“Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!
Tremble before Him, all the earth.” (Psalm 96:9)
Holiness Really Is Beautiful
I came across this verse last night & thought, “I like that: “the beauty of holiness.”
When I try to live in a way that pleases & honors God, it really does make life seem to blossom. Even in the hard times, there is a ray of hope seeming to always shine. Life becomes richer & fuller & more meaningful.
How can this be? Because God’s ways are perfect because He is perfect. He knows everything & has perfect wisdom, so He can’t even make mistakes. I can count on His Word & His way, every time, to be best. Living His way really is beautiful.
Some Days in My Life I Just Feel Like the Definition of a Struggle Bus
I feel like I suffer/struggle a lot. I zone out, feel numb, struggle to do the simplest tasks some days because my brain just doesn’t want to cooperate. I’m emotional. I can get hurt very deeply when someone lashes out at me or misunderstands me & doesn’t seem to care for clarification. I take it too personally because I try so hard to be the best I can be & to be a friend to everyone I meet & to be respectful & kind. I care a lot, so when others don’t seem to… it hurts a lot.
Some days I’m just like, “Why does everything always seem to feel so hard for me sometimes?”
Plus, add in just everyday hardships, struggles, & trials. (AKA I feel like I am given A LOT of opportunities to lean into God for help.)
Can anyone else relate? Maybe my suffering seems trivial or pathetic to you. Maybe you get it completely because you feel the exact same way (or worse). Either way, this verse [Psalm 96:9] really is true–when I strive to live to please & honor God, it is a surprisingly great beauty in my life. It’s worth it.
We Tremble Because His Greatness Overwhelms Us
Every time I see something magnificent & so incredibly unbelievable, I literally begin to shake with awe & wonder, as tears burn the sides of my eyes. My throat tightens & I get overwhelmed with what I am witnessing in that moment.
For example, I once had the great opportunity to have a maybe 15′ long manta ray “fly” about 10′ above my head while I was scuba diving, blocking out the sun above me with its magnificent size & I actually cried from the overwhelming awe & excitement I was feeling in that moment because it felt so surreal. It was breathtaking. I will hopefully never forget how that felt.
The same can be true after I have been rebellious because I didn’t want God’s way in a specific situation or had a really bad attitude about something rather than trusting God with it… & then I witness His great patience, forgiveness, & help & I just get overwhelmed. I don’t deserve His love for me, nor will I ever deserve it–but He gives it anyway all the same. And sometimes that overwhelms me–in a good way.
Not Contradictory at All
Consider the second part of this Psalm 96:9 verse, trembling before God. Seems to sort of contradict any idea of beauty in holiness, doesn’t it? Like coercion… like you HAVE to, OR ELSE… like you’re doing it because you’re scared not to… like you’re considering God’s way as beautiful because you feel that’s how you’re SUPPOSED to feel.
When I read through Psalm 119 for the first few times, all about praising God’s way & God’s Word… that’s how it felt to me… that those many believers were just saying those sorts of things because it’s “what a good Christian ought to say about the Bible & God’s ways.”
But, no. That’s not it at all.
An Overwhelming Gratitude in Praise to God for His Steadfast Love!
That “trembling before God” bit is more the idea that you GET it… you SEE it… God is DESERVING… God is GOD & I am NOT.
But it goes even beyond that, because if you really think about it… even that can sound like obligatory praise of God, His Word, His ways, & living holy.
It’s realizing that God’s deserving is not “JUST” because He created everything, sustains everything, is the Beginning & the End, Alpha & Omega, All-powerful GOD… not “JUST” all that… but that He also calls Himself our Friend… our Father… & He gave His all, through Jesus, to rescue us from our own deserved ruin because of our sin against Him.
He’s not just deserving because He holds all power in Heaven & Earth, but because He has an all-encompassing, all-consuming, unrelenting, unconditional love for us every moment of every day, independent of our underserving, & because everything He does or tells us to do is filtered through that very deep, rich, REAL love for each & every one of us.
Deserving INDEED!
The Surprisingly Great Beauty of Holiness
And because of that understanding, I can look to the concept of holiness & think to myself, “HOW BEAUTIFUL IT IS!”
When I strive to live for Jesus, to please Him & honor Him with how I live my life… it transcends whatever hardship I am facing.
