Understanding Isn’t a Prerequisite for Struggling
Now, before I get started this week, I want to make one thing absolutely clear: This post is NOT meant to be emailed to your child, friend, or spouse, as a way to say, “See, you just need to give it to God.”
If you are tempted to use this post to make a point to someone, you probably need to take a step back & give your heart attitude about that other person… to God. Pray for that person… pray for compassion & understanding… pray that God would work through their struggles, even if you don’t see a “reasonable cause” for them to be struggling the way that they do.
You don’t have to understand it… heck, THEY may not even understand it (*raises hand)… for them to actually BE struggling.
ALSO, if you think to yourself, “I don’t actually struggle with depression, so this post doesn’t apply to me.” Wrong again. We all have struggles where this little sin problem can lurk in undetected… so this post can be for anybody who struggles, ever… AKA anyone.
What Do You Mean?
It’s no secret around here that I struggle with depression. Now, I don’t mean that I am sad all the time or spiraling in a black hole of despair… although it can certainly & easily head that way if I am not careful & watchful & surrendered to God in it.
But, life sometimes doesn’t always come easy to me. Of course, everybody struggles & has hard days, I am not blind to that fact… but what I mean is that some days, my brain just seems to fog over & numb, where I feel checked out, like a heavy weighted blanket has been placed over me, making even physical movement sometimes feel so challenging. Simple, easy tasks become like wading/trudging through waist-deep mud.
And that’s where the despair & sad feelings can creep in if I am not careful, because I sometimes feel trapped in a body where the control center just shuts down randomly on me unexpectedly. And it’s frustrating & angsty & annoying & it makes absolutely no sense sometimes.
But we’ve talked about all that before on here. No new news there.
The Sin Problem That Lurks in Depression & Struggles
The thing I want to focus in on today is the sin problem that lurks in depression & in the midst of our struggles.
Before I talk about it, I think it would be an excellent idea if you started with my previous post: “Understanding Depression with Discernment,” (also completely applicable to ANY struggle, really… especially parts 3-5), where I break down depression into 5 parts: cause, symptoms, consequences, Satan’s exploitation of all of the above… &, part 5: your choice/response to all of it.
And that leads us to today’s post… mainly, parts 4 & 5.
Sometimes Life Is HARD
Depression is hard. Life struggles are hard. There is NO denying that. Some days just feel like nothing seems to be able to go right & everything just seems to go wrong despite your many efforts toward the opposite.
Some days FRUSTRATE you. Some days catch you off guard like a hard slap to the face. Some days break your heart & leave you a zombie just trying to survive until you can get home & cry in your room without judgment.
Maybe it’s depression or anxiety or any other mental or chronic illness.
Maybe you find a lump. Maybe you get the results & they are the complete opposite of great. Or maybe it’s your kid or your spouse or your parents or best friend.
Maybe it’s a car accident.
Maybe it’s stress at work that seems to always be piling higher no matter how hard you work.
Maybe it’s loneliness… bitter loneliness.
Maybe it’s a little bit of all of the above.
Whatever it may be… if you’re not in it now… you’ve BEEN in it before… & you most likely will again because we live in a sin-torn world until Jesus returns.
Here Comes the Big “BUT”
And it’s not wrong to feel. It’s not wrong to hurt. It’s not even wrong to feel mad at the hardness of it all or the awfulness of whatever the circumstances may be.
But we must stay alert in our grief, in our depression, in our struggle.
Because, as I mentioned in that previous blog post I shared above, Satan is on the prowl. He is looking, SEARCHING tirelessly for situations to exploit.
He is not satisfied that we are just hurting. He wants us consumed by it.
He is not satisfied that we are just struggling. He wants us DROWNING in it.
He is not satisfied that we are tired. He wants us to give up.
Really though, he wants us to doubt God.
He wants us to give up trusting that God can do anything at all… that we can even trust God at all.
He wants us to turn our backs on God forever & bypass the GRACE, LOVE, COMFORT, PEACE, & HOPE that God has stored up for us in His presence.
And honestly… sometimes… when life is really, really, REALLY hard… & STAYS hard… it can feel REALLY EASY to listen to him. And that is where we find the big “but” when it comes to it being okay to feel the hurt… don’t let your hurts turn your hearts from GOD’s HOPE.
Where Does My Help Come From? My Help Comes from the LORD, the Maker of Heaven & Earth!
“I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2)
Satan knows God is our ONLY true source of HOPE. (John 14:6)
Satan knows that God heals the brokenhearted & binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)
Satan knows God is our Helper, Comforter, Refuge, & Strength in times of trouble. (Hebrews 13:6; John 15:26; Psalm 46:1)
Satan wants us to forget. He wants us to turn our backs on our only hope.
So, where does the sin problem lurk in depression & struggles?
… In beginning to listen to those lies from Satan because it just feels easier not to fight it anymore.
I Love Sleep
I mentioned somewhat recently that I went through a two-month sleeplessness battle.
I knew it was spiritual warfare because there was no clear, real reason for the sleeplessness. It was always something different–super random.
There I would be, drifting off to sleep, on the very brink of nodding off into dreamland & then ITCH… or DOG BARK… or HUSBAND LEG JERK… or ETC ETC ETC. It made no sense how I could be so relaxed, so at ease, so ready to drift away to sleep, but then never could… for TWO MONTHS of an hour here or a couple hours there.
It was AWFUL. (I love sleep. Anyone else?)
You’d Think I’d Learned by Now… Right?
