Okay, think about this question for a second—“Do you trust in prayer or in God?”
Now, your first instincts might be to ask, “But aren’t they basically the same thing? We pray BECAUSE we believe in God?” In theory, yes… but oftentimes reality looks a little different.
Praying “Right”
To clarify what I mean, I used to think of prayer as saying the magic words, like if I ask enough times, with the right words, in the right timing then maybe I’ll get what I wish.
I was putting more weight on the words I was saying or how I was saying it than the actual trust in the One I was speaking them to.
Flip the Script
Instead, God has taught me to flip how I see prayer. To look to God, remind myself of His great & endless, infinite power, plus His grace & love & patience & gentleness—to consider WHO God really is & THEN just simply TALK to Him.
Saying, “God, You are infinite & so much greater than I can even wrap my head around. I don’t even DESERVE a moment of Your time, & yet You open Your throne room to me & my petitions with eager willingness to hear my call. You are so loving & kind & patient. Help me remember that & know that more. I need You way more than I realize. Forgive me for how self-capable I believe myself to be so often & help me to trust You more. Please help me with _________. I am struggling & I know this is a small matter to You no matter how major & impossible it seems to me, so help me to lean into You instead of myself & help me know what to do. Thank You so much for Your great love for me & the world in whole. I love You. AMEN!”
Do You trust in Prayer or in God?
Instead of putting my faith in my words, frequency, urgency, or any other HOW that I pray, the power comes in HIM, not in HOW we pray.
So, do you put your faith more in your prayers (or try to put your faith in them), or are you learning to place your faith in the Who you are asking in your prayers?
One of the most important takeaways from this is that when God answers differently than our prayers wished for, it is not because we didn’t pray hard enough or pray correctly. It is because we hope & trust in a God Who knows MUCH better than we do & we can always fall back into His arms, knowing the “No” we received was given from 100% PERFECT wisdom, understanding, knowledge, & most importantly endless LOVE for us.
He Is Always Near
He is just a thought away, never far, always close. Reach out your heart to Him & ask Him to hear your call. His love for you can never be fully understood, for it goes much deeper than we can possibly comprehend. Give Him a chance to show that great love to your heart. He loves you.
Shine Hope by trusting HIM more than HOW you ask/talk to Him. <3
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
This blog/website has been running for TWO years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Northern Lights Studs
These studs hold labradorite stone, displaying multiple captivating colors that vary in different exposures to light, just like the Northern Lights themselves.
Artisan Information:
The women we partner with in India do so much more than just create beautiful products. With every purchase, another woman is empowered out of poverty to be self-reliant! Women have the opportunity to earn an income, attend financial management classes, & receive education & healthcare. These women are now able to give their family a promising future because of your purchase!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
How You Can Help:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michellehyde.tradesofhope@gmail.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
If you have been following my blog journey for any amount of time, you might have recognized that a common thing for me to pray is, “Lord, Help me to Know & Love You more.”
The story behind this prayer can be found, here, but this prayer has become a priority focus in my life because the weight of it is so profound.
Not Self-Effort, But God-Surrender
In anything we attempt in life, in trying to live a life that gives God glory, we really need to start with this simple prayer in everything we try.
This is true quite simply because if we were to try & perfect every area of our lives, having that be our sole focus, we would constantly be in a scramble & would constantly be beating ourselves up at our mistakes.
But the core or our prayers should be to KNOW & LOVE GOD more, putting everything else in proper balance, with our focus on God in working out our sanctification versus us trying to do it our way, in our wisdom. Our focus should be trained on Him & following HIS lead.
Put God on Center Stage
As this becomes the focus of our prayers & our life, our perspective begins to shift to put Him in center focus. As we know Him more, we learn more of His love for us, which in turn, grows our love for Him even stronger.
So how do we do this thing of knowing & loving Him more? Besides prayer?
Faith, Love, & GOD-Trust
We trust in Him.
This may seem a little too simplistic. If you are anything like I was growing up, I had no idea what it really meant to trust God.
Let’s simplify it even further… to trust God means to take Him at His Word… to consider that He probably knows (aka DOES know) better than we ourselves do.
Now, don’t get me wrong… this is so hard for us, who want to feel capable & in control, to do. Part of our security is feeling like we can come up with a solution & THEN pray about it.
But His Word, as written in the Bible, are HIS Wisdom. His PERFECT wisdom.
And so, learning to trust Him, learning to know Him, starts with taking Him at His Word.
Feeling Capable, But Letting God Lead Instead!
This starts simply by us bowing our “know-how” to God, in saying, “God, I feel VERY strongly that it should be this way or that way, or that I think I know myself pretty well… BUT, You DID make me… You ARE God Almighty. So, if I am wrong, please change my mind.”
Be willing to let God change your mind.
Honestly, we can all agree that we don’t always make the best judgement calls & that our plans don’t usually work out quite as splendidly as we imagined they would. Even if they turn out pretty good, something always just seems off, like we’re missing a piece to the puzzle called life.
So, let God change your mind.
Proven True, Every Time
The more you seek to live a trust in His Word, the more you will find it proven true, no matter how impossible or unbelievable it may sound to us when we first try. He will always be proven right, 100% of the time. That’s PERFECT wisdom for ya.
This week’s post is short, but powerful. And hopefully it being short allows its truth to sink in even deeper. We need our prayers & life to revolve around knowing & loving God more… & as we do that, we begin to set in proper focus all the rest of our life, as we see Him gently guide, lead, & help us every step of our growth through life.
How to Know & Love God More
Let’s review how to know & love God more:
Start by knowing His Word: Reading it, taking notes, looking up original Greek/Hebrew words, praying over it for God’s discernment & for the Truth to be made clear to you.
2. And trust His Word, as is—As I said above, learn to let God change your mind. And ask Him to do so in revealing HIS perfect wisdom & truth to overshadow your limited understanding, wisdom, knowledge, perspective, & abilities.
3. And finally, Beautiful one, BE PRAYING. TALK to Him. Get to know Him. Share your heart, your aches, your pains, your fears, gripes, worries, upsets, confusion, doubts, anger, stress, anxiety, weaknesses, hurts, joys, celebrations, excitement, love, hopes, dreams, share EVERYTHING. Talk. To. HIM.
This concept might be simple, but I promise you, it’s profound. Seek Him in everything & learn to know & love Him MORE.
Shine HOPE!
