my bed.
And I heard a voice in my head. A voice that was not my own.
“You think you can get away? Hahaha. I am in control now!”
Can’t Run Away, But God’s Got Me Still
I thought I must be imagining it, so I tried to turn away, to crawl
under my covers… or bolt for the door, but again, my limbs were glued in place.
The cackle continued… Mocking, harsh, cruel.
I tried to scream, but I had lost my voice. Not a single noise could be forced out. Fear escalated.
“I am in control now… I told you that already… Where is your God? He’s not here to save you. I have control over you & He can’t stop it. Where is He? Hahaha.”
Crying, Afraid… But Then, Mom
I was crying now, terrified out of my mind. I urged my body to break the hold with every ounce of will until one arm broke free & I just slammed it into the wall over & over again, my voice still missing.
“No one can help you. Not even God is coming. Can you hear Him? No. Can you see Him? No. That’s because He was never even here. He doesn’t actually care about you & I am in control now! Hahahaha.”
My Mom eventually came rushing in as I cried & panicked.
I found my voice & began to unintelligibly tell her everything all
at once, panic consuming me.
Stop Giving Satan the Power
My Mom wisely told me to stop giving Satan the power, that God was bigger & I needed to remind him & myself of that!
She was on the edge of my bed & I think she prayed with me.
As I looked up at her, terror-stricken, I saw as if she had the face of a demon, glaringly mocking me with a sneer.
I screeched & couldn’t get myself to look her in the face anymore.
Mind Games of Terror
My cat came out from under the bed to find out what was going on &
when he jumped on my bed, I snatched him up & clung to him.
The mocking laughter continued, an audible voice speaking directly into my head, as the dark cloud remained.
As I hugged my cat, crying loudly, I pinched my eyes closed & a vision of terror flashed in my mind, of my cat lunging at my throat with fangs bared.
I dropped my cat & cried louder, scared to look at anyone or anything, afraid it would be warped & twisted into something even more terrifying.
I felt like the demon was winning & I had no hope. I had prayed & begged & yet God hadn’t shown up & hadn’t yelled to silence the voice.
Read About God’s Power… Remind Your Heart Who Is Really in Control!
I was alone & starting to believe the voice I heard.
My Mom turned on the lights to my room, turned my stereo to Worship music & got my Bible.
Her idea was to go through the concordance in the back of the Bible, look up the word “power” & read EVERY verse listed to remind myself that GOD is in control, not this demon.
The voice kept jeering, “He can’t help you anymore. I have control over
you now. You’re mine!!”
I picked up my Bible, willing to try anything to make the voice stop,
& started at the first verse listed, making my way through each verse where
it mentions the power of God.
I Thought It Was Over
The voice faded & the fear subsided.
My Mom eventually prayed with me once more, told me to keep reading, & left to return to bed.
My eyelids grew heavy & with the voice gone, I decided to brave turning off the music, turning off the light, & going back to sleep.
But as soon as I got back in bed, the voice returned… “You thought you could get rid of me that easily?! Hahahaha. I’m still here & there’s nothing you can do to get rid of me because God’s not coming to help you.”
I Must Trust in God’s Power More Than My Fear
I sprinted for the light, turned on the music to drown out the voice,
& grabbed my Bible to pick up where I left off.
I felt God nudging my heart, “Lean into me. Learn about my power. Don’t trust the voice. Just keep reading & trust my power instead. I am with you. Keep reading to the last word.”
I still felt the evil near me, but I kept reading, keeping my eyes glued to learning more about God’s power, not wanting to be crushed by my fear.
And as I finished the last word of the last verse, it happened.
With A Single Thought…
With a single thought, God made everything still.
It was mind-blowing how very suddenly the darkness vanished; the voice was erased, & the fear just evaporated all in the single instant that I finished reading.
God showed in a profoundly surprising way, that no matter how present Satan makes himself or how much he mocks or jeers or accuses… No matter how much power he may display over us… God has the final word.
A Single Thought of God’s Is Greater Than Satan’s Worst
God didn’t have to make a grand appearance to show His power.
God didn’t have to boom his voice over the demon’s to show His power.
God didn’t have to do anything “MORE THAN” the demon to prove Himself.
He proved Himself with a single thought. A THOUGHT of God’s was more powerful than the loudest, strongest action the demon could pull off.
No Matter How Big Your Fear Is… God Is Bigger
I share this story with you, not to scare you into sleeping with the light on, but to demonstrate to you that NO MATTER HOW BIG YOUR FEAR IS… GOD IS BIGGER!
Just a single THOUGHT is bigger than the worst that Satan can do.