It means no struggle is EVER wasted, because my response in it (even if because I had to pray & ask God for help with a right response) is a “rare, beautiful opportunity” to point to the GRACE of GOD. No struggle is ever wasted! (Read more about that in last week’s post: “Rare, Beautiful Opportunities… in the Midst of Our Deepest Hurts & Struggles.”)
I don’t feel coerced… I feel honored to represent Him. Come what may.
Let me suffer… as long as I get to point to Him as my hope IN the suffering.
I don’t need strength… I WANT it. What I NEED… is Him AS my strength.
I don’t need to know/understand it all… I WANT it. What I NEED is a reliance on HIM.
I don’t need everything to be easy & comfortable again… I WANT it. What I NEED is to remember that He is my Enough even when it stays hard.
I don’t NEED everyone to like me… I WANT it. What I NEED is His love… & I have it, even when I least deserve it.
Choose to Listen to & Follow God’s Way
Are you trying to dance the fence? “Have your cake & eat it, too” as the saying goes? In other words, have your “faith in Him,” but live your way at the same time? Deep down you feel the ick in that, don’t you?
Trust me, it’s not the culture or your church or parents “making you feel bad about it.” It’s God’s Spirit telling you that you can never be truly satisfied until you humbly hand that over to Him & say, “God, if You choose to take this from me… I would rather have You.”
“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 16:25)
It’s not worth it trying to have both. Holiness, the striving to express love to God by being pleasing & honoring to Him in all things is ALWAYS worth it.
He Is Worth It
I mess up every day, all the time. But I have to bow that down, ask for forgiveness right away, & let the Holy Spirit take the reins when I just feel like letting my natural flesh win.
Obedience is not only right, it’s worth it. Living for Him is worth it. Living through prayer for His help is worth it. Living with Him as your only strength through hard times is worth it.
HE is worth it.
Holiness is beautiful because it’s a laying down of our broken, flesh-driven responses, attitudes, thinking, habits, & actions… either led by our deceitful heart, our rebellious flesh, or our limited human understanding… trading all of that to let God’s perfect & perfectly love-filled Word & way lead the narrative of your life instead.
We tremble, not because God is vicious, but because we understand we can never deserve Him, but are in complete awe & reverence because He offers Himself & His love to us all the same.
Deserving indeed!!!
What Are You Holding Back?
What are you making excuses for?
Where are you trying to dance the fence of “having faith” while still doing things your way in a certain area of your life?
What does God not have full control of in your life right now?
We will ALWAYS be a work in progress—until heaven—but let’s not wait. If God’s Spirit nudges us in an area, let us say, “God, letting You have this area scares me because I want it my way or this way. But remind me that You know better. Remind me You have full control & power to overcome anything I can’t. You know everything & You love me more than anyone else. Help me be willing to let You take that control in my life. I don’t deserve You, but You give Your all to me anyway. THANK YOU. In Jesus’ saving name, AMEN.”
SHINE HOPE by determining to strive to live a holy pleasing-to-God life, with His help of course!
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement right here on my blog/website @ www.MichelleHydeOnline.com.
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As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
A Note from Michelle:
(***Check out my FREE Journal Printable Resources: “Accountability Partner Guide + Question Prompts” & “Bible Study Question Prompts ,” as well as “Prayers of Surrender” prayer guides!***)
This blog/website has been running for FIVE years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to learn more of my story, check out the “About Me” tab. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” tab, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox (make sure to check your other inbox folders), along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Consider these pieces when shopping for friends, family, or yourself. Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Gingerbread House Set (INDIA)

HOLIDAY EDITION – While supplies last! Display the darling Gingerbread House Set along with all your favorite holiday decor! This set of three, unique hand-painted mango wood houses will create a beautifully cozy feel when placed on your mantel or in a tablescape display. These eco-friendly, decorative houses are made from fast-growing mango wood, a sustainable byproduct of India’s mango fruit industry. Each house features unique natural wood grains and hand-painted gorgeous designs. Every purchase supports families in areas of extreme poverty in India.
In addition to being eco-friendly with fast-growing mango wood, our Artisans use up ALL parts of the wood! Nothing is wasted. This leads to many variations in the set, showing off its natural beauty.
Every gingerbread house set has variations as a part of the Artisan-made charm!
How You Can Help the Artisans & Support My Website:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michellehyde.tradesofhope@gmail.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me in continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win-win-win!
Love ya lots! Have a wonderful week!