A Quick Recap
Today, we come to yet another pivotal moment in my life…
So far, I have shared with you:
- Simplicity of grace in how I came to know Jesus
- My long-time battle of doubts & my eventual decision to not only pray, but to try to find happiness on my own terms
- My experience through depression & how God used that dark time in my life to solidify a foundation of TRUTH to rest in.
And now, I wish to share with you a multi-week story of what happened after I discovered that solid, reliable truth.
I Think I Know Best… But I Don’t
After God showed up in a big way, through my depression, & after He woke me up to the fact that HE was the source of truth I had been searching for for so long, was I always faithful to God? No.
I often gave (give) into human nature & I relied on what I personally thought was best, before even stopping to consider that God would know better & that I could always ask Him for wisdom. (I still struggle with this!)
It’s the human nature way of doing things when we just go through life either “winging” it or thinking we’ve got the answer & we’re ready to go… or flailing through life, wondering what in the world to do.
We (or at least I) tend to think, “I’ve got this!” or, “I SHOULD be able to do this!”
God Is Willing, But Will I Ask?
But God is right there with us, offering His wisdom, guidance, comfort, & help… so why is it so hard to ask Him versus auto-pilot mode?
This will be a forever-growing type of learning because it goes against our desire to feel in control & self-sufficient.
But, I digress….
As I currently struggle with this, I struggled with it then, too.
Turning to Music Instead of God
And a big area of struggle for me was turning to music instead of Someone who could actually help me-God.
I don’t mean that I was listening to crude, explicit music… nor that anything other than “Christian” music is even bad.
But what I mean is this—when life got hard & teen angst was winning over in my flurry of teenage hormones & emotions, my first instinct was definitely not prayer.
Validate Me!
I wanted to feel validated for what I wanted to feel about what I was feeling.
(Ain’t it fun to be a teenager? Haha. But really, I still do this.)
Oh, sometimes I thought about praying, though… but then I felt this sort of rebellion flare up inside of me, like, “No, I’m fine! I just want to listen to these sad love songs or sad ‘how dare they hurt me’ music & then I’ll be better!”
I was turning to music as my source of peace, only finding myself brooding or feeling worse because of how unfair the world felt.
The Music Always Had My Back…
I felt justified in my anger or hurt or bad attitude toward someone or some circumstance & the music was always there to back me up with lyrics like, “how dare they…” or “they’ll think twice before they…” or “I’m so sad & it’s all their fault….”
Angst galore.
And I didn’t pray for clarity or God’s peace or wisdom on how to handle it.
I just wallowed & sang along to the sad, sad tune.
But I Have a RIGHT to be Upset!
I think I liked the feeling of being justified in how upset or hurt I felt, without realizing that dwelling on those thoughts so deeply only left me feeling more hurt.
I enjoyed the drama, but I hated the hurt.
Next Time, Though…
And every time that I noticed this being the trend of results I was getting, I thought to myself, “why didn’t I just pray & ask God to comfort me & give me peace & strength & wisdom? It ALWAYS helps! You know what? No more turning to those sad songs to justify my hurt. NEXT TIME, I am definitely going to pray instead because all that hurt sucks!”
But next time…? Yep, you guessed it… I didn’t pray.
I wallowed & slunk dejectedly toward my music player, popped on my headphones, slid under the covers, & brooded the night away in tears.
It was a pathetic, sad cycle that always left me worse off.
Friendships That Encourage Us to Lean into God
But then, I had a certain friend. I’ll call her R. She encouraged me to seek God more.
We used to go in book stores, sit cross-legged on the floor, in the Christian books section, grab random books off the shelf & talk about life in our little tucked away corner.
I’m not sure how it started, but we decided to read through “Authentic Beauty”, by Leslie Ludy. (If you click the title, it will take you to view it on Amazon.com.)
My friend & I would talk about this book sometimes over the phone or on our get-togethers on the floor of the bookstore.
That book changed my world!
Hidden Gaps & Traps
The author, Leslie, talked about how we all cling to the things that we think will make us happy, but find ourselves trapped by them (um, me!) & how there are so many things that are either subconscious beliefs or tucked away secrets that keep us from going “all in” with our faith in God.
Those hidden or noticeable things entice us to hold back parts of ourselves from God, as if He doesn’t already know & see them.
Learning to Purge
In the book, Leslie also talks about doing a purge of both physical items & mental strongholds that we cling to, whether it be memories, shame, fears, doubts, etc.
Old love letters you keep tucked away for a day you feel low? Gone. (It only reminds you of what you don’t have & ends up hurting even worse.)
Pictures, mementos, or other things from old relationships that you hold on to as a sort of contingency plan when you don’t like yourself? Trash. (Clinging to anything but God is never going to satisfy us… It just makes the gaping holes more obvious!)