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
This blog/website has been running for over TWO years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Lotus Earrings
Hand-cut suede makes these flower petal-inspired earrings a perfect statement.
Artisan Information:
In India, many women are forced to work in sweatshops with unfair pay & dangerous conditions. But with every purchase, the women who make this product are now working in a safe environment, being paid a fair wage & seeing their lives change for the better! They also have access to education & financial counseling. You are empowering women to have freedom to dream again!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
It rises at one end of the heavens & makes its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its warmth.”
Such beautiful poetry is found in certain places throughout the Bible, especially in the Psalms.
I came across this particular Psalm & fell in love with the imagery it presented, talking about one of my favorite works of God’s art in this world—the sky. I love how its colors always change & the shapes of the clouds are always moving & shifting.
The sky is like new art every moment of every day.
God is infinitely creative & in just looking up at the sky & admiring its ever-changing beauty, you see a testament to that! So neat, huh?
Look Up!
I love this reminder to just look up & be reminded that God deserves all the glory… seeing the works of His hand, showing His knowledge, His creativity, His attention to detail, His infiniteness, & even His care of mankind in providing the warmth of the sun.
We only need to look up to see a reminder of how worthy of praise God truly is & how present & available He is to us.
Lift your eyes to the sky & praise His name!
His Word in Light of His Majesty
“The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous.”
That next section of Psalm 19, after it was just reminding us of how glorious, creative, knowledgeable & caring God is, reminds us that He knows best. His Word, in the Bible, is not just good advice, it is PERFECT advice. It works 100%.
And, It Benefits US
Also, this passage does not fail to mention all the ways His Word BENEFITS us when we spend time reading/studying it, applying it, trusting it, & living by it.
It is perfect.
It refreshes the soul.
It is trustworthy.
It gives wisdom.
It is right.
It gives joy to the heart.
It is radiant.
It gives light to the eyes.
Trusting Him & His Word is wholly deserved & endures forever.
It is firm, steady, sure.
It is righteous.
Someone I know said something that really made sense to me. She said, “The Bible is THE MOST transformative book for our hearts & minds… It’s no wonder Satan tries so hard to convince us we don’t need it.”
The slew of reasons we come up with as to why we don’t/shouldn’t read the Bible are endless & I have used most all of them:
“I’m too busy right now.”
“I was going to, but I got distracted.”
“Ugh, headache!”
“I am just so tired! Can’t focus.”
“It’s kind of boring.” (Ha.)
“Isn’t it outdated, though?”
“I don’t see how the rest applies to me, so I stick to the ‘good parts’, so that’s probably enough.”
“I read only specific verses that encourage me, so that’s probably enough.”
“I read passages that talk about my current struggle, so that’s probably enough.”
“I hear the Bible read at church/in Bible Study, so that’s probably enough.”
“I do a Bible study book that has key verses we read, so that’s probably enough.”
I can probably come up with SO MANY MORE reasons I have given myself, not to mention ones I have heard come from others in my circles.
Our Enemy Knows Where to Strike… BUT, GOD
Satan is crafty. He knows how to appeal to our flesh & immediate gratification. He knows what he’s doing & has gotten quite good at convincing us pretty easily… & most of the time we don’t even bother seeing it as giving into the lies of Satan, because we had good intentions to start with, didn’t we?
But I want you to scroll up & re-read those few verses one more time & then think about your reasons for NOT reading & how they are lies offered by Satan… AND THEN consider how mighty, how creative, how wise, how knowledgeable, & how CARING God is that we saw in the first set of verses & remember this: WE CAN ASK FOR GOD’S HELP.
When you consider reading the Bible, but Satan scrolls his infinitely long list of excuses for your ready use, consider that fact: WE CAN ASK FOR GOD’S HELP.
It’s worth it!
Transformed Hearts & Minds
And sure, it SEEMS outdated & old & boring at first, but then something very weird happens, you feel encouraged, uplifted, assured, & stronger the more you read it! Because the more you spend time CONSISTENTLY reading God’s Word, the more you are constantly reminded of the fact that God is so Good, so Wise, so Kind, So Knowledgeable, etc. etc. etc. Your confidence, in HIM, skyrockets the more you read it.
So, don’t stop at the lies, pray for the victory & read ANYWAY.
Why Read the Bible?
Because His Words…
“They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. By them your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward. But who can discern their own errors?”
Lean into Him for help & spend time in His Word consistently. You will be surprised to see how accurate this Psalm 19 description of God & His Word turn out to be.
3 years in, & I grow more in love with it every time through it.
Lord, Please…
And to finish off today’s post, I will borrow this short prayer from the final verses found in Psalm 19. May it be our heart cry as we seek to live for Him, through Him:
Lord, “Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression.
May these words of my mouth & this meditation of my heart
Shine HOPE by getting into His Word EVERY SINGLE DAY & asking for God’s help every time Satan tries to knock down your good intentions with his lies. GOD. IS. BIGGER.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
This blog/website has been running for TWO years now! Thank you for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Onyx Necklace
Modern hammered brass necklace features 3 genuine onyx drops.
Artisan Information:
The poverty cycle in India continues primarily because of the lack of education. Most schools are not free or affordable. Therefore, many children never learn to read or write & they grow up with limited opportunities. However, every purchase of this product empowers women to provide for their children & send them to school! You have the opportunity to end poverty & create an impact for generations to come!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Today is going to be a short post, but something I feel is SO important for us (including me) to remember.
I like solving problems—whether that be organizing solutions that make our home (& cleaning) run more smoothly, or whether it be sorting through trials/stress in life. I like to be a problem-solver.
But I have found that this is just my way to feel in control of a tough situation (& life in general).
I have also learned that I tend to pray AFTER I have come up with the solution I think will help the most or will fix my struggle in the best way.
Do you do that, too? Or is it just me?
Lifelong Habits of Mine That Need to GO
I am having to rewire some lifelong habits of mine to help me be more aware of when I am following this pattern (mostly by asking God to help me be aware of it), so that I can INSTEAD stop & ask GOD for help through it even before I think I have it figured out.
I want to encourage us today to stop trying to be the master of solutions, whether you feel you’re good at it or whether you’re drowning in attempts at it, & instead, stop & ask God for help FIRST.
What Should I Ask Him?
Ask Him to show you what He determines is the solution & the best course of action.
Ask Him to help you sort through the chaos & to calm your heart & mind.