Does God let Satan bellow & threaten & cause harm? Yes. But all in a display to show us that if we trust in God Himself instead, Satan, with all his given power, is POWERLESS.
A New Day of Trusting God Above My Fears… Even in Sleep
After that day, nightmares changed for me. They, for the most part, vanished completely from my nights.
But when they did show up, they were different.
The monster or the killer or whoever would come at me… I would be screaming & running in fear… Only to have a realization that, no, I’m not doing this anymore… PIVOTING to face the threat, & yelling, “In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, LEAVE. ME. ALONE!”
And the monster would vanish & the dream would transform where any
fragment of danger or fear would just vanish & laughter would replace it.
If We Let Him… If We Learn to Trust Him First
God has power over even our dreams, if we let Him.
God has power over the darkness, if we let Him.
God has POWER over our fear, IF WE LET HIM.
So, let Him.
Trust HIM.
He is God-Almighty, Creator of the Heavens & the Earth, Ruler of all, King of kings, Lord of lords, Beginning & the End, Infinite, Redeemer, He is Love. He is POWER.
Trust Him.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement,
& to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that
helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Iris Earrings
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in Peru, India, & Around the World!
Iridescent pink crystal beads sway on these golden teardrop hoops.
Artisan Information:
In Peru, rural citizens have been affected by extreme poverty & guerrilla warfare. Women are affected the worst as their husbands generally leave them in search of work. Many are unable to get the basic needs of food, shelter, & clothing. But with every purchase of this product, women are finding hope & an income by hand making this beautiful product. Because of you, these family businesses are now empowering the next generation!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Peru!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
So, if you follow me on Social Media, you will know that blogging & I have a love/hate relationship.
I love the results of growth, encouraging others toward hope, & giving God the glory.
I also love getting to share my heart & talk about what I am passionate about in hopes that it sparks hope, encouragement, & inspiration in the hearts of my readers.
BUT, the logistics of editing is… well… not my best friend. I tend to drag my feet for hours after I write out my post, not wanting to do the tedious part of actually making it look good & ready to post.
My Growth = Your Reward
So, I thought I would share some tips that I have learned along the way, in hopes that it will be a source of information, encouragement, & inspiration for you.
Even if you don’t plan to blog, some of the lessons I have learned can be applied to other areas of life, so don’t run away quite yet!
Let’s get the party started!
Tip 1: Pray through the Details
Just as in life, when blogging, it’s important to pray through the
Yes, it’s easy to say, ‘I will just pray in general over the blog (or life) in hopes that it turns out okay’… but it’s important to pray specifics.
“Lord, help my blog (life) to glorify you today. Help give me the words You want me to say so that it points people back to You, not me.”
“Lord, help give me the topic you want me to share or talk about… help me to feel peace when editing & please help clear my mind so I can do this post justice with the edits… help me to be gracious with myself over my mistakes… help me to be encouraging to others as I write today….”
Be specific! God is listening & waiting to offer help throughout your day & life. It is crazy how many VERBS in the Bible are proceeded by “God…”
We give ourselves & others so much credit (& pressure!) because the physical actions & audible words are what we see & hear… but God is the One doing the hard lifting!
A blog post I shared a couple months ago talks about this–“Unless the Lord Builds It, I Labor in Vain”. (Check it out, here!) It’s based on the short 5-verse chapter of Psalm 127, talking about God’s role in our efforts. Remember that perspective when you start to look outward or inward for your source! Look up & pray!
Tip 2: Keep It Simple
(*Extra Tip: You can pray & ask God to help you find more ways that you are overcomplicating if you find something becoming a strain! He can give you wisdom on ways to simplify that I haven’t even discovered yet!)
A. Need a selfie for a teaser post for your upcoming LIVE video, but you struggle to have your life together early enough to be dressed & ready to go in time to post it? (This might be a personal example, haha.) Then use a selfie you took earlier in the week & then just recreate that look when it’s time to film later on! Bam! Easy button pushed!
B. Struggle finding the right lighting for photos or videos? Order a clip-on Selfie Light that clips onto your cell phone. Bam! Instant good lighting, no matter the weather or lightbulb outage situation! (Who else puts off changing light bulbs until several are out to save time? I might do this… Haha.)
C. Struggle making graphics? Download Canva or similar FREE programs & use presets… then, just modify! Choose a couple fonts & a few colors that complement each other well & just switch them around & add a new photo for a fresh look each time. Easy peasy!
Tip 3: Brand Yourself
Back when I first started learning how to set up a website, I did a whole post on the importance & benefit of branding yourself, (even if you don’t own a business or blog!). (If you want to go more in-depth into branding, check that post out, here.)
