The Raging Sea of Doubts about God Began
If you missed last week’s post, it was all about the first & greatest “Pivot” moment in my life, the day I met Jesus. (Check it out, here.)
It was simple & pure, trusting like a child (because I was a child).
But something big changed when I was first introduced to the Left Behind movie series, starring Kirk Cameron.
Doubts entered the picture.
… Fear that maybe I got it all wrong & that I was maybe actually going to Hell… going to be “left behind,” only to live in the shame that my faith was fake the whole time… or just not strong enough.
I wanted to know for sure.
Other “Options” Now in the Picture
But then, being now in public middle school, I was hearing all sorts of opinions on what others thought was truth, based on a plethora of other “religious choices” that other kids at my school were adamantly claiming as truth. (I love the word plethora, don’t you? Haha)
So, combine my fear that my faith might not be “real enough” with the fact that I now questioned if my religion was even real…. I was then tossed into a sea of raging doubts. A sea that seemed to go on without end.
I didn’t know which way was up or down or left or right anymore. What once seemed so simple & so pure was now tainted with doubts & full of fear.
And rebellion.
Part of Me Wanted It All to be Fake–So I Could Live MY Way
I can’t deny that nasty word from making its appearance in this whole scenario.
I knew, deep down, that something in me WANTED it to be fake. I wanted it to all be a sham so that I could do whatever I wanted like everyone else seemed so comfortable doing. I didn’t want consequences, just freedom, my way. I mostly just didn’t want to have to follow rules (mostly because I misunderstood the “rules” in the first place, thinking they were meant to suck fun out of my life versus the way to live the most fulfilling & satisfying life imaginable!)
But I couldn’t do that IF it might be real.
Because… consequences.
God Has a Reason
You see, I always thought of God as a sort of dictator & that Christianity was all about following His rules, or else.
Now, don’t hear me wrong, we DEFINITELY should live by His rules & His alone, not ours… But it’s for our good, not just “because He says so.”
The Doubts Led to Determination for TRUTH
So, here I was, afraid that my faith was not real enough, afraid that my religion might not even be real, & afraid that I would be trying to follow rules I didn’t want to follow just to appease some possibly made up God.
I had to know the truth. If everyone thought their “god” was real, which one was right? They couldn’t all be right because that made them all sound made up. So, which one was it?
Did I believe just because I grew up that way? Was I indoctrinated into Christianity because I was told to believe it? Was my salvation even real? Maybe I wasn’t good enough to prove my sincerity of faith…. Was God even real? What was real? What was truth? Can we even know?
Those were just the tip of the iceberg for me. I had questions that went on for days.
And with those questions came the tossing to & fro unrest that became my life.
Tossing To & Fro
Gone was my sure foundation, my steady ground built on faith in God.
My life was a mix of fear, anxiety, & rebellious hopes to have my way.
I will tell you that those were some of the worst times in my life, knowing that unrest & lack of peace… & the fear undercurrent that flowed through it all.
Puberty is hard enough without all of THAT going on inside my head!
But despite how many questions I asked, the answers were never enough.
The Cynical Questions
I felt a cynical whisper repeatedly, following every answer I received from others, saying, “But what do they know? What makes them the expert? All the other religions think they’re correct, too, so saying so doesn’t make it true. Humans make mistakes, so which one has it right? What if they’re all wrong? What if there is no God? No hope. No truth. No Heaven or Hell. No consequences?”
I never knew what to trust. I never knew WHO to trust.
Not that someone would knowingly LIE to me, but that maybe they were wrong.
I felt lost.
Deciding My OWN Path
Because I searched for close to two years without feeling satisfied that I could accept anything as pure truth versus opinions, I did the only thing I knew to do at that point, I started deciding for myself what I wanted to believe.
Of course, I wouldn’t do anything that seemed blatantly wrong or something I was warned against as a kid, JUST IN CASE there were consequences.
But instead of living to make some potentially made up God happy, I started living to make ME happy.
That’s when my sea of doubts began to take a sinister turn for the worst.
Lying to Myself
The guilt that I shoved down… The shame that I justified & placated… The excuses I made to keep living for myself….
It was a game of trying to stay above consequences while still getting whatever I wanted out of life.
