The Basics
A few weeks ago, we talked about prayer & what it actually accomplishes. (Check it out here.) But today, I wanted to take it a step further to talk about one of the greatest prayers you can pray.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with prayer, prayer is simply talking to God.
There is no magic formula to pray. God hears you when you talk with Him, whether out loud or in your heart.
To start praying, simply share your heart with God. As you learn more about His promises in the Bible, you can learn to pray more effectively, because you will learn His heart & what He has promised us.
Sometimes, we just need to be reminded that, “Oh yeah, God’s Word says He will __________________.” And we can pray & ask God to fulfill that promise in that moment, putting our focus more on the power of God & His promises than of the situation we are currently facing.
Digging Deeper
Maybe one week I will go into some of the promises of God that we can claim in prayer, but for today, I wanted to focus on one specific prayer that can change your entire life (without exaggeration!)
That prayer is to ask God to teach you to know & love God more.
You see, everything stems out of our love for God.
God spends many chapters in the Bible telling us that love is the key. Loving Him with all of our heart & mind & soul & strength… And loving others as ourselves… are the two greatest commandments, according to God.
Everything else that He asks of us will flow from obeying those two greatest commands to love Him first & to love others.
Looking Around Versus Bowing Down & Looking Up
Too often, our focus is distracted by the battle we are facing. And while it is a wonderful & worthy habit to pray for victory in those daily battles, we need to learn the even greater habit of resting in the power of God moment by moment.
You see, we can expend much energy fighting our daily battles, whether it be lack of sleep, temptations, grumpy kids, hurting marriage, tough job, etc.
And we need to be giving those trials up to God, trusting in His power, grace, & peace to sustain us in the trenches of life.
But, sometimes, we need to stop, close our eyes, & rest in WHO GOD IS.
Our mind can get so overwhelmed by the pressures of the world that we sometimes forget to look up, so to speak.
Lean Into Who God Is
He is Almighty God. He is Everlasting Father. He is Prince of Peace. He is Lord of lords, King of kings. He is the First & the Last. He is Creator. He is our Savior & Redeemer. He is our Intercessor. He is GOD.
Lean into that. Lean into HIM.
While our battles exist & while praying through them is always necessary for true victory, do not neglect the moments of just kneeling at His feet(figuratively) & just bowing your heart before the Almighty God, letting HIM be GOD in your heart, mind, soul, & strength.
The More You Know…
Learn to love Him with everything you have & are.
Pray over this fervently, passionately, diligently, continually!
As you begin to know Him more, through reading & studying His Word, the Bible… & as you learn to discern His Word through a growing relationship with Him, through prayer, your love for Him will blossom.
It is inevitable.
The Greatest Love Story
The Bible is a Love Story written to us. A story of our failures, weaknesses, insecurities, fears, mistakes… And of His undying, passionate, fierce love for us no matter the circumstances, no matter our supposed worth, no matter our failures. No matter what.
He LOVES you.
No. Matter. What.
And as His Word tells us, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
Not after we clean up our act. Not after we prove our worthiness. Notafter we pay Him back for every wrong we’ve done.
While we were still sinners….
It Was a Once & For All Kind of Deal
He died FOR us. For OUR payment. For OUR debt. HE died. FOR us.
You see, the more you study God’s Word, the more you begin see His love poured over the pages of history.
And the more you see His love, the more you tend to fall in love with Him right back.
And the more you fall in love with Him & His love for you, the more you want to know Him.
And the more you learn to know & love God, the more His love flows out of your heart & into the lives of others.
You see, I am not perfect & will never ever be (before heaven), but I am redeemed. My debt is paid for IN FULL.
I repented. I admitted God was right & I was wrong. I asked for forgiveness.
And He forgave without a moment’s hesitation.
And if you haven’t had that moment before God, He is waiting with open arms to do the same for you, Darling One.
Not Mine, But His Goodness in Me
Any good you see in me is not me, it’s Him. He trades my inadequacies for His power & love & grace.
As I learn to pour more of myself into Him, resting in His love & power & truth & grace, He takes my pride, insecurities, selfishness, & every other ugly part & He renews me for His glory.
The more I let go of, in the areas of my weaknesses, fears, & pride, the more He strengthens, renews, & redeems those areas of my life for His glory & for the good of myself & others around me.
Pray… And Don’t Stop Praying
So, pray.
Ask God to help you to know & love Him more. And don’t stop praying it. Don’t give up on that prayer & goal, because out of that flows the fountain of LIFE.
Let His love pour over you. Immerse yourself in His Word sent down to us (the Bible). And talk to Him—pray.
Don’t be content trying to serve God simply out of duty. And don’t avoid serving God because it just feels like duty.
Don’t exhaust yourself trying to be perfect for God on your own & in your own strength.
Pray & ask God to show you how to know & love Him more with each passing day.
Let Him In
Because as He shapes your heart, in love & truth, your life will begin to be an overflow from a heart focused on the grace & love & peace & power of God.
Let Him in. Let Him permeate your life in Love. Let your mind be renewed by His Truth.
And let His grace rule in your hearts & minds as you learn to live for His Kingdom & for the redemption of the world.
Live to love Him. Live to know Him.
And Shine HOPE, Lovely.
Coming Next Week
Make sure to check back next Monday morning EST for our next dose of encouragement.
Feel free to send me a message if something has spoken to your heart in a special way! I love hearing from you!!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you!<3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I will feature an item that is changing lives. These pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Sea Glass Necklace

Artisans recreate the look & feel of sea glass by upcycling glass bottles from local hotels & restaurants that would otherwise be discarded, & they then tumble that glass with water & sand from the Red Sea until it is smooth. Sizes & colors may vary.
Artisan Information:
Many Jordanian women have their lives controlled by their closest male relative. They balance many customs at home, creating a lack of independence. Some of these women are divorced, widowed, or married to a man who may already have many wives. But amid struggles, these women we work with arrive to a family-like workplace. They can be heard singing, laughing, & drinking tea while creating our unique jewelry made from upcycled glass bottles. Your purchase empowers them with boldness & financial independence for the first time!
Purchase this piece and empower a woman in Jordan!
(*Also pictured: Truth Earrings from the Philippines!)
Shop Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!