To cut it short for this post, since I went in depth on the post mentioned above, branding oneself is not just for social media influencers & entrepreneurs. Absolutely EVERYONE can benefit from it!
How? Because the foundation of branding yourself is knowing what you stand for & presenting it in a way that others can relate to & understand you.
Who doesn’t want that?
Choosing colors & fonts that represent your personality well… Choosing how you want to be presented to others & learning how to communicate that is valuable!
Tip 4: Be Consistent
People want to know they can count on you!
This doesn’t mean you can’t allow yourself a sick day, mistake, or a chance to back off when life throws you a curveball—I didn’t do any LIVE videos when I went back to Virginia to visit family, although I did maintain my blog deadlines that I set for myself.
It’s okay to take breaks & to ask for graciousness to be extended
to you, but consistency in most of life is key.
If you can’t follow through on a commitment, give people a head’s up as soon as possible.
Some people may ignore you (even unintentionally) at first, but if you present yourself as a consistent presence, it starts to get noticed more frequently & is taken more seriously. Give yourself grace. Give yourself time. Just keep showing up! You never know who is listening & benefiting from your efforts, even when they keep quiet about it.
Positive feedback & accolades feel great, but shouldn’t be depended on to keep going. Pray for perspective & the will to keep pushing forward to do what God has called you to, even when compliments are nonexistent.
Even if you don’t see results, God has a plan.
Tip 5: Be Kind to Others… & Yourself
It’s easy to be passionate, but don’t let your passion keep you from compassion.
When sharing your story, keep in mind that unless God Himself spoke it, it is your perspective. God sees the whole picture; we just see what we have personally learned or experienced.
Also, we have all had personal experiences that are quite different from others around us, so realize that others are looking at your story through the lens of their past.
Learn to be gracious in your own mistakes & the mistakes of others. No one is perfect & we’re not meant to be… & that’s okay!
Learn to lean into God through your weaknesses, instead of beating yourself up. Ask Him to strengthen you in those areas & to help bring growth.
And when we’re tempted to share the weaknesses or mistakes of others, give grace & stop & pray. Ask God to help you have a right perspective & to be gracious, even if we don’t feel like it. We can’t unsay something hurtful, & the ripple effect will most likely spread beyond our ability to repair. So always pray & ask God for help you through times of difficulty with others!
Tip 6: Be Authentic. Be YOU.
Aside from reminding you to pray that 1-God gets the glory & 2-that He guide you along the process… this is my #1 tip!
It’s easy to push the narrative you think people will want to hear from
you or to post or share stuff you think people will like, but don’t lose
yourself along the way.
God made you specifically you for a reason-silly quirks & all. Don’t try to be someone else FOR someone else.
Ask God to show you who He created you to be & ask His help to stay true to His design & plan for your life. His opinion is the one that matters most, because He knows where you were meant to fit & who you were meant to influence.
In trying to reach everyone, we lose most everyone because no one is quite sure who we actually are & we don’t seem to know either. This goes back to branding yourself & knowing who YOU is.
So, don’t worry about trying to impress people. Just share your story
& ask God to help give you the words & ask Him to help you give Him the
glory—That’s what truly counts!
The Quick Recap
I hope that even if you don’t blog, or if you are considering blogging, these tips are a big help to you! We all have a learning curve when trying something new, so it’s always great when we can pick up tips that we don’t have to struggle through learning ourselves, am I right?
As a recap: Pray through the details, Keep it simple, Brand yourself, Be consistent, Be kind to others & yourself, & Be authentic, be YOU!
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week lovely, & always aim to shine HOPE, through leaning into God for wisdom, courage, peace, perspective, & strength! He’s got you!
Coming Next
I hope you enjoyed this month’s Special Feature post, shared every last Thursday of the month!
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more regularly scheduled encouragement, & to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Grace Earrings
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in the Philippines & Around the World!
These earrings feature gold plated metal around local capiz shell.
Artisan Information:
In the Philippines, finding employment as a woman in poverty can be extremely difficult. Poor working conditions, lack of job security,& unfair pay are often the realities. Through your purchases, these women are receiving an income, health care, & social development programs! This allows these women to realize their potential and pursue their dreams in a safe environment. You have the opportunity to change lives!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in the Philippines!
Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I
will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world,
These last couple weeks, I have begun taking you on a journey of major “Pivot” moments in my life.
In these moments of life change, God has shown Himself true & reliable & capable. He has been the love & grace & patience & power that has gotten me through & He is patiently guiding me to be the woman He made me to be.
Doubts to Darkness
This week, we are following through with the results of last week’s Pivot moment & the answers that finally squashed all of the doubts rattling my heart.
