Have You Ever Felt…
Have you ever felt like invisible hands are holding on to you & pulling you down?
Have you ever felt like the world is crushing you?
Have you ever felt like you are chasing an ever-fleeting feeling of happiness?
Have you ever felt despair, an endless dark void in your life?
Have you ever tried to make up for wrongs, but you feel like no matter your efforts, it’s pointless?
Do You…
Do you feel weak from trying to be good enough & strong enough in every situation?
Do you scramble to find where you fit in this world, always feeling like a square peg trying to fit in a triangle-shaped hole?
Do you feel tossed around by life?
Do you wish life wasn’t so hard all of the time?
Do you try & try & try again, only to fail & fall repeatedly?
Do you ache for someone to love you? To really love you just as you are?
Do you feel the necessity to pretend to be greater or more than you feel you are just to hang on to love?
Do you feel alone?
I have been there…. But I am not there anymore.
Once Upon A Time
All of those questions once described my life. All of those questions described a plague that infected my life once upon a time.
I didn’t know how to end it. I didn’t think there was a cure.
People always told me, “that’s just life.”
Has anyone ever said that to you? Even if they haven’t, have you ever felt that to be true?
I have.
That’s just life. Sometimes we tell ourselves that just as a reason to keep going… but to what end? (There is hope, though… so keep reading!)
Don’t Give Up
The most condemning answer we can hear is, “that’s just life.” Because in that three-worded phrase comes an understanding that there is no hope, that we just have to accept an existence of misery while we still live.
“That’s just life.” What a heart-breaking lie.
What a chain-maintaining, prison-keeping, darkness-inducing LIE.
The Other Side
Because let me tell you something… I have seen the other side. I know from EXPERIENCE that “That’s just life” is a lie, because I have seen what is very possible.
You can see those chains break. You can rush out of that prison. And the shining light of hope can meet you on the other side!
But you can’t do it alone.
Where Does My Help Come From?
Yes, that is where the lie, “That’s just life,” comes from—attempting to break out on our own, inevitably failing, & thus concluding that it is impossible to see any other result.
When we try to break out on our own, we sometimes will tirelessly make unfruitful attempts to fill the black void that seems to eat away at our soul.
We try to find happiness. We chase it with the wind. One more sprint! One more leap! I will surely catch it this time & I will finally be happy!
We chase success, wealth, recognition, reputation, health, affirmation, comfort, laughter, love.
We chase anything that will “finally make us happy.”
But Wait…
But then one of two things always seems to happen… We either reach complete success in that which we are chasing so eagerly & we somehow still feel empty… Or, we keep chasing it & it keeps getting away, leaving us to perpetually tire while still desperately running on our hamster wheel going nowhere.
Either way, inevitably, we start believing that little lie, “that’s just life.”
You see, we are hopeless in trying to reach it on our own. We are completely incapable of ever filling that void because it just seems to always get bigger.
We are hopeless & completely incapable… On Our Own.
Now don’t misunderstand me, every other person, even when working together, will also be hopeless & completely incapable. Another person can never fill that void any more than you can on your own.
So, who can?
There is SOMEONE
You see, I know Someone who shatters all chains, kicks down all prison doors, feeds & completely satisfies your soul, gives you rest & peace, loves you completely & UNCONDITIONALLY, & is always waiting with open arms to hold & affirm you.
I am not talking about some feel-good, positive-thinking vibes where if you believe hard enough that you can be happy with this Someone then you will be happy.
No. I am talking about even when having nothing left to give, broken & poured out, weeping, lost, & destitute, still finding freedom outside of yourself.
Finding Real Freedom
I am talking about a freedom you can’t create or imagine into existence.
I am talking about a freedom you don’t have to micro-manage to keep it.
I am talking about a freedom that despite the worst of you, is somehow offered to you.
I am talking about a freedom that is offered to us, without asking anything from us.
I am talking about a freedom already paid for, in which you don’t have to earn.