And my music collection. All of it. Everything. Out. (No more clinging to something that only hurt me worse. No more clinging to false anchors that leave me washed up on shore, in despair.)
Mrs. Ludy also included an online prompt guide that you could print out, to help you address thoughts that are clouding your heart & mind & keeping you trapped in the past. (I believe it is still available… check out her website on my website Resources & Recommendations tab!)
Let’s Get It Started!
Well, my friend R & I decided it was time to get together at a park, start a fire in the fire pit & take time to apologize to God for trusting these things over Him & then asking Him to help us cling to Him through life instead. It was time to purge.
And so, we took turns burning things we had held so tightly to that were just keeping us back in the empty hole of pain.
Be Gone!
I destroyed several hundred dollars’ worth of CDs.
Gone to ash.
“Why?!” you might ask… “Why didn’t you just give them away or sell them or throw them in the trash?!! That is so much wasted money!!!”
Yes, all of those thoughts screamed in my head as well.
But I didn’t want to cling to something that kept causing me more pain. I wanted out from under its hold on me. I wanted to trust God to be sufficient in His comfort, strength, & wisdom, versus a sad song to affirm my pain in the moment, but also offer no help or solution.
And if I gave it away, I would probably beg for it back… If I sold them, I felt like I was doing it for profit… & if I threw it away, I would cave & go get them out.
And I knew that the money used to buy those CDs was made possible by God’s blessing & that I would rather have Him than a CD collection.
It Was My Shackles
Call me fanatical if you’d like, but I will tell you right now that my heart KNEW I was imprisoned by that collection. I felt like I NEEDED it to survive any hurt I faced.
It was a lie. And I clung to it with white knuckles.
It wasn’t the CD collection that was wrong… It was the control it had over me.
I didn’t burn everything non-Christian related that I owned. I specifically burned that CD collection because I recognized how much power it had over me & I was no longer satisfied letting that remain the case.
God Knew What I Needed Was Really HIM
I will tell you right now that God helping me recognize that clinging to my CD collection for hope & validation was the source of so much of my heartache… & then having the faith & courage to demolish that source of control over me so I could trust the loving source of God in my life… It was the most freeing thing I have done.
I felt free. SO FREE.
Like, “Bye, Felicia! Buh-BYE! See ya never!”
It felt great!
Finding the Balance, Removing the Control
And do I have non-Christian CDs now? Yes. (I, for one, love Disney music, so… no judgement please, haha.)
But I didn’t have any new CDs (other than worship/praise to God music) for several years after that, until it no longer was my go-to.
Not the Music… The Control
Did I judge anyone else for having other music? NO! Because I knew it wasn’t the music that was bad (singing about love or happy blessings in our life is not sinful), it was the control the music had OVER me.
And I made sure that every time I hurt after that, when I felt that rebellion flare up that “I don’t need God! I’m fine!” I would then stop… breathe… close my eyes… & ask God to help me change my heart & my snooty, rebellious, temper tantrum attitude.
Then I asked Him to give me real peace & hope & comfort through Him, in my hurt, in its place.
It was 100% more effective.
Every time.
Reflect & See What Is Controlling You… & Give It Over to God & Find Freedom through Trusting God Instead!
So, what’s the moral of the story, you ask? Don’t buy music? Burn everything you own? No.
The point is to take time for reflection & ask God what is holding you back from trusting Him more.
Ask Him to show you what you’re hiding & for Him to be the gentle guide to help you eradicate it from your heart so it doesn’t keep controlling you.
Ask Him to give you courage to trust Him through the process.
Maybe go to Leslie Ludy’s site & go through the prompt guide yourself.
And ask God to comfort you through the healing.
He is walking alongside you, waiting for you to ask.
It’s not all up to you to fix everything broken or to heal everything hurting.
He is able. He is willing.
Ask Him for help. It’s so, SO worth it, Beautiful One!
Coming Next Week
This Week is time for our monthly Special Feature post! So check back on Thursday to see what it is!
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement, & to follow along on my journey through the major pivotal moments that helped shape my faith & helped me trust God more & more.
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A Note from Michelle:
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Weekly Special Spotlight:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Inverted Capiz Earrings

These earrings feature shimmery, creamy white capiz shells, each framed by a black edge.
Artisan Information:
In the Philippines, finding employment as a woman in poverty can be extremely difficult. Poor working conditions, lack of job security, & unfair pay are often the realities. Through your purchases, these women are receiving an income, health care, & social development programs. This allows these women to realize their potential & pursue their dreams in a safe environment. You have the opportunity to change lives!
Purchase this piece & empower a woman in the Philippines!
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michelle@michellehydeonline.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!