((To catch up from last week & read the story of my seemingly endless doubts, check out that post, here.))
So, after a year or two of doubting everything I once believed in about the simplicity of grace… depression hit me hard.
We’re about to dive headfirst into my darkest days, so hold on!
Shutting God Out & Choosing Me
You see, I had just spent about two years slowly training myself to shut out God’s voice of wisdom & warning from guiding me. I wanted to do it my way.
And now, I was in a raging, stormy sea without a life preserver, just struggling
to survive on my own.
Depression became two long years of pain like I had never known before.
How It Began
I was a freshman, & then sophomore, in high school at this point, & my life was a mess of uncertainty & shame & fear & anger & hatred & loneliness & everything bad.
The cynical voice in my head had turned menacing & hurtful… telling me LIES that I believed, “Nobody likes you, you know. You’re not good enough for anybody. You’re an idiot. You’re fat & ugly. No one wants you. Their lives are harder because you’re alive. You complicate everything. Their lives are more peaceful & happier when you’re not here. Why are you here? No one wants you. You’re annoying. You’re too loud. You talk too much. Look at the mistakes you’ve made… you can’t undo them. You are a broken person who can’t be put together again. It would be better if you didn’t exist. You just make life harder for everyone. You would be doing everyone a service to not be here anymore. You can’t ever get anything right. Your family doesn’t want you. Your friends think you’re a joke. God doesn’t care about you either, if He even exists. You’re all alone. Why are you still here?”
Those lies were my every moment. I couldn’t shut them up or drown them out.
Trying to “Fake It Til I Make It”
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shut off those voices in my head telling me life would be better without me in it.
I got so tired of asking for advice from others… because it never helped.
I started plastering on a smile that never quite reached my eyes & pretending that I was fine & I could handle it.
But I couldn’t.
Fading Away in the Silence
I was chipping away… My resolve weakening every time I cried.
I would be sitting in class, listening to that endless reel of hateful dialogue in my head & my eyes would burn with hidden tears.
I would write my hurt & fears in journals, needing to tell SOMEONE, only to end up sobbing at the fact that that “someone” was paper because I didn’t feel like I had anyone who understood the hell inside my head.
Sometimes I thought about suicide.
No One Understood, Not Even Me
I would try to tell someone, only to be mocked or teased or brushed off.
I would plaster a smile on my face that never quite reached my eyes.
I felt numb & hated & unloved. I felt angry & hurt & alone. I felt LOST in my sea of doubts, unable to find steady ground to hold on to.
My Secret Tears
I would come home from school so many days, grab my kitty “Valentine”, & slowly, quietly close & lock my bedroom door trying not to draw attention to myself, duck into my closet, underneath my row of clothes hanging above me, close the closet doors to block out the sunlight (& the sound of my sobs), & then wail into a pillow I had brought in with me, hugging my cat tightly under the other arm.
I spent several days a week like this for two years & I don’t know if anyone ever even knew.
My Life Began to Fall Apart
I hated my life & everything in it because I felt so alone & so unloved & so worthless.
The menacing whisper never let up either. It followed me everywhere I
went, never letting my heart rest.
I felt constantly beat up by a relentless wave of self-hatred.
My grades began plummeting. Relationships became strained.
I was losing faith in myself & others seemed to follow suit.
Pray, Girl, Pray! … But I Did!
At this point, you might be thinking, “Michelle! Your advice is always ‘pray first!’ so why didn’t you do that???”
I prayed so much it hurt.
I felt that God had abandoned me… that my choices to slowly, gradually do things my own way had offended Him beyond repair.
I was a Christian who “knew” better & yet had still turned her back on God.
Why would He want me? … If He even existed (I wasn’t sure of anything anymore).
But I kept praying.
Is He Listening? Does He Care?
I wondered how God could love me & let me suffer.
I wondered if He had just created us & left us down here to suffer
while He laughed & pointed out our failures.
I wondered if He was even real.
But I kept praying because I knew that if He was real, He’d be my only hope.
I Prayed… & I Hurt
If He was real, the way He describes Himself throughout the Bible, then He alone was powerful enough to clear my doubts & prove Himself as the one true God.
If He was real, He had the power to fix everything.
And yet, I kept hurting.
I kept hurting worse, with every day, or so it seemed to my breaking
I felt alone.
Rays of Hope Broke Through
And there would come times where I thought I saw Him through the dark clouds that overtook me.
A ray of sunshine (of hope) would break through my heart.
I would think, “Hey, that seems to be God helping me… right when I asked Him for help, _______________ happened! Maybe God DOES care about us… about me!!!”