Ask Him to help you trust Him IN the storm, versus trusting in the end of the storm as your hope.
Ask Him to use the struggle to help you understand His love for you more clearly.
Where’s the Escape Hatch??!
I know our favorite (& the easiest) hope is that which erases all struggle. And when God grants us this request, we no doubt feel freed & joyous.
But sometimes God doesn’t calm the storm & when He doesn’t, it can make us feel forgotten & bitter & at least sad.
He knows that what we ultimately need is not ease & comfort, but a fuller & more stable trust in HIM—Because when that sort of confidence grows to maturity in our hearts, struggles just don’t seem as tumultuous or scary or stressful.
If all He gave us was a calmed storm, we would always fear the possibility of the next storm, & our hope would remain in the ideal of never facing any storms.
A Sin-Torn World… BUT, GOD
But we live in a broken world, broken by sin, & troubles & storms do exist.
He knows that storms will come & instead of just whooshing them away, He instead helps us to grow our trust in HIM. We can be confident knowing that no matter what may come, He is still in control & He’s got it.
But it doesn’t come by just wishing. It comes through talking with Him through it (AKA prayer) & leaning into Him & asking Him for His wisdom & His direction & His plan & His strength & His peace, etc.
Two-Fold Encouragement
So, today’s encouragement is two-fold.
One—trust Him enough to ask for His help FIRST, before you try to sort it out yourself.He has infinite knowledge, infinite wisdom & plenty of extra years (also infinite) of experience than you do. So, ask Him FIRST.
Two—don’t put so much hope in reaching the end of the struggle, but use it as an opportunity to grasp hold of Him & grow your confidence in HIM over ANY struggle.
Talk to Him
Ask for wisdom. Ask for a solution. Ask for guidance. Ask how to get through it. Ask for strength. Ask for a grown trust in Him. Ask for HELP trusting Him. Ask for what to do IN the struggle. Ask for comfort & peace. Ask to be reminded of His care & love for you. ASK HIM whatever is on your heart & mind.
He is listening. AND He cares greatly for you. So, ASK.
A Prayer for Help
“God, … We don’t always understand why we can’t fix something or make it better. Sometimes we feel helpless & hopeless & flailing about. And it’s so easy to sit & mull over it & try to rack our brains for any solution to ease our troubles & THEN ask for Your help with it. But God, You are GOD, ALMIGHTY GOD. The ONE TRUE GOD. You created us & knit us together in our mother’s wombs. You created life & this world & everything in it. You don’t need our help. You are so vast & so ALL-knowing & WISE. You are so strong & POWERFUL. And yet, YOU LOVE US without condition. Please help us to be aware of when we are trying to self-solve, self-soothe, & self-shield, so we can instead lean into the much more powerful & wise YOU. Help us to trust YOU more than we trust the end of our struggles. It is SO EASY to long & yearn after ease & comfort, especially when our struggles seem to scream constantly at us, but You are BIGGER still! Help us to learn how to trust You better. Help us to lean into Your care & to discover more of Your love through each struggle. You are God. You know best. AND You care so incredibly deeply for each & every one of us. Help us to see that better. Help us to see You better. We love You. AMEN.
Shine Hope, not by being a problem solver, but by pointing to & turning to the ultimate Problem Solver, God.
He loves you SO VERY MUCH! <3
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day. I am not perfect, nor ever will be, but I know the One who is & I want you to know Him, too!
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Lotus Earrings
Hand cut suede makes these flower petal-inspired earrings a perfect statement piece.
Artisan Information:
In India, many women are forced to work in sweatshops with unfair pay & dangerous conditions. But with every purchase, the women who make this product are now working in a safe environment, being paid a fair wage & seeing their lives change for the better! They also have access to education & financial counseling. You are empowering women to have freedom to dream again!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Have you ever felt stuck in a hurt? Drowning, aching, numb, overwhelmed, or defeated?
Maybe it’s a harsh word from someone you love (or many).
Maybe it’s the raw ache of loneliness, like you have to face the world alone.
Maybe you lost someone who meant the world to you.
Maybe you feel unlovable & that your loneliness means you’re not enough.
Maybe you or someone you love is faced with a (potentially even) deadly disease or injury.
Maybe depression is making you feel like the world would be better off without you.
Maybe you have been abused or hurt deeply by someone you trusted.
Maybe you are drowning in a debt that haunts your ever step & only seems to get worse as time goes on.
Maybe shame & guilt haunts you & makes you feel like you’re not worth anyone’s grace or forgiveness.
Maybe you blame yourself for the heartache in your life. Maybe you blame the world. Maybe you blame God.
It is no surprise to me if you have any of those wars raging in your heart right now because I have personally struggled through each one at different times in my life & probably so many more.
The Hurts We All Face
I know that if you are a living, breathing human being, you have felt hurts & heartaches & pains, even if you try to deny them & shove them deep down inside your heart.
I wish that I could take them all away & set you free from them, but I know I don’t have such power or wisdom.
But I can pray with you. I can lift up your hurts with you to the One who CAN do something about them.
And I can encourage you to lean into Him every step of the way—Allow yourself to come to the end of you & to reach out to HIM in your times of greatest weakness & hurt. He is the true answer of HOPE in the worst of our circumstances.
The Doubts That Surface
In the midst of those greatest hurts & longings, we can have some painful doubts pop up about God & today I want to share the doubts I experienced through those hurts & the HOPE that brought me through them… the REAL hope… Not just a hoped-FOR hope, but a steady, sure, secure, lasting, reliable HOPE.
As always, my ultimate goal in writing this is to encourage you to reach out to HIM. I am limited & my answers only scratch the surface of who God is, what He is capable of, & how much He loves you, so turn to Him in every step & every tear. <3
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod & Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness & mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.” (Psalm 23, emphasis mine)
“God, where are You when I’m hurting?”
Have you ever felt like God is just ignoring you or maybe doesn’t even notice you at all in your pain? It’s an easy doubt to feel, especially when you know (or want to know) God to be kind & good… the hurts don’t jive with those ideas of God.
But, we need to remember something very important here:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, emphasis mine)
He Is with Us in the Hurts
God doesn’t promise that we will live a struggle-free life. In fact, He tells us just the opposite. We live in a sin-torn world & until heaven, we WILL struggle.
BUT, God does promise to be our ENOUGH in the struggle.