This pivot of doubts was a painful, complicated one. It wasn’t as simple & pure as my first pivot. It felt like always flailing to keep my head above water.
Truth or Bust
I was no longer satisfied complacently wearing my badge of Christianity, going to church & praying before mealtimes… I wanted truth.
I wanted to know for sure whether or not what I believed was true or whether it was a myth developed long before I was born.
And I knew, that if anyone could answer these questions for me, it was God Himself.
The cynical voice was right, humans DID make mistakes, made even more evident by the endless slew of “religions” to choose from, because not all religions could be right (as some conflicted with others), so that meant some of them were wrong, if not all of them.
Not only that, but the Bible claimed that it’s God was the ONE TRUE God, Creator of Heaven & Earth, Lord over ALL. So, if that were true, there goes the rest of the “gods” out there.
Being the ONE TRUE God was a bold claim & a claim I wasn’t sure I could put my undivided faith toward. But either way, I wanted to know the truth for myself.
Maybe I Can Just Ignore It…
Oh, I TRIED to just smile & shoo away (more like shove away) all of my doubts, attending church & keeping my nagging doubts to myself (too ashamed to admit I questioned it all, afraid of upsetting God or my family or anyone really!) but those doubts were significantly stronger & more persistent than I was.
No longer could I stay content trusting in others’ opinions of truth. I was beginning a journey to find ACTUAL truth that I could rest in & hope in… a hope that wouldn’t fall out from under me.
Asking God, But Then Looking Elsewhere
I knew that God was the only One who could really prove Himself true, because if He were as He said He was, in the Bible, He could do ANYTHING.
But, like many people do, I didn’t stop at that… Oh, no, no. I had a backup plan that included me taking action to find that truth my own way….
… By relying on myself to find what made me happy, versus leaning into God for lasting joy.
Instead of leaning into God, I leaned mostly into myself & whatever I felt was true for me which, by definition, meant I was no different than anyone else I dismissed.
Questions Answered by God, Who Knows All & Knows Your Heart & Knows Just How to Reach to the Core of Your Doubts–If You Let Him
That led me down a much worse path—depression. Or, as I am calling it in this series, “Pivot #3”, coming next week.
The point I want to make with this week’s post is this:
We all have questions, because we will never fully understand God or His design for this world or for our lives… but don’t run AWAY from God with those questions.
Take your questions to Him. He can handle it. He has patience like you wouldn’t believe & wisdom that transcends time & human limitations.
God Is the Backup Plan to the Original Plan–He Is Where Truth Awaits
My life provides you with an example of what NOT to do.
Don’t take your questions, ask God for help in answering them, & THEN ALSO try to find happiness your own way. It doesn’t end up well. You can convince yourself you’re fine all you want, but something in your spirit screams that there’s meant to be more than just surviving. Listen to that. It’s right.
God wants you to come home to Him, to rest in Him, to feel SURE… He wants you to feel secure & at peace with the foundation of steady, reliable truth. He wants you to know His love & grace & to feel those flowing through every situation in life.
Trust Him with your questions. He CAN & WILL answer them.
Answers Came in the Darkness
Next week, you will see how He answered my questions countless times, but I dismissed them countless more, until He got my attention in a way that I can never dismiss again.
He knew (knows) ME & how to get through to ME in a way that is intimately designed to make it clear in a way I need it to be.
He can do the same for you—If you are truly seeking truth & not just a way to placate your desire for a consequence-free lifestyle of rebellion to everything God stands for He will reveal truth.
Seek Him—He can handle it.
Coming Next Week
Join me next Monday morning, EST, for Pivot #3, the story of my dark journey through depression, & the truth that broke through the raging sea.
Make sure to Join My Tribe (Subscribe), so you don’t miss it!
A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Worthy Necklace

Beautifully delicate in design, this rose gold plated chain displays a light pink rose quartz stone. Crafted in India.
Artisan Information:
The women we partner with in India do so much more than just create beautiful products. With every purchase, another woman is empowered out of poverty to be self-reliant! Women have the opportunity to earn an income, attend financial management classes, & receive education & healthcare. These women are now able to give their family a promising future because of your purchase!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in India!
(Also pictured: Steadfast Cuff, made in India!)
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!