But the Doubts Always Seemed to Win
But then, another wave of darkness… I would brush off that ray of hope like a glitch… or maybe I had just felt stronger that day & had just thought it was God or maybe it’s because someone helped me other than God… or basically maybe it was anything but God.
So, I would keep praying. But I would keep trying to find hope my own way.
And things like that ray of hope would keep happening when I chose to
And still I found a way to credit something else as the source… Something other than God.
I kept praying.
The Lost Man At Sea
Have you ever heard the story/joke about the man drowning, begging God to save Him?
Well, first someone throws him a life preserver, but he says, “No thank you! I am waiting for God to save me!”
Then a boat comes along & offers to rescue him as he screams to God for help… “No thank you!” he responds, “I am waiting for God to save me!”
Then a rescue helicopter comes & offers him a ladder to climb out of the choppy seas. “No thank you! I am waiting for God to save me!”
Well, eventually the man exhausts himself from treading water & crying out to God & the waves overtake him & he drowns at sea.
When he gets to heaven, he says, “God, why didn’t you save me?? I kept crying out to You!! Didn’t You hear me?? Didn’t You care?!?”
God patiently, gently rests His hand on the man’s shoulder & responds, “My son, I did hear you. I did listen. I sent you a life preserver, a boat, & finally a helicopter… But you didn’t accept any of it.”
That’s Where I Was… That’s What I Did
That was me during depression. I cried out to God. He responded. I accredited it to someone or something else & kept crying out to God to save me.
I would fall back into the darkness only to go back to relying on myself.
I doubted God too much to stay holding on to Him as my source for help because I didn’t know He was the One helping.
Thoughts of Suicide Became Plans for Suicide… But Then, GOD
And eventually, after years of asking (begging, through bleary eyes) for God to answer & clear up my doubts & to give me a true sense of hope & peace & security… I began to give up hope completely.
My temptation for suicide became more than just considerations… it became something that felt like my only hope.
No one wanted me (according to the lies in my head) & I wasn’t good for anything other than being a burden to everyone around me (again, the lies were ruthless & relentless).
No matter what I had tried to be strong enough, to smile through it, to think more positively, to ignore it, to find my own “happy”, to fight back, to be good enough… nothing EVER worked long term. They all crumbled eventually & they left me with nothing left to fight with.
I was done.
One Night… I Gave Up
And one night, through my desperate sobs, bringing me to my knees in my bedroom… Eventually weighing me down so much that I lay flat, face burrowed in the carpet…
I gave up fighting.
I was ready to die.
I was ready for the pain to stop because I couldn’t carry it anymore.
I didn’t feel I had any choice. I felt it was the merciful choice for a family & for friendships where I only caused them more drama, more burden, more pain.
I was ready to stop fighting. I had nothing left in me to try or to give.
I was tired & angry & hurt & felt unloved & invisible & mocked & ugly & fat & worthless & stupid & never good enough & weak & a burden. And I was so, so, SO tired.
One Night… I Stopped Trying to be “Strong Enough”
And as I lay there, face planted into the carpet, arms limp at my sides… legs lifeless… heart bleeding. No strength left to cry. Just numb & empty.
With barely a whisper worth of strength & hope left.
I prayed.
“God, don’t You hear me? Don’t I matter at all to You? Do You even exist? Are You laughing at me? Why won’t You help me? Why did You even make someone as worthless as me? [Sobs] I can’t do it anymore. I can’t fight. I have nothing left. If You are real, You are my ONLY option now nothing else works. My parents think I am drugged out. My sisters can’t seem to stand me… Many of my friends laugh at me like I’m a joke… My teachers don’t even bother anymore… I have nothing left. No one left. I can’t do it anymore, God. I’m not strong enough. If You really are God, You are my only hope. You are all that’s left. Please. Show me You are real, that You are near me & that You care for me. And if You can’t do that, kill me because I give up trying to be strong enough. Be my everything or let me die.”
One Night… God Changed EVERYTHING
And as my prayer faded… it happened.
Every ounce of hatred, of pain, loneliness, fear, doubt, anger, sadness, despair, sorrow, & everything that had pressed me down & down until I couldn’t stand anymore… EVERYTHING vanished in a single instant.
I felt a full breath of hope fill my lungs.
I felt goosebumps dance across every inch of skin.
I felt hope & love & joy & peace flood me like a rushing surge of water, racing to fill every broken place within me.
I felt FREE….
A smile danced at the corner of my mouth, erasing the bitterness &
I sat up, stunned.
I felt as if strong, warm arms wrapped around my entire self, squeezing the loneliness & fear into a safe embrace full of love.
And every doubt was shot dead in that one moment.