So, cry out to Him, slump into Him, & pour out your heart to Him (even if all you can manage is a slew of mumbled sobs directed toward God with an ache so you deep you don’t know how to verbalize it—He knows & He hears & He understands), asking for Him to be your strength & comfort & love & courage & HOPE when you feel you have none left to spare.
Where is He? He is right there with you in it & through it, so call out to Him & lean your full weight into Him through every ache & tear.
“God, if You ARE Good & All-Powerful, how could you let this happen to me?”
This one is a more fleshed-out form of the last doubt we just covered, getting to the heart of why that doubt hurts us so much. It really reveals our uncertainty of whether we feel we can trust God’s power or goodness or both when our world feels so incredibly consumed by hurts.
But, as I mentioned above, God doesn’t promise a lack of struggle—but He sees you & He loves you & He does promise to be our enough as we walk through the hurts, so lean into Him!
We also have an eternal HOPE to look forward to if we have put our trusting Hope in Jesus Christ to pay the price for our wrongs.
We may face trials “of many kinds” here on earth, but Heaven is a sure hope we can close our eyes, take a deep breath, exhale, & feel the comfort of knowing that this is just our temporary home & the trials aren’t for forever. But, in the now, God promises to be our help when we need Him.
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers & sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:2-4, emphasis mine)
“God, are You punishing me?”
Oh, dear one, how I have felt this one.
Most of us are not ignorant of our own mistakes, past or present. Deep down, we know we don’t deserve God’s grace… & sometimes we don’t cry out to God for help simply because we don’t feel we deserve it.
But while God does allow struggles to shape us & strengthen us, as we are told in 1 Peter 5:10, God does not seek to hold us in a place of shame because He offers us ready forgiveness with His FREE gift of grace through Jesus Christ.
”But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, & settle you. To Him be the glory & the dominion forever & ever. Amen.” (1 Peter 5:10-11)
So, when you feel that shame keeping you stuck in the muck of your sorrows, don’t let Satan keep whispering those chains of lies to your heart. Call out to God for forgiveness if there IS something you know you have done, & receive the forgiveness & grace that God is always so quick to give.
Read Luke 15:11-32 if you don’t believe me. <3 (Hint: God represents the father, & getting the inheritance NOW is us wanting to live OUR way NOW.)
“God, am I just not good enough? Do I deserve this?”
Sometimes we wonder why we feel so unloved when treading through the darkest times in our life, but rest assured that God does not make mistakes & that He makes EVERY person with a God-designed purpose AND HE loves every one of us more than we can ever comprehend.
Don’t let Satan blast you with everything you feel you are missing or lacking or losing, but instead, ask God to show you how He made you& to help you see both God’s design for your life AND how much you truly are LOVED by Him.
He is always willing to show us His care for us that somehow ends up seeming (& being!) so much richer than any of the ways we were seeking & missing it here on earth. He is the best expression of LOVE, true love, that you will ever experience if you learn to rest that fear in His loving arms & ask for His help.
The Key Element
I know there are probably many more doubts that can pop up in times of distress & aches of the heart, but the key element in all of these doubts is to TURN to HIM in them all. He can help you much better than I ever can.
So, let my experiences act merely as an encouragement that God really CAN help you, even when you see no possible way. And lean into Him every step.
Don’t let Satan paralyze you in these hurts & questions. Turn to God & seek TRUTH & find His hope to carry you through each moment. God, through Jesus Christ, is where our true hope comes from—so shine hope by shining His love & grace to a hurting world. He’s got you, babe.
Even in your darkest moments, God has you & loves you & will show you just how much when you take those fears & hurts to Him & lean your full weight of pain into Him for your true source of HELP.
He is where our help comes from. Not in us fixing it, but in us leaning into HIM.
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven & earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2, emphasis mine)
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Nairobi Necklace
Small hammered ovals & ethically sourced bone shapes adorn this golden necklace that shimmers in the light. Crafted in Kenya.
Artisan Information:
In Kenya, where many people struggle with starvation & poverty, the women we partner with are defying the odds! Your purchase empowers these women to earn an income, overcome physical disabilities, & become important parts of their communities!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Kenya!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Today has been a weird day for me. I had planned to continue writing about doubts this week, but in light of my day, I wanted to hit pause & take a detour.
I was supposed to be heading to Tokyo this morning & enjoying a fun anniversary week at Disney. I was excited.
A couple days ago, I would have gotten a massage for a great price on base, gone for an anniversary pedicure, & received a fresh haircut to liven up my hair a bit.
I would have done my own nails Disney-style (probably Minnie Mouse) & packed my Hakuna Matata shirt & rose gold Minnie ears for our exciting trip.
I would have eaten Guzman y Gomez Mexican food for dinner (a big deal since Mexican food is very uncommonly found in Japan) & my husband & I would have enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere of Ikspiari (a Disney-owned mall near there).
I would probably be exhausted, but I would be happy, excited for the week ahead.
But the virus came & our flight got refunded & here we are at home.
Things I Know…
I know it is such a tiny thing to complain about in light of people getting sick & losing jobs & losing hard-earned businesses they worked hard to own.
I know I have so many blessings to appreciate in my life, like a husband who maybe isn’t perfect (but neither am I) but who loves me & who I can enjoy long walks, talks, & laughter with & I know that not everyone has that.
I know God is good & that He has a plan in all of this. I KNOW that. I know He is still at work & is using this upset in our lives to draw us into His loving arms & to let go of trying to hold the world together on our own.
A Series of Unfortunate Events
But, on top of my missed trip, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, as the saying goes.
It has been a series of unfortunate events/circumstances today. I won’t bore you or bog you down with the details, but they’re all minor inconveniences that have just added up to act as sand or salt in an already present wound.
Showing Up, But Never Perfect
Like I said, I attempted to start my post on Part 2 of Countering Doubts with Truth, but today, I just needed you to know that I don’t have it all together. I have hard days sometimes, too. I don’t always handle them with grace & patience, either.
I have grumpy days & days where my stubborn heart crosses its “arms” as if to say, “I don’t want to be cheered up. I just want to mope today.” Anyone relate?
In the Past… But Not Today, Satan
But I refuse to allow this to be a foothold for Satan to make me doubt God’s goodness & love.
In the past, I would have wondered if God even cares about my hurt feelings or my struggle. I would have wondered if He even cares about me, knowing it meant a lot to me.
