Enjoying God Flows into Obedience
This topic about obedience flows nicely from our short 3-part series about “Enjoying God” that we just finished up… so let’s talk about why obedience is not a bad word.
Once you begin to see God’s loving, forgiving, & patient nature, you also begin to see how EVERY rule & command that God gives us is actually meant for our BENEFIT… & I mean EVERY one of them.
God Knows Everything… Literally
The reason we are called to obey God & are commanded so fiercely & repetitively to do so, is because God is our Sovereign, Eternal, & Almighty Creator God Who also happens to know literally EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING… & He happens to love us more than comprehension.
But It’s So Hard…!
The reason it is SO HARD to obey God is because since the eating from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good & evil back in the Garden of Eden, we all (to some degree) THINK we might possibly know better than Him, especially when what He tells us is the exact opposite of what we WANT to do. And, to top it off, OTHER PEOPLE are constantly making wrong choices due to this fact, making us think it’s up to us to regain the balance & fix things… As if God needs our help?
AND, as if obedience wasn’t hard enough because of our own perception & desires, God warns us that Satan is constantly on the prowl to whisper little doubts about God that convince us to follow our own whims & ways instead of God’s. We make the choice, but Satan is always looking for ways to give us that extra nudge to convince us toward our way & away from our hope found only in God.
Obedience Builds Trust
But, let’s circle it back to where this discussion began… Enjoying God.
Every little instruction, command, or rule that God gives is not only for our benefit, but is also designed & declared by our loving, all-knowing, sovereign, almighty, eternal GOD. Basically, He’s WORTH TRUSTING way more than the so-called “benefits” of trusting ourselves.
And that is a huge reason why obedience is not a bad word.
His Words Aren’t His “Version” of Truth… His Words DEFINE TRUTH
Another thing to consider is that His commands are not His opinions & are less like power hungry commands & more like the Law of Gravity. It just IS. His laws just ARE.
It’s not a debatable, maybe-I-know-better type law from a fallible leader, but coming from an All-Knowing, Eternal, Almighty, Sovereign, Creator God.
His laws & commands aren’t just rules… they are indicative of what just IS.
And that’s why it’s best to obey & to trust & to live those laws of His, because when we do, life somehow, against all our human judgement & intelligence & understanding, His laws ALWAYS just seems to work out infinitely better than our ways.
Because His Words just ARE.
They aren’t just His determination of truth… His Words DEFINE TRUTH.
We Need His Help & He Gives It
So, what do we do when we REALLY want to do our way? When we think that THIS TIME we REALLY think that we’re right instead of God? When Satan’s whispers are SO TEMPTING that we want to go right through with what WE WANT?
Tell God all about it. Slump “at His feet” if you need to. Tell Him your inward battles. Tell Him how much you don’t want to trust Him. Tell Him how you really REALLY just want to do it your way. Tell Him you need His help to trust Him more than you trust yourself. And ask for His help!
Those are all things I have learned that I need to tell God… even if reluctantly at first. Usually it starts with a deep sigh, fighting every ounce of me that want to do it my way & I just start by being honest with God.
Getting Real with God
Usually, my prayers around obedience sound something like this:
“God, *SIGH*. I REALLY REALLY REEEAAAALLLLY think that I would rather do this than that. I don’t think You’re right & I am sorry for that, but I just really want this way. HELP ME. Help me trust You because right now I really don’t want to. Please. I want my way in this because Your way seems way too hard & I just feel anxious & I just want my way because it feels easier right now. Help me, please! I know deep down that You MUST know better than me because You are God & I am not, but I want my way, so please help me to trust You & do it Your way instead. Help me come off my own pedestal in all my limitations to put You back up there where You belong. Please help me because it seems impossible to do it Your way right now. Please help me trust You more with all Your great love for me & help me accomplish Your way… Give me what I need: the courage & strength & confidence, to do what You say I should do. Thank You for always listening to my cries in all my weak moments & for helping me every step as I lean into You. Amen.”
It’s Okay to Struggle with It… But Take That Struggle to God for HELP
It’s okay to have a hard time trusting God & it’s okay to admit that to Him & to ask for His help to trust Him when it’s hard.
But let me reassure you that obedience, when it comes to God’s commands & rules, is NEVER a bad word, as they are ALWAYS designed & declared & commanded of us for OUR BENEFIT.
Lord, Help us to trust You & obey You & to ask for Your help in the many times where that just seems impossible. Thank You for Your faithful help & care for us!! AMEN!
Shine HOPE by trusting God & OBEYING HIM. He’s GOT YOU, babe.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement.
As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
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A Note from Michelle:
This blog/website has been running for over TWO years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to hear more of my story, check out the “About Me” page. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” page, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox, along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Eternal Pearl Set

Delicate freshwater pearls make each of these classic pieces perfect for every occasion.
Artisan Information:
In India, poverty is rampant & fair working conditions are hard to find. But with every purchase, women are receiving an income, access to healthcare, adult literacy programs, & self-help groups! Not only does this change their lives, but they are also pouring back into their communities & helping others! You have the opportunity to empower thousands of women in India!
How You Can Help:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michellehyde.tradesofhope@gmail.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!