God Had a Plan That I Didn’t See… He Always Has a Plan
God wasn’t letting me suffer for the fun of it…. No!
He KNEW that unless He peeled away everything else that I clung to as my source of hope, I would just keep clinging to everything else but Him… Everything but real hope.
He knew those things weren’t my answer & that the lies I believed kept me imprisoned into believing I was left to rely on unsustainable, unstable sources… like myself… ones that crumbled & faded & ebbed & flowed.
He wanted me to know solid, secure ground. He wanted me to know what true, eternal hope felt like, apart from anything temporal & fleeting that I tried to cling to.
He knew that the ONLY way to show Himself as the One true source of Hope & Truth that would get my attention & STICK was to take everything else away where there was only Him left.
Truth Is Truth, & It SHALL Set You FREE!
I had asked, not for a temporary fix, but for TRUTH I could rest in & rely on & He did what He knew it would take to show me that it was found only in Him.
You see, if you are really seeking truth… not “truth” that you WANT to believe, but ACTUAL, REAL TRUTH… God is capable of knowing exactly how you will know 100% what that truth is. He can make it crystal clear (with no smudges of doubt!)
If you just want a “truth” that satiates you into living how you want, you will always be on the waves of the sea like I was… trying helplessly to cling to whatever you think might help, only to see it insufficient & far from lasting.
But if you want SURE faith that you can go ALL IN & not come out a fool.
If you want something you can securely build your life upon…
It’s in Him. It’s found ONLY Him.
So ask Him.
Not a SINGLE Regret… Only Praise! And Freedom!
If you think I regret for a SINGLE moment those several years of doubts & then depression & then eventual suicidal thoughts plaguing my life… you are DEAD WRONG.
I feel SO BLESSED & SO PRIVELEGED to KNOW 100% what I can count on.
Do I still make mistakes? Heck yes! Do I still have doubts pop up? Heck yes!
Is God patient to guide me & do I now finally have a source I can go to with FULL CONFIDENCE to answer those doubts with patience, love, grace, & TRUTH?
YES!!! A million times yes!
I Want You to Have Peace & Rest in REAL Truth… The Simple Grace Offered by Jesus
And I want that for you. It’s why I do this blog. It’s why I write when
it’s not my strongest talent.
I want you to find that secure ground… That peace… That surety… That LOVE… & GRACE! I want you to know TRUTH!
So come to Him with your doubts & don’t stop asking! He HEARS you!
Shine Hope, by trusting in the sure foundation of real, lasting, reliable TRUTH.
Coming Next Week
Join me next Monday morning EST to follow along with my journey of Pivot moments. I can’t wait to see you there!
And make sure to Subscribe (Join My Tribe), so you don’t miss it!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Quinn Necklace
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
This innovative statement piece is accented with white & silver beads & has a detachable bottom pendant (shown detached), creating two unique looks.
Artisan Information:
The women we partner with in India do so much more than just create beautiful products. With every purchase, another woman is empowered out of poverty to be self-reliant! Women have the opportunity to earn an income, attend financial management classes, & receive education & healthcare. These women are now able to give their family a promising future because of your purchase!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I
will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world,
deused1 \lsd
This post may ruffle some feathers, but this topic needs to be
addressed. We need to change. We need to run back to God & let Him lead!
Hypocrisy & the Church seem to be synonymous these days & it breaks my heart & the hearts of so many others, because we see that God is our one true hope, but yet we can’t seem to distinguish ourselves from this painful reality of prevalent hypocrisy.
So why is that? Why are we known as hypocrites? How did this become such a huge distraction from the truth that has set us free—the grace of Christ?
Trusting in Ourselves… Instead of God
The most glaringly obvious answer to this question stems from the source of the hypocrisy itself—trusting in ourselves more than we trust in God.
We may believe God’s Word is true (or, for most of us, we live like it is “mostly” true, even though it is COMPLETELY true—it is NOT just God’s “opinions” of truth), & yet we don’t live those truths.
Because we like to talk about them & point them out to others. We like to judge others on their actions & ourselves on our intentions. We like to say we believe it without putting it to the test.
Being a Christian Isn’t the Same As Actively, Daily Trusting in God
Basically? We like to trust ourselves first & God second.
The results? Looking so “GOOD” on the outside, but living just like everyone else in reality. And when pressures arise, what’s on the inside shines brighter than what we try to project on the outside.
In other words, we are just human, just like everyone else… And we can’t rise above our human nature without first surrendering that human nature to the will, wisdom, power, & guidance of the Holy Spirit leading us each step along the way.