I would have doubted that God COULD even help me.
I would have felt that I had experienced “too much” good & that God was evening the scales a bit. (He doesn’t do that.)
But not today.
God’s Blessings in the Good AND the Bad
We tend to give God credit for blessings when all in our life is going smoothly & well—in other words, when life is going OUR way. “God is so GOOD! AMEN! Hallelujah!”
But what about when it’s not? What then?
Where is He then?
He is in your cries. He is in your heartache with you.
God Loves Us & Cares for Us, Even THROUGH Our Heartaches
We’re not promised that life will always go OUR way.
We ARE promised a whole heck of a lot about how much God loves & cares for us, though.
If you don’t believe me, read the Bible.
If you still don’t believe me, ask God to show you Himself. He can & He will.
He Is Still Faithful
Today is not the easiest day for me. I’m not handling it well. I am insisting on a bad attitude when I know I could let Him help me right it.
But He is still faithful & still standing by, as it were, to offer me His mighty yet gentle hand.
Yes, I don’t get my way today, neither with my big anniversary plans, nor with the little annoyances that keep disrupting my day.
BUT, I can slump into Him & I can cry & He will hear me & love me through it.
He Will Love Me through It
In the hurt & disappointments & cancelled plans, He will show me I can trust Him & His big picture plan, even if I don’t understand why things feel so wrong & hard for me right now.
He won’t tell me to tough it up. He understands.
He will just let me lean on Him in all my weakness & pathetic stubbornness… & He will love me.
He Will Show Me
He will show me that life doesn’t have to go perfectly for me to be perfectly loved.
He will show me that life doesn’t have to go my way for it to work out best, because HE knows best.
He will show me that when I am weak, I am strong, because it is then that I stop clinging to myself for hope & start looking to Him for it.
Not my plans, but His.
Not my way, but His.
He loves me. He is mighty. He is gentle & kind.
He is faithful even when I am faithless.
He gently lifts my chin up to Him & whispers over me, “I know, “one I love”, I know. I see you. I am here. I am enough. Lean into me. I love you so much. Trust me & cling to me. I’ve got you.”
A Prayer of Thanks-In the Midst of the Gloom, God Still Blesses
Thank You, God, for not requiring me to be “with it” all the time. Thank You for loving me even in my less than pretty moments. Thank You for being faithful always & for Your all-wise, all-knowing, love-wrapped plan. Thank You that I can still trust You even when my plans fail. Thank You for all You do that I don’t give You credit for. Thank You for loving me when I have an ugly heart. You are steadfast & sure. You are reliable & kind & so powerful. And yet, you love me. Thank YOU. Help me in my gloomy days to always see the light of hope I have in You. This is my temporary home, a mere shadow of the glorious place where You are that I will one day see & call my forever home. Thank You for all You have done, are doing, & will do. You are God. You are eternal. You are LOVE. THANK YOU! Amen.
It’s okay to have weak days.
Cling to Him, slump into Him, cry out to Him. He is listening & He loves you dearly… ALWAYS.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Truth Earrings
These incredibly light earrings are made with genuine local capiz shell.
Artisan Information:
In the Philippines, finding employment as a woman in poverty can be extremely difficult. Poor working conditions, lack of job security, & unfair pay are often the realities. Through your purchase, these women are receiving an income, health care, & social development programs. This allows these women to realize their potential & pursue their dreams in a safe environment. You have the opportunity to change lives!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in the Philippines!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Today, I want to talk about a framework of a life lived for Him, given in Matthew 5:1-12, otherwise known as the “Sermon on the Mount” or the “Beatitudes.”
We will only get through the first three this week, so make sure to check back next week for more! Let’s start by reading that passage.
Matthew 5:1-12:
(Emphasis & Brackets mine)
“And seeing the multitudes, He [Jesus] went up on a mountain, & when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2 Then He opened His mouth & taught them, saying:
3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are those who hunger & thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God. 10Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are you when they revile & persecute you, & say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice & be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
Clearing Up Some Personal Misconceptions
I always misunderstood this passage in two distinct ways:
I thought they were just a set of random sayings, in no particular order.
I thought they were meant as if, “It’s good if you… because….” Versus “When you…, you’re blessed because….”
But, in a recent study, I learned a helpful way to look at this passage. When looking at a Matthew 5 commentary on enduringword.com, I learned to see this passage as a ladder versus a random set of quotes. (See that commentary, here.)
So, let’s walk through this ladder idea together, to see what it looks like to surrender your life to Him, live your life for Him, & hope in Him for your eternity.
“Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit”
Being poor in spirit means to recognize that you sin & that you can’t save yourself… that no amount of goodness can out-good the bad. It is a recognition that you need Someone else to save you (AKA Jesus Christ). (See my personal story about finding hope, here.)
It’s easy to go through life, trying to convince yourself that you’re a “pretty good person” but if you were to lay down that charade to realize that God knows every stray or lingering thought as well as sees every action of yours public or private, how long can you maintain that you are a “pretty good person”?
Let’s face it. You need Someone to save you. I need Someone to save me. We ALL need Someone to save us.
And that Someone is & can only be Jesus Christ.
Being “poor in spirit” recognizes that you have sin in your life. And it recognizes your need for a Savior.
THAT, is the first rung of the ladder… the first step in submitting to God… realizing your need for Him.
And the benefit of coming to that realization & turning to Jesus Christ instead, is that you join the “kingdom of heaven.”
“Blessed Are Those Who Mourn”
I always read this through the lens of, “It’s good that you mourn, because you will be comforted,” & I always thought that was a silly thing to say because I would rather just NOT mourn!
But, consider it like this, “When you mourn, you are blessed, because you will be comforted.” Sounds much more appealing now!
So, why mourn?
Well, stepping up on the next rung of the ladder in a life submitted to living for Jesus Christ, once we recognize our sin’s existence & our need for a Savior to rescue & redeem us, we naturally mourn.
It sucks to recognize how awful & sin-stained we really are.
We like to see ourselves as pretty good people & we feel reassured in that bubble, but once it’s popped, we are left feeling raw & vulnerable & pretty darn crappy, am I right?
And so, we mourn our wretched state.
But in that admitting of our wretchedness, we are blessed because God promises that we will be comforted. He doesn’t leave us feeling sorry for ourselves because He has rescued us from our sin!