Anyway, I mention all that because EVERY SINGLE TIME I bowed that icky, sicky, feeling grumpy & tired & already ready to just quit my day every morning so I can go back to sleep, wanting to THROW my phone at the wall for having the AUDACITY of waking me up once I finally fell asleep (an hour before it went off)… EVERY SINGLE TIME I bowed all of that to God, repenting of my terrible attitude & asking for His enoughness to somehow, SOMEHOW get me through each day & honor Him in it…
Guess what? He came through EVERY SINGLE TIME.
So, now comes the part where I tell you the happy ending, right? Where, okay, I have LEARNED my lesson! I no longer worried about no sleep from that day forward because I realized God was my ENOUGH & He would carry me through it all COME WHAT MAY!
Right? …. RIGHT?
I STILL had to repent EVERY SINGLE DAY about my bad attitude & wanting to just quit, give up, & stay GRUMPY.
Why? Because I knew full-well that God would help me… but I DIDN’T WANT TO NEED HELP EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I Don’t Want to NEED Help… & Satan Knows This… & This Feeling Can Lead to Sin
Depression? Struggles of every kind? Aren’t they the same way?
Deep down, we KNOW God WILL help… but we don’t want to NEED help.
We just want it to stop & go away & not exist anymore.
We don’t want peace IN the storm… we want the storm to GO AWAY.
Right? Am I the only one?
And that right there is the danger. That is where Satan picks & nags & tempts.
There is the sin problem that lurks in depression & troubles: the temptation to want to turn our backs on God because He is allowing the hard to STAY.
Is depression hard? YES!
Are troubles hard? YES!
But the moment we are willing to exchange hope in God for the ultimatum of the end of our troubles… that’s where the sin gets us… that’s where the spiral to despair begins if we’re not careful, watchful, & ALERT… if we’re not surrendered to God EVERY DAY in it–because He IS our hope in it.
My Biggest Idol I’m Tempted to Worship above God… Is COMFORT
I get it. I hate struggling. Comfort is my STRONGEST idol that tempts me.
I want out of the struggle. I want easy. I want EASE.
I don’t want to need to ask for help. I don’t want to NEED help.
But I will tell you something right now. Hard does not have to equal bad… it’s just hard.
And easy doesn’t always equal good, either.
When life is hard, which it WILL be on this earth, be careful, be watchful that you don’t let this sin take root in your heart… that you determine to stay surrendered to the ever-sufficient care of God… EVEN IF it STAYS hard.
Because let me tell you something… hard will stay hard with or without a surrendered heart to God for help… but it will get a WHOLE LOT HARDER without Him.
Rest in Him. Keep Coming to Him. Keep Relying on Him. Keep Recognizing Your Need of Him Every Moment, Every Day.
Rest in Him. Determine to stay surrendered to Him. Ask for His help EVERY day if you have to. Don’t spiral. Don’t let sin creep in when you’re not looking. Don’t reject God when life is at its worst. CLING to HIM.
Shine HOPE by determining to stay surrendered to the help of God, repenting for wanting to be self-sufficient versus God-dependent, & by always pointing to HIM as our source of HOPE in ALL our struggles… depression or otherwise… even if the hard never stops.
Coming Next Week
Join me every Monday morning, EST, for more encouragement right here on my blog/website @ www.MichelleHydeOnline.com.
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As God grows me, may it encourage you to seek Him & know Him & love Him more every day.
A Note from Michelle:
(***Check out my FREE Journal Printable Resources: “Accountability Partner Guide + Question Prompts” & “Bible Study Question Prompts ,” as well as “Prayers of Surrender” prayer guides!***)
This blog/website has been running for almost FIVE years now! THANK YOU for your continued support & encouragement. <3
If you would like to learn more of my story, check out the “About Me” tab. And if you would like to hear how I found my lasting source of HOPE, read the “Hope Is Found” tab, on this site. I hope they are an encouragement to you! <3
Also, make sure to “Join My Tribe” by adding your email to the top bar & clicking “Join My Tribe”. This gains you access to an extra weekly dose of encouragement from me in your inbox (make sure to check your other inbox folders), along with the link to each week’s new post! I can’t wait to do this journey together!!
Fashion as a Force for GOOD:
Each week, I feature an item that is changing lives for women around the world. These hand-crafted pieces are offering job creation opportunities for women artisans in impoverished nations all around the world! Consider these pieces when shopping for friends, family, or yourself. Check out this week’s featured beauty!!
Kids’ Pastel Bracelet Set (Uganda)

While Supplies Last! Beautiful, artisanal bracelet set perfect for the kid in your life!
This adorable Pastel Bracelet Set is ideally sized for kids 4-7 years old or those with smaller wrists. This set is designed to coordinate with our Kids’ Vibrant Bracelet Set. Handcrafted by vulnerable women in the slums of Uganda who are leading their families out of poverty, this set includes a pink bracelet and an aqua bracelet made from hand-rolled paper beads and accented with gold glass beads. Each bracelet is totally unique to the woman who made it!
***Every purchase provides safe jobs with fair wages for women in areas of extreme poverty in Uganda.***
How You Can Help the Artisans & Support My Website:
SHOP Here, OR, Email me at michellehyde.tradesofhope@gmail.com with any questions, & I will message you personally with more information!! Thank you for inspiring HOPE around the world, Lovely!
Your purchases not only help these women, but my commissions help me in continuing this website/blog, encouraging women all around the world with the HOPE we have in Jesus. Win-win-win!
Love ya lots! Have a wonderful week!