Looking the Part Without Acting the Part
And if we don’t surrender our human nature to the will & wisdom of God, we can say all of the TRUTH that we want, & try to act as GOOD as we can, but we will be just as messed up & lost as anyone else on the inside—creating that dreaded reality of hypocrisy.
It’s not even that we intend to be hypocrites. In fact, I can remember getting really offended at that accusation because I was trying SO HARD to be SO GOOD on the outside & to TALK the TALK, without really WALKING the WALK by putting my trust in God over myself.
Doing Good Things in Vain
Even for those who become activists for great causes, take a stand for the hurting or overlooked, volunteer for service projects galore, & work in many ministries within the church…without leaning our will & our way & our wisdom & our passion to the will & wisdom & direction of the Lord… Well, if you read my post from a couple weeks ago, you know that we are “building” in vain.
Human Nature Trumps Doing God’s Will When We’re Not Actively Putting Our Trust in God
Because WE ARE JUST HUMAN on our own!
We are just as vulnerable to HUMAN NATURE.
We have just as many TEMPTATIONS.
Without leaning into God as our source of all wisdom, direction, & power, we are quite simply just building our life, our ministry, or our causes in vain.
We are trying to ACT godly, without letting GOD make us like Himself through HIS strength, wisdom, direction, & power.
How Do We Make It Stop?
So, how do we stop this plague of hypocrisy that seems to have infected the Church?
We lean into God daily. We ask Him to shape us & grow us. We ask Him to remove false perceptions we’ve come to rely on. We ask Him to help us overcome. We ask Him to strengthen us. We ask HIM to change us from the INSIDE OUT.
And when we learn lessons from God, we CONTINUE to bow our understanding to His leading & wisdom for each new situation!
Saying All the Right Things, But Falling So Short
Because without getting Him involved in the details, we are whitewashed tombs that look & sound godly, while grossly misrepresenting God & getting in the way of His glory… Depriving Him the opportunity to shine through us to the hurting world we wish so desperately to encourage toward lasting, secure HOPE through Christ.
We may think we have it figured out—especially if we have already learned a lesson in a certain area… because we tend to cut & paste & re-use each lesson we learn from God for every similar future situation versus continuing to bow our understanding to God’s wisdom—but no matter what we THINK we know… HE will always know more & He will ALWAYS know better. So, ask Him.
Always Ask Him
Always ask Him.
If you have already learned a lesson… Ask Him to continue teaching you.
If you already think you understand something… Ask Him to weed out the falsities.
Always, ALWAYS refer to His Word & rely on His guidance through prayer.
Knowledge may be power, but it is also dangerous… Because the more we know, the more we THINK we understand.
Always ask God.
He Will Direct Your Steps As You Lean into Him for Guidance
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, & He will make your paths straight.”
(Proverbs 3:5-6) (Emphasis mine)
Always shine HOPE… by asking God for the BEST way to give Him the glory in all that you do.
Coming Next Week
Make sure to join me every Monday morning EST for more weekly encouragement!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Stargazer Set
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India & Around the World!
This stunning necklace features a golden hammered half moon pendant with nine blue-grey tassels & a matching bracelet.
Artisan Information:
In India, poverty is rampant & fair working conditions are hard to find. But with every purchase, women are receiving an income, access to healthcare, adult literacy programs, & self-help groups! Not only does this change their lives, but they are also pouring back into their communities & helping others! You have the opportunity to empower thousands of women in India!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
If you have read my testimony, you have seen that my life was once defined by insufferable doubts for most of my growing up years. (Read my testimony HERE.)
I hated the tossing & turning that the doubts invoked, but I didn’t know how to find the calm amidst my slew of unanswered questions.
Saved Young, But Then…
You see, I accepted Jesus as my Redeemer & Savior when I was very young, but then the doubts of the world threatened me at every turn, & they seemed to multiply with each passing year.
I didn’t know how to quiet the questions.
I wished for childlike faith, an innocence that could easily believe.
I wished that I could turn off the doubts & live in peaceful
I wished that I didn’t feel the need to know & that I could just move on with life.
But I couldn’t figure out how.
More Friends… More Doubts
With every new friend came new opinions about religions & “gods”. Every person seemed to have their own opinions about “truth”.
But if they were all true, then none of them were true.
How could one “god” be right to one person & another be right for
another person? Wouldn’t that imply that both are imagined & made up by the
believer or group of believers?
It didn’t make sense to me.
So who was right?
Every Answer Stirred More Questions
No matter how many questions I asked, with every answer or explanation I was given, I was met with the exact same personal conclusion, “but they’re human… & “to err is human.”
So, whose opinion could I really trust? Which one was true? Who determined which one was true? How could anyone ever really know?