“Blessed Are the Meek”
And this will be where we leave off this week, to pick it up again next week for the rest of the ladder… but for now, let’s check this one out.
I always viewed meek as synonymous with timid or pushover. I was wrong about that, too.
Meekness is more indicative of POWER or STRENGTH, but under control.
In other words, maybe you CAN handle something your way & your timing, but you instead choose to hand the reins over to God, in His way & His timing.
It is a form of humility, taking your strengths, desires, plans, will, way, etc. & submitting it to God, asking for God to be the Author & Guide of your life.
This is hard & our human nature screams to retake control, but it takes time & a lot of trying & failing & a lot of asking for God’s help.
Re-Learning a New Normal in Meekness
Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re fighting God for control because we have grown up doing it a certain way without a second thought.
The place to start with having a meek heart is to ask God for help over & over again.
My Ever-Repeated Prayers–Asking for God’s Help in Giving the Reins of My Life to Him
“God, here I am again. I feel so strongly that I want everything my way, even though my way never quite works out the way it does in my head. I always second guess You, even though I know that You know EVERYTHING & are supremely wise. How am I so dense that I keep having this power struggle with You after so many lessons learned? Will I ever learn? Or is this a conversation I am going to need to have with You for the rest of my life? *sigh* …
… I need You, God. I need You in even just helping me have awareness … so when I try to grab the reins again, You gently let me know. Help me see when I do it. Help me to learn how to trust You more & more. I know You have proven Yourself more times than I can ever remember, but God, I am so stubborn! Help me grow & learn….
… Thank You for Your patience & kindness & gentleness. Thank You that You understand me & keep working with me, never giving up, even though I earned Your abandonment many times over. You still stay by my side & never give up. Thank You! Thank You that You are all-wise, all-knowing, & all-powerful & that I can count on You in everything always. Help me remember that when I fight You. Help me see Your goodness again & again. AMEN.”
Those prayers aren’t literally repeated-I don’t have them written down for me to re-pray them. There is no power in what words I use. The power rests in Who I am talking to-GOD.
So, just speak your heart to Him. Be honest. Be vulnerable. Ask for His help. He is listening.
Take some time to see if you have gone up these 3 ladder rungs yourself.
Even if you slip from time to time, just keep moving in the right direction, not letting Satan lie to you saying imperfect progress isn’t worth it, because it always is, every time.
Keep trying toward a life lived for God, God’s way. And keep asking for His help as you do it… because it’s hard fighting our temporal humanness for God’s eternal blessings, but His blessings are always far more worth it than temporary gains of us winning the power struggle against Him.
So, don’t just struggle… ask for God’s help every step of the way… & every ladder rung taken. He’s got you, girl. He’s got you, always.
Shine Hope by asking for God’s help to live for God, God’s way. He’s always worth it & always able.
Coming Next Week
Next week we continue working up the Beatitudes ladder, found in Matthew 5, so make sure to join me then!
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a week!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Mirage Earrings
With just a touch of glimmer these earrings are fun and easy to wear.
Artisan Information:
In Asia, poverty leads many women to being sexually exploited in brothels. These women want to provide for their families but have so few options. Through your purchase, women are being rescued from these brothels & rehabilitated. Holistic care is given to these women, including a shelter, job training, healthcare, counseling, & educational grants for artisans & their children. You can help these women experience restoration for their future!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
We talked about fear on here recently, with how it often incites a fight or flight response, & in the case of this recent pandemic, is usually expressed with either buying copious amounts of toilet paper or sharing specific memes that express a complete disregard &/or carelessness for anything virus-related. (See that post, here.)
We also talked about how neither of those options work.
Of those responses to fear, it either leaves us crippled & crushed under an unsurmountable mountain of anxiety or the other response leaves us being disrespectful to those in harm’s way.
But the third option is putting our full trust in God. Letting Him quiet our hearts, by leaning into Him… While also respecting the fear of others & seeking to protect them from potential harm by seeking our confidence in Him over ourselves & our “wisdom.”
Another Type of Fear-Reverence, Respect, & Awe
But there is another type of fear I want to talk about today: Fear of God.
Some of you, in going through this pandemic, have been faced with this
fear a little more directly than you may have admitted to yourself in the past.
It is something we should all possess, but not necessarily in the way
you might understand it.
Perfectly Just & Perfectly Merciful
You see, God is both our perfect, unprejudiced Judge & our merciful, loving Redeemer.
As the perfect Judge, He has to maintain His law.
His law says that the punishment of sin (or rejecting His way & rebelling against His way) is death. This death leads to eternal separation from His love & every good thing, leaving us with only pain unimaginable & unyielding.
But, He is also our perfect, merciful Redeemer.
In this, knowing we could never perfectly uphold His law without fault, God sent His very Son, Jesus Christ, to die on our behalf, taking our sentencing upon Himself & rising again, victorious over both sin AND death, that anyone who turns from their way to put their hope & trust in Jesus instead of themselves, will be met with REDEMPTION to an eternity with NO pain or hurt or tears or sorrow, but only joy & goodness & love.
But, Fear GOD
So, in the Bible, we are told roughly 500 times (according to a quick Google search) to “FEAR GOD.”
One being, in Matthew 10:28 “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul & body in hell.” (Also in Luke 12:4-7.)
This could also be stated as, “And do not fear [this pandemic, which kills] the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (edit mine)
Now, this is not a fire & brimstone message, so don’t worry… stick
with me for the Good News….
Fear, Reverence, Awe
So, keeping in mind that God is both our Perfect Judge & Perfectly
Merciful, what exactly does it mean to “fear God’?
Think of it in the terms offered by the original Greek “phobeisthe”: to fear, to be alarmed by, to revere, or to be in awe of.
God loves you so infinitely & perfectly & unconditionally that NO MATTER your past or present, HE PAID IN FULL your debt to Him, through Jesus taking your sentence by dying for you if you but put your faith in HIM. That is LOVE.
BUT, He also deserves our undying respect & honor & reverence & awe as our Almighty God… Our KING… Our Creator.
A Joy Eternal
In this time of uncertainty, fear, inconvenience, discomfort, worry, sickness, & death, let us remember that while it is true that this pandemic is wreaking havoc, it cannot have our souls.
We can rest in God’s ALMIGHTYness. We can rest in knowing that He has a plan for GOOD to come from this. And for those who have said “YES” to Him in accepting His FREE GIFT of redemption, we can rest in knowing that whether we lose to this virus or not, our eternal home is one of no tears, no pain, no suffering, no hurts, & no sorrow.
