As a Child…
Thank You, Lord, for never leaving me… for never giving up on me. Thank You for the family You gave me who took me to church & taught me about Your Son, Jesus. Thank You for the children’s Bible I was given that helped in my curiosity of learning about You & for helping me connect the dots that my bad attitude toward my parents or even my sister was counted as sin in Your eyes & helping me realize I needed saving even at such a young age.
Thank You for not giving up on me when I entered middle school & heard all about differing religious ideas… when I began to doubt You… when I wondered if maybe You weren’t real, I could be living MY way instead of worrying about Your law. Thank You for not just crushing me then in my stubborn self-will to live MY way over Your Good way.
Through My Depression…
Thank You for my spiral of depression for two years in early high school once my doubting & questions & desires to live my way began to numb & empty me of life… thank You for stripping so much from me: my reputation, my good academic standing, many of my friendships, much of my bond with my sisters, my confidence… thank You for the suffering I felt… the emptiness & despair… thank You that it showed me that NO MATTER what I tried to fill it with that wasn’t You just made it all the worse in the end… that I couldn’t fully rely on ANYTHING at ALL times… except for You. Thank You that You took away every crutch or stronghold I was counting on so I could see that YOU were the ONLY One Who could not & would not ever fail.
Thank You for squashing every doubt I had through that pain, showing me that if I had nothing, but I had You… I had EVERYTHING.
In My Growing… & in My Failing…
Thank You that You didn’t stop there. Thank You for continuing to weed things from my life & my behavior & my thought patterns, shaping me to better honor You. Thank You for the confidence You instilled in me through that, beginning to understand that it wasn’t about me being enough, but that You will always be my Enough. Thank You for Your gentle, wise, never-giving-up-on-me pruning.
In My Withouts…
Thank You for teaching me through singleness into my late twenties & then now childlessness that Your plan is always better than mine, no matter how much I think I want something. Thank You that Your timing is always perfect. Thank You that You love me enough to not settle for my less-than timeline &/or plan.
Thank You for the comfortable times of rest. Thank You for the difficult hard times that teach me that YOU can BE my rest. Thank You for when I have plenty, reminding me of Your provision. Thank You for times of little, reminding me that You are my provision.
Thank You for Your peace that when I ask for it fills me even as the world crashes around me. It’s indescribable & impossible peace—& yet, it is. Thank You that You are so much bigger & greater than I can even imagine. And that impossible is never impossible for You.
In My Questions… In My Lacking…
Thank You that You love me enough to let me doubt & wonder & question… that You don’t turn me away, but that as I seek Your wisdom to better trust & live by You, You are a patient & gentle Leader & Father to me. You don’t rush or hurry. You are kind even when I’m rude & impatient & complaining. You are too loving to let me have my way, even if it would be easier to just give in… You lovingly determine only what is best for me. Thank You.
Thank You that I can always come back to You… that even if I give into the blistering disease that is bitterness & stop praying because I am too hurt to have You not answer my way AGAIN—rather than trusting You IN the hard, always only complaining for the end of the hard—You always are quick to forgive, patient, kind, loving, long-suffering… Thank You that You = LOVE.
In All of Creation…
Thank You God, for it all. Thank You for life. Thank You for all of the beautiful & cuddly & awe-inspiring animals You have made in all the diversity of colors, shapes, sizes. Thank You for all the shades of green when passing a highway surrounded by trees & trees. Thank You for the dancing of the wind through the trees & the grass & even my hair. Thank You for all of the beautiful plants & flowers. Thank You for the cool of water & it’s ability to refresh or soothe. Thank You for the sounds of rushing or babbling water. Thank You for the smell of fresh, crisp air & the warmth of sunshine glow. Thank You for hills & valleys & mountains & oceans. Thank You for mountain trails & beach chill. Thank You for Your ever-new paintings in the skies.
Thank You for laughter & dancing & the ability to praise You for all that You are.
For Who You Are…
Thank You for Your kindness. Thank You for Your love & Your grace & mercy & for HOPE. Thank You that I can always count on You… always come to You… always talk to You. Thank You that You are faithful… even if I am not. Thank You that You are kind… even when I am rude. Thank You that You never give up on me. Thank You that You care so much for me even though I don’t deserve it. Thank You that when I fail, You forgive. Thank You that You are KING of ALL & yet have time for me. Thank You for Your vast POWER & authority in both heaven & on earth, but yet Your gentle disposition toward Your rebellious creation. Thank You for Your GRACE.
For Jesus… For Forgiveness… For Your Grace…
Thank You for Jesus. Thank You Jesus for being willing to condescend Yourself from Your throne in Heaven to become a man in flesh, with all of the same human struggles, but living a sinless life so that You could become our once-and-for-all spotless lamb sacrifice to God for our sins. Thank You that no matter WHAT wrong we’ve done, no matter how terrible & undeserving we know we are… that if we confess to You those things & turn from those things to life in You, asking Your forgiveness, that You FORGIVE.
Thank You for new life, for a fresh start, for Your patience & love & pursuit of us no matter how many times we may figuratively spit at Your face. You wait willingly & ever so patiently, not wanting ANY of us to go without Your grace, forgiveness, hope, life, & LOVE. THANK YOU.
Thank You that You don’t make us jump through hoops, “prove” it, do “enough” good, earn it, or anything else… we just have to recognize our need of You… confess our wrongs against You… ask Your forgiveness for those wrongs… & accept You as Savior for our sins against God. THANK YOU.
Thank You, LORD.
Thank You for sending us the Holy Spirit once we have turned our lives to Jesus. That we then ALWAYS have Him as our Guide, a Comforter, a giver of Wisdom, a Companion Who never leaves us nor forsakes us.
Thank You God for all of the things I take for granted every single day: kitty snuggles, hugs, a laugh, a yummy bite of food, the ability to heat or chill food, laundry capability, a dry home, a job, friends, a family who introduced me to You, a husband, Your sacrifice & the blessings You offer me every day. Your peace. Your love. Your never-giving-up-on-me grace. Thank YOU. Thank You. THANK YOU!
Praise be to God, the Maker of Heaven & Earth! AMEN!
Shine HOPE by determining to look for all the reasons you have to PRAISE God for everything big & small, in the good times & the bad. Because no matter what the circumstances or your feelings may be—He is worthy to be praised! Thank You, LORD!
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
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A Note from Michelle:
This blog/website has been running for FIVE years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to learn more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Lotus Coasters (India)

Create a beautiful tablescape with nature-inspired decor that empowers families in India out of poverty. This set of four eco-friendly Lotus Coasters are made from sustainable natural mango wood with carved whitewashed accents. Complete your summer look with our Lotus Trivet.
***Every purchase provides safe jobs with fair wages for women in areas of extreme poverty in India.***
How You Can Help:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michellehyde.tradesofhope@gmail.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me to continue supporting them as well as continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win win!