And so, because I could not trust every opinion I was given &
because I didn’t know whose opinion I COULD trust, I was always brought back to
square one, in my tangled mess of doubts.
At this point, you may be relating to me. Maybe you have wondered the
same things.
Maybe you avoid asking those questions because you don’t know their answers.
Maybe you avoid acknowledging those questions exist because you’re afraid of what that means about whether your salvation is genuine (for those who have already accepted Christ).
Maybe you are intent on or content with believing your own opinions, whether they are true or not.
But, although I personally struggled through each of those “maybe” scenarios, I could not keep those questions from wanting to burst out of me.
Truth I Could Live For
I had to know the TRUTH.
Not what others WANT me to believe. Not just what others WANT to
believe themselves. I wanted the TRUTH.
If God was real, I had to make a decision whether to reject or accept Him.
If He wasn’t real, I wanted to know so that I could live however I wanted, without unnecessary guilt of not following the 10 Commandments from the Bible.
But How Do You Really KNOW?
But, as I mentioned above, every answer I sought after left me right back where I started, because every answer I received stemmed from human understanding, human wisdom, &/or human knowledge.
And anything from us as humans is vulnerable to mistakes &
misunderstandings & circulating misinformation.
I needed more.
Case for Christ
If you have ever watched Case for Christ, a movie that came out in 2017, it will greatly help you understand both my doubting & how I found my answer.
Case for Christ is a movie based on the true story of former atheist Lee Strobel. When his wife becomes a Christian, it sends his world in an upheaval & he embarks on a mission to use his research journalistic skills to disprove Christ.
I may not have done the extensive research that Lee Strobel did, , but my doubts weighed just as heavily, & like his experience, no proof seemed sufficient.
In the movie, there is a scene where he is pushing his wife to tell him why she would believe something he can’t prove (even though all of the professional sources he sought implied that all evidence pointed to a supreme being in existence).
Her answer was my answer & it can be paraphrased as something like this, “because He feels more real than anything I have felt in my life.”
Forever Searching… Or, Ask God for Truth
You see, I could search for proof my whole life, but it all comes down to this, will I let myself have faith?
Faith is not easy, but it doesn’t rest in having to know the answer to everything. It comes down to admitting we can’t & that God is more real than anything we can feel in this life.
If you struggle with this, take a moment to consider this: Are you willing to submit to the truth when you find it? Or are you avoiding truth, just looking for an excuse to live your way, just without consequences?
We can all admit that there are consequences to the choices we make. We live in a broken, fallen world, plagued by sin & self-led choices.
But God offers hope because He tells us the truth. It’s not up to us. It’s Him. So, submit your life to Him & let HIM show you the truth you seek.
“Lord, I Believe. Help My Unbelief!”
Be willing to pray the doubter’s prayer, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.”
If you REALLY want the truth, ASK Him to show you. Stop letting your doubts torment you & finally find stability in the truth.
It can sound something like this:
“God, I am so exhausted from doubting everything about life! How can I know what is real? How do I base my life on what I don’t understand or don’t know is positively true? Help me to see the truth. If you are who You say You are, then You alone can shine straight through to the core of my doubting & shine a light of truth into it. Stabilize me & show me what to believe. I don’t want to base my life on a lie, but I don’t want to face the consequences of an ignored or avoided or misunderstood truth. So, please help me. Show me the way to truth. Lord, somehow I believe, but help my unbelief. AMEN.”
Keep Asking… He Hears You & He WILL Answer You If You Seek Earnestly
I prayed something similar for many years, not willing to give up & surrender to the great waves of doubt that tossed me to & fro in life. I wanted to feel grounded & secure. I wanted to build my life on truth, not opinion or fantasy.
Will you take that journey? Have you already come out the other side?
I no longer have those doubts, because He has cut through them to show me Himself. He knew exactly what I needed because He is GOD.
Keep seeking His face, for He knows just what you need. And once you find the truth in Him, you will see that He feels more real than anything real that you have ever felt tasted, seen, heard, or smelled…
& that’s how I know He is THE truth.
Shine Hope, Lovely… By seeking HIM.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning EST for more encouragement from one imperfect human to another.
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Crystal Spring Earrings
Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India, Jordan, & Around the World!
Made from real silver and chalcedony stone, these drop earrings are so easy to throw on.
Artisan Information:
The women we partner with in India do so much more than just create beautiful products. With every purchase, another woman is empowered out of poverty to be self-reliant! Women have the opportunity to earn an income, attend financial management classes, & receive education & healthcare. These women are now able to give their family a promising future because of your purchase!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
(*Also Pictured: Sea Glass Necklace from Jordan!*)
Shop Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!