There is hope.
(Emphasis in all verses in this post are mine.)
“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure….” (Hebrews 6:19)
“Guide me in Your truth & teach me, for You are God my Savior, & my hope is in You all day long.” (Psalm 25:5)
“… put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love & with Him is full redemption.” (Psalm 130:7)
Fearing the LORD Is:
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, & knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10)
“The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble.” (Proverbs 19:23)
Sometimes, when God displays His great power, we are tempted to hide & run, knowing we are unworthy. But, when God displays His power, it is to remind us that He has everything covered. He is the GREAT I AM. He is Creator, KING of kings, Lord of lords, Almighty God!
He deserves our respect & our trusting obedience. And while it is easy to self-protect, self-soothe, or self-solve, we CAN TRUST HIM with our burdens, fears, worries, etc.
Crave the Display of His Power, For in It Lies Our Confidence
I don’t know about you, but having that perspective makes me crave the display of God’s great power rather than avoiding or fearing it. It is a reminder that He is SO MUCH BIGGER than me!
And so, in this terrifying & uncertain time that we live in, look to Him. Fear HIM—revere Him, respect Him, honor Him, be in awe of Him… rather than cowering or running away from Him.
Exodus 20:18-21
“When the people saw the thunder & the lightning & heard the trumpet & saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance & said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself & we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.”
Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”
The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.”
Choosing a Response
Will you “remain at a distance” as the Israelites responded?
Or will you approach where God is & trust Him over all else?
Don’t run from His power, but crave it & submit trustingly to it.
God is still God. He is greater than this pandemic. His plan spans eternity. He loves us infinitely & unconditionally. He is Almighty God.
Even if it has to start with an uncertain whisper of the heart (where I began & where this man in the Bible began): “Immediately the father of the child cried out [to Jesus] & said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24)
Shine Hope. Fear God, not the virus.
How will you respond?
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Manilla Bay Earrings
Local capiz shell is dyed a light blue/green hue and hand cut into half moon shapes accented with silver toned metal.
Artisan Information:
In the Philippines, finding employment as a woman in poverty can be extremely difficult. Poor working conditions, lack of job security, & unfair pay are often the realities. Through your purchase, these women are receiving an income, health care, & social development programs. This allows these women to realize their potential & pursue their dreams in a safe environment. You have the opportunity to change lives!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
If you’re anything like me, you’re pretty ready for any news of the Corona Virus to end…. Not to just stop talking about it, but for it to not be a thing we have to think about anymore.
As humans, we don’t like the discomfort of the unknown or of feeling a lack of control.
We want a solution.
The Pendulum Swing
Some of us rush to every extreme to protect ourselves, living in constant fear & anxiety over what we can’t solve or can’t control.
Others of us want to exude control over the situation by trying to override it or ignore it completely, mocking the very presence of the fear displayed in others.
While both reactions are completely natural—fight or flight—they both lack some very important information:
While we DON’T know, God knows EVERYTHING.
While we have VERY LITTLE control, God holds ALL control.
A Third Response to Fear
So, while human nature either tells us to stock up on toilet paper with
a several month supply & act harshly toward anyone we feel might be a
threat to us…
OR, while we mock everyone who seems to even care to protect themselves
or feel concern over it…
There is a 3rd option that we may be quick to overlook.
Both of the first two reactions involve trusting in ourselves & what we can figure out or control, but the 3rd option invites us to trust something (or rather SomeOne) as our solution in the crisis, instead.
Let’s go over some things God knows & God tells us in His perfect Wisdom that can give us direction & peace & understanding in this pandemic panic culture.
1. God tells us He “hasn’t GIVEN us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, & a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
(Emphasis mine.)
This fact doesn’t mean nothing will ever scare us or that it is a sin to become scared, but rather inviting us to see that because the fear is not from Him, it doesn’t HAVE to be there… as in, if we ask for His help in removing what He has not put there, He WILL help us remove it.
He never makes us to be afraid as part of His will, but rather invites us to lean into Him & trust Him when we are faced with fear.
God is called “a very present help in times of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) So, call out to Him when fear hits hard.
In fear, it’s easy to panic, but instead, we should ask God for His peace to replace our fear & for help in changing our attitude so we can help create a calmer atmosphere.
2. God calls us to “be wise as serpents but as harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)
That means we should be diligent in pursuing wise, cautionary measures to prevent the spread of harmful situations.
Don’t go out in large public areas unless necessary, cough into your inner
elbow, wear a mask if you cough, wash hands often, don’t shake hands, etc.
Helping to slow down the spread of the virus allows doctors ample resources & time to treat each person as they happen versus all getting sick at once.
Be wise in helping to flatten the curve in this pandemic.
3. God Calls Us to “be Subject to Every Human Authority for His Sake” (1 Peter 2:13-17)
(Note: Unless that authority commands you to directly disobey God’s Word. Remember Daniel with the lion’s den in Daniel 6 or Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego in Daniel 3? There are other examples, so feel free to share in the comments.)
If you hear word from government authority or CDC to avoid or stop doing certain things or to stop going certain places to help protect others, realize that while you may be in the healthy, young percentage of those most likely to recover just fine, others do have pre-existing conditions or are elderly & more susceptible to risk. Follow authority’s instructions willingly for the sake of those at-risk.
Please be thoughtful of how your actions may affect others with whom you may come in contact.
4. God Calls Us to “Love Others As [Ourselves]” (Mark 12:30-31)
Fear is not an excuse to be unkind to others, but it IS a great time to be extra kind & to ask God how to live this kind of love to others.
People are experiencing inconvenience & fear & loss during this time. Some need help with their kids or pets because they have been quarantined somewhere. Others need help with their kids because they still have to work but schools are shut down. Others have spouses they can’t be with because of travel closures. Some are tired & overworked trying to help put an end to this. Some feel panic because they are one of the at-risk. They could all use some help & encouragement.
Consider these & many more. Be gracious. Be kind. Be patient. Ask how you can help & ask God for help in serving others & knowing when to step in.
NOTE: This also probably means to be careful what Corona Virus memes you post, because some have actually lost loved ones or are at risk themselves.
You wouldn’t make a joke about cancer, so please don’t make a joke out of this.