I am talking about a freedom that despite our complete lacking of deserving or earning any of it, is still offered to us.
This Freedom
This freedom sets you free in a way that baffles & astounds & sets us in awe.
This freedom is complete & thorough, breaking through EVERY chain that holds you.
This freedom is a gift.
This freedom is very much real.
When I Have Nothing, I Can Have EVERYTHING
In the midst of my sorrow, my hatred & anger, my ready-to-commit-suicide-because-nothing-ever-works self… I… Found… FREEDOM,
This type of freedom doesn’t leave you to fight it out on your own. This freedom doesn’t leave everything to your efforts. This freedom doesn’t come with conditions that must be met. This freedom cannot be earned. This freedom cannot be bought.
This freedom is FREE.
This freedom is lasting!
This freedom washes out all the rest & sets you free indeed.
What Is This Freedom?
This freedom is GRACE.
Jesus Christ.
He is God. He came down to Earth as man. He spent His life on Earth healing & serving humanity. He spoke Truth & Life & HOPE to everyone He met. He lived without sin. He lived LOVE.
And then He was rejected. He was beaten & mocked & killed in a gruesome display of disgrace. He could have summoned leagues of angels, but He stayed on that cross because He knew we couldn’t pay our own debt before God. He cried out. He died.
And three days later, He rose again!
He conquered death! He conquered sin! He conquered shame!
He died… So that WE may LIVE. He gave His Life so that we may Find Life.
What’s the Catch?
And what does He ask of us, for us to receive this amazing gift that we cannot earn?
Our faith… Our complete trust in Him.
That’s it.
Toss out trying to live life for you, by you, & through you. It doesn’t work.
Live for Him.
You will still make mistakes. You will still be human.
But the debt that you owed will be paid in full.
He Will Be…
And He will be your strength in trials. He will be your peace in confusion. He will be your Light in darkness. He will be your power when you have nothing. He will be your LOVE when you are lonely. He will be your satisfaction. He is ENOUGH.
He will welcome you into freedom.
It’s Worth Trusting the Creator of Mankind
We may not always understand His ways. We may think we know better.
But He is GOD. He doesn’t make mistakes. And whether we always agree or not, we can rest in knowing that HE KNOWS what He is doing & He is God.
But He promises that as we serve Him, He will turn our ashes into beauty & He will shine light into our darkness & He will work ALL things to the Good of those who love Him & are living for Him.
Those are pretty amazing promises! And He ALWAYS keeps His promises!
So, trust Him. Bow your heart before Him. Lay your way down in exchange for His.
Bow Your Heart… & Be Lifted Up from Your Mire
In your heart, right now, hand up everything you are trying to hold onto as your life preserver. Hand up everything you have done in rejection & rebellion to Him.
Ask for forgiveness.
And ask Him to be the Lord over your heart & life.
It’s that simple. One silent prayer leading to a whole life of freedom.
Run to Freedom, Accept His Grace
What’s stopping you?
It’s not “just life.” It’s ABUNDANT life!
A life of freedom awaits you.
Will you answer the call? Will you run into His waiting arms? Will you jump off the hamster wheel of life & race toward grace?
He is waiting with open arms for you, Lovely.
Find Hope. Shine Hope. Live Hope.
Coming Next Week
Hey everyone! I hope this week was an encouragement to you! Make sure to check back next Monday morning for my next post. See you then!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear more about how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Jeweled Necklace

Empowering Women Out of Poverty in India!
Wear this necklace long or doubled. Made out of iron wire, glass beads, & nickel-free plating.
Artisan Information:
The poverty cycle in India continues primarily because of the lack of education. Most schools are not free or affordable. Therefore, many children never learn to read or write & grow up with limited opportunities. However, every purchase of this product empowers women to provide for their children & to send them to school! You have the opportunity to end poverty AND create an impact for generations to come!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in India!
(*Also pictured, the Stella Earrings, made in India!*)
Shop Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!