5. God Tells Us to “Lay All Our Cares on Him for He Cares for Us” (1 Peter 5:7)
He is where our help comes from, so cry out to Him.
Ask for His mercy on the world through this pandemic & to stop this virus.
Ask for His wisdom on how to combat it or how to be wise in the midst of it.
Ask for His peace to quiet the fear that may trickle in or flood your heart during this time.
Ask for His help in being patient with others… in being kind & thoughtful & helpful to others.
Ask for His guidance & courage on how & where & when you can offer help.
6. God Tells Us to Share HOPE with Everyone (Mark 16:15)
This (& EVERY DAY) is a perfect time to let people know that despite anything that may happen to them or to loved ones during this pandemic, they can have eternal hope through Jesus Christ.
God created us. He knew we would spit in His face & rebel & think we know better than Him. He knew we would turn away. He knew we would never be able to undo it by being good enough because our hearts are desperately wicked, looking out for ourselves rather than the honor & glory of God, through trust in Him. He knew we would fail & yet He still created us out of LOVE for us. And better yet, foreordained our redemption story, planning all along to send His very Son, Jesus (perfect, sinless, loving Jesus–God & man in One) to willingly die on our behalf, taking upon Himself EVERY single one of our wrongs & then taking our PENALTY upon Himself to death on a cross (mocked, beaten, spit on, & murdered by those He came to rescue), but then He ROSE AGAIN, VICTORIOUS over sin AND death. Allowing us a clean slate, a fresh start, a REDEMPTION to return cleansed to God our Father through the blood of Jesus. That if we repent of our wrongs, recognizing our fault & our inability to be good enough to save ourselves, asking forgiveness & turning from our sin lifestyle, claiming Jesus as our one & only Savior, that we can be forgiven, washed in grace & allowed into the eternal, loving arms of God when we die, free from fear & pain & worry & hurt, safe & secure & LOVED. And that while on this earth, we are given the HOLY SPIRIT of God to reside in us, guiding us, helping us, loving us, teaching us, comforting us, & strengthening us as we call out to Him for help in living for His honor & glory.
That is the Good News. That is the HOPE. That is the Gospel.
God Is Still King… Lord Over ALL-Trust Him Always in Times of Fear
Share HOPE during this time of so much uncertainty, panic, & lack of control, by reassuring others that they can be sure of the hope of being made right with God in His love, through Jesus’ sacrifice. And then will have access to help, guidance, strength, & comfort from the Holy Spirit.
Don’t let fear rule.
Let God Almighty take that role as rightful King over all & TRUST HIM.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Onyx Necklace
Modern hammered brass necklace features 3 genuine onyx drops.
Artisan Information:
The poverty cycle in India continues primarily because of the lack of education. Most schools are not free or affordable. Therefore, many children never learn to read or write & grow up with limited opportunities. However, every purchase of this product empowers women to provide for their children & send them to school! You have the opportunity to end poverty & create an impact for generations to come!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
It’s interesting running a blog, you know. It’s like opening up my personal journal for all to judge or be encouraged or whatever they decide to do with it.
Sometimes it’s draining to wear my heart on my sleeve, but if I am
completely honest with you, I find it to be a great honor to share with you.
I get asked by some women why I would want to share my struggles with others. They ask if it’s embarrassing.
I will say that I used to care a lot more about what others think of me & that while I do still struggle through the battle from time to time, I have actually grown more confident in sharing.
Every Mistake Displays His Grace
I think the biggest reason why it encourages me more than embarrasses me is the fact that while I do make mistakes & mess up & get it wrong, leading to blog posts about how God walked me through it… I have learned that each screw up on my part is an opportunity to share God’s patience, love, & grace.
Sure, I messed up in those situations. Sure, I like people to think I have it all together far more than I do sometimes.
But when it all boils down to it, I realize that my “shame” can either be left as my shame or it can turn into an opportunity to point others to our great, loving, forgiving, powerful, awesome God.
Not Immune to Mistakes
I used to try to save face a lot more often than I do now, but I am human, just like everyone else. I make mistakes just like everyone else. I act in my own self interest at times, just like everyone else. I give up. I quit too soon. I lose hope. I whine. I complain. I fail. I try my own way AGAIN & fail AGAIN. I am stubborn & lazy & can be prone to hard-heartedness.
I have to pray my way through a LOT because, if left up to me, I wouldn’t accomplish much at all of any real worth.
Quite Often I Can’t, But He Still CAN
But through my vast array of examples of my weaknesses, failures, insecurities, lack of faith, etc…. Each one is an opportunity to show you that while I quite often CAN’T… He CAN.
I am not the all-knowing, all-wise guru who is going to help positive-think your way into a better life.
I am a broken, stubborn, prone-to-fail HUMAN who strives to use my own weaknesses as a canvas of His grace painted across my life.
His CAN in light of my many CAN’Ts.
Can You Relate?
I don’t know if you can relate to any of this… or maybe you feel you have your life together far better than I do.
But whatever the case, don’t let Satan beat you into the ground for being what you are—human.
Instead, turn it around & say, “You’re right, Satan, I did fail. But God never does & that’s exactly why I need to remember that I need Him.”
And shine your light of HOPE in Christ by admitting your weaknesses & displaying His overpouring generous grace.
Always. 100%.
In light of our CAN’Ts, He CAN. Always. 100%.
So, I hope you find encouragement in the many failures & weaknesses & insecurities I am sure to face on this blog journey together with you.
And realize that just like you, I need Him, too. And He is always enough. Amen & Amen.
Coming Next
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him
& love Him more every day.
Share with friends & Subscribe by Joining My Tribe, so you never miss a
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make
sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking
“Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement
from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Sea Glass Necklace
After cleaning up the beaches of broken glass, the artisans now recreate the look & feel of sea glass by upcycling glass bottles from local hotels & restaurants that would otherwise be discarded, & tumble it with water & sand from the Red Sea until it is smooth & resembles the beautiful pieces found in nature. Sizes & colors may vary.
Artisan Information:
Many Jordanian women have their lives controlled by their closest male relative. They balance many customs at home, creating a lack of independence. Some of these women are divorced, widowed, or married to a man who may already have many wives. But amid struggles, these women we work with arrive to a family-like workplace. They can be heard & seen singing, laughing, & drinking tea while creating our unique jewelry made from upcycled glass bottles. Your purchase empowers them with boldness & financial independence for the first time!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in Jordan!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.